2013-05-31 15:15:07 +00:00

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'\" t
.\" Title: xsetdevicebuttonmapping
.\" Author: [FIXME: author] [see http://docbook.sf.net/el/author]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.77.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
.\" Date: 03/09/2013
.\" Manual: \ \&
.\" Source: \ \&
.\" Language: English
.TH "XSETDEVICEBUTTONMAPP" "libmansuffix" "03/09/2013" "\ \&" "\ \&"
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.\" * Define some portability stuff
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.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
.\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673
.\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html
.\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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XSetDeviceButtonMapping, XGetDeviceButtonMapping \- query or change device button mappings
#include <X11/extensions/XInput\&.h>
int XSetDeviceButtonMapping( Display *display,
XDevice *device,
unsigned char map[],
int nmap);
int XGetDeviceButtonMapping( Display *display,
XDevice *device,
unsigned char map_return[],
int nmap);
Specifies the connection to the X server\&.
Specifies the device whose button mapping is to be
queried or changed\&.
Specifies the mapping list\&.
Returns the mapping list\&.
Specifies the number of items in the mapping list\&.
.if n \{\
.RS 4
The XSetDeviceButtonMapping request sets the mapping of the
specified device\&. If it succeeds, the X server generates a
DeviceMappingNotify event, and XSetDeviceButtonMapping returns
MappingSuccess\&. Element map[i] defines the logical button
number for the physical button i+1\&. The length of the list must
be the same as XGetDeviceButtonMapping would return, or a
BadValue error results\&. A zero element disables a button, and
elements are not restricted in value by the number of physical
buttons\&. However, no two elements can have the same nonzero
value, or a BadValue error results\&. If any of the buttons to be
altered are logically in the down state,
XSetDeviceButtonMapping returns MappingBusy, and the mapping is
not changed\&.
.if n \{\
.if n \{\
.RS 4
XSetDeviceButtonMapping can generate BadDevice, BadMatch, and
BadValue errors\&.
.if n \{\
.if n \{\
.RS 4
The XGetDeviceButtonMapping request returns the current mapping
of the specified device\&. Buttons are numbered starting from
one\&.XGetDeviceButtonMapping returns the number of physical
buttons actually on the device\&. The nominal mapping for a
device is map[i]=i+1\&. The nmap argument specifies the length of
the array where the device mapping is returned, and only the
first nmap elements are returned in map_return\&.
.if n \{\
.if n \{\
.RS 4
XGetDeviceButtonMapping can generate BadDevice or BadMatch
.if n \{\
.if n \{\
.RS 4
An invalid device was specified\&. The specified device
does not exist or has not been opened by this client via
XOpenInputDevice\&. This error may also occur if the
specified device is the X keyboard or X pointer device\&.
.if n \{\
.if n \{\
.RS 4
This error may occur if an XGetDeviceButtonMapping or
XSetDeviceButtonMapping request was made specifying a
device that has no buttons\&.
.if n \{\
.if n \{\
.RS 4
Some numeric value falls outside the range of values
accepted by the request\&. Unless a specific range is
specified for an argument, the full range defined by the
argument\*(Aqs type is accepted\&. Any argument defined as a
set of alternatives can generate this error\&.
.if n \{\
.if n \{\
.RS 4
XChangeDeviceKeyboardControl(libmansuffix), XChangeDeviceKeyMapping(libmansuffix),
.if n \{\