AMD Geode GX and LX Xorg graphics Driver
May 9, 2007
= Introduction =
This is the X graphics driver for the AMD Geode GX and LX processors.
The GX driver features XAA and EXA support for graphics acceleration,
and the LX driver supports EXA (including compositing). Both drivers
suppport dynamic rotation with XRandR, and Xv overlay support.
= Configuration options =
You can specify the Geode driver in the normal fashion:
Section "Device"
Identifier "AMD Geode"
Driver "geode"
Option "blah" "blah"
The following options may be added to the section:
== GX ==
SWCursor: Enable software cursors (essentially disabling HW cursor support)
NoCompression: Disable video bandwidth compression
NoAccel: Disable hardware assisted acceleration
AccelMethod: "EXA" (default) or "XAA"
Rotate: Select a orientation to start with - LEFT, INVERT, CCW
NoPanel: Disable panel support
OSMImageBuffers: Set the number of image buffers (XAA only)
OSMColorExpBuffers: Set the number of color expansion buffers (XAA only)
FBSize: Specify the size of the video space (in bytes)
PanelGeometry: Specify the geometry of the attached panel ("<width>x<height>")
== LX ==
SWCursor: Enable software cursors (essentially disabling HW cursor support)
NoCompression: Disable video bandwidth compression
NoAccel: Disable hardware assisted acceleration
Rotate: Select a orientation to start with - LEFT, INVERT, CCW
NoPanel: Disable panel support
ExaScratch: Specify the amount of extra EXA scratch buffer (in bytes)
FBSize: Specify the size of the video space (in bytes)
PanelGeometry: Specify the geometry of the attached panel ("<width>x<height>")