669 lines
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669 lines
24 KiB
#!/usr/X11/bin/wish -f
#charles vidal 1998 <vidalc@club-intenet.fr>
# update Sun Oct 18 1998
# Add the menu file with load resources
# and the exit button
# Add the load_process procedure loading
# the ressource file ~/XLock
#function find in demo: mkStyles.tcl
# The procedure below inserts text into a given text widget and
# applies one or more tags to that text. The arguments are:
# w Window in which to insert
# text Text to insert (it's inserted at the "insert" mark)
# args One or more tags to apply to text. If this is empty
# then all tags are removed from the text.
set bgcolor ""
set fgcolor ""
set ftname ""
set mftname ""
set usernom ""
set passmot ""
set XLock_validate ""
set XLock_invalid ""
set XLock_program ""
set geometrie ""
set icogeometrie ""
set XLock_info ""
set indxhelp ""
set messagesfile ""
set messagefile ""
set bitmap ""
proc openfilesel { var } {
upvar $var toto
set toto [ tk_getOpenFile -parent .]
return toto
proc insertWithTags {w text args} {
set start [$w index insert]
$w insert insert $text
foreach tag [$w tag names $start] {
$w tag remove $tag $start insert
foreach i $args {
$w tag add $i $start insert
# Function for the help
proc mkHelpCheck { w args } {
set nbf 0
foreach i $args {
set nbf [ expr $nbf +1 ]
$w insert insert "\n"
checkbutton $w.c$nbf -variable [lindex $i 0] -text [lindex $i 0]
$w window create {end lineend} -window $w.c$nbf
$w insert insert " [lindex $i 1] "
proc mkHelpEntry { w args } {
set nbf 0
foreach i $args {
set nbf [ expr $nbf +1 ]
insertWithTags $w "\n [lindex $i 0] " underline
entry $w.e$nbf -textvariable [lindex $i 1]
$w window create {end lineend} -window $w.e$nbf
$w insert insert "\n[lindex $i 2] "
proc whichcolor { which } {
global fgcolor
global bgcolor
if {$which == "RESETFG"} {set fgcolor ""}
if {$which == "RESETBG"} {set bgcolor ""}
if ($tk_version>4) then {
if {$which== "FG" } {set fgcolor [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $fgcolor -title "foreground color"];
puts $fgcolor
if {$which == "BG"} {set bgcolor [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $bgcolor -title "background color"];
puts $bgcolor
} else
if {$which== "FG" } {set fgcolor [.color.frame.names get [.color.frame.names curselection]];}
if {$which == "BG"} {set bgcolor [.color.frame.names get [.color.frame.names curselection]];}
proc mkColor { what } {
if ($tk_version>4) then {
whichcolor $what; destroy .color
} else
toplevel .color
wm title .color "Color"
frame .color.frame -borderwidth 10
frame .color.frame2 -borderwidth 10
set w .color.frame
label $w.msg0 -text "Color Options"
pack $w.msg0 -side top
foreach i {/usr/local/lib/X11/rgb.txt /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt
/X11/R5/lib/X11/rgb.txt /X11/R4/lib/rgb/rgb.txt} {
if ![file readable $i] {
set f [open $i]
listbox .color.frame.names -yscrollcommand ".color.frame.scroll set" \
-relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -exportselection false
bind .color.frame.names <Double-1> {
.color.test configure -bg [.color.frame.names get [.color.frame.names curselection]]
scrollbar .color.frame.scroll -orient vertical -command ".color.frame.names yview" \
-relief sunken -borderwidth 2
pack .color.frame.names -side left
pack .color.frame.scroll -side right -fill both
pack .color.frame -fill x
while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {
if {[llength $line] == 4} {
.color.frame.names insert end [lindex $line 3]
close $f
label .color.test -height 5 -width 20
button .color.frame2.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy .color"
button .color.frame2.ok -text OK -command "whichcolor $what; destroy .color"
button .color.frame2.reset -text Reset -command "whichcolor RESET$what; destroy .color"
pack .color.test
pack .color.frame2.ok .color.frame2.cancel .color.frame2.reset -side left -fill x
pack .color.frame2 -fill both
# moving in text by the list
proc moveintext { indx } {
upvar indxhelp t1
.help.f.t yview [ lindex $t1 $indx ]
