2006-11-26 11:07:42 +00:00

965 lines
26 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*- */
/* life1d --- Stephen Wolfram's 1d game of Life */
#if !defined( lint ) && !defined( SABER )
static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)life1d.c 5.00 2000/11/01 xlockmore";
* Copyright (c) 1995 by David Bagley.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
* both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
* supporting documentation.
* This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
* shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
* trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
* event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
* other special, indirect and consequential damages.
* Revision History:
* 01-Nov-2000: Allocation checks
* 27-Oct-1997: xpm and ras capability added... it does not make too much
* sense here but ...
* 10-May-1997: Compatible with xscreensaver
* 27-Jul-1995: written, used life.c as a basis, using totalistic rules
* (default). Special thanks to Harold V. McIntosh
* <mcintosh@servidor.unam.mx> for providing me with the
* LCAU collection and references.
* References:
* Dewdney, A.K., "The Armchair Universe, Computer Recreations from the
* Pages of Scientific American Magazine", W.H. Freedman and Company,
* New York, 1988 (May 1985).
* Perry, Kenneth E., "Abstract Mathematical Art", BYTE, December, 1986
* pp. 181-192
* Hayes, Brian, "Computer Recreations", Scientific American, March 1984,
* p. 12
* Wolfram, Stephen, "Cellular automata as models of complexity", Nature,
* 4 October 1984, pp. 419-424
* Wolfram, Stephen, "Computer Software in Science and Mathematics",
* Scientific American, September 1984, pp. 188-203
#define MODE_life1d
#define PROGCLASS "Life1D"
#define HACK_INIT init_life1d
#define HACK_DRAW draw_life1d
#define life1d_opts xlockmore_opts
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 10000 \n" \
"*cycles: 10 \n" \
"*size: 0 \n" \
"*ncolors: 200 \n" \
"*bitmap: \n" \
"*verbose: \n"
#include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */
#else /* STANDALONE */
#include "xlock.h" /* in xlockmore distribution */
#include "color.h"
#endif /* STANDALONE */
#include "automata.h"
#include "iostuff.h"
#ifdef MODE_life1d
#define DEF_TOTALISTIC "True" /* False is LCAU */
static Bool totalistic;
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] =
{(char *) "-totalistic", (char *) ".life1d.totalistic", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+totalistic", (char *) ".life1d.totalistic", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"}
static argtype vars[] =
{(void *) & totalistic, (char *) "totalistic", (char *) "Totalistic", (char *) DEF_TOTALISTIC, t_Bool}
static OptionStruct desc[] =
{(char *) "-/+totalistic", (char *) "turn on/off totalistic rules (else LCAU rules)"}
ModeSpecOpt life1d_opts =
{sizeof opts / sizeof opts[0], opts, sizeof vars / sizeof vars[0], vars, desc};
ModStruct life1d_description =
{"life1d", "init_life1d", "draw_life1d", "release_life1d",
"refresh_life1d", "init_life1d", (char *) NULL, &life1d_opts,
10000, 1, 10, 0, 64, 1.0, "",
"Shows Wolfram's game of 1D Life", 0, NULL};
#define LIFE1DBITS(n,w,h)\
if ((lp->pixmaps[lp->init_bits]=\
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(display,window,(char *)n,w,h,1,0,1))==None){\
free_life1d(display,lp); return;} else {lp->init_bits++;}
/* aliases for vars defined in the bitmap file */
