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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(rsc): All the prints in this file should go to standard error.
package net
import (
// Network file descriptor.
type netFD struct {
// immutable until Close
fd int;
family int;
proto int;
file *os.File;
cr chan *netFD;
cw chan *netFD;
net string;
laddr Addr;
raddr Addr;
// owned by client
rdeadline_delta int64;
rdeadline int64;
rio sync.Mutex;
wdeadline_delta int64;
wdeadline int64;
wio sync.Mutex;
// owned by fd wait server
ncr, ncw int;
// A pollServer helps FDs determine when to retry a non-blocking
// read or write after they get EAGAIN. When an FD needs to wait,
// send the fd on s.cr (for a read) or s.cw (for a write) to pass the
// request to the poll server. Then receive on fd.cr/fd.cw.
// When the pollServer finds that i/o on FD should be possible
// again, it will send fd on fd.cr/fd.cw to wake any waiting processes.
// This protocol is implemented as s.WaitRead() and s.WaitWrite().
// There is one subtlety: when sending on s.cr/s.cw, the
// poll server is probably in a system call, waiting for an fd
// to become ready. It's not looking at the request channels.
// To resolve this, the poll server waits not just on the FDs it has
// been given but also its own pipe. After sending on the
// buffered channel s.cr/s.cw, WaitRead/WaitWrite writes a
// byte to the pipe, causing the pollServer's poll system call to
// return. In response to the pipe being readable, the pollServer
// re-polls its request channels.
// Note that the ordering is "send request" and then "wake up server".
// If the operations were reversed, there would be a race: the poll
// server might wake up and look at the request channel, see that it
// was empty, and go back to sleep, all before the requester managed
// to send the request. Because the send must complete before the wakeup,
// the request channel must be buffered. A buffer of size 1 is sufficient
// for any request load. If many processes are trying to submit requests,
// one will succeed, the pollServer will read the request, and then the
// channel will be empty for the next process's request. A larger buffer
// might help batch requests.
type pollServer struct {
cr, cw chan *netFD; // buffered >= 1
pr, pw *os.File;
pending map[int]*netFD;
poll *pollster; // low-level OS hooks
deadline int64; // next deadline (nsec since 1970)
func newPollServer() (s *pollServer, err os.Error) {
s = new(pollServer);
s.cr = make(chan *netFD, 1);
s.cw = make(chan *netFD, 1);
if s.pr, s.pw, err = os.Pipe(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var e int;
if e = syscall.SetNonblock(s.pr.Fd(), true); e != 0 {
err = &os.PathError{"setnonblock", s.pr.Name(), os.Errno(e)};
return nil, err;
if e = syscall.SetNonblock(s.pw.Fd(), true); e != 0 {
goto Errno
if s.poll, err = newpollster(); err != nil {
goto Error
if err = s.poll.AddFD(s.pr.Fd(), 'r', true); err != nil {
goto Error;
s.pending = make(map[int]*netFD);
go s.Run();
return s, nil;
func (s *pollServer) AddFD(fd *netFD, mode int) {
// TODO(rsc): This check handles a race between
// one goroutine reading and another one closing,
// but it doesn't solve the race completely:
// it still could happen that one goroutine closes
// but we read fd.fd before it does, and then
// another goroutine creates a new open file with
// that fd, which we'd now be referring to.
// The fix is probably to send the Close call
// through the poll server too, except that
// not all Reads and Writes go through the poll
// server even now.
intfd := fd.fd;
if intfd < 0 {
// fd closed underfoot
if mode == 'r' {
fd.cr <- fd
} else {
fd.cw <- fd
if err := s.poll.AddFD(intfd, mode, false); err != nil {
panicln("pollServer AddFD ", intfd, ": ", err.String(), "\n");
var t int64;
key := intfd << 1;
if mode == 'r' {
t = fd.rdeadline;
} else {
t = fd.wdeadline;
s.pending[key] = fd;
if t > 0 && (s.deadline == 0 || t < s.deadline) {
s.deadline = t
func (s *pollServer) LookupFD(fd int, mode int) *netFD {
key := fd << 1;
if mode == 'w' {
netfd, ok := s.pending[key];
if !ok {
return nil
s.pending[key] = nil, false;
return netfd;
func (s *pollServer) WakeFD(fd *netFD, mode int) {
if mode == 'r' {
for fd.ncr > 0 {
fd.cr <- fd;
} else {
for fd.ncw > 0 {
fd.cw <- fd;
func (s *pollServer) Now() int64 {
sec, nsec, err := os.Time();
if err != nil {
panic("net: os.Time: ", err.String())
nsec += sec * 1e9;
return nsec;
func (s *pollServer) CheckDeadlines() {
now := s.Now();
// TODO(rsc): This will need to be handled more efficiently,
// probably with a heap indexed by wakeup time.
