2007-08-25 18:53:27 +00:00

321 lines
8.6 KiB

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Author: Thomas E. Dickey
# $XTermId: gen-pc-fkeys.pl,v 1.16 2007/06/10 23:36:09 tom Exp $
# Construct a list of function-key definitions corresponding to xterm's
# Sun/PC keyboard. This uses infocmp to obtain the strings to modify (and
# verify).
use strict;
my($max_modifier, $terminfo);
my(@old_fkeys, $opt_fkeys, $min_fkeys, $max_fkeys);
my(%old_ckeys, $opt_ckeys, $min_ckeys, $max_ckeys);
my(%old_ekeys, $opt_ekeys, $min_ekeys, $max_ekeys);
@ckey_names = (
'kcud1', 'kcub1', 'kcuf1', 'kcuu1', # 1 = no modifiers
'kDN', 'kLFT', 'kRIT', 'kUP', # 2 = shift
# repeat the second row with the modifier code appended to each name
'kDN3', 'kLFT3', 'kRIT3', 'kUP3', # 3 = alt
'kDN4', 'kLFT4', 'kRIT4', 'kUP4', # 4 = shift + alt
'kDN5', 'kLFT5', 'kRIT5', 'kUP5', # 5 = control
'kDN6', 'kLFT6', 'kRIT6', 'kUP6', # 6 = shift + control
'kDN7', 'kLFT7', 'kRIT7', 'kUP7', # 7 = alt + control
@ckey_known = (
'kind', 'kLFT', 'kRIT', 'kri', # 2 = shift (standard)
@ekey_names = (
# 'khome', 'kend', 'knp', 'kpp', 'kdch1', 'kich1', # 1 = no modifiers
# 'kHOM', 'kEND', 'kNXT', 'kPRV', 'kDC', 'kIC', # 2 = shift
'khome', 'kend', # 1 = no modifiers
'kHOM', 'kEND', # 2 = shift
my %ekey_names;
$min_fkeys=12; # the number of "real" function keys on your keyboard
$max_fkeys=64; # the number of function-keys terminfo can support
$max_modifier=8; # modifier 1 + (1=shift, 2=alt, 4=control 8=meta)
$min_ckeys=4; # the number of "real" cursor keys on your keyboard
$max_ckeys=($min_ckeys * $max_modifier);
$min_ekeys=2; # the number of "real" editing keys on your keyboard
$max_ekeys=($min_ekeys * $max_modifier);
$opt_ckeys=2; # xterm's modifyCursorKeys resource
$opt_ekeys=2; # xterm's modifyCursorKeys resource
$opt_fkeys=2; # xterm's modifyFunctionKeys resource
$terminfo="xterm-new"; # the terminfo entry to use
# apply the given modifier to the terminfo string, return the result
sub modify_fkey($$$) {
my $code = $_[0];
my $text = $_[1];
my $opts = $_[2];
if (not defined($text)) {
$text = "";
} elsif ($code != 1) {
$text =~ s/\\EO/\\E\[/ if ($opts >= 1);
my $piece = substr $text, 0, length ($text) - 1;
my $final = substr $text, length ($text) - 1;
my $check = substr $piece, length ($piece) - 1;
if ($check =~ /[0-9]/) {
$code = ";" . $code;
} elsif ( $check =~ /\[/ and $opts >= 2) {
$code = "1;" . $code;
if ( $opts >= 3 ) {
$code = ">" . $code;
$text = $piece . $code . $final;
$text =~ s/([\d;]+)>/>$1/;
return $text;
# compute the next modifier value -
# Cycling through the modifiers is not just like counting. Users prefer
# pressing one modifier (even if using Emacs). So first we cycle through
# the individual modifiers, then for completeness two, three, etc.
sub next_modifier {
my $code = $_[0];
my $mask = $code - 1;
if ($mask == 0) {
$mask = 1; # shift
} elsif ($mask == 1) {
$mask = 4; # control
} elsif ($mask == 2) {
$mask = 3; # shift+alt
} elsif ($mask == 4) {
$mask = 5; # shift+control
} elsif ($mask == 5) {
$mask = 2; # alt
# printf ("# next_modifier(%d) = %d\n", $code, $mask + 1);
return $mask + 1;
sub make_ekey_names() {
my ($j, $k);
my $min = $min_ekeys * 2;
my $max = $max_ekeys - 1;
# printf "# make_ekey_names\n";
for $j ($min..$max) {
$k = substr($j / $min_ekeys, 0, 1);
$ekey_names[$j] = $ekey_names[$min_ekeys + ($j % $min_ekeys)] . $k;
# printf "# make %d:%s\n", $j, $ekey_names[$j];
for $j (0..$#ekey_names) {
# printf "# %d:%s\n", $j, $ekey_names[$j];
$ekey_names{$ekey_names[$j]} = $j;