#define CELL_WIDTH image_width
#define CELL_HEIGHT image_height
#define CELL_BITS image_bits
#include "life1d.xbm"
#ifdef HAVE_XPM
static char *image_name[] =
{(char *) ""};
#define CELL_NAME image_name
#define DEFAULT_XPM 0
static int maxstates;
static int maxradius;
static int maxsum_size;
#define MINGRIDSIZE 10
#define MINSIZE 2 /* 3 may be better here */
#define MAXSTATES 5
typedef struct {
int init_bits;
int pixelmode;
int xs, ys, xb, yb; /* cell size, grid border */
int screen_generation, row;
int nrows, ncols, border;
int width, height;
int k, r;
long code;
int repeating;
char *nextstate;
int colors[MAXSTATES];
Pixmap pixmaps[MAXSTATES];
GC stippledGC;
unsigned char *newcells;
unsigned char *oldcells;
unsigned char *buffer;
unsigned char *previousBuffer;
XImage *logo;
Colormap cmap;
unsigned long black;
int graphics_format;
GC backGC;
int busyLoop;
} life1dstruct;
static life1dstruct *life1ds = (life1dstruct *) NULL;
static int totalistic_rules[][3] =
/* Well behaved rules */
/* Scientific American (Dewdney) */
{2, 2, 20},
{2, 2, 52}, /* A bit too prolific but I like it anyway */
{2, 3, 88}, /* James K. Park's 1D Gun (1111111111011) */
{2, 4, 368},
/* Nature */
{3, 1, 792},
/* BYTE (Translated to Wolfram's notation) */
{4, 1, 39744},
{4, 1, 81036},
{4, 1, 126092},
{4, 1, 147824},
{4, 1, 156272},
{4, 1, 189468},
{4, 1, 176412},
{4, 1, 214840},
{4, 1, 245028},
{4, 1, 267320},
{4, 1, 257808},
{4, 1, 258596},
{4, 1, 260224},
{4, 1, 267408},
{4, 1, 290960},
{4, 1, 330056},
{4, 1, 330436},
{4, 1, 400192},
{4, 1, 433296},
{4, 1, 434492},
{4, 1, 447368},
{4, 1, 453768},
{4, 1, 454416},
{4, 1, 485488},
{4, 1, 505904},
{4, 1, 618960},
{4, 1, 642948},
{4, 1, 680528},
{4, 1, 708484},
{4, 1, 741004},
{4, 1, 749708},
{4, 1, 756420},
{4, 1, 761356},
{4, 1, 769088},
{4, 1, 778568},
{4, 1, 779792},
{4, 1, 797456},
{4, 1, 803728},
{4, 1, 844092},
{4, 1, 874524},
{4, 1, 881440},
{4, 1, 921476},
{4, 1, 936832},
{4, 1, 937792},
{4, 1, 1004600},
/* Nature */
{5, 1, 580020},
{5, 1, 5694390},
{5, 1, 59123000},
#if 0 /* OK but annoying */
/* BYTE */
{4, 1, 10552},
{4, 1, 14708},
{4, 1, 25284},
{4, 1, 42848},
{4, 1, 44328},
{4, 1, 51788},
{4, 1, 107364},
{4, 1, 111448},
{4, 1, 155848},
{4, 1, 173024},
{4, 1, 224148},
{4, 1, 238372},
{4, 1, 241656},
{4, 1, 243764},
{4, 1, 255856},
{4, 1, 259222},
{4, 1, 310148},
{4, 1, 324148},
{4, 1, 346696},
{4, 1, 364424},
{4, 1, 403652},
{4, 1, 436072},
{4, 1, 456708},
{4, 1, 461912},
{4, 1, 534812},
{4, 1, 546700},
{4, 1, 552708},
{4, 1, 569092},
{4, 1, 616736},
{4, 1, 658564},
{4, 1, 717956},
{4, 1, 748432},
{4, 1, 800964},
{4, 1, 800972},
{4, 1, 801144},
{4, 1, 821116},
{4, 1, 840172},
{4, 1, 858312},
{4, 1, 865394},
{4, 1, 914952},
{4, 1, 919244},
{4, 1, 984296},
{4, 1, 997964},
{4, 1, 1018488},
{4, 1, 1018808},
{4, 1, 1023864},
{4, 1, 1024472},
{4, 1, 1033776},
{4, 1, 1033784},
{4, 1, 1034552},
/* Nature */
{5, 1, 583330},
{5, 1, 672900},
#if 0 /* rejects */
/* Nature */
{2, 1, 4},
{2, 3, 18},
{2, 3, 22},
{2, 3, 90},
{2, 3, 94},
{2, 3, 126},
{2, 3, 128},
/* Scientific American (Dewdney) */
{2, 3, 54},
{3, 2, 66}, /* RIPPLE, Dewdney's personal 1d rule */
{3, 1, 257},
/* BYTE */
{4, 1, 16},
{4, 1, 56},
{4, 1, 4408},
{4, 1, 101988},
{4, 1, 113688},
{4, 1, 227892},
{4, 1, 254636},
{4, 1, 258598},
{4, 1, 294146},
{4, 1, 377576},
{4, 1, 472095},
{4, 1, 538992},
{4, 1, 615028},
{4, 1, 901544},
{4, 1, 911876},
/* Nature */
{5, 1, 10175},
