2006-11-26 11:07:42 +00:00

1657 lines
33 KiB

/* Author: Mauro Persano (mauro_persano@yahoo.com) 27 Nov 2005
* Todo:
* - support for 4-bit / packed 24-bit visuals.
* Revision history:
* 06-Dec-2005: fixed stupid off-by-one buf; (preliminar) monochrome support.
* 05-Dec-2005: more speed ups.
* 27-Nov-2005: speed ups.
* 21-Nov-2005: initial version
#define MODE_fzort
#define PROGCLASS "Fzort"
#define HACK_INIT init_fzort
#define HACK_DRAW draw_fzort
#define fzort_opts xlockmode_opts
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 0 \n"
#include "xlockmore.h" /* xscreensaver distribution */
#else /* STANDALONE */
#include "xlock.h" /* xlockmore distribution */
#endif /* STANDALONE */
#ifdef MODE_fzort
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
ModeSpecOpt fzort_opts =
{0, (XrmOptionDescRec *)NULL, 0, (argtype *)NULL, (OptionStruct *)NULL };
ModStruct fzort_description =
{ "fzort", "init_fzort", "draw_fzort", "release_fzort",
"refresh_fzort", "init_fzort", (char *)NULL, &fzort_opts,
10000, 1, 1, 1, 64, 1.0, "",
"Shows a metallic-looking fzort.", 0, NULL };
#define MESH_DENSITY 22
/* #define MESH_DENSITY 44 */
#define MAX_WIDTH 800
#define MAX_HEIGHT 800
#define TEXTURE_SIZE 256 /* use a power of 2 preferably */
extern int XShmGetEventBase(Display *);
#define MAX_POLY_VTX 20
struct vector {
float x, y, z;
struct matrix {
float m11, m12, m13, m14;
float m21, m22, m23, m24;
float m31, m32, m33, m34;
struct vertex {
struct vector p;
struct vector normal;
struct pvertex {
struct vector p;
int x_scr, y_scr;
long u_txt, v_txt;
struct polygon {
int nvtx;
int vtx_index[MAX_POLY_VTX];
struct vector normal;
struct mesh {
int npoly, nvtx;
struct vertex *vtx;
struct polygon *poly;
struct box {
int x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max;
struct clip_limits {
int x_min;
int x_max;
int y_min;
int y_max;
struct raster {
int width;
int height;
int pitch;
int bpp;
void *bits;
struct render_order {
float z;
unsigned zi;
struct polygon *poly;
typedef struct fzort_ctx {
Bool initialized;
int palette[256];
int using_shm;
XShmSegmentInfo shm_info;
XImage *image;
struct clip_limits clip;
struct raster raster;
struct mesh *mesh;
void *texture;
/* render ctx */
float lx, ly, cx, cy;
void(*fill_triangle_fn)(struct fzort_ctx *, struct pvertex *,
struct pvertex *, struct pvertex *);
struct pvertex *pvtx;
struct render_order *order_in, *order_out;
long start_ticks;
struct box cur_box, prev_box;
int first_frame;
} fzort_ctx;
static fzort_ctx *fzorts = (fzort_ctx *) NULL;
static int shm_completion_event;
static unsigned char texture8[TEXTURE_SIZE*TEXTURE_SIZE];
static int texture_initialized = False;
/* ordered dithering matrix */
static unsigned int dither6[8][8] = {
{ 1, 59, 15, 55, 2, 56, 12, 52, },
{ 33, 17, 47, 31, 34, 18, 44, 28, },
{ 9, 49, 5, 63, 10, 50, 6, 60, },
{ 41, 25, 37, 21, 42, 26, 38, 22, },
{ 3, 57, 13, 53, 0, 58, 14, 54, },
{ 35, 19, 45, 29, 32, 16, 46, 30, },
{ 11, 51, 7, 61, 8, 48, 4, 62, },
{ 43, 27, 39, 23, 40, 24, 36, 20 } };
* f i x p o i n t
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)
#define FP_SHIFT 16
#define FP_SHIFT 10
#define FP_SHIFT_COMPL (32 - FP_SHIFT)
#define FP_ONE (1L << FP_SHIFT)
#define FP_HALF (1L << (FP_SHIFT - 1))
#define INT_TO_FP(a) ((a) << FP_SHIFT)
#define FP_TO_INT(f) ((f) >> FP_SHIFT)
#define FLOAT_TO_FP(f) ((long)((f) * (float)FP_MULTIPLIER))
#define FP_TO_FLOAT(f) ((float)(f) / (float)FP_MULTIPLIER)
#define FRAC_PART(f) ((f) & (FP_MULTIPLIER - 1))
#define FP_CEIL(f) (((f) + FP_MULTIPLIER - 1) & \
#define FP_FLOOR(f) ((f) & ~(FP_MULTIPLIER - 1))
#define FP_ICEIL(f) (((f) + FP_ONE - 1) >> FP_SHIFT)
#define FP_IFLOOR(f) ((f) >> FP_SHIFT)
/* a / b */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)
static inline long
fp_div(long a, long b)
long c;
asm volatile("movl %%eax,%%edx; shll %3,%%eax; sarl %4,%%edx; idivl %2"
: "=a"(c)