# Help ...
proc Helpxlock {} {
global indxhelp
toplevel .help
wm title .help "Help About Xlock"
frame .help.f
scrollbar .help.f.s -orient vertical -command {.help.f.t yview}
pack .help.f -expand yes -fill both
pack .help.f.s -side right -fill y -expand yes
text .help.f.t -yscrollcommand {.help.f.s set} -wrap word -width 60 -height 20 \
-setgrid 1
listbox .help.f.names -width 20 -height 20
bind .help.f.names <Double-1> {
set titi [eval .help.f.names curselection]
moveintext $titi
pack .help.f.names .help.f.t -expand y -fill both -side left
set w .help.f.t
$w tag configure big -font -Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*
foreach i {{"Xlock Help" { Locks the X server still the user enters their pass\
word at the keyboard. While xlock is running, all new\
server connections are refused. The screen saver is dis\
abled. The mouse cursor is turned off. The screen is\
blanked and a changing pattern is put on the screen. If a\
key or a mouse button is pressed then the user is prompted\
for the password of the user who started xlock.
If the correct password is typed, then the screen is\
unlocked and the X server is restored. When typing the\
password Control-U and Control-H are active as kill and\
erase respectively. To return to the locked screen, click\
in the small icon version of the changing pattern.} 0 }
{"Options" {The option sets the X11 display to lock.\
xlock locks all available screens on a given server,\
and restricts you to locking only a local server such\
as unix::00,, localhost::00,, or ::00 unless you set the\
-remote option.} 0 }\
{"-name" {is used instead of XLock when looking for resources to configure xlock.} 1 }
{"-mode" {As of this writing there are 100+ display modes supported (plus one more for random selection of one of the 100+).} 1 }
{"-delay" {It simply sets the number of microseconds to delay
between batches of animations. In blank mode, it is important to set this to
some small number of microseconds, because the keyboard and mouse are only checked after each delay, so you cannot set the delay too high, but a delay of
zero would needlessly consume cpu checking for mouse and keyboard input in a tight loop, since blank mode has no work to do.} 1 }
{"-saturation" {This option sets saturation of the color ramp . 0 is grayscale and 1 is very rich color. 0.4 is a nice pastel.} 1 }
{"-username" {text string to use for Name prompt} 1 }\
{"-password" {text string to use for Password prompt} 1 }\
{"-info" {text string to use for instructions} 1 }\
{"-validate" {the message shown while validating the password,
defaults to \"Validating login...\"} 1 }\
{"-invalid" {the message shown when password is invalid, defaults to \"Invalid login.\"} 1 }\
{"-geometry" {This option sets the size and offset of the lock
window (normally the entire screen). The entire screen format is still used for entering the password. The purpose is to see the screen even though it is locked. This should be used with caution since many of the modes will fail if the windows are far from square or are too small (size must be greater
than 0x0). This should also be used with esaver to protect screen from phosphor burn.} 1 }\
{"-icongeometry" {this option sets the size of the iconic screen (normally 64x64) seen when entering the password. This should be used with caution since many of the modes will fail if the windows are far from square
or are too small (size must be greater than 0x0). The greatest size is
256x256. There should be some limit so users could see who has locked the screen. Position information of icon is ignored.} 1 }
{"-font" { Ths option sets the font to be used on the prompt screen.} 1 }
{ "-fg " { This option sets the color of the text on the password screen.} 1 }
{"-bg" { This option sets the color of the background on the password screen.} 1 }
{"-forceLogout" { This option sets the auto-logout. This might not be enforced depending how your system is configured.} 1 }} {
lappend indxhelp [$w index current]
if { [lindex $i 2] == 1 } then {.help.f.names insert end " [lindex $i 0]"} else {.help.f.names insert end " [lindex $i 0]"}
insertWithTags $w "[lindex $i 0] " big
$w insert end "\n"
$w insert end [lindex $i 1]
$w insert end "\n"
lappend indxhelp [$w index current]
insertWithTags $w "Options boolean" big
$w insert end "\n"
.help.f.names insert end "Options boolean"
mkHelpCheck $w {XLock_mono {turn on/off monochrome override}}\
{nolock {trun on/off no password required mode}}\
{remote {turn on/off remote host access}}\
{allowroot {turn on/off allow root password mode (ignored)}}\
{enablesaver {turn on/off enable X server screen saver}}\
{allowaccess {turn on/off access of the terminal X}}\
{grabmouse {turn on/off grabbing of mouse and keyboard}}\
{echokeys {turn on/off echo \'?\' for each password key}}\
{usefirst {turn on/off using the first char typed in password}}\
{verbose {turn on/off verbose mode}}\
{inwindow {turn on/off making xlock run in a window}}\
{inroot {turn on/off making xlock run in the root window}}\
{timeelapsed {turn on/off clock}}\
{install {whether to use private colormap if needed (yes/no)}}\
{sound {whether to use sound if configured for it (yes/no}}\
{timeelapsed {turn on/off clock}}\
{usefirst {text string to use for Name prompt}}\
{trackmouse {turn on/off the mouse interaction}}
button .help.ok -text OK -command "destroy .help"