{5, 1, 566780},
{5, 1, 570090},
#define TOTALISTICRULES (sizeof totalistic_rules / sizeof totalistic_rules[0])
#if 0
static char lcau21_rules[][9] =
"00010010", /* 18 Hollow enlarging triangles */
"00110110", /* 54 Hollow triangles */
"01101110", /* 110 Hollow right triangles */
"01111100", /* 124 Hollow left triangles */
"10010011", /* 147 Solid triangles */
"10001001", /* 137 Solid right triangles */
"11000001", /* 193 Solid left triangles */
#define LCAU2RULES (sizeof lcau21_rules / sizeof lcau21_rules[0])
static char lcau31_rules[][28] =
"000222111000111222222111000", /* equal thirds */
"002220210110110211110002200", /* threads on triangles */
"001121102222110110111002100", /* interfaces of 2 vel */
"020201010201010102010102020", /* class iv, sparse */
"020201011201011112011112120", /* blue bground class iv */
"021211110211110101110101020", /* diagonal black gaps */
"022221211221211012222111120", /* macrocell w/ 012 membrane */
"100002021002021210021210100", /* totalistic rule 792 (iv) */
"100002200112201200020121200", /* binary counter */
"101021220111100222112102020", /* two patterns compete #1 */
"110001000112221222112221000", /* reversible rule */
"111012101002110122121102120", /* small blue triangles */
"111021210012110202120212122", /* 2 glider on 1 background */
"111111101010202020202010101", /* motes and triangles */
"111220012222012120001221020", /* black triangles */
"112110201012001210101200010", /* dendrites */
"112122000000122112112122000", /* reversible rule's reverse */
"200211020111110002001101210", /* crocodile skin */
"202000200112001200120211100", /* two slow gliders collide */
"202211000201021001100200200", /* Red Queen's binary counter */
"210101012101012120012120200", /* blue on red background */
"212021022100200221201101020", /* two patterns compete #2 */
"220222010220211111000211010", /* Fisch's cyclic eater */
"222022001222211202022120012", /* macrocell w/ 0122 membrane */
#define LCAU3RULES (sizeof lcau31_rules / sizeof lcau31_rules[0])
static char lcau41_rules[][65] =
"0000000313131323232312121213232323231313131101010202020202010101", /* skewed triangle */
"0000020202000000020232220203300000000101020030000100322121003020", /* slow glider - copies bar */
"0000213323132331123303003213323113233123002033211332313233120001", /* slightly chaotic symmetri */
"0000332030033323010020122303001002120210000000100110020220000010", /* shuttle squeeze */
"0100030000030323200323120202001003000203000220001310220100200010", /* coo gldrs */
"0121200113213320110223311213201013131010111011101120012132103210", /* mixture of types */
"0212301103023320313223121332310023203323333231301020023120303020", /* slo gl w/ many f gl */
"0320032100113332112321213211003321233210121032320000321000010200", /* crosshatching */
"0323323323313310323323313310310223313310310210213310310210210210", /* Perry's 245028 */
"0323330023210000121122232322122113310131032101002110122321102120", /* */
"0332200131100112230221012111210202022013210332120210222311212100", /* cycles on dgl bgrnd */
"0332200131100112230221012111210202022013210332120210222311212300", /* cycles on dgl bgrnd */
"1230320301231030321132211021112010202330101010112312220310311000", /* very complex glider */
"1230320301321030321132211021112010212121232212112312220310311000", /* nice cross hatching */
"2031122112031101123123233000321210301112010303203232213000311000", /* gliders among stills */
