2020-09-25 03:27:17 +00:00

1.9 KiB

mcchunkie status

Plugin Name Match Description
Beat `(?i)^.beat$ ^what time is it[?!]+$
Beer (?i)^beer: Queries OpenDataSoft's beer database for a given beer.
BotSnack (?i)botsnack Consumes a botsnack. This pleases mcchunkie and brings balance to the universe.
Covid (?i)^covid: (.+)$ Queries's api for information on COVID-19.
Feder `(?i)^(?:feder: tayshame: )(.*)$`
Groan (?i)^@groan$ Ugh.
Ham (?i)^ham: (\w+)$ queries the FCC's ULS for a given callsign.
HighFive `o/ \o`
Hi `(?i)^hi hi$`
LoveYou (?i)i love you Spreading love where ever we can by responding when someone shows us love.
OpenBSDMan (?i)^man: ([1-9][p]?)?\s?(.+)$ Produces a link to
Palette (?i)^#[a-f0-9]{6}$ Creates an solid 56x56 image of the color specified.
Snap (?i)^snap:$ checks the current build date of OpenBSD snapshots.
Source `(?i)where is your (source code)`
Thanks `(?i)^thank you thank you$
Toki (?i)^(toki[\?]?):? (.+)$ Toki Pona dictionary
Version (?i)version$ Show a bit of information about what we are.
Wb `(?i)^welcome back welcome back$
RFC (?i)^rfc\s?([0-9]+)$ Produces a link to
Weather (?i)^weather: (\d+)$ Produce weather information for a given ZIP code. Data comes from