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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements signed multi-precision integers.
package big
import "fmt"
// An Int represents a signed multi-precision integer.
// The zero value for an Int represents the value 0.
type Int struct {
neg bool // sign
abs nat // absolute value of the integer
var intOne = &Int{false, natOne}
// SetInt64 sets z to x and returns z.
func (z *Int) SetInt64(x int64) *Int {
neg := false
if x < 0 {
neg = true
x = -x
z.abs = z.abs.setUint64(uint64(x))
z.neg = neg
return z
// NewInt allocates and returns a new Int set to x.
func NewInt(x int64) *Int {
return new(Int).SetInt64(x)
// Set sets z to x and returns z.
func (z *Int) Set(x *Int) *Int {
z.abs = z.abs.set(x.abs)
z.neg = x.neg
return z
// Neg sets z to -x and returns z.
func (z *Int) Neg(x *Int) *Int {
z.abs = z.abs.set(x.abs)
z.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && !x.neg // 0 has no sign
return z
// Add sets z to the sum x+y and returns z.
func (z *Int) Add(x, y *Int) *Int {
neg := x.neg
if x.neg == y.neg {
// x + y == x + y
// (-x) + (-y) == -(x + y)
z.abs = z.abs.add(x.abs, y.abs)
} else {
// x + (-y) == x - y == -(y - x)
// (-x) + y == y - x == -(x - y)
if x.abs.cmp(y.abs) >= 0 {
z.abs = z.abs.sub(x.abs, y.abs)
} else {
neg = !neg
z.abs = z.abs.sub(y.abs, x.abs)
z.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && neg // 0 has no sign
return z
// Sub sets z to the difference x-y and returns z.
func (z *Int) Sub(x, y *Int) *Int {
neg := x.neg
if x.neg != y.neg {
// x - (-y) == x + y
// (-x) - y == -(x + y)
z.abs = z.abs.add(x.abs, y.abs)
} else {
// x - y == x - y == -(y - x)
// (-x) - (-y) == y - x == -(x - y)
if x.abs.cmp(y.abs) >= 0 {
z.abs = z.abs.sub(x.abs, y.abs)
} else {
neg = !neg
z.abs = z.abs.sub(y.abs, x.abs)
z.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && neg // 0 has no sign
return z
// Mul sets z to the product x*y and returns z.
func (z *Int) Mul(x, y *Int) *Int {
// x * y == x * y
// x * (-y) == -(x * y)
// (-x) * y == -(x * y)
// (-x) * (-y) == x * y
z.abs = z.abs.mul(x.abs, y.abs)
z.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && x.neg != y.neg // 0 has no sign
return z
// MulRange sets z to the product of all integers
// in the range [a, b] inclusively and returns z.
// If a > b (empty range), the result is 1.
func (z *Int) MulRange(a, b int64) *Int {
switch {
case a > b:
return z.SetInt64(1) // empty range
case a <= 0 && b >= 0:
return z.SetInt64(0) // range includes 0
// a <= b && (b < 0 || a > 0)
neg := false
if a < 0 {
neg = (b-a)&1 == 0
a, b = -b, -a
z.abs = z.abs.mulRange(uint64(a), uint64(b))
z.neg = neg
return z
// Binomial sets z to the binomial coefficient of (n, k) and returns z.
func (z *Int) Binomial(n, k int64) *Int {
var a, b Int
a.MulRange(n-k+1, n)
b.MulRange(1, k)
return z.Quo(&a, &b)
// Quo sets z to the quotient x/y for y != 0 and returns z.
// If y == 0, a division-by-zero run-time panic occurs.
// See QuoRem for more details.
func (z *Int) Quo(x, y *Int) *Int {
z.abs, _ = z.abs.div(nil, x.abs, y.abs)
z.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && x.neg != y.neg // 0 has no sign
return z
// Rem sets z to the remainder x%y for y != 0 and returns z.
// If y == 0, a division-by-zero run-time panic occurs.
// See QuoRem for more details.
func (z *Int) Rem(x, y *Int) *Int {
_, z.abs = nat(nil).div(z.abs, x.abs, y.abs)
z.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && x.neg // 0 has no sign
return z
// QuoRem sets z to the quotient x/y and r to the remainder x%y
// and returns the pair (z, r) for y != 0.
// If y == 0, a division-by-zero run-time panic occurs.