"2202003300010200010011010011020003033000032302002203110033010200", /* bin ctr */
"2313032202112320111221023212120203132000233322021310311101010030", /* diagonal growth on mesh */
"2332102112210200233210120311023110322213112123233132331213211212", /* gliderettes & latice */
"3000213323132331123302003213323113233123001033211332313233120000", /* symmetric rule */
"3003003203213211003203213211211303213211211311323211211311321320", /* Perry's blue background */
"3010213223113300321221011010123112301033010221203333211323110100", /* v. bars w/entanglement */
"3111213323132331123313113213323113233123220133211332313233121110", /* not purely symmetric */
"3112001202313030102330122003321023102122030102001210223122203020", /* slow & fast gliders */
"3130123232333201012202313210121032302200211020313130002001103210", /* crocodile skin */
"3230120202031130033311232111223012311113322032103210123012303210", /* y/o on b/g */
"3330333312110010333032222222001033303222121111110000322212110010", /* Fisch's rule */
"3332032303133100221122122213220022000212021022100200221203103020", /* slow glider */
"3333101022220101323201012323101033331010222201013232010123231010", /* reverse of rvble #22 */
"3333111122000022333311112200002233111133002222003311113300222200", /* reversible Rule 22 */
#define LCAU4RULES (sizeof lcau41_rules / sizeof lcau41_rules[0])
static void
drawcell(ModeInfo * mi, int col, int row, unsigned int state)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi);
life1dstruct *lp = &life1ds[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
GC gc = lp->backGC;
if (!state) {
XSetForeground(display, gc, lp->black);
XFillRectangle(display, window, gc,
lp->xb + lp->xs * col, lp->yb + lp->ys * row, lp->xs, lp->ys);
if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2)
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_PIXEL(mi, lp->colors[state - 1]));
if (lp->pixelmode || (MI_NPIXELS(mi) <= 2)) {
if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) <= 2) {
XGCValues gcv;
gcv.stipple = lp->pixmaps[state - 1];
gcv.foreground = MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi);
gcv.background = lp->black;
gcv.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
XChangeGC(display, lp->stippledGC,
GCStipple | GCFillStyle | GCForeground | GCBackground, &gcv);
XFillRectangle(display, window, lp->stippledGC,
lp->xb + lp->xs * col, lp->yb + lp->ys * row, lp->xs, lp->ys);
} else
XFillRectangle(display, window, gc,
lp->xb + lp->xs * col, lp->yb + lp->ys * row, lp->xs, lp->ys);
else {
(void) XPutImage(display, window, gc,
lp->logo, 0, 0, lp->xb + lp->xs * col, lp->yb + lp->ys * row,
lp->logo->width, lp->logo->height);
static void
RandomSoup(life1dstruct * lp, int n, int v)
int col;
v /= 2;
if (v < 1)
v = 1;
for (col = lp->ncols / 2 - v; col < lp->ncols / 2 + v; ++col)
if (NRAND(100) < n && col >= 0 && col < lp->ncols)
lp->newcells[col + lp->border] = (unsigned char) NRAND(lp->k - 1) + 1;
static long
power(int x, int n)
{ /* raise x to the nth power n >= 0 */
int i;
long p = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
p = p * x;
return p;
static void
GetRule(life1dstruct * lp, int i)
long sum_size, j;
if (totalistic) {
long code, pow_size;
lp->k = totalistic_rules[i][0];
lp->r = totalistic_rules[i][1];
sum_size = (lp->k - 1) * (lp->r * 2 + 1) + 1;
code = lp->code = totalistic_rules[i][2];
pow_size = power(lp->k, (int) (sum_size - 1)); /* Should be < max long */
for (j = 0; j < sum_size; j++) {