: "0"(a), "m"(b), "i"(FP_SHIFT), "i"(32 - FP_SHIFT)
: "edx");
return c;
static inline long
fp_div(long a, long b)
return (a << FP_SHIFT)/b;
/* a * b */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)
static inline long
fp_mul(long a, long b)
long c;
asm volatile("imull %2; shrdl %3,%%edx,%%eax"
: "=a"(c)
: "0"(a), "m"(b), "i"(FP_SHIFT)
: "edx");
return c;
static inline long
fp_mul(long a, long b)
return (a*b) >> FP_SHIFT;
/* s + a * b */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)
static inline long
fp_mul_add(long s, long a, long b)
long c;
asm volatile("imull %2; shrdl %3,%%edx,%%eax; addl %4,%%eax"
: "=a"(c)
: "0"(a), "m"(b), "i"(FP_SHIFT), "m"(s)
: "edx");
return c;
static inline long
fp_mul_add(long s, long a, long b)
return s + ((a*b) >> FP_SHIFT);
* v e c t o r
static inline void
vec_copy(struct vector *r, struct vector *a)
memcpy(r, a, sizeof *r);
static inline void
vec_set(struct vector *r, float x, float y, float z)
r->x = x;
r->y = y;
r->z = z;
static inline void
vec_neg_copy(struct vector *r, struct vector *a)
r->x = -a->x;
r->y = -a->y;
r->z = -a->z;
static inline void
vec_neg(struct vector *r)
vec_neg_copy(r, r);
static inline void
vec_add(struct vector *r, struct vector *a, struct vector *b)
r->x = a->x + b->x;
r->y = a->y + b->y;
r->z = a->z + b->z;
static inline void
vec_add_to(struct vector *a, struct vector *b)
a->x += b->x;
a->y += b->y;
a->z += b->z;
static inline void
vec_sub(struct vector *r, struct vector *a, struct vector *b)
r->x = a->x - b->x;
r->y = a->y - b->y;
r->z = a->z - b->z;
static inline void
vec_sub_from(struct vector *a, struct vector *b)
a->x -= b->x;
a->y -= b->y;
a->z -= b->z;
static inline float
vec_dot_product(struct vector *a, struct vector *b)
return a->x*b->x + a->y*b->y + a->z*b->z;
static inline float
vec_length_squared(struct vector *a)
return vec_dot_product(a, a);
static inline void
vec_cross_product(struct vector *r, struct vector *a, struct vector *b)
r->x = a->y*b->z - a->z*b->y;
r->y = a->z*b->x - a->x*b->z;
r->z = a->x*b->y - a->y*b->x;
static inline void
vec_scalar_mul(struct vector *a, float s)
a->x *= s;
a->y *= s;
a->z *= s;
static inline void
vec_scalar_mul_copy(struct vector *r, struct vector *a, float s)
r->x = a->x*s;
r->y = a->y*s;
r->z = a->z*s;
static float
vec_length(struct vector *a)
return sqrt(vec_length_squared(a));
static void
vec_normalize(struct vector *a)
float l;
l = vec_length(a);
if (l == 0.f)
a->x = 1.f, a->y = 0.f, a->z = 0.f;
vec_scalar_mul(a, 1.f/l);
* m a t r i x
static inline void
mat_copy(struct matrix *r, struct matrix *m)
memcpy(r, m, sizeof *r);
static const struct matrix identity = {
1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f
static void
mat_make_identity(struct matrix *m)
memcpy(m, &identity, sizeof *m);
static void
mat_make_rotation_around_x(struct matrix *m, float ang)
float c, s;
c = cos(ang);
s = sin(ang);
m->m22 = c; m->m23 = -s;
m->m32 = s; m->m33 = c;
static void
mat_make_rotation_around_y(struct matrix *m, float ang)
float c, s;
c = cos(ang);
s = sin(ang);
m->m11 = c; m->m13 = -s;
m->m31 = s; m->m33 = c;
#if 0
static void
mat_make_rotation_around_z(struct matrix *m, float ang)
float c, s;
c = cos(ang);
s = sin(ang);
m->m11 = c; m->m12 = -s;
m->m21 = s; m->m22 = c;
static void
mat_make_translation(struct matrix *m, float x, float y, float z)
m->m14 = x;
m->m24 = y;
m->m34 = z;
static void
mat_mul_copy(struct matrix *r, struct matrix *a, struct matrix *b)
float l11, l12, l13, l14;
float l21, l22, l23, l24;
float l31, l32, l33, l34;
l11 = a->m11*b->m11 + a->m12*b->m21 + a->m13*b->m31;
l12 = a->m11*b->m12 + a->m12*b->m22 + a->m13*b->m32;
l13 = a->m11*b->m13 + a->m12*b->m23 + a->m13*b->m33;
l14 = a->m11*b->m14 + a->m12*b->m24 + a->m13*b->m34 + a->m14;
l21 = a->m21*b->m11 + a->m22*b->m21 + a->m23*b->m31;
l22 = a->m21*b->m12 + a->m22*b->m22 + a->m23*b->m32;
l23 = a->m21*b->m13 + a->m22*b->m23 + a->m23*b->m33;
