2006-11-26 17:54:05 +00:00

288 lines
8.2 KiB

### .dtprofile
### user personal environment variables
### Common Desktop Environment (CDE)
### (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company
### (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 International Business Machines Corp.
### (c) Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
### (c) Copyright 1993, 1994 Novell, Inc.
### $Revision: 1.2 $
### Your $HOME/.dtprofile is read each time you login to the Common Desktop
### Environment (CDE) and is the place to set or override desktop
### environment variables for your session. Environment variables set in
### $HOME/.dtprofile are made available to all applications on the desktop.
### The desktop will accept either sh or ksh syntax for the commands in
### $HOME/.dtprofile.
### Random stdout and stderr output from apps started by Session Mgr or
### by actions via front panel or workspace menu can be directed into
### the user's $HOME/.dt/sessionlogs directory. By default this output
### is not recorded. Instead it is sent off to /dev/null (Unix's "nothing"
### device).
### If this random application output is wanted (usually only wanted for
### debugging purposes), commenting out following "dtstart_sessionlogfile"
### lines will send output to your $HOME/.dt/sessionlogs directory.
### Alternatively, can change "/dev/null" to "/dev/console" to see this
### debugging output on your console device. Can start a console via the
### Workspace programs menu or via Application Mgr's Desktop Tools
### "Terminal Console" icon.
export dtstart_sessionlogfile="/dev/null"