// QuoRem implements T-division and modulus (like Go):
// q = x/y with the result truncated to zero
// r = x - y*q
// (See Daan Leijen, ``Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists''.)
func (z *Int) QuoRem(x, y, r *Int) (*Int, *Int) {
z.abs, r.abs = z.abs.div(r.abs, x.abs, y.abs)
z.neg, r.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && x.neg != y.neg, len(r.abs) > 0 && x.neg // 0 has no sign
return z, r
// Div sets z to the quotient x/y for y != 0 and returns z.
// If y == 0, a division-by-zero run-time panic occurs.
// See DivMod for more details.
func (z *Int) Div(x, y *Int) *Int {
y_neg := y.neg // z may be an alias for y
var r Int
z.QuoRem(x, y, &r)
if r.neg {
if y_neg {
z.Add(z, intOne)
} else {
z.Sub(z, intOne)
return z
// Mod sets z to the modulus x%y for y != 0 and returns z.
// If y == 0, a division-by-zero run-time panic occurs.
// See DivMod for more details.
func (z *Int) Mod(x, y *Int) *Int {
y0 := y // save y
if z == y || alias(z.abs, y.abs) {
y0 = new(Int).Set(y)
var q Int
q.QuoRem(x, y, z)
if z.neg {
if y0.neg {
z.Sub(z, y0)
} else {
z.Add(z, y0)
return z
// DivMod sets z to the quotient x div y and m to the modulus x mod y
// and returns the pair (z, m) for y != 0.
// If y == 0, a division-by-zero run-time panic occurs.
// DivMod implements Euclidean division and modulus (unlike Go):
// q = x div y such that
// m = x - y*q with 0 <= m < |q|
// (See Raymond T. Boute, ``The Euclidean definition of the functions
// div and mod''. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
// Systems (TOPLAS), 14(2):127-144, New York, NY, USA, 4/1992.
// ACM press.)
func (z *Int) DivMod(x, y, m *Int) (*Int, *Int) {
y0 := y // save y
if z == y || alias(z.abs, y.abs) {
y0 = new(Int).Set(y)
z.QuoRem(x, y, m)
if m.neg {
if y0.neg {
z.Add(z, intOne)
m.Sub(m, y0)
} else {
z.Sub(z, intOne)
m.Add(m, y0)
return z, m
// Cmp compares x and y and returns:
// -1 if x < y
// 0 if x == y
// +1 if x > y
func (x *Int) Cmp(y *Int) (r int) {
// x cmp y == x cmp y
// x cmp (-y) == x
// (-x) cmp y == y
// (-x) cmp (-y) == -(x cmp y)
switch {
case x.neg == y.neg:
r = x.abs.cmp(y.abs)
if x.neg {
r = -r
case x.neg:
r = -1
r = 1
func (x *Int) String() string {
s := ""
if x.neg {
s = "-"
return s + x.abs.string(10)
func fmtbase(ch int) int {
switch ch {
case 'b':
return 2
case 'o':
return 8
case 'd':
return 10
case 'x':
return 16
return 10
// Format is a support routine for fmt.Formatter. It accepts
// the formats 'b' (binary), 'o' (octal), 'd' (decimal) and
// 'x' (hexadecimal).
func (x *Int) Format(s fmt.State, ch int) {
if x.neg {
fmt.Fprint(s, "-")
fmt.Fprint(s, x.abs.string(fmtbase(ch)))
// Int64 returns the int64 representation of z.
// If z cannot be represented in an int64, the result is undefined.
func (x *Int) Int64() int64 {
if len(x.abs) == 0 {
return 0
v := int64(x.abs[0])
if _W == 32 && len(x.abs) > 1 {
v |= int64(x.abs[1]) << 32
if x.neg {
v = -v
return v
// SetString sets z to the value of s, interpreted in the given base,
// and returns z and a boolean indicating success. If SetString fails,
// the value of z is undefined.
