2006-11-26 11:07:42 +00:00

1411 lines
35 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*- */
/* kaleid --- Brewster's Kaleidoscope */
#if !defined( lint ) && !defined( SABER )
static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)kaleid.c 5.00 2000/11/01 xlockmore";
* kaleid.c - Brewster's Kaleidoscope (Sir David Brewster invented the
* kaleidoscope in 1816 and patented it in 1817.)
* Copyright (c) 1998 by Robert Adam, II <raii@comm.net>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
* both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
* supporting documentation.
* This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
* shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
* trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
* event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
* other special, indirect and consequential damages.
* Revision History:
* 01-Nov-2000: Allocation checks
* 1998: Written
* -batchcount n number of pens [default 4]
* -cycle n percentage of black in the pattern (0%-95%)
* -size n symmetry mode [default -9]
* <0 = random from 0 to -number
* >0 = mirrored (-alternate)
* rotated (+alternate)
* -/+disconnected turn on/off disconnected pen movement
* -/+serial turn on/off sequential allocation of colors
* -/+alternate turn on/off alternate display mode
* -/+spiral turn on/off spiral mode
* -/+spots turn on/off spots mode
* -/+quad turn on/off quad mirrored/rotated mode similar
* to size 4, works with alternate
* -/+oct turn on/off oct mirrored/rotated moded similar
* to size 8, works with alternate
* -/+linear select Cartesian/Polar coordinate mode. Cartesian
* uses straight lines similar to -oct and -quad
* mode instead of the curved lines of Polar mode.
* [default off]
#define MODE_kaleid
#define PROGCLASS "Kaleid"
#define HACK_INIT init_kaleid
#define HACK_DRAW draw_kaleid
#define kaleid_opts xlockmore_opts
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 80000 \n" \
"*count: 4 \n" \
"*cycles: 40 \n" \
"*size: -9 \n" \
"*ncolors: 200 \n" \
"*disconnected: True \n" \
"*serial: False \n" \
"*alternate: False \n" \
"*spiral: False \n" \
"*spots: False \n" \
"*linear: False \n" \
"*quad: False \n" \
"*oct: False \n"
"*fullrandom: False \n"
#include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */
#else /* STANDALONE */
#include "xlock.h" /* in xlockmore distribution */
#endif /* STANDALONE */
#ifdef MODE_kaleid
#include <math.h>
#define DEF_SERIAL "False"
#define DEF_ALTERNATE "False"
#define DEF_QUAD "False"
#define DEF_OCT "False"
#define DEF_LINEAR "False"
#define DEF_SPIRAL "False"
#define DEF_SPOTS "False"
static Bool Disconnected;
static Bool Serial;
static Bool Alternate;
static Bool Quad;
static Bool Oct;
static Bool Linear;
static Bool Spiral;
static Bool Spots;
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] =
{(char *) "-disconnected", (char *) ".kaleid.disconnected", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+disconnected", (char *) ".kaleid.disconnected", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
{(char *) "-serial", (char *) ".kaleid.serial", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+serial", (char *) ".kaleid.serial", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
{(char *) "-alternate", (char *) ".kaleid.alternate", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+alternate", (char *) ".kaleid.alternate", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
{(char *) "-spiral", (char *) ".kaleid.spiral", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+spiral", (char *) ".kaleid.spiral", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
{(char *) "-spots", (char *) ".kaleid.spots", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+spots", (char *) ".kaleid.spots", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
{(char *) "-quad", (char *) ".kaleid.quad", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+quad", (char *) ".kaleid.quad", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
{(char *) "-oct", (char *) ".kaleid.oct", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+oct", (char *) ".kaleid.oct", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"},