pack .help.ok
# Create toplevel Author and Maintainer.
proc mkAuthor {} {
toplevel .author
wm title .author "Author and Maintainer of xlock"
frame .author.frame -borderwidth 10
set w .author.frame
label $w.msg0 -text "Author and Maintainer of xlock"
label $w.msg1 -text "Maintained by: David A. Bagley (bagleyd@tux.org)"
label $w.msg2 -text "Original Author: Patrick J. Naughton (naughton@eng.sun.com)"
label $w.msg3 -text "Mailstop 21-14 Sun Microsystems Laboratories,"
label $w.msg4 -text "Inc. Mountain View, CA 94043 15//336-1080"
label $w.msg5 -text "with many additional contributors"
pack $w.msg0 $w.msg1 $w.msg2 $w.msg3 $w.msg4 $w.msg5 -side top
label $w.msg6 -text "xlock.tcl\n created by charles VIDAL\n (author of flag mode and xmlock launcher )"
pack $w.msg6 -side top
button .author.ok -text OK -command "destroy .author"
pack $w .author.ok
proc mkFileDialog { nom titre args } {
toplevel .$nom
wm title .$nom "$titre"
frame .$nom.frame -borderwidth 10
frame .$nom.frame2 -borderwidth 10
frame .$nom.frame.frame4 -borderwidth 10
set w .$nom.frame
set w2 .$nom.frame2
set w4 .$nom.frame.frame4
set nbf 0
label $w.msg0 -text "$titre"
pack $w.msg0 -side top
foreach i $args {
set nbf [ expr $nbf +1 ]
frame $w4.f$nbf
label $w4.f$nbf.l$nbf -text [lindex $i 0]
entry $w4.f$nbf.e$nbf -textvariable [lindex $i 1]
button $w4.f$nbf.b$nbf -text "..." -command "openfilesel [lindex $i 1]"
pack $w4.f$nbf.l$nbf $w4.f$nbf.e$nbf $w4.f$nbf.b$nbf -side left -expand yes
pack $w4.f$nbf -expand yes
button $w2.ok -text OK -command "destroy .$nom"
button $w2.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy .$nom"
pack $w -side top -expand yes
pack $w4 -side right -expand yes
pack $w2.ok $w2.cancel -side left -fill x -expand yes
pack $w2 -side bottom -expand yes
proc mkDialog { nom titre args } {
toplevel .$nom
wm title .$nom "$titre"
frame .$nom.frame -borderwidth 10
frame .$nom.frame2 -borderwidth 10
frame .$nom.frame.frame3 -borderwidth 10
frame .$nom.frame.frame4 -borderwidth 10
set w .$nom.frame
set w2 .$nom.frame2
set w3 .$nom.frame.frame3
set w4 .$nom.frame.frame4
set nbf 0
label $w.msg0 -text "$titre"
pack $w.msg0 -side top
foreach i $args {
set nbf [ expr $nbf +1 ]
label $w3.l$nbf -text [lindex $i 0]
entry $w4.e$nbf -textvariable [lindex $i 1]
pack $w3.l$nbf
pack $w4.e$nbf
button $w2.ok -text OK -command "destroy .$nom"
button $w2.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy .$nom"
pack $w -side top
pack $w3 -side left
pack $w4 -side right
pack $w2.ok $w2.cancel -side left -fill x
pack $w2 -side bottom
proc mkMessage {} {
global passmot
global XLock_validate
global XLock_invalid
global XLock_info
mkDialog message {Message Options} \
{"message password" passmot} \
{"validate string" XLock_validate} \
{"invalid string" XLock_invalid} \
{"info string" XLock_info}
proc mkGeometry {} {
global geometrie
global icogeometrie
mkDialog geometry {Geometry Options} \
{"geometry" geometrie} \
{"icon geometry" icogeometrie}
proc mkFileOption {} {
global messagesfile
global messagefile
global bitmap
mkFileDialog fileoption {Files Options} \
{"messagesfile" messagesfile} \
{"messagefile" messagefile} \
{"bitmap" bitmap}
proc whichfont { which } {
global ftname
global mftname
if {$which== "FONT" } {set ftname [.font.frame.names get [.font.frame.names curselection]];}
if {$which == "MFONT"} {set mftname [.font.frame.names get [.font.frame.names curselection]];}