// If the base argument is 0, the string prefix determines the actual
// conversion base. A prefix of ``0x'' or ``0X'' selects base 16; the
// ``0'' prefix selects base 8, and a ``0b'' or ``0B'' prefix selects
// base 2. Otherwise the selected base is 10.
func (z *Int) SetString(s string, base int) (*Int, bool) {
if len(s) == 0 || base < 0 || base == 1 || 16 < base {
return z, false
neg := false
if s[0] == '-' {
neg = true
s = s[1:]
var scanned int
z.abs, _, scanned = z.abs.scan(s, base)
if scanned != len(s) {
return z, false
z.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && neg // 0 has no sign
return z, true
// SetBytes interprets b as the bytes of a big-endian, unsigned integer and
// sets z to that value.
func (z *Int) SetBytes(b []byte) *Int {
const s = _S
z.abs = z.abs.make((len(b) + s - 1) / s)
j := 0
for len(b) >= s {
var w Word
for i := s; i > 0; i-- {
w <<= 8
w |= Word(b[len(b)-i])
z.abs[j] = w
b = b[0 : len(b)-s]
if len(b) > 0 {
var w Word
for i := len(b); i > 0; i-- {
w <<= 8
w |= Word(b[len(b)-i])
z.abs[j] = w
z.abs = z.abs.norm()
z.neg = false
return z
// Bytes returns the absolute value of x as a big-endian byte array.
func (z *Int) Bytes() []byte {
const s = _S
b := make([]byte, len(z.abs)*s)
for i, w := range z.abs {
wordBytes := b[(len(z.abs)-i-1)*s : (len(z.abs)-i)*s]
for j := s - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
wordBytes[j] = byte(w)
w >>= 8
i := 0
for i < len(b) && b[i] == 0 {
return b[i:]
// BitLen returns the length of the absolute value of z in bits.
// The bit length of 0 is 0.
func (z *Int) BitLen() int {
return z.abs.bitLen()
// Exp sets z = x**y mod m. If m is nil, z = x**y.
// See Knuth, volume 2, section 4.6.3.
func (z *Int) Exp(x, y, m *Int) *Int {
if y.neg || len(y.abs) == 0 {
neg := x.neg
z.neg = neg
return z
var mWords nat
if m != nil {
mWords = m.abs
z.abs = z.abs.expNN(x.abs, y.abs, mWords)
z.neg = len(z.abs) > 0 && x.neg && y.abs[0]&1 == 1 // 0 has no sign
return z
// GcdInt sets d to the greatest common divisor of a and b, which must be
// positive numbers.
// If x and y are not nil, GcdInt sets x and y such that d = a*x + b*y.
// If either a or b is not positive, GcdInt sets d = x = y = 0.
func GcdInt(d, x, y, a, b *Int) {
if a.neg || b.neg {
if x != nil {
if y != nil {
A := new(Int).Set(a)
B := new(Int).Set(b)
X := new(Int)
Y := new(Int).SetInt64(1)
lastX := new(Int).SetInt64(1)
lastY := new(Int)
q := new(Int)
temp := new(Int)
for len(B.abs) > 0 {
r := new(Int)
q, r = q.QuoRem(A, B, r)
A, B = B, r
X.Mul(X, q)
X.neg = !X.neg
X.Add(X, lastX)
Y.Mul(Y, q)
Y.neg = !Y.neg
Y.Add(Y, lastY)
if x != nil {
*x = *lastX
if y != nil {
*y = *lastY
*d = *A
// ProbablyPrime performs n Miller-Rabin tests to check whether z is prime.
// If it returns true, z is prime with probability 1 - 1/4^n.
// If it returns false, z is not prime.
func ProbablyPrime(z *Int, n int) bool {
return !z.neg && z.abs.probablyPrime(n)
// ModInverse sets z to the multiplicative inverse of g in the group /p (where
// p is a prime) and returns z.
func (z *Int) ModInverse(g, p *Int) *Int {
var d Int
GcdInt(&d, z, nil, g, p)
// x and y are such that g*x + p*y = d. Since p is prime, d = 1. Taking
// that modulo p results in g*x = 1, therefore x is the inverse element.
if z.neg {
z.Add(z, p)
return z
// Lsh sets z = x << n and returns z.
func (z *Int) Lsh(x *Int, n uint) *Int {
z.abs = z.abs.shl(x.abs, n)
z.neg = x.neg
return z
// Rsh sets z = x >> n and returns z.
func (z *Int) Rsh(x *Int, n uint) *Int {
if x.neg {
// (-x) >> s == ^(x-1) >> s == ^((x-1) >> s) == -(((x-1) >> s) + 1)
t := z.abs.sub(x.abs, natOne) // no underflow because |x| > 0
t = t.shr(t, n)
z.abs = t.add(t, natOne)
z.neg = true // z cannot be zero if x is negative
return z
z.abs = z.abs.shr(x.abs, n)
z.neg = false
return z
// And sets z = x & y and returns z.