{(char *) "-linear", (char *) ".kaleid.linear", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+linear", (char *) ".kaleid.linear", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"}
static argtype vars[] =
{(void *) & Disconnected, (char *) "disconnected", (char *) "Disconnected", (char *) DEF_DISCONNECTED, t_Bool},
{(void *) & Serial, (char *) "serial", (char *) "Serial", (char *) DEF_SERIAL, t_Bool},
{(void *) & Alternate, (char *) "alternate", (char *) "Alternate", (char *) DEF_ALTERNATE, t_Bool},
{(void *) & Spiral, (char *) "spiral", (char *) "Spiral", (char *) DEF_SPIRAL, t_Bool},
{(void *) & Spots, (char *) "spots", (char *) "Spots", (char *) DEF_SPOTS, t_Bool},
{(void *) & Quad, (char *) "quad", (char *) "Quad", (char *) DEF_QUAD, t_Bool},
{(void *) & Oct, (char *) "oct", (char *) "Oct", (char *) DEF_OCT, t_Bool},
{(void *) & Linear, (char *) "linear", (char *) "Linear", (char *) DEF_LINEAR, t_Bool}
static OptionStruct desc[] =
{(char *) "-/+disconnected", (char *) "turn on/off disconnected pen movement"},
{(char *) "-/+serial", (char *) "turn on/off sequential color selection"},
{(char *) "-/+alternate", (char *) "turn on/off alternate display mode"},
{(char *) "-/+spiral", (char *) "turn on/off angular bounding mode"},
{(char *) "-/+spots", (char *) "turn on/off circle mode"},
{(char *) "-/+quad", (char *) "turn on/off quad mirrored display mode"},
{(char *) "-/+oct", (char *) "turn on/off oct mirrored display mode"},
{(char *) "-/+linear", (char *) "select Cartesian/Polar coordinate display mode"}
ModeSpecOpt kaleid_opts =
{sizeof opts / sizeof opts[0], opts, sizeof vars / sizeof vars[0], vars, desc};
ModStruct kaleid_description =
"kaleid", "init_kaleid", "draw_kaleid", "release_kaleid",
"refresh_kaleid", "init_kaleid", (char *) NULL, &kaleid_opts,
80000, 4, 40, -9, 64, 0.6, "",
"Shows Brewster's Kaleidoscope", 0, NULL
#define INTRAND(min,max) (NRAND(((max+1)-(min)))+(min))
#define MINPENS 1
#define MINSIZE 1
#define QUAD (-4)
#define OCT (-8)
#define SpotsMult 3
#define MinVelocity 6
#define MaxVelocity 4
#define MinRadialVelocity 6
#define MaxRadialVelocity 30
#define MinAngularVelocity 5
#define MaxAngularVelocity 3
#define WidthPercent 25
#define ChangeChance 2
#define ToRadians 0.017453293
#define ToDegrees 57.29577951
#define PolarToCartX(r, t) ((r) * cos((t) * ToRadians))
#define PolarToCartY(r, t) ((r) * sin((t) * ToRadians))
#define CartToRadius(x, y) (sqrt(((x)*(x)) + ((y)*(y))))
#define CartToAngle(x,y) ((((x) == 0.0) && ((y) == 0.0)) ? 0.0 : (atan2((y),(x)) * ToDegrees))
typedef struct {
double cx;
double cy;
double ox;
double oy;
double xv;
double yv;
int curlwidth;
int pix;
int White;
Bool RadiusOut;
Bool AngleOut;
Bool DeferredChange;
} penstruct;
typedef struct {
penstruct *pen;
int PercentBlack;
int PenCount;
int maxlwidth;
double width, widthby2;
double height, heightby2;
double radius;
double slice;
int bouncetype;
int modetype;
Bool alternate, disconnected, serial, linear, spiral, spots;
} kaleidstruct;
static kaleidstruct *kaleids = (kaleidstruct *) NULL;
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
XSegment segs[4]
kp->pen[pn].cx = kp->pen[pn].cx + kp->pen[pn].xv;
if (kp->pen[pn].cx < 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = -kp->pen[pn].cx;
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cx >= kp->widthby2) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = (kp->widthby2 - 1.0)
- (kp->pen[pn].cx - kp->widthby2);
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy + kp->pen[pn].yv;
if (kp->pen[pn].cy < 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].cy = -kp->pen[pn].cy;
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cy >= kp->heightby2) {
kp->pen[pn].cy = (kp->heightby2 - 1.0)
- (kp->pen[pn].cy - kp->heightby2);
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
segs[0].x1 = (int) kp->pen[pn].ox;
segs[0].y1 = (int) kp->pen[pn].oy;
segs[0].x2 = (int) kp->pen[pn].cx;
segs[0].y2 = (int) kp->pen[pn].cy;
segs[1].x1 = (int) (kp->width - kp->pen[pn].ox);
segs[1].y1 = (int) kp->pen[pn].oy;
segs[1].x2 = (int) (kp->width - kp->pen[pn].cx);
segs[1].y2 = (int) kp->pen[pn].cy;
segs[2].x1 = (int) (kp->width - kp->pen[pn].ox);