if {$which == "RESETFONT"} {set ftname ""}
if {$which == "RESETMFONT"} {set mftname ""}
#this function should be erase in the newer version...
proc mkFont { What } {
toplevel .font
wm title .font "Font Options"
label .font.label -text "ABCDEFGH\nIJKabedfg\nhijkmnopq"
frame .font.frame -borderwidth 10
frame .font.frame2 -borderwidth 10
set w .font.frame
label $w.msg0 -text "Font Options"
pack $w.msg0 -side top
eval exec "xlsfonts \> /tmp/xlsfont.tmp"
set f [open "/tmp/xlsfont.tmp"]
listbox .font.frame.names -yscrollcommand ".font.frame.scroll set" \
-xscrollcommand ".font.scroll2 set" -setgrid 1 \
-exportselection false
bind .font.frame.names <Double-1> {
.font.test configure -font [.font.frame.names get [.font.frame.names curselection]]
scrollbar .font.frame.scroll -orient vertical -command ".font.frame.names yview" \
-relief sunken -borderwidth 2
scrollbar .font.scroll2 -orient horizontal -command ".font.frame.names xview" \
-relief sunken -borderwidth 2
while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {
.font.frame.names insert end $line
close $f
eval exec "/bin/rm -f /tmp/xlsfont.tmp"
pack .font.frame.names -side left -expand y -fill both
pack .font.frame.scroll -side right -fill both
pack .font.frame -fill x
pack .font.scroll2 -fill both
label .font.test -text "ABCDEFGHIJKabedfghijkmnopq12345"
pack .font.test
button .font.frame2.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy .font"
button .font.frame2.reset -text Reset -command "whichfont RESET$What;destroy .font"
button .font.frame2.ok -text OK -command "whichfont $What;destroy .font"
pack .font.frame2.ok .font.frame2.cancel .font.frame2.reset -side left -fill both
pack .font.frame2 -fill both
#frame $w.fontname
#label $w.fontname.l1 -text "font name"
#entry $w.fontname.e1 -relief sunken
#frame $w.specfont
#label $w.specfont.l2 -text "specifique font name"
#entry $w.specfont.e2 -relief sunken
#pack $w.fontname $w.specfont
#pack $w.fontname.l1 -side left
#pack $w.specfont.l2 -side left
#pack $w.fontname.e1 $w.specfont.e2 -side top -pady 5 -fill x
#button .font.frame2.ok -text OK -command "destroy .font"
#button .font.frame2.cancel -text Cancel -command "destroy .font"
#pack $w .font.frame2.ok .font.frame2.cancel -side left -fill x
#pack .font.frame2 -side bottom
proc mkEntry {} {
global usernom
global XLock_program
mkDialog option {User Options} \
{"user name" usernom} \
{"program name" XLock_program}
proc Affopts { device } {
#options booleans
global XLock_mono
global nolock
global remote
global allowroot
global enablesaver
global allowaccess
global grabmouse
global echokeys
global usefirst
global install
global sound
global timeelapsed
global usefirst
global wireframe
global showfps
global use3d
global trackmouse
global fgcolor
global bgcolor
global ftname
global mftname
global usernom
global passmot
global XLock_validate
global XLock_invalid
global XLock_program
global geometrie
global icogeometrie
global XLock_info
global messagesfile
global messagefile
global bitmap
set linecommand "xlock "
if {$device == 1} {append linecommand "-inwindow "} elseif {$device == 2} {append linecommand "-inroot "}
if {$bgcolor!=""} {append linecommand "-bg $bgcolor "}
if {$fgcolor!=""} {append linecommand "-fg $fgcolor "}
if {$ftname!=""} {append linecommand "-font $ftname "}
