{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.services.xinCA; in with lib; { options = { services.xinCA = { enable = mkEnableOption "Configure host as a xin certificate authority."; user = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "step-ca"; description = '' User who will own the CA key material. ''; }; }; }; imports = [../modules/ts-rev-prox.nix]; config = mkIf cfg.enable { sops.secrets = { ca_password = { mode = "400"; owner = cfg.user; sopsFile = config.xin-secrets.cert_authority; }; "defaults.json" = { mode = "400"; owner = cfg.user; path = "/var/lib/step-ca/config/defaults.json"; sopsFile = config.xin-secrets.cert_authority; }; "intermediate_ca.crt" = { mode = "444"; owner = cfg.user; path = "/var/lib/step-ca/certs/intermediate_ca.crt"; sopsFile = config.xin-secrets.cert_authority; }; "intermediate_ca_key" = { mode = "400"; owner = cfg.user; path = "/var/lib/step-ca/secrets/intermediate_ca_key"; sopsFile = config.xin-secrets.cert_authority; }; "root_ca.crt" = { mode = "444"; owner = cfg.user; path = "/var/lib/step-ca/certs/root_ca.crt"; sopsFile = config.xin-secrets.cert_authority; }; "root_ca_key" = { mode = "400"; owner = cfg.user; path = "/var/lib/step-ca/secrets/root_ca_key"; sopsFile = config.xin-secrets.cert_authority; }; "jwk_encryptedKey" = { mode = "400"; owner = cfg.user; path = "/var/lib/step-ca/secrets/jwk_encryptedKey"; sopsFile = config.xin-secrets.cert_authority; }; }; networking.hosts = {"" = ["ca.bolddaemon.com"];}; environment.sessionVariables = {STEPPATH = "/var/lib/step-ca";}; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ step-cli step-kms-plugin opensc libressl ]; services.step-ca = { enable = true; intermediatePasswordFile = "${config.sops.secrets.ca_password.path}"; address = ""; port = 443; settings = { root = config.sops.secrets."root_ca.crt".path; crt = config.sops.secrets."intermediate_ca.crt".path; key = config.sops.secrets.intermediate_ca_key.path; dnsNames = ["ca.bolddaemon.com"]; logger = {format = "text";}; db = { type = "badgerv2"; dataSource = "/var/lib/step-ca/db"; badgerFileLoadingMode = ""; }; authority = { provisioners = [ { type = "SSHPOP"; name = "sshpop"; claims = {enableSSHCA = true;}; } ]; }; tls = { cipherSuites = [ "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256" "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" ]; minVersion = 1.2; maxVersion = 1.3; renegotiation = false; }; }; }; }; }