segs[2].y1 = (int) (kp->height - kp->pen[pn].oy);
segs[2].x2 = (int) (kp->width - kp->pen[pn].cx);
segs[2].y2 = (int) (kp->height - kp->pen[pn].cy);
segs[3].x1 = (int) kp->pen[pn].ox;
segs[3].y1 = (int) (kp->height - kp->pen[pn].oy);
segs[3].x2 = (int) kp->pen[pn].cx;
segs[3].y2 = (int) (kp->height - kp->pen[pn].cy);
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
XSegment segs[4]
double oxscaled2y;
double oyscaled2x;
double cxscaled2y;
double cyscaled2x;
kp->pen[pn].cx = kp->pen[pn].cx + kp->pen[pn].xv;
if (kp->pen[pn].cx < 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = -kp->pen[pn].cx;
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cx >= kp->widthby2) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = (kp->widthby2 - 1.0)
- (kp->pen[pn].cx - kp->widthby2);
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy + kp->pen[pn].yv;
if (kp->pen[pn].cy < 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].cy = -kp->pen[pn].cy;
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cy >= kp->heightby2) {
kp->pen[pn].cy = (kp->heightby2 - 1.0)
- (kp->pen[pn].cy - kp->heightby2);
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
segs[0].x1 = (int) kp->pen[pn].ox;
segs[0].y1 = (int) kp->pen[pn].oy;
segs[0].x2 = (int) kp->pen[pn].cx;
segs[0].y2 = (int) kp->pen[pn].cy;
oxscaled2y = ((kp->pen[pn].ox * kp->heightby2) / kp->widthby2);
oyscaled2x = ((kp->pen[pn].oy * kp->widthby2) / kp->heightby2);
cxscaled2y = ((kp->pen[pn].cx * kp->heightby2) / kp->widthby2);
cyscaled2x = ((kp->pen[pn].cy * kp->widthby2) / kp->heightby2);
segs[1].x1 = (int) (kp->width - oyscaled2x);
segs[1].y1 = (int) oxscaled2y;
segs[1].x2 = (int) (kp->width - cyscaled2x);
segs[1].y2 = (int) cxscaled2y;
segs[2].x1 = (int) (kp->width - kp->pen[pn].ox);
segs[2].y1 = (int) (kp->height - kp->pen[pn].oy);
segs[2].x2 = (int) (kp->width - kp->pen[pn].cx);
segs[2].y2 = (int) (kp->height - kp->pen[pn].cy);
segs[3].x1 = (int) oyscaled2x;
segs[3].y1 = (int) (kp->height - oxscaled2y);
segs[3].x2 = (int) cyscaled2x;
segs[3].y2 = (int) (kp->height - cxscaled2y);
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn
kp->pen[pn].cx = kp->pen[pn].cx + kp->pen[pn].xv;
if (kp->pen[pn].cx < 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = -kp->pen[pn].cx;
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cx >= kp->radius) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = (kp->radius - 1.0)
- (kp->pen[pn].cx - kp->radius);
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
switch (kp->bouncetype) {
case 0:
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy + kp->pen[pn].yv;
case 1:
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy
+ ((kp->pen[pn].yv * kp->pen[pn].cx) / kp->radius);
case 2:
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy
+ ((kp->pen[pn].yv * (kp->radius - kp->pen[pn].cx)) / kp->radius);
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->slice / 2.0;
kp->pen[pn].cx = kp->radius / 2.0;
if (kp->pen[pn].cy < 0) {
if (kp->spiral) {
kp->pen[pn].RadiusOut = False;
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy + 360.0;
} else {
kp->pen[pn].RadiusOut = True;
if (kp->pen[pn].oy >= 0) {
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
} else if (kp->spiral) {
if (kp->pen[pn].cy > 360.0) {
kp->pen[pn].RadiusOut = False;
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy - 360.0;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cy >= kp->slice) {
kp->pen[pn].RadiusOut = True;
if (kp->pen[pn].oy < kp->slice) {
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
} else {
kp->pen[pn].RadiusOut = False;
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
XSegment * segs
double Angle;
int segnum;
GeneralPolarMoveAndBounce(kp, pn);
Angle = 0.0;
for (segnum = 0; segnum < kp->modetype; segnum += 1) {
if (! kp->spots) {
segs[segnum].x1 = (int) (PolarToCartX(kp->pen[pn].ox,
kp->pen[pn].oy + Angle
) + kp->widthby2
segs[segnum].y1 = (int) (PolarToCartY(kp->pen[pn].ox,
kp->pen[pn].oy + Angle
) + kp->heightby2
segs[segnum].x2 = (int) (PolarToCartX(kp->pen[pn].cx,
kp->pen[pn].cy + Angle
) + kp->widthby2
segs[segnum].y2 = (int) (PolarToCartY(kp->pen[pn].cx,
kp->pen[pn].cy + Angle
) + kp->heightby2