if {$mftname!=""} {append linecommand "-messagefont $mftname "}
#entry action
if {$usernom!=""} {append linecommand "-username $usernom "}
if {$passmot!=""} {append linecommand "-password $passmot "}
if {$XLock_validate!=""} {append linecommand "-validate $XLock_validate "}
if {$XLock_invalid!=""} {append linecommand "-invalid $XLock_invalid "}
if {$XLock_program!=""} {append linecommand "-program $XLock_program "}
if {$geometrie!=""} {append linecommand "-geometry $geometrie "}
if {$icogeometrie!=""} {append linecommand "-icongeometry $icogeometrie "}
if {$messagesfile!=""} {append linecommand "-messagesfile $messagesfile "}
if {$bitmap!=""} {append linecommand "-bitmap $bitmap "}
if {$icogeometrie!=""} {append linecommand "-icongeometry $icogeometrie "}
if {$XLock_info!=""} {append linecommand "-info $XLock_info "}
#check actions
if { $XLock_mono == 1 } {append linecommand "-mono "}
if { $install == 1 } {append linecommand "-install "}
if { $sound == 1 } {append linecommand "-sound "}
if { $timeelapsed == 1 } {append linecommand "-timeelapsed "}
if { $usefirst == 1 } {append linecommand "-usefirst "}
if { $wireframe == 1 } {append linecommand "-wireframe "}
if { $showfps == 1 } {append linecommand "-showfps "}
if { $use3d == 1 } {append linecommand "-use3d "}
if { $trackmouse == 1 } {append linecommand "-trackmouse "}
if { $nolock == 1 } {append linecommand "-nolock "}
if { $remote == 1 } {append linecommand "-remote "}
if { $allowroot == 1 } {append linecommand "-allowroot "}
if { $enablesaver == 1 } {append linecommand "-enablesaver "}
if { $allowaccess == 1 } {append linecommand "-allowaccess "}
if { $grabmouse == 1 } {append linecommand "-grabmouse "}
if { $echokeys == 1 } {append linecommand "-echokeys "}
if { $usefirst == 1 } {append linecommand "-usefirst "}
append linecommand "-mode "
append linecommand [.listscrol.list get [eval .listscrol.list curselection]]
puts $linecommand
eval exec $linecommand
proc load_ressource { } {
global XLock_invalid
global XLock_validate
global XLock_info
global XLock_program
set filename ""
openfilesel filename
set f [ open $filename r ]
while { ! [eof $f ] } {
gets $f line
switch -regexp $line {
{^XLock\.[a-zA-Z]+:} {
if { [ regexp -nocase {\: $} tyty ]} {
regsub {^} $line "set " line2
regsub {XLock\.} $line2 "XLock_" line3
regsub {: } $line3 " \"" line4
regsub {on$} $line4 "1" line5
regsub {off$} $line4 "0" line5
eval "$line5\""
{^XLock\.[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]+:[ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+$} {
regsub {^} $line "set " line2
regsub {XLock\.} $line2 "XLock_" line3
regsub {\.} $line3 "(" line4
regsub {: } $line4 ") \"" line5
eval "$line5\""
# Creation of GUI
wm title . "xlock launcher"
. configure -cursor top_left_arrow
frame .menu -relief raised -borderwidth 1
menubutton .menu.button -text "switches" -menu .menu.button.check
pack .menu -side top -fill x
global XLock_mono
global sound
global install
global nolock
global remote
global allowroot
global enablesaver
global allowaccess
global grabmouse
global echokeys
global usefirst
global usernom
global passmot
global geometrie
global icogeometrie
global XLock_info
# Creation of GUI
#Creation of menu
set fileressource ""
menubutton .menu.buttonf -text "file" -menu .menu.buttonf.file
menu .menu.buttonf.file
set FILE .menu.buttonf.file
$FILE add command -label "Load ressource" -command "load_ressource"
