2006-11-26 17:54:05 +00:00

157 lines
3.3 KiB

# gettext like message catalogue system
# By: YOKOTA Hiroshi <yokota@netlab.is.tsukuba.ac.jp>
# $Id: gettext.tcl,v 1.2 2006/11/26 17:54:07 matthieu Exp $
# How to use
# 1) Create catalogue file named "language.<$LANG>.tcl".
# If your $LANG environment valuable is "ja_JP.eucJP", you make
# "language.ja_JP.eucJP.tcl" or "language.ja_JP.tcl" or "language.ja.tcl".
# Here is some example for English-Japanese translation.
# -------
# settext "hello" "こんにちは"
# settext "OK" "了解"
# ...
# ------
# 2) Setup auto-load path. You must make file named "tclIndex" before
# use this system. See "auto_mkindex" Tcl command help.
# 3) Add these lines at top of your tcl script file.
# -----
# set auto_path [linsert $auto_path end .] ;# All script files in "."
# set_catalogue [set_language]
# -----
# 4) Use "gettext" command for message transration.
# You can also use "_" command for easy use.
# -----
# gettext "hello" ;# -> "こんにちは"
# _ "OK" ;# -> "了解"
# -----
# Internal valueable. Don't use it.
set g_language "C"
set g_resource("__dummy__") ""
# Global functions
# Select language catarogue file
# If catalogue file is found, return language string.
# If not found catalogue file, return "C".
proc set_language {{lang ""}} {
global g_language env
# If some argument is given, force to set language.
if {$lang != ""} then {
set g_language $lang
return $g_language
if {![info exists env(LANG)]} {
set g_language "C"
return "C"
foreach f "$env(LANG) [lang_substr1 $env(LANG)] [lang_substr2 $env(LANG)]" {
if {$f == ""} {continue}
if {[file exist language.$f.tcl]} {
set g_language $f
return $g_language
# Read catalogue file named "language.$lang.tcl".
proc set_catalogue {lang} {
if {$lang == "C"} {return}
if {[file exist language.$lang.tcl]} {
source language.$lang.tcl
# Get translated string
proc gettext {string} {
global g_resource
if {[info exist g_resource($string)]} {
return $g_resource($string)
} else {
return $string
# Set translation catalogue string.
proc settext {from to} {
global g_resource
set g_resource($from) $to
# For easy use
proc _ {string} {
return [gettext $string]
# Internal functions. Don't use it.
# "ja_JP.eucJP" -> "ja_JP"
# "ja_JP" -> "ja_JP"
proc lang_substr1 {str} {
if {[regexp -nocase {^([a-z]+_[a-z]+)\.[a-z]+$} $str a b]} {
return $b
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {^([a-z]+_[a-z]+)$} $str a b]} {
return $b
} else {
return ""
# "ja_JP.eucJP" -> "ja"
# "ja_JP" -> "ja"
# "ja" -> "ja"
proc lang_substr2 {str} {
if {[regexp -nocase {^([a-z]+)_[a-z]+\.[a-z]+$} $str a b]} {
return $b
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {^([a-z]+)_[a-z]+$} $str a b]} {
return $b
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {^([a-z]+)$} $str a b]} {
return $b
} else {
return ""
# end