l24 = a->m21*b->m14 + a->m22*b->m24 + a->m23*b->m34 + a->m24;
l31 = a->m31*b->m11 + a->m32*b->m21 + a->m33*b->m31;
l32 = a->m31*b->m12 + a->m32*b->m22 + a->m33*b->m32;
l33 = a->m31*b->m13 + a->m32*b->m23 + a->m33*b->m33;
l34 = a->m31*b->m14 + a->m32*b->m24 + a->m33*b->m34 + a->m34;
r->m11 = l11; r->m12 = l12; r->m13 = l13; r->m14 = l14;
r->m21 = l21; r->m22 = l22; r->m23 = l23; r->m24 = l24;
r->m31 = l31; r->m32 = l32; r->m33 = l33; r->m34 = l34;
#if 0
static void
mat_mul(struct matrix *a, struct matrix *b)
mat_mul_copy(a, a, b);
static void
mat_transform_copy(struct vector *r, struct matrix *m,
struct vector *v)
float x, y, z;
x = m->m11*v->x + m->m12*v->y + m->m13*v->z + m->m14;
y = m->m21*v->x + m->m22*v->y + m->m23*v->z + m->m24;
z = m->m31*v->x + m->m32*v->y + m->m33*v->z + m->m34;
r->x = x;
r->y = y;
r->z = z;
static inline void
mat_rotate_copy(struct vector *r, struct matrix *m, struct vector *v)
float x, y, z;
x = m->m11*v->x + m->m12*v->y + m->m13*v->z;
y = m->m21*v->x + m->m22*v->y + m->m23*v->z;
z = m->m31*v->x + m->m32*v->y + m->m33*v->z;
r->x = x;
r->y = y;
r->z = z;
static inline void
mat_rotate(struct vector *v, struct matrix *m)
mat_rotate_copy(v, m, v);
* t r i a n g l e
struct edge {
struct pvertex *v0, *v1;
int dx, dy;
int du, dv;
int sy;
long sx;
long dxdy;
int lines;
int adjy;
static inline void
init_edge(fzort_ctx *ctx, struct edge *edge,
struct pvertex *v0, struct pvertex *v1)
float y_max;
edge->v0 = v0;
edge->v1 = v1;
edge->dx = v1->x_scr - v0->x_scr;
edge->dy = v1->y_scr - v0->y_scr;
edge->du = v1->u_txt - v0->u_txt;
edge->dv = v1->v_txt - v0->v_txt;
edge->sy = v0->y_scr;
if (edge->sy < ctx->clip.y_min) {
edge->adjy = ctx->clip.y_min - edge->sy;
edge->sy = ctx->clip.y_min;
} else {
edge->adjy = 0;
y_max = v1->y_scr;
if (y_max > ctx->clip.y_max)
y_max = ctx->clip.y_max;
if (y_max <= edge->sy) {
edge->lines = 0;
} else {
edge->lines = (int) (y_max - edge->sy);
edge->dxdy = fp_div(edge->dx, edge->dy);
edge->sx = INT_TO_FP(v0->x_scr) + edge->adjy*edge->dxdy;
#define CONCAT(a, b) a ## b
#define NAME fill_triangle_1bpp_lsb_to_msb
#define PIXEL_TYPE unsigned char
#define LSB_TO_MSB
#include "fz_filler.h"
#define NAME fill_triangle_1bpp_msb_to_lsb
#define PIXEL_TYPE unsigned char
#include "fz_filler.h"
#define NAME fill_triangle_8bpp
#define PIXEL_TYPE unsigned char
#include "fz_filler.h"
#define NAME fill_triangle_16bpp
#define PIXEL_TYPE unsigned short
#include "fz_filler.h"
#define NAME fill_triangle_32bpp
#define PIXEL_TYPE unsigned int
#include "fz_filler.h"
* r e n d e r
static void
radix_sort(struct render_order *out, struct render_order *in, int rshift,
int n)
static int count[256], index[256];
int i, b;
memset(count, 0, sizeof count);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
b = (in[i].zi >> rshift) & 0xff;
index[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 256; i++)
index[i] = index[i - 1] + count[i - 1];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
b = (in[i].zi >> rshift) & 0xff;
out[index[b]] = in[i];
static void
render_process_mesh(fzort_ctx *ctx, struct matrix *m)
struct polygon *pin, *pend;
struct vertex *v, *vend;
struct pvertex *pv;
int i, j, npoly, x_scr_min, x_scr_max, y_scr_min, y_scr_max;
/* vertices */
ctx->cur_box.x_min = ctx->cur_box.y_min =
ctx->cur_box.x_max = ctx->cur_box.y_max = 0;
x_scr_min = ctx->clip.x_max + 1;
x_scr_max = ctx->clip.x_min - 1;
y_scr_min = ctx->clip.y_max + 1;
y_scr_max = ctx->clip.y_min - 1;
vend = ctx->mesh->vtx + ctx->mesh->nvtx;
pv = ctx->pvtx;
for (v = ctx->mesh->vtx; v != vend; v++) {
struct vector normal;
float w;
mat_transform_copy(&pv->p, m, &v->p);
mat_rotate_copy(&normal, m, &v->normal);
pv->u_txt = FLOAT_TO_FP((TEXTURE_SIZE/2) +
(TEXTURE_SIZE/2)*normal.y + 0.5);
pv->v_txt = FLOAT_TO_FP((TEXTURE_SIZE/2) +
(TEXTURE_SIZE/2)*normal.x + 0.5);
w = ctx->lx/pv->p.z;
pv->x_scr = (int) (ctx->cx + w*pv->p.x + 0.5);