$FILE add command -label "exit" -command "exit"
menu .menu.button.check
set CHECK .menu.button.check
#menu with les check buttons
$CHECK add check -label "mono" -variable XLock_mono
$CHECK add check -label "nolock" -variable nolock
$CHECK add check -label "remote" -variable remote
$CHECK add check -label "allowroot" -variable allowroot
$CHECK add check -label "enablesaver" -variable enablesaver
$CHECK add check -label "allowaccess" -variable allowaccess
$CHECK add check -label "grabmouse" -variable grabmouse
$CHECK add check -label "echokeys" -variable echokeys
$CHECK add check -label "usefirst" -variable usefirst
$CHECK add check -label "install" -variable install
$CHECK add check -label "sound" -variable sound
$CHECK add check -label "timeelapsed" -variable timeelapsed
$CHECK add check -label "usefirst" -variable usefirst
$CHECK add check -label "wireframe" -variable wireframe
$CHECK add check -label "showfps" -variable showfps
$CHECK add check -label "use3d" -variable use3d
$CHECK add check -label "trackmouse" -variable trackmouse
menubutton .menu.button2 -text "options" -menu .menu.button2.options
menu .menu.button2.options
set OPTIONS .menu.button2.options
#les options
$OPTIONS add command -label "generals options" -command "mkEntry"
$OPTIONS add command -label "font to use for password prompt" -command "mkFont FONT"
$OPTIONS add command -label "font for a specific mode" -command "mkFont MFONT"
$OPTIONS add command -label "geometry options" -command "mkGeometry"
$OPTIONS add command -label "file options" -command "mkFileOption"
$OPTIONS add command -label "message options" -command "mkMessage"
menubutton .menu.button4 -text "color" -menu .menu.button4.color
menu .menu.button4.color
set COLOR .menu.button4.color
#if {$tk_version < 4} then {
#$COLOR add command -label "foreground options for password" -command "mkColor FG"
#$COLOR add command -label "background options for password" -command "mkColor BG"
#else {
$COLOR add command -label "foreground options for password" -command "tk_chooseColor"
$COLOR add command -label "background options for password" -command "tk_chooseColor"
menubutton .menu.button3 -text "help" -menu .menu.button3.help
menu .menu.button3.help
set HELP .menu.button3.help
$HELP add command -label "about xlock" -command "Helpxlock"
$HELP add command -label "about author" -command "mkAuthor"
pack .menu.buttonf .menu.button .menu.button2 .menu.button4 -side left
pack .menu.button3 -side right
#creation de la liste
frame .listscrol -borderwidth 4 -relief ridge
set LISTSCROL .listscrol
scrollbar $LISTSCROL.scroll -relief sunken -command "$LISTSCROL.list yview"
listbox $LISTSCROL.list -yscroll "$LISTSCROL.scroll set"
#insert all modes in list
$LISTSCROL.list insert 0 \
pack $LISTSCROL.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $LISTSCROL.list -side left -expand yes -fill both
pack $LISTSCROL -fill both -expand yes
frame .buttons -borderwidth 4 -relief ridge
set BUTTON .buttons
button $BUTTON.launch -text "Launch" -command "Affopts 0"
button $BUTTON.launchinW -text "Launch in Window" -command "Affopts 1"
button $BUTTON.launchinR -text "Launch in Root" -command "Affopts 2"
button $BUTTON.quit -text Quit -command "exit"
pack $BUTTON.launch $BUTTON.launchinW $BUTTON.launchinR -side left
pack $BUTTON.quit -side right
pack $BUTTON -fill x -side bottom