lp->nextstate[sum_size - 1 - j] = (char) (code / pow_size);
code -= ((long) lp->nextstate[sum_size - 1 - j]) * pow_size;
pow_size /= (long) lp->k;
} else {
lp->r = 1;
if (i < (int) LCAU2RULES) {
lp->k = 2;
sum_size = power(lp->k, 2 * lp->r + 1);
for (j = 0; j < sum_size; j++)
lp->nextstate[sum_size - 1 - j] = lcau21_rules[i][j] - '0';
} else if (i < LCAU2RULES + LCAU3RULES)
if (i < (int) LCAU3RULES)
lp->k = 3;
sum_size = power(lp->k, 2 * lp->r + 1);
for (j = 0; j < sum_size; j++)
lp->nextstate[sum_size - 1 - j] = lcau31_rules[i][j] - '0';
} else {
lp->k = 4;
sum_size = power(lp->k, 2 * lp->r + 1);
for (j = 0; j < sum_size; j++)
lp->nextstate[sum_size - 1 - j] = lcau41_rules[i][j] - '0';
static int
compare(ModeInfo * mi)
life1dstruct *lp = &life1ds[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
int row, col, tryagain = False;
unsigned char *initl, *cmpr;
/* The following sometimes does not detect when there
are multiple periodic life forms side by side. */
initl = lp->buffer + lp->row * lp->ncols;
for (row = lp->row - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
cmpr = lp->buffer + row * lp->ncols;
for (col = 0; col < lp->ncols; col++) {
tryagain = False;
if (*(initl + col) != *cmpr) {
tryagain = True;
if (!tryagain) {
return True;
/* This is not guaranteed but its twice as good as without. */
if (lp->previousBuffer) {
initl = lp->buffer + lp->row * lp->ncols;
for (row = lp->nrows - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
cmpr = lp->previousBuffer + row * lp->ncols;
for (col = 0; col < lp->ncols; col++) {
tryagain = False;
if (*(initl + col) != *cmpr) {
tryagain = True;
if (!tryagain) {
return True;
return False;
static Bool
init_stuff(ModeInfo * mi)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi);
life1dstruct *lp = &life1ds[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
if (lp->logo == None) {
getImage(mi, &lp->logo, CELL_WIDTH, CELL_HEIGHT, CELL_BITS,
#ifdef HAVE_XPM
&lp->graphics_format, &lp->cmap, &lp->black);
if (lp->logo == None) {
return False;
if (lp->cmap != None) {
setColormap(display, window, lp->cmap, MI_IS_INWINDOW(mi));
if (lp->backGC == None) {
XGCValues xgcv;
xgcv.background = lp->black;
if ((lp->backGC = XCreateGC(display, window, GCBackground,
&xgcv)) == None) {
return False;
} else
#endif /* STANDALONE */
lp->black = MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi);
lp->backGC = MI_GC(mi);
return True;
static void
free_stuff(Display * display, life1dstruct * lp)
if (lp->cmap != None) {
XFreeColormap(display, lp->cmap);
if (lp->backGC != None) {
XFreeGC(display, lp->backGC);
lp->backGC = None;
lp->cmap = None;
} else
lp->backGC = None;
static void
free_life1d(Display * display, life1dstruct * lp)
int shade;
if (lp->stippledGC != None) {
XFreeGC(display, lp->stippledGC);
lp->stippledGC = None;
if (lp->init_bits != 0) {
for (shade = 0; shade < MAXSTATES; shade++)
XFreePixmap(display, lp->pixmaps[shade]);
lp->init_bits = 0;
if (lp->newcells != NULL) {
lp->newcells = (unsigned char *) NULL;
if (lp->oldcells != NULL) {
lp->oldcells = (unsigned char *) NULL;
if (lp->buffer != NULL) {
lp->buffer = (unsigned char *) NULL;
if (lp->previousBuffer != NULL) {
lp->previousBuffer = (unsigned char *) NULL;
if (lp->nextstate != NULL) {
lp->nextstate = (char *) NULL;
free_stuff(display, lp);
if (lp->logo != None) {
destroyImage(&lp->logo, &lp->graphics_format);
lp->logo = None;
init_life1d(ModeInfo * mi)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi);