if (kp->spots) {
segs[segnum].x1 = segs[segnum].x2;
segs[segnum].y1 = segs[segnum].y2;
Angle += kp->slice;
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
XSegment * segs
double Angle;
int segnum;
GeneralPolarMoveAndBounce(kp, pn);
Angle = 0.0;
for (segnum = 0; segnum < kp->modetype; segnum += 2) {
if (! kp->spots) {
segs[segnum].x1 = (int) (PolarToCartX(kp->pen[pn].ox,
kp->pen[pn].oy + Angle
) + kp->widthby2
segs[segnum].y1 = (int) (PolarToCartY(kp->pen[pn].ox,
kp->pen[pn].oy + Angle
) + kp->heightby2
segs[segnum].x2 = (int) (PolarToCartX(kp->pen[pn].cx,
kp->pen[pn].cy + Angle
) + kp->widthby2
segs[segnum].y2 = (int) (PolarToCartY(kp->pen[pn].cx,
kp->pen[pn].cy + Angle
) + kp->heightby2
if (kp->spots) {
segs[segnum].x1 = segs[segnum].x2;
segs[segnum].y1 = segs[segnum].y2;
Angle += (2.0 * kp->slice);
Angle = 360.0 - kp->slice;
for (segnum = 1; segnum < kp->modetype; segnum += 2) {
if (! kp->spots) {
segs[segnum].x1 =
(int) (PolarToCartX(kp->pen[pn].ox,
(kp->slice - kp->pen[pn].oy) + Angle
) + kp->widthby2
segs[segnum].y1 =
(int) (PolarToCartY(kp->pen[pn].ox,
(kp->slice - kp->pen[pn].oy) + Angle
) + kp->heightby2
segs[segnum].x2 =
(int) (PolarToCartX(kp->pen[pn].cx,
(kp->slice - kp->pen[pn].cy) + Angle
) + kp->widthby2
segs[segnum].y2 =
(int) (PolarToCartY(kp->pen[pn].cx,
(kp->slice - kp->pen[pn].cy) + Angle
) + kp->heightby2
if (kp->spots) {
segs[segnum].x1 = segs[segnum].x2;
segs[segnum].y1 = segs[segnum].y2;
Angle -= (2.0 * kp->slice);
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
XSegment * segs
double xdiag;
double ydiag;
double oxscaled2y, cxscaled2y;
double oyscaled2x, cyscaled2x;
* I know that the "bounce" is not really accurate, but I like the way
* it looks.
xdiag = (kp->widthby2 * kp->pen[pn].oy) / kp->heightby2;
kp->pen[pn].cx = kp->pen[pn].cx + kp->pen[pn].xv;
if (kp->pen[pn].cx < xdiag) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = xdiag + (xdiag - kp->pen[pn].cx);
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cx >= kp->widthby2) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = (kp->widthby2 - 1.0)
- (kp->pen[pn].cx - kp->widthby2);
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
ydiag = (kp->heightby2 * kp->pen[pn].cx) / kp->widthby2;
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy + kp->pen[pn].yv;
if (kp->pen[pn].cy < 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].cy = -kp->pen[pn].cy;
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cy > ydiag) {
kp->pen[pn].cy = ydiag - (kp->pen[pn].cy - ydiag);
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
segs[0].x1 = (int) kp->pen[pn].ox;
segs[0].y1 = (int) kp->pen[pn].oy;
segs[0].x2 = (int) kp->pen[pn].cx;
segs[0].y2 = (int) kp->pen[pn].cy;
segs[1].x1 = (int) (kp->width - kp->pen[pn].ox);
segs[1].y1 = (int) kp->pen[pn].oy;
segs[1].x2 = (int) (kp->width - kp->pen[pn].cx);
segs[1].y2 = (int) kp->pen[pn].cy;
segs[4].x1 = segs[1].x1;
segs[4].y1 = (int) kp->height - segs[0].y1;
segs[4].x2 = segs[1].x2;
segs[4].y2 = (int) kp->height - segs[0].y2;
segs[5].x1 = segs[0].x1;
segs[5].y1 = (int) kp->height - segs[0].y1;
segs[5].x2 = segs[0].x2;
segs[5].y2 = (int) kp->height - segs[0].y2;
oxscaled2y = ((kp->pen[pn].ox * kp->heightby2) / kp->widthby2);
oyscaled2x = ((kp->pen[pn].oy * kp->widthby2) / kp->heightby2);
cxscaled2y = ((kp->pen[pn].cx * kp->heightby2) / kp->widthby2);
cyscaled2x = ((kp->pen[pn].cy * kp->widthby2) / kp->heightby2);
segs[7].x1 = (int) oyscaled2x;
segs[7].y1 = (int) oxscaled2y;
segs[7].x2 = (int) cyscaled2x;
segs[7].y2 = (int) cxscaled2y;
segs[2].x1 = (int) kp->width - segs[7].x1;
segs[2].y1 = segs[7].y1;
segs[2].x2 = (int) kp->width - segs[7].x2;
segs[2].y2 = segs[7].y2;
segs[6].x1 = segs[7].x1;
segs[6].y1 = (int) kp->height - segs[7].y1;
segs[6].x2 = segs[7].x2;
segs[6].y2 = (int) kp->height - segs[7].y2;
segs[3].x1 = (int) kp->width - segs[7].x1;
segs[3].y1 = segs[6].y1;
segs[3].x2 = (int) kp->width - segs[7].x2;
segs[3].y2 = segs[6].y2;
#if 0
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
XSegment * segs
double angle, radius;
double oangle, oradius;
double rv, av;
double perp, para;
int i;
* I know that the "bounce" is not really accurate, but I like the way
* it looks.
