
146 lines
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2023-07-11 09:12:50 -06:00
{pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [neomutt urlview];
2022-08-25 12:21:35 -06:00
environment.etc."neomuttrc" = {
text = ''
ignore *
unignore from: subject to cc date x-mailer x-url user-agent
set from = ""
set realname = "Aaron Bieber"
set imap_user = ""
set imap_pass = `cat /run/secrets/fastmail`
set smtp_url = "smtps://$"
set smtp_pass = $imap_pass
set folder = "imaps://"
set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
set header_cache = ~/.mutt/cache/fm/headers
set message_cachedir = ~/.mutt/cache/fm/bodies
folder-hook . set from=""
unmailboxes *
named-mailboxes Inbox "=INBOX"
named-mailboxes git "=INBOX.git"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/ "=INBOX.OpenBSD"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/Hackers "=INBOX.OpenBSD.Hackers"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/Tech "=INBOX.OpenBSD.Tech"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/Ports "=INBOX.OpenBSD.Ports"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/GOT "=INBOX.OpenBSD.GOT"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/Bugs "=INBOX.OpenBSD.Bugs"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/Misc "=INBOX.OpenBSD.Misc"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/ARM "=INBOX.OpenBSD.Arm"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/PPC "=INBOX.OpenBSD.ppc"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/src-ch "=INBOX.OpenBSD.src-changes"
named-mailboxes OpenBSD/ports-ch "=INBOX.OpenBSD.ports-changes"
named-mailboxes 9front "=INBOX.9front"
named-mailboxes OSS-Sec "=INBOX.OSS-Sec"
named-mailboxes Archive "=INBOX.Archive"
named-mailboxes Sent "=INBOX.Sent Items"
named-mailboxes Drafts "=INBOX.Drafts"
named-mailboxes Trash "=INBOX.Trash"
named-mailboxes JunkCan "=INBOX.JunkCan
set editor = "nvim"
set certificate_file = ~/.mutt/certificates
set mail_check = 120
set mail_check_stats = yes
set timeout = 300
set imap_keepalive = 300
set imap_passive
set imap_check_subscribed = yes
set ispell = "aspell --mode=email --add-email-quote=%,#,:,} --check"
set message_cache_clean = yes
set user_agent = no
set smart_wrap = yes
set attach_format="%u%D%I %t%2n %T%.20d %> [%.7m/%.10M, %.6e%?C?, %C?, %s] "
set date_format="!%a, %d %b %Y at %H:%M:%S %Z"
set forward_format="fwd: %s"
set index_format="%[%m-%d] [%Z] %-54.54s %F"
set pager_format=" %f: %s"
set sidebar_format="%B%* %?N?(%N)?"
set status_format=" %h: %f (msgs:%?M?%M/?%m %l%?n? new:%n?%?o? old:%o?%?d? del:%d?%?F? flag:%F?%?t? tag:%t?%?p? post:%p?%?b? inc:%b?%?l??) %> %_v "
set move = no
set askcc
set sort = 'threads'
set sort_aux = 'last-date-received'
set mailcap_path="~/.mailcap"
set sidebar_visible = yes
set sidebar_width = 30
set sidebar_format = "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S"
bind index,pager \Ck sidebar-prev
bind index,pager \Cj sidebar-next
bind index,pager \Co sidebar-open
set pager_index_lines=10
set spoolfile = "="
set record="=INBOX.Sent Items"
set postponed="=INBOX.Drafts"
set trash = "=INBOX.Trash"
mono attachment bold
mono body underline "(https?|t?ftp|mailto|gopher|ssh|telnet|finger)://[^ ]+"
mono body underline "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+[a-z]" # email addresses
mono body bold "-----Original Message-----"
mono body bold "[;:]-[)/(|]"
mono header none .
mono header bold "^From: "
mono header bold "^Resent-From: "
mono header bold "^To: "
mono header bold "^Subject: "
mono header bold "^Organi[zs]ation: "
mono header bold "^Priority: Urgent"
mono header bold "^Importance: high"
mono index bold '~U'
mono index bold '~F'
mono signature bold
mono tilde bold
mono tree bold
mono quoted bold
color normal default default
color attachment brightdefault default
color body brightdefault default "(http|https|ftp|mailto|gopher|telnet|finger)://[^ ]+"
color body brightdefault default "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+[a-z]"
color body brightdefault default "-----Original Message-----"
color body brightdefault default "[;:]-[)/(|]"
color header default default .
color header brightdefault default "^From: "
color header brightdefault default "^Resent-From: "
color header brightdefault default "^To: "
color header brightdefault default "^Subject: "
color header brightdefault default "^Organi[zs]ation: "
color header brightdefault default "^Priority: Urgent"
color header brightdefault default "^Importance: high"
color header brightdefault default '~U'
color header brightdefault default '~F'
color signature brightdefault default
color tilde brightblack default
color quoted brightblack default
color index red default '~F'
color index brightblack default '~D'
color index default default '~U'
color index red default '~z 500000-'
# make diffs pop
color body brightblack default '^(Index: |\+\+\+ |--- |diff ).*$'
color body red default '^-.*$'
color body green default '^\+.*$'