{ config , pkgs , lib , inputs , xinlib , ... }: let tailnetACLs = let acls = { hosts = { europa = ""; startpage = ""; startdev = ""; go = ""; nbc = ""; # nix-binary-cache console = ""; box = ""; }; tagOwners = { "tag:untrusted" = [ "qbit@github" ]; "tag:minservice" = [ "qbit@github" ]; "tag:sshonly" = [ "qbit@github" ]; "tag:apper" = [ "qbit@github" ]; "tag:golink" = [ "qbit@github" ]; "tag:lab" = [ "qbit@github" ]; }; acls = [ { action = "accept"; src = [ "tag:untrusted" ]; dst = [ "europa:22" "europa:12304" "startpage:443" "startdev:443" "go:80" "tag:lab:22" "nbc:443" ]; } { action = "accept"; src = [ "tag:minservice" "tag:sshonly" ]; dst = [ "*:22" "box:3030" "nbc:443" "console:2222" ]; } { action = "accept"; src = [ "qbit@github" ]; dst = [ "*:*" ]; } ]; }; in pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "tailnet-acls.json"; text = builtins.toJSON acls; }; aclUpdateScript = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "tailnet-acl-updater" '' set -eu . ${config.sops.secrets.po_env.path} JQ=${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq PO=${inputs.po.packages.${pkgs.system}.po}/bin/po APIURL="https://api.tailscale.com/api/v2/tailnet/-/acl" TOKEN="$(cat ${config.sops.secrets.tailnet_acl_manager.path}):" ERROR="$(${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl "$APIURL/validate" -u "$TOKEN" -d @${tailnetACLs} | $JQ -r .message)" if [ "$ERROR" = "null" ]; then RESP="$(${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl "$APIURL" -u "$TOKEN" -d @${tailnetACLs} | $JQ -r .message)" if [ "$RESP" != "null" ]; then $PO -title "Failed to update TailNet!" -body "$RESP" fi fi ''; jobs = [ { name = "update-talenet-acls"; script = "${aclUpdateScript}/bin/tailnet-acl-updater"; startAt = "*:30:00"; path = [ ]; inherit (config.nixManager) user; } ]; enabled = config.nixManager.enable; in with lib; { sops.secrets = mkIf enabled { tailnet_acl_manager = { owner = config.nixManager.user; sopsFile = config.xin-secrets.manager; }; po_env = { owner = config.nixManager.user; sopsFile = config.xin-secrets.manager; }; }; systemd.services = mkIf enabled (listToAttrs (builtins.map xinlib.jobToService jobs)); }