# Read the terminfo entry's list of function keys $old_fkeys[].
# We could handle $old_fkeys[0], but choose to start numbering from 1.
sub readterm($) {
my $term = $_[0];
my($key, $n, $str);
my(@list) = `infocmp -1 $term`;
for $n (0..$#list) {
chop $list[$n];
$list[$n] =~ s/^[[:space:]]//;
$key = $list[$n];
$key =~ s/=.*//;
$str = $list[$n];
$str =~ s/^[^=]+=//;
$str =~ s/,$//;
if ( $list[$n] =~ /^kf[[:digit:]]+=/ ) {
$key =~ s/^kf//;
# printf "# $n:%s(%d)(%s)\n", $list[$n], $key, $str;
$old_fkeys[$key] = $str;
} elsif ( $key =~ /^kc[[:alpha:]]+1/
or $key =~ /^k(LFT|RIT|UP|DN)\d?/) {
# printf "# $n:%s(%d)(%s)\n", $list[$n], $key, $str;
$old_ckeys{$key} = $str;
} elsif ( defined $ekey_names{$key} ) {
# printf "# $n:%s(%s)(%s)\n", $list[$n], $key, $str;
$old_ekeys{$key} = $str;
# printf ("last index:%d\n", $#old_fkeys);
# read the whole terminfo to ensure we get the non-modified stuff, then read
# the part that contains modifiers.
sub read_part($) {
my $part = $_[0];
%old_ckeys = ();
@old_fkeys = ();
sub nameof_ckeys($) {
my $opts = $_[0];
my $optname = "xterm+pcc" . ($opts >= 0 ? $opts : "n");
return $optname;
sub generate_ckeys($) {
my $opts = $_[0];
my($modifier, $cur_ckey, $index);
printf "%s|fragment with modifyCursorKeys:%s,\n",
nameof_ckeys($opts), $opts;
# show the standard cursor definitions
$modifier = 1;
for ($index = 0; $index < $min_ckeys; ++$index) {
$cur_ckey = $index + ($modifier * $min_ckeys);
my $name = $ckey_known[$index];
my $input = $old_ckeys{$ckey_names[$index]};
my $result = modify_fkey($modifier + 1, $input, $opts);
printf "\t%s=%s,\n", $name, $result;
if (defined $old_ckeys{$name}) {
if ($old_ckeys{$name} ne $result) {
printf "# found %s=%s\n", $name, $old_ckeys{$name};
# show the extended cursor definitions
for ($index = 0; $index < $min_ckeys; ++$index) {
for ($modifier = 1; $modifier < $max_modifier; ++$modifier) {
$cur_ckey = $index + ($modifier * $min_ckeys);
if (defined $ckey_names[$cur_ckey] and
$ckey_names[$cur_ckey] ne "kLFT" and
$ckey_names[$cur_ckey] ne "kRIT" ) {
my $name = $ckey_names[$cur_ckey];
my $input = $old_ckeys{$ckey_names[$index]};
my $result = modify_fkey($modifier + 1, $input, $opts);
printf "\t%s=%s,\n", $name, $result;
if (defined $old_ckeys{$name}) {
if ($old_ckeys{$name} ne $result) {
printf "# found %s=%s\n", $name, $old_ckeys{$name};
sub nameof_ekeys($) {
my $opts = $_[0];
my $optname = "xterm+pce" . ($opts >= 0 ? $opts : "n");
return $optname;
sub generate_ekeys($) {
my $opts = $_[0];
my($modifier, $cur_ekey, $index);
printf "%s|fragment with modifyCursorKeys:%s,\n",
nameof_ekeys($opts), $opts;
for ($index = 0; $index < $min_ekeys; ++$index) {
for ($modifier = 1; $modifier < $max_modifier; ++$modifier) {
$cur_ekey = $index + ($modifier * $min_ekeys);
if (defined $ekey_names[$cur_ekey] ) {
my $name = $ekey_names[$cur_ekey];
my $input = $old_ekeys{$ekey_names[$index]};
my $result = modify_fkey($modifier + 1, $input, $opts);
printf "\t%s=%s,\n", $name, $result;
if (defined $old_ekeys{$name}) {
if ($old_ekeys{$name} ne $result) {
printf "# found %s=%s\n", $name, $old_ekeys{$name};
sub nameof_fkeys($) {
my $opts = $_[0];
my $optname = "xterm+pcf" . ($opts >= 0 ? $opts : "n");
return $optname;
sub generate_fkeys($) {
my $opts = $_[0];
my($modifier, $cur_fkey);
printf "%s|fragment with modifyFunctionKeys:%s and ctrlFKeys:10,\n",
nameof_fkeys($opts), $opts;
for ($cur_fkey = 1, $modifier = 1; $cur_fkey < $max_fkeys; ++$cur_fkey) {
my $index = (($cur_fkey - 1) % $min_fkeys);
if ($index == 0 && $cur_fkey != 1) {
$modifier = next_modifier($modifier);
if (defined $old_fkeys[$index + 1]) {
my $input = $old_fkeys[$index + 1];
my $result = modify_fkey($modifier, $input, $opts);
printf "\tkf%d=%s,\n", $cur_fkey, $result;
if (defined $old_fkeys[$cur_fkey]) {
if ($old_fkeys[$cur_fkey] ne $result) {
printf "# found kf%d=%s\n", $cur_fkey, $old_fkeys[$cur_fkey];
sub show_default() {
printf "xterm+pcfkeys|fragment for PC-style keys,\n";
printf "\tuse=%s,\n", nameof_ckeys($opt_ckeys);
printf "\tuse=%s,\n", nameof_ekeys($opt_ekeys);
printf "\tuse=%s,\n", nameof_fkeys($opt_fkeys);
sub show_nondefault()
my $opts;
for ($opts = 0; $opts <= 3; ++$opts) {
if ($opts != $opt_ckeys) {
for ($opts = 0; $opts <= 3; ++$opts) {
if ($opts != $opt_ekeys) {
for ($opts = 0; $opts <= 3; ++$opts) {
if ($opts != $opt_fkeys) {
printf "# gen-pc-fkeys.pl\n";