kp->pen[pn].cx = kp->pen[pn].cx + kp->pen[pn].xv;
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy + kp->pen[pn].yv;
angle = CartToAngle(kp->pen[pn].cx, kp->pen[pn].cy);
radius = CartToRadius(kp->pen[pn].cx, kp->pen[pn].cy);
oangle = CartToAngle(kp->pen[pn].ox, kp->pen[pn].oy);
oradius = CartToRadius(kp->pen[pn].ox, kp->pen[pn].oy);
if (radius < 0.0) {
if (kp->pen[pn].xv < 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
} else if (radius > kp->radius) {
if (kp->pen[pn].xv > 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
if (angle < 0.0) {
if (oangle > 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
} else if (angle > 45.0) {
if (oangle < 45.0) {
rv = CartToRadius(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
av = CartToAngle(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
para = PolarToCartX(rv, av - 45.0);
perp = PolarToCartY(rv, av - 45.0);
rv = CartToRadius(para, -perp);
av = CartToAngle(para, -perp);
kp->pen[pn].xv = PolarToCartX(rv, av + 45.0);
kp->pen[pn].yv = PolarToCartY(rv, av + 45.0);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {
segs[i].x1 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(oradius, oangle));
segs[i].y1 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(oradius, oangle));
segs[i].x2 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(radius, angle));
segs[i].y2 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(radius, angle));
oangle += 45.0;
angle += 45.0;
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
XSegment * segs
double xdiag;
double ydiag;
double radius, angle;
double oradius, oangle;
double ox, oy, cx, cy;
double offset;
int i;
* I know that the "bounce" is not really accurate, but I like the way
* it looks.
xdiag = (kp->widthby2 * kp->pen[pn].oy) / kp->heightby2;
kp->pen[pn].cx = kp->pen[pn].cx + kp->pen[pn].xv;
if (kp->pen[pn].cx < xdiag) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = xdiag + (xdiag - kp->pen[pn].cx);
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cx >= kp->widthby2) {
kp->pen[pn].cx = (kp->widthby2 - 1.0)
- (kp->pen[pn].cx - kp->widthby2);
kp->pen[pn].xv = -kp->pen[pn].xv;
ydiag = (kp->heightby2 * kp->pen[pn].cx) / kp->widthby2;
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy + kp->pen[pn].yv;
if (kp->pen[pn].cy < 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].cy = -kp->pen[pn].cy;
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
} else if (kp->pen[pn].cy > ydiag) {
kp->pen[pn].cy = ydiag - (kp->pen[pn].cy - ydiag);
kp->pen[pn].yv = -kp->pen[pn].yv;
offset = CartToRadius(kp->heightby2, kp->widthby2);
ox = (kp->pen[pn].ox * offset) / kp->widthby2;
oy = (kp->pen[pn].oy * offset) / kp->heightby2;
cx = (kp->pen[pn].cx * offset) / kp->widthby2;
cy = (kp->pen[pn].cy * offset) / kp->heightby2;
angle = CartToAngle(cx - offset,
offset - cy
) - 90.0;
radius = CartToRadius(cx - offset,
offset - cy
oangle = CartToAngle(ox - offset,
offset - oy
) - 90.0;
oradius = CartToRadius(ox - offset,
offset - oy
for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {
segs[i].x1 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(oradius, oangle));
segs[i].y1 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(oradius, oangle));
segs[i].x2 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(radius, angle));
segs[i].y2 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(radius, angle));
oangle += 45.0;
angle += 45.0;
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
double *angle,
double *radius,
double *oangle,
double *oradius
double rv, av;
double perp, para;
kp->pen[pn].cx = kp->pen[pn].cx + kp->pen[pn].xv;
kp->pen[pn].cy = kp->pen[pn].cy + kp->pen[pn].yv;
*angle = CartToAngle(kp->pen[pn].cx, kp->pen[pn].cy);
*radius = CartToRadius(kp->pen[pn].cx, kp->pen[pn].cy);
*oangle = CartToAngle(kp->pen[pn].ox, kp->pen[pn].oy);
*oradius = CartToRadius(kp->pen[pn].ox, kp->pen[pn].oy);
if (*radius < 0.0) {
kp->pen[pn].RadiusOut = True;
if (*oradius > 0.0) {
rv = CartToRadius(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