var next_deadline int64;
for key, fd := range s.pending {
var t int64;
var mode int;
if key&1 == 0 {
mode = 'r'
} else {
mode = 'w'
if mode == 'r' {
t = fd.rdeadline
} else {
t = fd.wdeadline
if t > 0 {
if t <= now {
s.pending[key] = nil, false;
if mode == 'r' {
s.poll.DelFD(fd.fd, mode);
fd.rdeadline = -1;
} else {
s.poll.DelFD(fd.fd, mode);
fd.wdeadline = -1;
s.WakeFD(fd, mode);
} else if next_deadline == 0 || t < next_deadline {
next_deadline = t
s.deadline = next_deadline;
func (s *pollServer) Run() {
var scratch [100]byte;
for {
var t = s.deadline;
if t > 0 {
t = t - s.Now();
if t < 0 {
fd, mode, err := s.poll.WaitFD(t);
if err != nil {
print("pollServer WaitFD: ", err.String(), "\n");
if fd < 0 {
// Timeout happened.
if fd == s.pr.Fd() {
// Drain our wakeup pipe.
for nn, _ := s.pr.Read(&scratch); nn > 0; {
nn, _ = s.pr.Read(&scratch)
// Read from channels
for fd, ok := <-s.cr; ok; fd, ok = <-s.cr {
s.AddFD(fd, 'r')
for fd, ok := <-s.cw; ok; fd, ok = <-s.cw {
s.AddFD(fd, 'w')
} else {
netfd := s.LookupFD(fd, mode);
if netfd == nil {
print("pollServer: unexpected wakeup for fd=", netfd, " mode=", string(mode), "\n");
s.WakeFD(netfd, mode);
var wakeupbuf [1]byte
func (s *pollServer) Wakeup() { s.pw.Write(&wakeupbuf) }
func (s *pollServer) WaitRead(fd *netFD) {
s.cr <- fd;
func (s *pollServer) WaitWrite(fd *netFD) {
s.cw <- fd;
// Network FD methods.
// All the network FDs use a single pollServer.
var pollserver *pollServer
func startServer() {
p, err := newPollServer();
if err != nil {
print("Start pollServer: ", err.String(), "\n")
pollserver = p;
func newFD(fd, family, proto int, net string, laddr, raddr Addr) (f *netFD, err os.Error) {
if e := syscall.SetNonblock(fd, true); e != 0 {
return nil, &OpError{"setnonblock", net, laddr, os.Errno(e)}
f = &netFD{
fd: fd,
family: family,
proto: proto,
net: net,
laddr: laddr,
raddr: raddr,
var ls, rs string;
if laddr != nil {
ls = laddr.String()
if raddr != nil {
rs = raddr.String()
f.file = os.NewFile(fd, net+":"+ls+"->"+rs);
f.cr = make(chan *netFD, 1);
f.cw = make(chan *netFD, 1);
return f, nil;
func isEAGAIN(e os.Error) bool {
if e1, ok := e.(*os.PathError); ok {
return e1.Error == os.EAGAIN
return e == os.EAGAIN;
func (fd *netFD) Close() os.Error {
if fd == nil || fd.file == nil {
return os.EINVAL
// In case the user has set linger,
// switch to blocking mode so the close blocks.
// As long as this doesn't happen often,
// we can handle the extra OS processes.
// Otherwise we'll need to use the pollserver
// for Close too. Sigh.
syscall.SetNonblock(fd.file.Fd(), false);
e := fd.file.Close();
fd.file = nil;
fd.fd = -1;
return e;
func (fd *netFD) Read(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
if fd == nil || fd.file == nil {
return 0, os.EINVAL
defer fd.rio.Unlock();
if fd.rdeadline_delta > 0 {
fd.rdeadline = pollserver.Now() + fd.rdeadline_delta
} else {
fd.rdeadline = 0
for {
n, err = fd.file.Read(p);
if isEAGAIN(err) && fd.rdeadline >= 0 {
func (fd *netFD) Write(p []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
if fd == nil || fd.file == nil {
return 0, os.EINVAL
defer fd.wio.Unlock();
if fd.wdeadline_delta > 0 {
fd.wdeadline = pollserver.Now() + fd.wdeadline_delta
} else {
fd.wdeadline = 0
err = nil;
nn := 0;
for nn < len(p) {
n, err = fd.file.Write(p[nn:len(p)]);
if n > 0 {
nn += n
if nn == len(p) {
if isEAGAIN(err) && fd.wdeadline >= 0 {
if n == 0 || err != nil {
return nn, err;
func (fd *netFD) accept(toAddr func(syscall.Sockaddr) Addr) (nfd *netFD, err os.Error) {
if fd == nil || fd.file == nil {
return nil, os.EINVAL
// See ../syscall/exec.go for description of ForkLock.
// It is okay to hold the lock across syscall.Accept
// because we have put fd.fd into non-blocking mode.
var s, e int;
var sa syscall.Sockaddr;
for {
s, sa, e = syscall.Accept(fd.fd);
if e != syscall.EAGAIN {
if e != 0 {
return nil, &OpError{"accept", fd.net, fd.laddr, os.Errno(e)};
if nfd, err = newFD(s, fd.family, fd.proto, fd.net, fd.laddr, toAddr(sa)); err != nil {
return nil, err;
return nfd, nil;