2006-11-29 16:49:19 +00:00

185 lines
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.\" $Xorg: Repeater,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:42:27 cpqbld Exp $
.NH 2
Repeater Widget
Repeater Widget
.IN "Repeater widget" "" "@DEF@"
.Ds 0
.TA 2.0i
.ta 2.0i
Application header file <X11/Xaw/Repeater.h>
.IN "Repeater.h" ""
Class header file <X11/Xaw/RepeaterP.h>
.IN "RepeaterP.h" ""
Class repeaterWidgetClass
.IN "repeaterWidgetClass" ""
Class Name Repeater
.IN "Repeater widget" "class name"
Superclass Command
The Repeater widget is a subclass of the Command widget; see the
Command documentation for details. The difference is that the Repeater can call its
registered callbacks repeatedly, at an increasing rate. The default translation
does so for the duration the user holds down pointer button 1 while the pointer
is on the Repeater.
.NH 3
When creating a Repeater widget instance, the following resources are
retrieved from the argument list or from the resource database:
.IN "Repeater widget" "resources"
lw(1i) lw(1i) lw(1i) lw(.5i) lw(2i).
.sp 3p
Name Class Type Notes Default Value
.sp 3p
.sp 3p
accelerators Accelerators AcceleratorTable NULL
ancestorSensitive AncestorSensitive Boolean D True
background Background Pixel XtDefaultBackground
backgroundPixmap Pixmap Pixmap XtUnspecifiedPixmap
bitmap Bitmap Pixmap None
borderColor BorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground
borderPixmap Pixmap Pixmap XtUnspecifiedPixmap
borderWidth BorderWidth Dimension 1
callback Callback XtCallbackList NULL
colormap Colormap Colormap Parent's Colormap
cornerRoundPercent CornerRoundPercent Dimension 25
cursor Cursor Cursor None
cursorName Cursor String NULL
decay Decay Int 5
depth Depth int C Parent's Depth
destroyCallback Callback XtCallbackList NULL
encoding Encoding UnsignedChar XawTextEncoding8bit
flash Boolean Boolean False
font Font XFontStruct XtDefaultFont
fontSet FontSet XFontSet XtDefaultFontSet
foreground Foreground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
height Height Dimension A graphic height + 2 * \fBinternalHeight\fP
highlightThickness Thickness Dimension A 2 (0 if Shaped)
initialDelay Delay Int 200
insensitiveBorder Insensitive Pixmap GreyPixmap
internalHeight Height Dimension 2
internalWidth Width Dimension 4
international International Boolean C False
justify Justify Justify XtJustifyCenter (center)
label Label String name of widget
leftBitmap LeftBitmap Bitmap None
mappedWhenManaged MappedWhenManaged Boolean True
minimumDelay MinimumDelay Int 10
pointerColor Foreground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
pointerColorBackground Background Pixel XtDefaultBackground
repeatDelay Delay Int 50
resize Resize Boolean True
screen Screen Pointer R Parent's Screen
sensitive Sensitive Boolean True
shapeStyle ShapeStyle ShapeStyle Rectangle
startCallback StartCallback Callback NULL
stopCallback StopCallback Callback NULL
translations Translations TranslationTable See below
width Width Dimension A graphic width + 2 * \fBinternalWidth\fP
x Position Position 0
y Position Position 0
.sp 3p
\" Resource Descriptions
.IP \fBdecay\fP 1.5i
The number of milliseconds that should be subtracted from each succeeding
interval while the Repeater button is being held down until the interval
has reached \fBminimumDelay\fP milliseconds.
.IP \fBflash\fP 1.5i
Whether or not to flash the Repeater button whenever the timer goes off.
.IP \fBinitialDelay\fP 1.5i
The number of milliseconds between the beginning of the Repeater button
being held down and the first invocation of the \fBcallback\fP function.
.IP \fBminimumDelay\fP 1.5i
The minimum time between callbacks in milliseconds.
.IP \fBrepeatDelay\fP 1.5i
The number of milliseconds between each callback after the first (minus an
increasing number of \fBdecay\fPs).
.IP \fBstartCallback\fP 1.5i
The list of functions to invoke by the \fBstart\fP action (typically
when the Repeater button is first pressed). The callback data parameter
is set to NULL.
.IP \fBstopCallback\fP 1.5i
The list of functions to invoke by the \fBstop\fP action (typically
when the Repeater button is released). The callback data parameter
is set to NULL.
.NH 3
Repeater Actions
.IN "Repeater widget" "actions"
The Repeater widget supports the following actions beyond those of the Command
.IP \fBstart\fP() 1.5i
This invokes the functions on the \fBstartCallback\fP and \fBcallback\fP lists
and sets a timer to go off in \fBinitialDelay\fP milliseconds. The timer
will cause the \fBcallback\fP functions to be invoked with increasing
frequency until the \fBstop\fP action occurs.
.IP \fBstop\fP() 1.5i
This invokes the functions on the \fBstopCallback\fP list and prevents any
further timers from occuring until the next \fBstart\fP action.
.IN "Repeater widget" "translation bindings"
The following are the default translation bindings used by the
Repeater widget:
.Ds 0
.TA .5i 2.25i
.ta .5i 2.25i
<EnterWindow>: highlight(\|)
<LeaveWindow>: unhighlight(\|)
<Btn1Down>: set(\|) start(\|)
<Btn1Up>: stop(\|) unset(\|)