pv->y_scr = (int) (ctx->cy + w*pv->p.y + 0.5);
if (pv->x_scr < x_scr_min)
x_scr_min = pv->x_scr;
if (pv->x_scr > x_scr_max)
x_scr_max = pv->x_scr;
if (pv->y_scr < y_scr_min)
y_scr_min = pv->y_scr;
if (pv->y_scr > y_scr_max)
y_scr_max = pv->y_scr;
if (x_scr_min > ctx->clip.x_max)
ctx->cur_box.x_min =
x_scr_min < ctx->clip.x_min ? ctx->clip.x_min : x_scr_min;
if (x_scr_max < ctx->clip.x_min)
ctx->cur_box.x_max =
x_scr_max > ctx->clip.x_max ? ctx->clip.x_max : x_scr_max;
if (y_scr_min > ctx->clip.y_max)
ctx->cur_box.y_min =
y_scr_min < ctx->clip.y_min ? ctx->clip.y_min : y_scr_min;
if (y_scr_max < ctx->clip.y_min)
ctx->cur_box.y_max =
y_scr_max > ctx->clip.y_max ? ctx->clip.y_max : y_scr_max;
/* polygons */
npoly = 0;
pend = ctx->mesh->poly + ctx->mesh->npoly;
for (pin = ctx->mesh->poly; pin != pend; pin++) {
int nclip_x_min, nclip_x_max, nclip_y_min, nclip_y_max;
int *idx, *iend;
nclip_x_min = nclip_x_max = nclip_y_min = nclip_y_max = 0;
iend = &pin->vtx_index[pin->nvtx];
for (idx = &pin->vtx_index[0]; idx != iend; idx++) {
pv = &ctx->pvtx[*idx];
nclip_x_min += (pv->x_scr < ctx->clip.x_min);
nclip_x_max += (pv->x_scr > ctx->clip.x_max);
nclip_y_min += (pv->x_scr < ctx->clip.y_min);
nclip_y_max += (pv->y_scr > ctx->clip.y_max);
if (nclip_x_min != pin->nvtx && nclip_x_max != pin->nvtx &&
nclip_y_min != pin->nvtx && nclip_y_max != pin->nvtx) {
struct pvertex *p0, *p1, *p2, *p3;
int ok;
p0 = &ctx->pvtx[pin->vtx_index[0]];
p1 = &ctx->pvtx[pin->vtx_index[1]];
p2 = &ctx->pvtx[pin->vtx_index[2]];
ok = (p2->x_scr - p0->x_scr)*(p1->y_scr - p0->y_scr) -
(p1->x_scr - p0->x_scr)*(p2->y_scr - p0->y_scr) >= 0;
if (pin->nvtx == 4) {
p3 = &ctx->pvtx[pin->vtx_index[3]];
ok |= (p3->x_scr - p0->x_scr)*(p2->y_scr - p0->y_scr) -
(p2->x_scr - p0->x_scr)*(p3->y_scr - p0->y_scr) >= 0;
if (ok) {
ctx->order_in[npoly].poly = pin;
ctx->order_in[npoly].z = p0->p.z;
/* draw */
if (npoly) {
float z_min, z_max, z_scale, z;
struct polygon *poly;
z_min = z_max = 0.f;
for (i = 0; i < npoly; i++) {
z = ctx->order_in[i].z;
if (i == 0 || z < z_min)
z_min = z;
if (i == 0 || z > z_max)
z_max = z;
z_scale = 255.f/(z_max - z_min);
for (i = 0; i < npoly; i++)
ctx->order_in[i].zi = (unsigned int) (z_scale*(ctx->order_in[i].z - z_min));
radix_sort(ctx->order_out, ctx->order_in, 0, npoly);
for (i = npoly - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
poly = ctx->order_out[i].poly;
for (j = 1; j < poly->nvtx - 1; j++) {
&ctx->pvtx[poly->vtx_index[j + 1]]);
* m e s h
static void
mesh_free(struct mesh *m)
if (m->vtx != NULL)
if (m->poly != NULL)
static inline float
radius_offset(float phi, float theta, float phase, float amp)
return (amp + 4.*amp*sin(3.*phase + theta))*sin(phase + 5.*phi) +
(amp + 4.*amp*sin(2.*phase + 2.*phi))*sin(phase + 3.*theta);
static inline void
calc_coord(struct vector *v, float radius, float phi, float theta,
float phase, float amp)
float mr, r;
/* coordinates */
r = radius + radius_offset(phi, theta, phase, amp);
v->z = -r*cos(phi);
mr = r*sin(phi);
v->y = -mr*sin(theta);
v->x = -mr*cos(theta);
static void
calc_mesh_vertices(struct mesh *mesh, int density, float radius,
float phase, float amp)
struct vertex *vtx;
double phi, theta, dphi, dtheta;
int u, v, a, b, c;
struct vector v0, v1;
float mr, r;
float cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_phi, sin_phi;
float cos_3theta, sin_3theta;
float sin_phase, cos_phase;
/*float sin_2phase, cos_2phase;*/
float sin_3phase, cos_3phase;
float cos_dphi, sin_dphi, cos_dtheta, sin_dtheta, st, ct;
float offs;
float k0, k1;
vtx = mesh->vtx;
/* vertices */
calc_coord(&vtx->p, radius, 0., M_PI, phase, amp);
sin_phase = sin(phase);
cos_phase = cos(phase);
/*sin_2phase = 2.*sin_phase*cos_phase;
cos_2phase = 1. - 2.*sin_phase*sin_phase;*/
sin_3phase = 3.*sin_phase - 4.*sin_phase*sin_phase*sin_phase;
cos_3phase = 4.*cos_phase*cos_phase*cos_phase - 3.*cos_phase;
dtheta = 2.*M_PI/density;