### By default, the desktop does not read your standard $HOME/.profile
### or $HOME/.login files. This can be changed by uncommenting the
### DTSOURCEPROFILE variable assignment at the end of this file. The
### desktop reads .profile if your $SHELL is "sh" or "ksh", or .login
### if your $SHELL is "csh".
### The desktop reads the .dtprofile and .profile/.login without an
### associated terminal emulator such as xterm or dtterm. This means
### there is no available command line for interaction with the user.
### This being the case, these scripts must avoid using commands that
### depend on having an associated terminal emulator or that interact
### with the user. Any messages printed in these scripts will not be
### seen when you log in and any prompts such as by the 'read' command
### will return an empty string to the script. Commands that set a
### terminal state, such as "tset" or "stty" should be avoided.
### With minor editing, it is possible to adapt your .profile or .login
### for use both with and without the desktop. Group the statements not
### appropriate for your desktop session into one section and enclose them
### with an "if" statement that checks for the setting of the "DT"
### environment variable. When the desktop reads your .profile or .login
### file, it will set "DT" to a non-empty value for which your .profile or
### .login can test.
### example for sh/ksh
### if [ ! "$DT" ]; then
### #
### # commands and environment variables not appropriate for desktop
### #
### stty ...
### tset ...
### DISPLAY=mydisplay:0
### ...
### fi
### #
### # environment variables common to both desktop and non-desktop
### #
### PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
### MYVAR=value
### export MYVAR
### ...
### example for csh
### if ( ! ${?DT} ) then
### #
### # commands and environment variables not appropriate for desktop
### #
### stty ...
### tset ...
### setenv DISPLAY mydisplay:0
### ...
### endif
### #
### # environment variables common to both desktop and non-desktop
### #
### setenv PATH $HOME/bin:$PATH
### setenv MYVAR value
### ...
### Errors in .dtprofile or .profile (.login) may prevent a successful
### login. If after you login, your session startup terminates and you
### are presented with the login screen, this might be the cause. If this
### happens, select the Options->Sessions->Failsafe Session item on the
### login screen, login and correct the error. The $HOME/.dt/startlog and
### $HOME/.dt/errorlog files may be helpful in identifying errors.
# If $HOME/.profile (.login) has been edited as described above, uncomment
# the following line.
# Screen savers.
#StartDtscreenSwarm \
#StartDtscreenQix \
#StartDtscreenFlame \
#StartDtscreenHop \
#StartDtscreenImage \
#StartDtscreenLife \
#StartDtscreenRotor \
#StartDtscreenPyro \
#StartDtscreenWorm \
DTSCREEN="/usr/local/bin/xlock -dtsaver"
StartDtscreenAnemone \
StartDtscreenAnt \
StartDtscreenAnt3d \
StartDtscreenApollonian \
StartDtscreenAtlantis \
StartDtscreenAtunnels \
StartDtscreenBall \
StartDtscreenBat \
StartDtscreenBiof \
StartDtscreenBlot \
StartDtscreenBouboule \
StartDtscreenBounce \
StartDtscreenBraid \
StartDtscreenBubble \
StartDtscreenBubble3d \
StartDtscreenBug \
StartDtscreenCage \
StartDtscreenClock \
StartDtscreenCoral \
StartDtscreenCrystal \
StartDtscreenDaisy \
StartDtscreenDclock \
StartDtscreenDecay \
StartDtscreenDeco \
StartDtscreenDeluxe \
StartDtscreenDemon \
StartDtscreenDilemma \
StartDtscreenDiscrete \
StartDtscreenDragon \
StartDtscreenDrift \
StartDtscreenEuler2d \
StartDtscreenEyes \
StartDtscreenFadeplot \
StartDtscreenFiberlamp \
StartDtscreenFire \
StartDtscreenFlag \
StartDtscreenFlame \
StartDtscreenFlow \
StartDtscreenForest \
StartDtscreenFzort \
StartDtscreenGalaxy \
StartDtscreenGears \
StartDtscreenGlplanet \
StartDtscreenGoop \
StartDtscreenGrav \
StartDtscreenHelix \
StartDtscreenHop \
StartDtscreenHyper \
StartDtscreenIco \
StartDtscreenIfs \
StartDtscreenImage \
StartDtscreenInvert \
StartDtscreenJuggle \
StartDtscreenJulia \
StartDtscreenKaleid \
StartDtscreenKumppa \
StartDtscreenLament \
StartDtscreenLaser \
StartDtscreenLife \
StartDtscreenLife1d \
StartDtscreenLife3d \
StartDtscreenLightning \
StartDtscreenLisa \
StartDtscreenLissie \
StartDtscreenLoop \
StartDtscreenLyapunov \
StartDtscreenMandelbrot \
StartDtscreenMarquee \
StartDtscreenMatrix \
StartDtscreenMaze \
StartDtscreenMoebius \
StartDtscreenMolecule \
StartDtscreenMorph3d \
StartDtscreenMountain \
StartDtscreenMunch \
StartDtscreenNoof \
StartDtscreenNose \
StartDtscreenPacman \
StartDtscreenPenrose \
StartDtscreenPetal \
StartDtscreenPetri \
StartDtscreenPipes \
StartDtscreenPolyominoes \
StartDtscreenPuzzle \
StartDtscreenQix \
StartDtscreenPyro \
StartDtscreenRoll \
StartDtscreenRotor \
StartDtscreenRubik \
StartDtscreenSballs \
StartDtscreenScooter \
StartDtscreenShape \
StartDtscreenSierpinski \
StartDtscreenSierpinski3d \
StartDtscreenSkewb \
StartDtscreenSlip \
StartDtscreenSolitare \
StartDtscreenSpace \
StartDtscreenSphere \
StartDtscreenSpiral \
StartDtscreenSpline \
StartDtscreenSproingies \
StartDtscreenStairs \
StartDtscreenStar \
StartDtscreenStarfish \
StartDtscreenStrange \
StartDtscreenSuperquadrics \
StartDtscreenSwarm \
StartDtscreenSwirl \
StartDtscreenT3d \
StartDtscreenTetris \
StartDtscreenText3d \
StartDtscreenThornbird \
StartDtscreenTik_Tak \
StartDtscreenToneclock \
StartDtscreenTransparent \
StartDtscreenTriangle \
StartDtscreenTube \
StartDtscreenTurtle \
StartDtscreenVines \
StartDtscreenVoters \
StartDtscreenWator \
StartDtscreenWire \
StartDtscreenWorld \
StartDtscreenWorm \
StartDtscreenXcl \
StartDtscreenXjack \
StartDtscreenBlank \
StartDtscreenBomb \