int size = MI_SIZE(mi);
int i;
life1dstruct *lp;
if (life1ds == NULL) {
if ((life1ds = (life1dstruct *) calloc(MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi),
sizeof (life1dstruct))) == NULL)
lp = &life1ds[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
if (!init_stuff(mi)) {
free_life1d(display, lp);
lp->screen_generation = 0;
lp->row = 0;
if (totalistic) {
maxstates = MAXSTATES;
maxradius = 4;
maxsum_size = (maxstates - 1) * (maxradius * 2 + 1) + 1;
} else {
maxstates = MAXSTATES - 1;
maxradius = 1;
maxsum_size = (int) power(maxstates, (2 * maxradius + 1));
if (lp->nextstate == NULL) {
if ((lp->nextstate = (char *) malloc(maxsum_size *
sizeof (char))) == NULL) {
free_life1d(display, lp);
if (lp->init_bits == 0) {
XGCValues gcv;
gcv.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled;
if ((lp->stippledGC = XCreateGC(display, window, GCFillStyle,
&gcv)) == None) {
free_life1d(display, lp);
for (i = 0; i < MAXSTATES - 1; i++) {
if (lp->newcells != NULL)
if (lp->oldcells != NULL)
if (lp->buffer != NULL)
if (lp->previousBuffer != NULL)
lp->previousBuffer = (unsigned char *) NULL;
lp->width = MI_WIDTH(mi);
lp->height = MI_HEIGHT(mi);
if (lp->width < 2)
lp->width = 2;
if (lp->height < 2)
lp->height = 2;
if (size == 0 ||
MINGRIDSIZE * size > lp->width || MINGRIDSIZE * size > lp->height) {
if (lp->width > MINGRIDSIZE * lp->logo->width &&
lp->height > MINGRIDSIZE * lp->logo->height) {
lp->pixelmode = False;
lp->xs = lp->logo->width;
lp->ys = lp->logo->height;
} else
int min = MIN(lp->width, lp->height) / (12 * MINGRIDSIZE);
int max = MIN(lp->width, lp->height) / (4 * MINGRIDSIZE);
lp->xs = lp->ys = MAX(MINSIZE, min + NRAND(max - min + 1));
lp->pixelmode = True;
} else {
lp->pixelmode = True;
if (size < -MINSIZE) {
lp->ys = NRAND(MIN(-size, MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(lp->width, lp->height) /
} else if (size < MINSIZE) {
lp->ys = MINSIZE;
} else {
lp->ys = MIN(size, MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(lp->width, lp->height) /
lp->xs = lp->ys;
lp->ncols = MAX(lp->width / lp->xs, 2);
lp->nrows = MAX(lp->height / lp->ys, 2);
lp->border = (lp->nrows / 2 + 1) * MI_CYCLES(mi);
if ((lp->newcells = (unsigned char *) calloc(lp->ncols + 2 * lp->border,
sizeof (unsigned char))) == NULL) {
free_life1d(display, lp);
if ((lp->oldcells = (unsigned char *) calloc(lp->ncols + 2 *
(maxradius + lp->border),
sizeof (unsigned char))) == NULL) {
free_life1d(display, lp);
if ((lp->buffer = (unsigned char *) calloc(lp->ncols * lp->nrows,
sizeof (unsigned char))) == NULL) {
free_life1d(display, lp);
lp->xb = (lp->width - lp->xs * lp->ncols) / 2;
lp->yb = (lp->height - lp->ys * lp->nrows) / 2;
GetRule(lp, (int) NRAND((totalistic) ? TOTALISTICRULES : LCAURULES));
if (MI_IS_VERBOSE(mi)) {
(void) fprintf(stdout, "colors %d, radius %d, code %ld, ",
lp->k, lp->r, lp->code);
if (totalistic) {
(void) fprintf(stdout, "totalistic rule ");
for (i = (lp->k - 1) * (lp->r * 2 + 1); i >= 0; i--)
(void) fprintf(stdout, "%d", (int) lp->nextstate[i]);
} else {
(void) fprintf(stdout, "LCAU rule ");
for (i = (int) power(lp->k, (lp->r * 2 + 1)); i >= 0; i--)
(void) fprintf(stdout, "%d", (int) lp->nextstate[i]);
(void) fprintf(stdout, "\n");
if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2)
for (i = 0; i < lp->k - 1; i++)
lp->colors[i] = (NRAND(MI_NPIXELS(mi)) + i * MI_NPIXELS(mi)) /
(lp->k - 1);
RandomSoup(lp, 40, 25);