dphi = M_PI/(density + 1);
sin_dphi = sin(dphi);
cos_dphi = cos(dphi);
sin_dtheta = sin(dtheta);
cos_dtheta = cos(dtheta);
cos_phi = cos_dphi;
sin_phi = sin_dphi;
for (phi = dphi, u = 0; u < density; u++, phi += dphi) {
/* XXX: work these out */
k0 = sin(phase + 5.*phi);
k1 = amp + 4.*amp*sin(2.*phase + 2.*phi);
cos_theta = 1.;
sin_theta = 0.;
for (theta = 0., v = 0; v < density; v++, theta += dtheta) {
sin_3theta = 3*sin_theta -
cos_3theta = 4*cos_theta*cos_theta*cos_theta -
(amp + 4.*amp*sin(3.*phase + theta))*
sin(phase + 5.*phi) +
(amp + 4.*amp*sin(2.*phase + 2.*phi))*
sin(phase + 3.*theta);
offs = (amp + 4.*amp*
(sin_3phase*cos_theta + sin_theta*cos_3phase))*k0 +
k1*(sin_phase*cos_3theta + cos_phase*sin_3theta);
r = radius + offs;
vtx->p.z = -r*cos_phi;
mr = r*sin_phi;
vtx->p.y = -mr*sin_theta;
vtx->p.x = -mr*cos_theta;
st = sin_theta*cos_dtheta + cos_theta*sin_dtheta;
ct = cos_theta*cos_dtheta - sin_theta*sin_dtheta;
sin_theta = st;
cos_theta = ct;
st = sin_phi*cos_dphi + cos_phi*sin_dphi;
ct = cos_phi*cos_dphi - sin_phi*sin_dphi;
sin_phi = st;
cos_phi = ct;
calc_coord(&vtx->p, radius, M_PI, M_PI, phase, amp);
/* normals */
vec_set(&mesh->vtx[0].normal, 0., 0., -1.);
vec_set(&mesh->vtx[1 + density*density].normal, 0., 0., 1.);
for (u = 0; u < density; u++) {
for (v = 0; v < density; v++) {
a = u*density + v + 1;
b = u*density + (v + 1)%density + 1;
c = (u + 1)*density + 1;
if (u < density - 1)
c += v;
vec_sub(&v0, &mesh->vtx[b].p, &mesh->vtx[a].p);
vec_sub(&v1, &mesh->vtx[c].p, &mesh->vtx[a].p);
vec_cross_product(&mesh->vtx[a].normal, &v0, &v1);
static void
set_triangle(struct polygon *poly, int a, int b, int c)
poly->nvtx = 3;
poly->vtx_index[0] = a;
poly->vtx_index[1] = b;
poly->vtx_index[2] = c;
static void
set_quad(struct polygon *poly, int a, int b, int c, int d)
poly->nvtx = 4;
poly->vtx_index[0] = a;
poly->vtx_index[1] = b;
poly->vtx_index[2] = c;
poly->vtx_index[3] = d;
static struct mesh *
make_sphere(int density)
int u, v, a, b, c, d;
struct polygon *poly;
struct mesh *mesh;
if ((mesh = (struct mesh *) malloc(sizeof *mesh)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
mesh->npoly = mesh->nvtx = 0;
/* vertices */
mesh->nvtx = 2 + density*density;
mesh->vtx = malloc(mesh->nvtx * sizeof *mesh->vtx);
/* polygons */
mesh->npoly = (density + 1)*density;
poly = mesh->poly = malloc(mesh->npoly * sizeof *mesh->poly);
for (u = 0; u < density; u++) {
for (v = 0; v < density; v++) {
a = u*density + v + 1;
b = u*density + (v + 1)%density + 1;
if (u == 0) {
set_triangle(poly++, a, 0, b);
} else {
c = (u - 1)*density + v + 1;
d = (u - 1)*density + (v + 1)%density + 1;
set_quad(poly++, a, c, d, b);
for (v = 0; v < density; v++) {
a = density*density + 1;
d = (density - 1)*density + ((v + 1) % density) + 1;
c = (density - 1)*density + v + 1;
set_triangle(poly++, a, c, d);
return mesh;
* t e x t u r e g e n e r a t i o n
static int
getpix(unsigned char *dest, int x, int y)
return dest[(y&(TEXTURE_SIZE-1))*TEXTURE_SIZE + (x&(TEXTURE_SIZE - 1))];
static void
putpix(unsigned char *dest, int x, int y, int v)
dest[(y&(TEXTURE_SIZE-1))*TEXTURE_SIZE + (x&(TEXTURE_SIZE-1))] = v;
static int
randnum(int range)
return LRAND() % (2*(range + 1)) - range;
static int
plasmaavg(unsigned char *dest, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
int average, distance;
average = (getpix(dest, x1, y1) + getpix(dest, x2, y2)) / 2;
distance = abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2);
if (distance > 2)
distance -= 2;
return average + randnum(distance);
static void
rplasma(unsigned char *dest, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
int x, y;
if (abs(top - bottom) < 2 && abs(right - left) < 2)
x = left;
y = (top + bottom) / 2;
if (!getpix(dest, x, y))
putpix(dest, x, y, plasmaavg(dest, left, top, left, bottom));
x = right;
if (!getpix(dest, x, y))
