
90 lines
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# FvwmCommand script
# Written by Toshi Isogai
# 1. auto focus Netscape dialog when opened
# 2. move download/upload window to right edge of the screen
# screen width
if( `xwininfo -root` =~ /Width: (\d+)/ ) {
$SW = $1;
# some resonable number if xwininfo doesn't work
$SW = 1024;
# start a dedicated server
$fifo = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.FCMfocus";
system( "FvwmCommand 'FvwmCommandS $fifo'");
#for slow machine
# we need this to run this script in background job
# start monitoring (-m option ) all fvwm transaction (-i3 option )
open( FCM, "FvwmCommand -f $fifo -m -i3 |" ) || die "FCM $fifo";
# send command through the new fifo which is "$fifo" + "C"
open( FCC, ">${fifo}C" ) || die "FCC $fifo" ;
# appearantly, it has be unbuffered
select( FCC ); $| = 1;
select( STDOUT ); $| = 1;
LOOP1: while( <FCM> ) {
if( /^(0x[\da-f]+) add/ ) {
$id = $1;
while( <FCM> ) {
# keep window frame
if( /^$id frame\s+x -?\d+, y (-?\d+), width (\d+)/ ) {
$y = $1;
$width = $2;
# search for class line
}elsif( /^$id class/ ) {
if( !/\sNetscape/ ) {
# not Netscape
# the next line should be resource line
$_ = <FCM>;
# resource line tells what the window is
if( /^$id resource/ ) {
# search for Netscape popups
if( /\s+\w+popup/ ) {
# fvwm doesn't like commands from modules too fast
select(undef,undef,undef, 0.4 );
# focus it
print FCC "windowid $id focus\n";
# search for Netscape download or upload window
elsif( /\s+(Down|Up)load/ ) {
select(undef,undef,undef, 0.4 );
# move to the right edge, keep the whole window in screen
$x = $SW - $width;
print FCC "windowid $id move ${x}p ${y}p\n";
print "end\n";