2009-10-31 18:54:56 +00:00

78 lines
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.TH XvPutImage __libmansuffix__ __vendorversion__ "libXv Functions"
XvPutImage, XvShmPutImage \- display an XvImage
.B #include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h>
.BI "int XvPutImage (Display *" dpy ", XvPortID " port ","
.BI " Drawable " d ", GC " gc ", XvImage *" image ","
.BI " int " src_x ", int " src_y ","
.BI " unsigned int " src_w ", unsigned int " src_h ","
.BI " int " dest_x ", int " dest_y ","
.BI " unsigned int " dest_w ", unsigned int " dest_h ");"
.BI "int XvShmPutImage (Display *" dpy ", XvPortID " port ","
.BI " Drawable " d ", GC " gc ", XvImage *" image ","
.BI " int " src_x ", int " src_y ","
.BI " unsigned int " src_w ", unsigned int " src_h ","
.BI " int " dest_x ", int " dest_y ","
.BI " unsigned int " dest_w ", unsigned int " dest_h ","
.BI " Bool " send_event ");"
.IP \fIdpy\fR 8
Specifies the connection to the X server.
.IP \fIport\fR 8
The port id of a port on an XvImage capable adaptor.
.IP \fId - The target drawable.
.IP \fIgc\fR 8
the graphics context specifying the clip mask to use, if any.
.IP \fIimage\fR 8
A pointer to the XvImage to be displayed.
.IP \fIsrc_?\fR 8
The portion of the XvImage to be displayed.
.IP \fIdest_?\fR 8
The portion of the destination drawable to be filled by the image.
.IP \fIsend_event\fR 8
Indicates whether or not an XShmCompletionEvent should be sent. If
sent, the event's major_code and minor_code fields will indicate the
Xv extension's major code and XvShmPutImage's minor code.
.BR XvPutImage (__libmansuffix__)
is similar to
.BR XPutImage (__libmansuffix__).
.BR XvShmPutImage (__libmansuffix__)
is similar to
.BR XShmPutImage (__libmansuffix__).
The library will allocate the XvImage structure and fill out all
fields except for \fIdata\fR. \fIWidth\fR and \fIheight\fR may be
enlarged in some YUV formats. The size of the data buffer that needs
to be allocated will be given in the \fIdata_size\fR field in the XvImage.
Image data is not allocated by this function. The client may pass a pointer
to the preallocated memory as \fIdata\fR or may allocate the memory and fill in
the XvImage structure's data field after the \fIdata_size\fR field has
been filled out by the server. The XvImage structure may be freed by
.BR XFree (__libmansuffix__).
.IP [XvBadPort] 8
Generated if the requested port does not exist.
.IP [XvBadAlloc] 8
Generated if the X server was unable to allocate resources required
to complete the operation.
.IP [BadMatch] 8
Generated if incompatible arguments were supplied, such as a port that
isn't capable of displaying XvImages.
.IP [BadShmSegCode] 8
Generated if an invalid shared memory segment is specified.
.BR XvListImageFormats (__libmansuffix__),
.BR XvCreateImage (__libmansuffix__),
.BR XvShmCreateImage (__libmansuffix__)
.BR XPutImage (__libmansuffix__),
.BR XShmPutImage (__libmansuffix__)