func (z *Int) And(x, y *Int) *Int {
if x.neg == y.neg {
if x.neg {
// (-x) & (-y) == ^(x-1) & ^(y-1) == ^((x-1) | (y-1)) == -(((x-1) | (y-1)) + 1)
x1 := nat{}.sub(x.abs, natOne)
y1 := z.abs.sub(y.abs, natOne)
z.abs = z.abs.add(z.abs.or(x1, y1), natOne)
z.neg = true // z cannot be zero if x and y are negative
return z
// x & y == x & y
z.abs = z.abs.and(x.abs, y.abs)
z.neg = false
return z
// x.neg != y.neg
if x.neg {
x, y = y, x // & is symmetric
// x & (-y) == x & ^(y-1) == x &^ (y-1)
y1 := z.abs.sub(y.abs, natOne)
z.abs = z.abs.andNot(x.abs, y1)
z.neg = false
return z
// AndNot sets z = x &^ y and returns z.
func (z *Int) AndNot(x, y *Int) *Int {
if x.neg == y.neg {
if x.neg {
// (-x) &^ (-y) == ^(x-1) &^ ^(y-1) == ^(x-1) & (y-1) == (y-1) &^ (x-1)
x1 := nat{}.sub(x.abs, natOne)
y1 := z.abs.sub(y.abs, natOne)
z.abs = z.abs.andNot(y1, x1)
z.neg = false
return z
// x &^ y == x &^ y
z.abs = z.abs.andNot(x.abs, y.abs)
z.neg = false
return z
if x.neg {
// (-x) &^ y == ^(x-1) &^ y == ^(x-1) & ^y == ^((x-1) | y) == -(((x-1) | y) + 1)
x1 := z.abs.sub(x.abs, natOne)
z.abs = z.abs.add(z.abs.or(x1, y.abs), natOne)
z.neg = true // z cannot be zero if x is negative and y is positive
return z
// x &^ (-y) == x &^ ^(y-1) == x & (y-1)
y1 := z.abs.add(y.abs, natOne)
z.abs = z.abs.and(x.abs, y1)
z.neg = false
return z
// Or sets z = x | y and returns z.
func (z *Int) Or(x, y *Int) *Int {
if x.neg == y.neg {
if x.neg {
// (-x) | (-y) == ^(x-1) | ^(y-1) == ^((x-1) & (y-1)) == -(((x-1) & (y-1)) + 1)
x1 := nat{}.sub(x.abs, natOne)
y1 := z.abs.sub(y.abs, natOne)
z.abs = z.abs.add(z.abs.and(x1, y1), natOne)
z.neg = true // z cannot be zero if x and y are negative
return z
// x | y == x | y
z.abs = z.abs.or(x.abs, y.abs)
z.neg = false
return z
// x.neg != y.neg
if x.neg {
x, y = y, x // | is symmetric
// x | (-y) == x | ^(y-1) == ^((y-1) &^ x) == -(^((y-1) &^ x) + 1)
y1 := z.abs.sub(y.abs, natOne)
z.abs = z.abs.add(z.abs.andNot(y1, x.abs), natOne)
z.neg = true // z cannot be zero if one of x or y is negative
return z
// Xor sets z = x ^ y and returns z.
func (z *Int) Xor(x, y *Int) *Int {
if x.neg == y.neg {
if x.neg {
// (-x) ^ (-y) == ^(x-1) ^ ^(y-1) == (x-1) ^ (y-1)
x1 := nat{}.sub(x.abs, natOne)
y1 := z.abs.sub(y.abs, natOne)
z.abs = z.abs.xor(x1, y1)
z.neg = false
return z
// x ^ y == x ^ y
z.abs = z.abs.xor(x.abs, y.abs)
z.neg = false
return z
// x.neg != y.neg
if x.neg {
x, y = y, x // ^ is symmetric
// x ^ (-y) == x ^ ^(y-1) == ^(x ^ (y-1)) == -((x ^ (y-1)) + 1)
y1 := z.abs.sub(y.abs, natOne)
z.abs = z.abs.add(z.abs.xor(x.abs, y1), natOne)
z.neg = true // z cannot be zero if only one of x or y is negative
return z
// Not sets z = ^x and returns z.
func (z *Int) Not(x *Int) *Int {
if x.neg {
// ^(-x) == ^(^(x-1)) == x-1
z.abs = z.abs.sub(x.abs, natOne)
z.neg = false
return z
// ^x == -x-1 == -(x+1)
z.abs = z.abs.add(x.abs, natOne)
z.neg = true // z cannot be zero if x is positive
return z