putpix(dest, x, y, plasmaavg(dest, right, top, right, bottom));
x = (left + right) / 2;
y = top;
if (!getpix(dest, x, y))
putpix(dest, x, y, plasmaavg(dest, left, top, right, top));
y = bottom;
if (!getpix(dest, x, y))
putpix(dest, x, y, plasmaavg(dest, left, bottom, right, bottom));
y = (top + bottom) / 2;
if (!getpix(dest, x, y))
putpix(dest, x, y, (plasmaavg(dest, x, top, x, bottom) +
plasmaavg(dest, left, y, right, y)) / 2 + randnum(right - left));
rplasma(dest, left, top, x, y);
rplasma(dest, x, top, right, y);
rplasma(dest, x, y, right, bottom);
rplasma(dest, left, y, x, bottom);
static void
flare(unsigned char *dest)
int i, j, r;
float a;
unsigned s;
struct vector n, l;
vec_set(&l, -.4, .4, 1.);
for (i = 0; i < TEXTURE_SIZE; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < TEXTURE_SIZE; j++) {
n.x = j - TEXTURE_SIZE/2;
n.y = i - TEXTURE_SIZE/2;
n.z = -TEXTURE_SIZE/2;
a = vec_dot_product(&n, &l);
a *= a; a *= a;
a *= a; a *= a;
a *= a; a *= a;
r = (int) (a*255);
s = (dest[i*TEXTURE_SIZE + j]>>1) + r;
s = s > 255 ? 255 : s;
dest[i*TEXTURE_SIZE + j] = s;
static void *
init_texture(int *palette, int depth)
int i, j;
unsigned int v, pixel_size;
void *texture;
switch (depth) {
case 1: case 8: pixel_size = sizeof(unsigned char); break;
case 16: pixel_size = sizeof(unsigned short); break;
case 24: case 32: pixel_size = sizeof(unsigned int); break;
default: return NULL; /* ugh */
if ((texture = malloc(TEXTURE_SIZE*TEXTURE_SIZE*pixel_size)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (!texture_initialized) {
memset(texture8, 0, sizeof texture8);
rplasma(texture8, 0, 0, TEXTURE_SIZE, TEXTURE_SIZE);
texture_initialized = True;
switch (depth) {
case 1:
memcpy(texture, texture8, TEXTURE_SIZE*TEXTURE_SIZE);
case 8:
for (i = 0; i < TEXTURE_SIZE; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < TEXTURE_SIZE; j++) {
v = texture8[i*TEXTURE_SIZE + j];
((unsigned char *)texture)[i*TEXTURE_SIZE + j] = palette[v];
case 16:
for (i = 0; i < TEXTURE_SIZE; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < TEXTURE_SIZE; j++) {
v = texture8[i*TEXTURE_SIZE + j];
((unsigned short *)texture)[i*TEXTURE_SIZE + j]
= palette[v];
case 24:
case 32:
for (i = 0; i < TEXTURE_SIZE; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < TEXTURE_SIZE; j++) {
v = texture8[i*TEXTURE_SIZE + j];
((unsigned int *)texture)[i*TEXTURE_SIZE + j] = palette[v];
return texture;
* x i m a g e
static int caught_x_error;
static int
x_error_handler(Display *display, XErrorEvent *error)
caught_x_error = 1;
return 0;
static XImage *
create_xshmimage(ModeInfo *mi, XShmSegmentInfo *si, int width, int height)
XImage *img;
XErrorHandler prev_handler;
int depth, format;
if (MI_DEPTH(mi) == 1 || MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) {
depth = MI_DEPTH(mi);
format = ZPixmap;
} else {
depth = 1;
format = XYBitmap;
XSync(MI_DISPLAY(mi), False);
prev_handler = XSetErrorHandler(x_error_handler);
caught_x_error = 0;
img = XShmCreateImage(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_VISUAL(mi), depth,
format, NULL, si, width, height);
if (img == NULL || caught_x_error)
goto failed_0;
if ((si->shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, img->bytes_per_line*img->height,
IPC_CREAT|0777)) == -1)
goto failed_1;
si->readOnly = False;
img->data = si->shmaddr = shmat(si->shmid, 0, 0);
caught_x_error = 0;
if (XShmAttach(MI_DISPLAY(mi), si) == False || caught_x_error)
goto failed_2;
XSync(MI_DISPLAY(mi), False);
shmctl(si->shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
return img;
XSync(MI_DISPLAY(mi), False);
return NULL;
static void
destroy_xshmimage(ModeInfo *mi, XImage *img, XShmSegmentInfo *si)
XErrorHandler prev_handler;
XSync(MI_DISPLAY(mi), False);
prev_handler = XSetErrorHandler(x_error_handler);
XShmDetach(MI_DISPLAY(mi), si);
XSync(MI_DISPLAY(mi), False);
XSync(MI_DISPLAY(mi), False);
static XImage *
create_ximage(ModeInfo *mi, int width, int height)
