{ config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }: let managementKey = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDM2k2C6Ufx5RNf4qWA9BdQHJfAkskOaqEWf8yjpySwH Nix Manager"; in { imports = [ ./configs/colemak.nix ./configs/tmux.nix ./configs/neovim.nix ]; options.myconf = { hwPubKeys = lib.mkOption rec { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str; default = [ managementKey "sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIB1cBO17AFcS2NtIT+rIxR2Fhdu3HD4de4+IsFyKKuGQAAAACnNzaDpsZXNzZXI=" "sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIDEKElNAm/BhLnk4Tlo00eHN5bO131daqt2DIeikw0b2AAAABHNzaDo=" "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBBB/V8N5fqlSGgRCtLJMLDJ8Hd3JcJcY8skI0l+byLNRgQLZfTQRxlZ1yymRs36rXj+ASTnyw5ZDv+q2aXP7Lj0=" "sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIHrYWbbgBkGcOntDqdMaWVZ9xn+dHM+Ap6s1HSAalL28AAAACHNzaDptYWlu" ]; example = default; description = "List of hardwar public keys to use"; }; zshPrompt = lib.mkOption rec { type = lib.types.lines; example = default; description = "Base zsh prompt"; default = '' autoload -U promptinit && promptinit autoload -Uz vcs_info autoload -Uz colors && colors setopt prompt_subst #setopt prompt_sp zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git hg cvs zstyle ':vcs_info:*' get-revision true zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' check-for-changes true zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats '(%b)' precmd_vcs_info() { vcs_info } precmd_functions+=( precmd_vcs_info ) prompt_char() { if [ -z "$IN_NIX_SHELL" ]; then echo -n "%#" else echo -n ";" fi } PROMPT='%n@%m[%(?.%{$fg[default]%}.%{$fg[red]%})%?%{$reset_color%}]:%~$vcs_info_msg_0_$(prompt_char) ' eval "$(direnv hook zsh)" ''; }; zshConf = lib.mkOption rec { type = lib.types.lines; example = default; description = "Base zsh config"; default = '' export NO_COLOR=1 # That sweet sweet ^W WORDCHARS='*?_-.[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>' autoload -Uz compinit && compinit set -o emacs ''; }; }; config = { sops.age.sshKeyPaths = [ "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" ]; # from https://github.com/dylanaraps/neofetch users.motd = '' ::::. '::::: ::::' '::::: ':::::. ::::' ::::: '::::.::::: .......:::::..... :::::::: ::::::::::::::::::. :::::: ::::. ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::. ::::' ..... ::::' :::::' ::::: '::' :::::' ........::::: ' :::::::::::. ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::: .. ::::: .::::: .::: ::::: .::::: ..... ::::: :::::. ......:::::::::::::' ::: ::::::. ':::::::::::::::::' .:::::::: ':::::::::: .::::'''::::. '::::. .::::' ::::. '::::. .:::: :::: '::::. ''; boot.cleanTmpDir = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ apg inetutils nixfmt ]; environment.interactiveShellInit = '' alias vi=nvim ''; time.timeZone = "US/Mountain"; programs = { zsh.enable = true; ssh = { startAgent = true; extraConfig = ""; }; }; users.users.root = { openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = config.myconf.hwPubKeys; }; services = { openntpd.enable = true; pcscd.enable = true; openssh = { enable = true; # This is set in modules/profiles/installation-device.nix, but it is set to 'yes' :( #permitRootLogin = "prohibit-password"; passwordAuthentication = false; }; }; }; }