av = CartToAngle(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
para = PolarToCartX(rv, av - (*angle + 90.0));
perp = PolarToCartY(rv, av - (*angle + 90.0));
rv = CartToRadius(para, -perp);
av = CartToAngle(para, -perp);
kp->pen[pn].xv = PolarToCartX(rv, av + (*angle + 90.0));
kp->pen[pn].yv = PolarToCartY(rv, av + (*angle + 90.0));
} else if (*radius > kp->radius) {
kp->pen[pn].RadiusOut = True;
if (*oradius < kp->radius) {
rv = CartToRadius(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
av = CartToAngle(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
para = PolarToCartX(rv, av - (*angle + 90.0));
perp = PolarToCartY(rv, av - (*angle + 90.0));
rv = CartToRadius(para, -perp);
av = CartToAngle(para, -perp);
kp->pen[pn].xv = PolarToCartX(rv, av + (*angle + 90.0));
kp->pen[pn].yv = PolarToCartY(rv, av + (*angle + 90.0));
} else {
kp->pen[pn].RadiusOut = False;
if (*angle < 0.0) {
if (kp->spiral) {
kp->pen[pn].AngleOut = False;
*angle = *angle + 360.0;
} else {
kp->pen[pn].AngleOut = True;
if (*oangle > 0.0) {
rv = CartToRadius(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
av = CartToAngle(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
para = PolarToCartX(rv, av);
perp = PolarToCartY(rv, av);
rv = CartToRadius(para, -perp);
av = CartToAngle(para, -perp);
kp->pen[pn].xv = PolarToCartX(rv, av);
kp->pen[pn].yv = PolarToCartY(rv, av);
} else if (kp->spiral) {
if (*angle > 360.0) {
kp->pen[pn].AngleOut = False;
*angle = *angle - 360.0;
} else if (*angle > kp->slice) {
kp->pen[pn].AngleOut = True;
if (*oangle < kp->slice) {
rv = CartToRadius(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
av = CartToAngle(kp->pen[pn].xv, kp->pen[pn].yv);
para = PolarToCartX(rv, av - kp->slice);
perp = PolarToCartY(rv, av - kp->slice);
rv = CartToRadius(para, -perp);
av = CartToAngle(para, -perp);
kp->pen[pn].xv = PolarToCartX(rv, av + kp->slice);
kp->pen[pn].yv = PolarToCartY(rv, av + kp->slice);
} else {
kp->pen[pn].AngleOut = False;
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
XSegment * segs
double angle, radius;
double oangle, oradius;
int i;
GeneralLinearMoveAndBounce(kp, pn, &angle, &radius, &oangle, &oradius);
for (i = 0; i < kp->modetype; i += 1) {
if (! kp->spots) {
segs[i].x1 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(oradius, oangle));
segs[i].y1 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(oradius, oangle));
segs[i].x2 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(radius, angle));
segs[i].y2 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(radius, angle));
if (kp->spots) {
segs[i].x1 = segs[i].x2;
segs[i].y1 = segs[i].y2;
oangle += kp->slice;
angle += kp->slice;
static void
kaleidstruct * kp,
int pn,
XSegment * segs
double hangle, angle, radius;
double hoangle, oangle, oradius;
int i;
GeneralLinearMoveAndBounce(kp, pn, &angle, &radius, &oangle, &oradius);
hoangle = oangle;
hangle = angle;
for (i = 0; i < kp->modetype; i += 2) {
if (! kp->spots) {
segs[i].x1 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(oradius, oangle));
segs[i].y1 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(oradius, oangle));
segs[i].x2 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(radius, angle));
segs[i].y2 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(radius, angle));
if (kp->spots) {
segs[i].x1 = segs[i].x2;
segs[i].y1 = segs[i].y2;
oangle += 2.0 * kp->slice;
angle += 2.0 * kp->slice;
oangle = kp->slice * 2.0;
angle = kp->slice * 2.0;
for (i = 1; i < kp->modetype; i += 2) {
if (! kp->spots) {
segs[i].x1 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(oradius, oangle - hoangle));
segs[i].y1 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(oradius, oangle - hoangle));
segs[i].x2 = (int) (kp->widthby2 + PolarToCartX(radius, angle - hangle));
segs[i].y2 = (int) (kp->heightby2 - PolarToCartY(radius, angle - hangle));
if (kp->spots) {
segs[i].x1 = segs[i].x2;
segs[i].y1 = segs[i].y2;
oangle += 2.0 * kp->slice;