XImage *img;
int depth, format;
if (MI_DEPTH(mi) == 1 || MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) {
depth = MI_DEPTH(mi);
format = ZPixmap;
} else {
depth = 1;
format = XYBitmap;
if ((img = XCreateImage(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_VISUAL(mi), depth,
format, 0, 0, width, height, 8, 0)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
if ((img->data = calloc(img->height, img->bytes_per_line)) == NULL) {
XSync(MI_DISPLAY(mi), False);
return NULL;
return img;
static int
make_image(ModeInfo *mi, struct fzort_ctx *fz)
int img_width, img_height;
img_width = MIN(MI_WIDTH(mi), MI_HEIGHT(mi));
if (img_width > MAX_WIDTH)
img_width = MAX_WIDTH;
img_height = img_width;
if (XShmQueryExtension(MI_DISPLAY(mi))) {
fz->image = create_xshmimage(mi, &fz->shm_info, img_width,
fz->using_shm = fz->image != NULL;
if (fz->image == NULL) {
if ((fz->image = create_ximage(mi, img_width, img_height)) == NULL) {
return -1;
return 0;
static void
free_image(ModeInfo *mi, struct fzort_ctx *fz)
if (fz->using_shm) {
destroy_xshmimage(mi, fz->image, &fz->shm_info);
} else {
fz->image->data = NULL;
XSync(MI_DISPLAY(mi), False);
fz->image = NULL;
* f z o r t
static void
release_fzort_ctx(ModeInfo *mi, fzort_ctx *fz)
if (fz->initialized) {
free_image(mi, fz);
fz->initialized = False;
static void
init_color_map(ModeInfo *mi, fzort_ctx *fz, float r, float g, float b,
float kd, float ks, float n)
float red, green, blue, ang;
unsigned ib, ig, ir;
float ka, kb;
int i;
XColor xc;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
ang = (255 - i)*(M_PI/2.)/256.0;
ka = kd * cos(ang);
kb = ks * pow(cos(ang), n);
red = r*ka + kb;
green = g*ka + kb;
blue = b*ka + kb;
ib = (unsigned int) ((blue > 1.0) ? 255 : 255*blue);
ig = (unsigned int) ((green > 1.0) ? 255 : 255*green);
ir = (unsigned int) ((red > 1.0) ? 255 : 255*red);
xc.red = ir<<8;
xc.green = ig<<8;
xc.blue = ib<<8;
xc.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
XAllocColor(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_COLORMAP(mi), &xc);
fz->palette[i] = xc.pixel;
static void
init_fzort_ctx(ModeInfo *mi, fzort_ctx *fz)
struct timeval tv;
if (fz->initialized) {
release_fzort_ctx(mi, fz);
/* 0. create image for double-buffering */
if (make_image(mi, fz) < 0) {
goto failed_0;
fz->clip.x_min = 0;
fz->clip.y_min = 0;
fz->clip.x_max = fz->image->width - 1;
fz->clip.y_max = fz->image->height - 1;
fz->raster.width = fz->image->width;
fz->raster.height = fz->image->height;
fz->raster.pitch = fz->image->bytes_per_line;
fz->raster.bits = fz->image->data;
fz->raster.bpp = fz->image->bits_per_pixel;
fz->lx = fz->raster.width;
fz->ly = fz->raster.height;
fz->cx = fz->raster.width/2;
fz->cy = fz->raster.height/2;
switch (fz->raster.bpp) {
case 1:
/* check if the leftmost pixel is represented by the least
* significant bit or vice-versa */
fz->image->data[0] = 0;
XPutPixel(fz->image, 0, 0, 1);
if (fz->image->data[0] == 1)
fz->fill_triangle_fn = fill_triangle_1bpp_lsb_to_msb;
fz->fill_triangle_fn = fill_triangle_1bpp_msb_to_lsb;
case 8: fz->fill_triangle_fn = fill_triangle_8bpp; break;
case 16: fz->fill_triangle_fn = fill_triangle_16bpp; break;
case 24: case 32:
fz->fill_triangle_fn = fill_triangle_32bpp; break;
/* 1. create mesh */
if ((fz->mesh = make_sphere(MESH_DENSITY)) == NULL) {
goto failed_1;
/* 2. initialize palette */
if (fz->image->depth >= 8) {
init_color_map(mi, fz, .2, .2, 1., .9, .5, 4.);
/* 3. create texture */
if ((fz->texture = init_texture(fz->palette, fz->image->bits_per_pixel))
== NULL) {
goto failed_2;
/* 4. allocate memory for vertices and polygons */
if ((fz->pvtx = malloc(fz->mesh->nvtx * sizeof *fz->pvtx)) == NULL) {
goto failed_3;
if ((fz->order_in = malloc(fz->mesh->npoly * sizeof *fz->order_in))
== NULL) {
goto failed_4;
if ((fz->order_out = malloc(fz->mesh->npoly * sizeof *fz->order_out))
== NULL) {