(void) memcpy((char *) (lp->oldcells + maxradius + lp->border),
(char *) (lp->newcells + lp->border), lp->ncols);
lp->busyLoop = 0;
MI_CLEARWINDOWCOLORMAP(mi, lp->backGC, lp->black);
draw_life1d(ModeInfo * mi)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
int col;
life1dstruct *lp;
if (life1ds == NULL)
lp = &life1ds[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
if (lp->buffer == NULL)
MI_IS_DRAWN(mi) = True;
if (lp->busyLoop) {
if (lp->busyLoop >= 250)
lp->busyLoop = 0;
if (lp->row == 0) {
lp->repeating = 0;
if (lp->screen_generation > MI_CYCLES(mi))
if (!lp->previousBuffer && lp->screen_generation > 1) {
lp->previousBuffer = (unsigned char *) calloc(lp->ncols *
lp->nrows, sizeof (unsigned char));
if (lp->previousBuffer) {
(void) memcpy((char *) (lp->previousBuffer),
(char *) (lp->buffer), lp->nrows * lp->ncols);
for (col = 0; col < lp->ncols; col++)
if (lp->buffer[col] != lp->newcells[col + lp->border])
drawcell(mi, col, 0, lp->newcells[col + lp->border]);
(void) memcpy((char *) lp->buffer, (char *) (lp->newcells + lp->border),
} else {
for (col = 0; col < lp->ncols + 2 * lp->border; col++) {
int sum = 0, m;
if (totalistic) {
for (m = col - lp->r; m <= col + lp->r; m++)
sum += lp->oldcells[m + maxradius];
} else {
int pow_size = 1;
for (m = col + lp->r; m >= col - lp->r; m--) {
sum += lp->oldcells[m + maxradius] * pow_size;
pow_size *= lp->k;
lp->newcells[col] = (unsigned char) lp->nextstate[sum];
(void) memcpy((char *) (lp->oldcells + maxradius),
(char *) lp->newcells, lp->ncols + 2 * lp->border);
for (col = 0; col < lp->ncols; col++) {
if (lp->buffer[col + lp->row * lp->ncols] !=
lp->newcells[col + lp->border])
drawcell(mi, col, lp->row, lp->newcells[col + lp->border]);
(void) memcpy((char *) (lp->buffer + lp->row * lp->ncols),
(char *) (lp->newcells + lp->border), lp->ncols);
int temp = compare(mi);
if (temp)
lp->repeating += temp;
lp->repeating = 0;
lp->repeating += (lp->row == lp->nrows - 1) ?
(lp->nrows - 1) * compare(mi) : 0;
if (lp->repeating >= 1) {
XGCValues gcv;
gcv.stipple = lp->pixmaps[MAXSTATES - 1];
gcv.fill_style = FillStippled;
gcv.foreground = lp->black;
XChangeGC(MI_DISPLAY(mi), lp->stippledGC,
GCStipple | GCFillStyle | GCForeground, &gcv);
XFillRectangle(display, MI_WINDOW(mi), lp->stippledGC,
0, lp->yb + lp->ys * lp->row,
lp->width, lp->ys);
if (lp->repeating >= lp->nrows - 1) {
if (lp->row < lp->nrows) {
XSetForeground(display, lp->backGC, lp->black);
XFillRectangle(display, MI_WINDOW(mi), lp->backGC,
0, lp->yb + lp->ys * lp->row,
lp->width, lp->height - lp->ys * lp->row - lp->yb);
lp->screen_generation = MI_CYCLES(mi);
lp->row = lp->nrows;
if (lp->row >= lp->nrows) {
lp->busyLoop = 1;
lp->row = 0;
release_life1d(ModeInfo * mi)
if (life1ds != NULL) {
int screen;
for (screen = 0; screen < MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi); screen++)
free_life1d(MI_DISPLAY(mi), &life1ds[screen]);
life1ds = (life1dstruct *) NULL;
refresh_life1d(ModeInfo * mi)
int row, col, nrow;
life1dstruct *lp;
if (life1ds == NULL)
lp = &life1ds[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
if (lp->buffer == NULL)
#ifdef HAVE_XPM
if (lp->graphics_format >= IS_XPM) {
/* This is needed when another program changes the colormap. */
free_life1d(MI_DISPLAY(mi), lp);
for (row = 0; row < lp->nrows; row++) {
nrow = row * lp->ncols;
for (col = 0; col < lp->ncols; col++)
drawcell(mi, col, row, lp->buffer[col + nrow]);
#endif /* MODE_life1d */