angle += 2.0 * kp->slice;
static void
random_velocity(kaleidstruct * kp, int i)
int tMxRV, tMnRV;
int tMxAV, tMnAV;
int tMxV, tMnV;
if (kp->spots) {
tMxRV = MaxRadialVelocity * SpotsMult;
tMnRV = MinRadialVelocity * SpotsMult;
tMxAV = MaxAngularVelocity * SpotsMult;
tMnAV = MinAngularVelocity * SpotsMult;
tMxV = MaxVelocity * SpotsMult;
tMnV = MinVelocity * SpotsMult;
} else {
tMxRV = MaxRadialVelocity;
tMnRV = MinRadialVelocity;
tMxAV = MaxAngularVelocity;
tMnAV = MinAngularVelocity;
tMxV = MaxVelocity;
tMnV = MinVelocity;
if (kp->modetype > 0) {
kp->pen[i].xv = INTRAND(-tMxRV, tMxRV);
if (kp->pen[i].xv > 0.0) {
kp->pen[i].xv += tMnRV;
} else if (kp->pen[i].xv < 0.0) {
kp->pen[i].xv -= tMnRV;
kp->pen[i].yv = INTRAND(-tMxAV, tMxAV);
if (kp->pen[i].yv > 0.0) {
kp->pen[i].yv += tMnAV;
} else if (kp->pen[i].yv < 0.0) {
kp->pen[i].yv -= tMnAV;
} else {
kp->pen[i].xv = INTRAND(-tMxV, tMxV);
if (kp->pen[i].xv > 0.0) {
kp->pen[i].xv += tMnV;
} else if (kp->pen[i].xv < 0.0) {
kp->pen[i].xv -= tMnV;
kp->pen[i].yv = INTRAND(-tMxV, tMxV);
if (kp->pen[i].yv > 0.0) {
kp->pen[i].yv += tMnV;
} else if (kp->pen[i].yv < 0.0) {
kp->pen[i].yv -= tMnV;
static void
random_position(kaleidstruct * kp, int i)
if (kp->modetype >= 0) {
if (kp->linear) {
double radius, angle;
radius = (double) INTRAND(0, (int) (kp->radius - 1.0));
angle = (double) INTRAND(0, (int) (kp->slice - 1.0));
kp->pen[i].cx = PolarToCartX(radius, angle);
kp->pen[i].cy = PolarToCartY(radius, angle);
} else {
kp->pen[i].cx = (double) INTRAND(0, (int) (kp->radius - 1.0));
kp->pen[i].cy = (double) INTRAND(0, (int) (kp->slice - 1.0));
} else if (kp->modetype == OCT) {
double radius, angle;
radius = (double) INTRAND(0, (int) (kp->radius - 1.0));
angle = (double) INTRAND(0, 44);
kp->pen[i].cx = PolarToCartX(radius, angle);
kp->pen[i].cy = PolarToCartY(radius, angle);
} else {
kp->pen[i].cx = (double) INTRAND(0, (int) (kp->widthby2 - 1.0));
kp->pen[i].cy = (double) INTRAND(0,
(int) ((kp->heightby2 * kp->pen[i].cx) / kp->widthby2));
init_kaleid(ModeInfo * mi)
int i;
kaleidstruct *kp;
if (kaleids == NULL) {
if ((kaleids = (kaleidstruct *) calloc(MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi),
sizeof (kaleidstruct))) == NULL)
kp = &kaleids[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
kp->PenCount = MI_COUNT(mi);
kp->alternate = (Bool) (LRAND() & 1);
kp->disconnected = (Bool) (LRAND() & 1);
kp->serial = (Bool) (LRAND() & 1);
kp->linear = (Bool) (LRAND() & 1);
kp->spiral = (Bool) (LRAND() & 1);
kp->spots = (Bool) (LRAND() & 1);
} else {
kp->alternate = Alternate;
kp->disconnected = Disconnected;
kp->serial = Serial;
kp->linear = Linear;
kp->spiral = Spiral;
kp->spots = Spots;
if (kp->PenCount < -MINPENS) {
/* if kp->PenCount is random ... the size can change */
if (kp->pen != NULL) {
kp->pen = (penstruct *) NULL;
kp->PenCount = NRAND(-kp->PenCount - MINPENS + 1) + MINPENS;
} else if (kp->PenCount < MINPENS)
kp->PenCount = MINPENS;
if (kp->pen == NULL) {
if ((kp->pen = (penstruct *) malloc(kp->PenCount *
sizeof (penstruct))) == NULL)
if ((MI_SIZE(mi)) > MINSIZE) {
kp->modetype = (!kp->alternate + 1) * MI_SIZE(mi);
} else if ((MI_SIZE(mi)) < -MINSIZE) {
kp->modetype = (!kp->alternate + 1) * (NRAND(-MI_SIZE(mi) + 1) + MINSIZE);
} else {
kp->modetype = (!kp->alternate + 1) * MINSIZE;
int tmp;
tmp = NRAND(ABS(MI_SIZE(mi)) + 2);
if (tmp == 0)
kp->modetype = OCT;
else if (tmp == 1)
kp->modetype = QUAD;
} else {
if (Oct)
kp->modetype = OCT;
else if (Quad)
kp->modetype = QUAD;
kp->PercentBlack = (int) MAX(0, MIN(MI_CYCLES(mi), 95));
/* set various size parameters */
kp->width = (double) MI_WIDTH(mi);
kp->height = (double) MI_HEIGHT(mi);
if (kp->width < 2.0)
kp->width = 2.0;
if (kp->height < 2.0)
kp->height = 2.0;
kp->radius = sqrt(((kp->width * kp->width) +
(kp->height * kp->height)
) / 4.0
if (kp->modetype >= 0) {
kp->bouncetype = INTRAND(0, 2);
kp->slice = 360.0 / (double) kp->modetype;
kp->widthby2 = kp->width / 2.0;
kp->heightby2 = kp->height / 2.0;
} else {
kp->widthby2 = kp->width / 2.0;