goto failed_5;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
fz->start_ticks = tv.tv_sec*1000 + tv.tv_usec/1000;
fz->prev_box.x_min = 0;
fz->prev_box.x_max = fz->clip.x_max;
fz->prev_box.y_min = 0;
fz->prev_box.y_max = fz->clip.y_max;
fz->initialized = True;
free_image(mi, fz);
static void
render(fzort_ctx *fz, long ticks)
struct matrix t, v;
float a, b/* ,c*/;
struct matrix rmatrix, ry, rx;
a = (float)ticks/2000.;
calc_mesh_vertices(fz->mesh, MESH_DENSITY, 120.,
/* 4.*a, 12. + 5.*sin(2.*a)); */
4.*a, 7. + 7.*sin(2.*a));
/* 0., 0.); */
b = 1.5*a;
/*c = 2.2*a;*/
mat_make_rotation_around_y(&ry, 1.5*a);
mat_make_rotation_around_x(&rx, 2.2*a);
mat_mul_copy(&rmatrix, &ry, &rx);
mat_make_translation(&t, 220.*sin(b), 220.*cos(a),
900. + 80.*cos(b)*sin(a));
mat_mul_copy(&v, &t, &rmatrix);
render_process_mesh(fz, &v);
* P u b l i c i n t e r f a c e
init_fzort(ModeInfo *mi)
fzort_ctx *fz;
if (fzorts == NULL) {
if ((fzorts = (fzort_ctx *) calloc(MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi),
sizeof (fzort_ctx))) == NULL)
fz = &fzorts[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
init_fzort_ctx(mi, fz);
shm_completion_event = XShmGetEventBase(MI_DISPLAY(mi)) + ShmCompletion;
draw_fzort(ModeInfo *mi)
fzort_ctx *fz;
int x0, y0, src_x_min, src_y_min, src_x_max, src_y_max;
int lines, bytes_per_pixel, bytes_per_block;
char *ptr;
long cur_ticks;
struct timeval tv;
if (fzorts == NULL)
fz = &fzorts[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
#if 0
printf("Dies after here on Solaris/gcc\n");
if (!fz->initialized)
printf("Dies before here on Solaris/gcc\n");
if (!fz->initialized)
/* clear what was used by previous iteration */
if (fz->image->bits_per_pixel < 8) {
/* monochrome pixmaps use so little memory that it's probably cheaper
* to do a single memset */
memset(fz->image->data, 0, fz->image->height*fz->image->bytes_per_line);
} else {
bytes_per_pixel = fz->image->bits_per_pixel/8;
lines = fz->prev_box.y_max - fz->prev_box.y_min + 1;
ptr = fz->image->data +
fz->prev_box.y_min*fz->image->bytes_per_line +
bytes_per_block= (fz->prev_box.x_max - fz->prev_box.x_min + 1)*
while (lines--) {
memset(ptr, 0, bytes_per_block);
ptr += fz->image->bytes_per_line;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
cur_ticks = tv.tv_sec*1000 + tv.tv_usec/1000;
/* render */
render(fz, cur_ticks - fz->start_ticks);
/* display image */
x0 = (MI_WIDTH(mi) - fz->image->width)/2;
y0 = (MI_HEIGHT(mi) - fz->image->height)/2;
if (fz->image->width <= 200) {
src_x_min = src_y_min = 0;
src_x_max = fz->image->width - 1;
src_y_max = fz->image->height - 1;
} else {
src_x_min = MIN(fz->prev_box.x_min, fz->cur_box.x_min);
src_y_min = MIN(fz->prev_box.y_min, fz->cur_box.y_min);
src_x_max = MAX(fz->prev_box.x_max, fz->cur_box.x_max);
src_y_max = MAX(fz->prev_box.y_max, fz->cur_box.y_max);
XSetForeground(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_GC(mi), MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi));
XSetBackground(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_GC(mi), MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi));
if (fz->using_shm) {
XEvent event;
XShmPutImage(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), MI_GC(mi),
src_x_min, src_y_min, x0 + src_x_min, y0 + src_y_min,
src_x_max - src_x_min + 1, src_y_max - src_y_min + 1,
while (XCheckTypedEvent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), shm_completion_event,
&event) == False)
} else {
XPutImage(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), MI_GC(mi),
src_x_min, src_y_min, x0 + src_x_min, y0 + src_y_min,
src_x_max - src_x_min + 1, src_y_max - src_y_min + 1);
fz->prev_box = fz->cur_box;
release_fzort(ModeInfo *mi)
int i;
if (fzorts != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi); i++) {
release_fzort_ctx(mi, &fzorts[i]);
fzorts = (fzort_ctx *) NULL;
refresh_fzort(ModeInfo *mi)
#endif /* MODE_fzort */