kp->heightby2 = kp->height / 2.0;
/* set the maximum pen width */
if (kp->modetype >= 0) {
if ((kp->slice == 360.0) || (kp->slice == 180.0)) {
kp->maxlwidth = (int) ((((double) MIN(kp->widthby2, kp->heightby2)) *
(double) WidthPercent) / 100.0);
} else {
kp->maxlwidth = (int) (((sin(kp->slice * ToRadians) *
MIN(kp->widthby2, kp->heightby2)) *
(double) WidthPercent) / 100.0);
} else {
kp->maxlwidth = (int) ((MIN(kp->widthby2,
) * (double) WidthPercent
) / 100.0
if (kp->spots) {
kp->maxlwidth = 2 * kp->maxlwidth;
if (kp->maxlwidth <= 0) {
kp->maxlwidth = 1;
for (i = 0; i < kp->PenCount; i += 1) {
if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) {
kp->pen[i].pix = NRAND(MI_NPIXELS(mi));
kp->pen[i].White = 1;
} else {
kp->pen[i].White = 1;
kp->pen[i].curlwidth = INTRAND(1, kp->maxlwidth);
kp->pen[i].RadiusOut = False;
kp->pen[i].AngleOut = False;
random_position(kp, i);
kp->pen[i].ox = kp->pen[i].cx;
kp->pen[i].oy = kp->pen[i].cy;
kp->pen[i].DeferredChange = False;
random_velocity(kp, i);
static void
set_pen_attributes(ModeInfo * mi, kaleidstruct * kp, int i)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
GC gc = MI_GC(mi);
if (kp->pen[i].White) {
if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2)
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_PIXEL(mi, kp->pen[i].pix));
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi));
} else {
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi));
XSetLineAttributes(display, gc,
kp->pen[i].curlwidth, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);
static void
change_pen(ModeInfo * mi, kaleidstruct * kp, int i)
if (INTRAND(0, 100) < kp->PercentBlack) {
kp->pen[i].White = 0;
} else {
kp->pen[i].White = 1;
if (kp->serial) {
if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) {
if (++kp->pen[i].pix >= MI_NPIXELS(mi))
kp->pen[i].pix = 0;
} else {
if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) {
kp->pen[i].pix = NRAND(MI_NPIXELS(mi));
random_velocity(kp, i);
kp->pen[i].curlwidth = INTRAND(1, kp->maxlwidth);
if (kp->modetype >= 0) {
kp->bouncetype = INTRAND(0, 2);
if (kp->disconnected) {
random_position(kp, i);
kp->pen[i].ox = kp->pen[i].cx;
kp->pen[i].oy = kp->pen[i].cy;
draw_kaleid(ModeInfo * mi)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
GC gc = MI_GC(mi);
XSegment *segs;
int NumberOfSegments;
int i;
kaleidstruct *kp;
if (kaleids == NULL)
kp = &kaleids[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
if (kp->pen == NULL)
MI_IS_DRAWN(mi) = True;
if (kp->modetype == QUAD) {
NumberOfSegments = 4;
} else if (kp->modetype == OCT) {
NumberOfSegments = 8;
} else { /* if (kp->modetype > 0) */
NumberOfSegments = kp->modetype;
if ((segs = (XSegment *) malloc(NumberOfSegments *
sizeof (XSegment))) == NULL) {
kp->pen = (penstruct *) NULL;
for (i = 0; i < kp->PenCount; i++) {
set_pen_attributes(mi, kp, i);
if (kp->modetype == QUAD) {
if (kp->alternate) {
QuadRotated(kp, i, segs);
} else {
QuadMirrored(kp, i, segs);
} else if (kp->modetype == OCT) {
if (kp->alternate) {
OctRotated(kp, i, segs);
} else {
OctMirrored(kp, i, segs);
} else {
if (kp->alternate) {
if (kp->linear) {
GeneralLinearRotated(kp, i, segs);
} else {
GeneralRotated(kp, i, segs);
} else {
if (kp->linear) {
GeneralLinearMirrored(kp, i, segs);
} else {
GeneralMirrored(kp, i, segs);
kp->pen[i].ox = kp->pen[i].cx;
kp->pen[i].oy = kp->pen[i].cy;
if ((INTRAND(0, 100) < ChangeChance) || kp->pen[i].DeferredChange) {
if (!kp->pen[i].AngleOut && !kp->pen[i].RadiusOut) {
kp->pen[i].DeferredChange = False;
change_pen(mi, kp, i);
} else {
kp->pen[i].DeferredChange = True;
XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, 1, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);
release_kaleid(ModeInfo * mi)
if (kaleids != NULL) {
int screen;
for (screen = 0; screen < MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi); screen++) {
kaleidstruct *kp = &kaleids[screen];
if (kp->pen != NULL)
kaleids = (kaleidstruct *) NULL;
refresh_kaleid(ModeInfo * mi)
#endif /* MODE_kaleid */