
916 lines
24 KiB

<sect1 id="TextSink_Object">
<title>TextSink Object</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .XS -->
<!-- TextSink Object -->
<!-- .XE -->
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "" "@DEF@" -->
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
<!-- .TA 2.0i -->
<!-- .ta 2.0i -->
Application Header file &lt;X11/Xaw/TextSink.h&gt;
<!-- .IN "TextSink.h" "" -->
Class Header file &lt;X11/Xaw/TextSinkP.h&gt;
<!-- .IN "TextSinkP.h" "" -->
Class textSinkObjectClass
<!-- .IN "textSinkObjectClass" "" -->
Class Name TextSink
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "class name" -->
Superclass Object
<!-- .LP -->
The TextSink object is the root object for all text sinks. Any new text
sink objects should be subclasses of the TextSink Object. The TextSink
Class contains all methods that the Text widget expects a text sink to
<!-- .LP -->
Since all text sinks will have some resources in common, the TextSink
defines a few new resources.
<sect2 id="textsink_resources">
<!-- .LP -->
When creating an TextSink object instance, the following resources are
retrieved from the argument list or from the resource database:
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .IN "AsciiSink object" "resources" -->
<tgroup cols='5' align='center'>
<colspec colname='c1'/>
<colspec colname='c2'/>
<colspec colname='c3'/>
<colspec colname='c4'/>
<colspec colname='c5'/>
<entry>Default Value</entry>
<!-- .Bg Bold -->
<!-- .Dc -->
<!-- .Sg Bold -->
<sect2 id="Subclassing_the_TextSink">
<title>Subclassing the TextSink</title>
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "subclassing" "@DEF@" -->
<!-- .LP -->
The only purpose of the TextSink Object is to be subclassed. It
contains the minimum set of class methods that all text sinks must have.
While all may be inherited, the direct descendant of TextSink <function>must
specify</function> some of them as TextSink does contain enough information to
be a valid text sink by itself. Do not try to use
the TextSink as a valid sink for the Text widget; it is not intended
to be used as a sink by itself.
<tgroup cols='4' align='center'>
<colspec colname='c1'/>
<colspec colname='c2'/>
<colspec colname='c3'/>
<colspec colname='c4'/>
<entry>Inherit with</entry>
<entry>Public Interface</entry>
<entry>must specify</entry>
<sect3 id="Displaying_Text">
<title>Displaying Text</title>
<!-- .LP -->
To display a section of the text buffer contained in the text source
use the function <function>DisplayText</function>:
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "DisplayText" "@DEF@" -->
<funcdef>void<function> DisplayText</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>Positionx,<parameter> y</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>XawTextPositionpos1,<parameter> pos2</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>Boolean<parameter> highlight</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSink object.
<emphasis remap='I'>x</emphasis>
Specifies the x location to start drawing the text.
<emphasis remap='I'>y</emphasis>
Specifies the y location to start drawing text.
<emphasis remap='I'>pos1</emphasis>
Specifies the location within the text source of the first character
to be printed.
<emphasis remap='I'>pos2</emphasis>
Specifies the location within the text source of the last character
to be printed.
<emphasis remap='I'>highlight</emphasis>
Specifies whether or not to paint the text region highlighted.
<!-- .LP -->
The Text widget will only pass one line at a time to the text sink, so
this function does not need to know how to line feed the text. It is
acceptable for this function to just ignore Carriage Returns. <emphasis remap='I'>x</emphasis>
and <emphasis remap='I'>y</emphasis> denote the upper left hand corner of the first character to
be displayed.
<sect3 id="Displaying_the_Insert_Point">
<title>Displaying the Insert Point</title>
<!-- .LP -->
The function that controls the display of the text cursor is
<function>InsertCursor</function>. This function will be called whenever the text
widget desires to change the state of, or move the insert point.
<funcdef>void<function> InsertCursor</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>Positionx,<parameter> y</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>XawTextInsertState<parameter> state</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSink object.
<emphasis remap='I'>x</emphasis>
Specifies the x location of the cursor in Pixels.
<emphasis remap='I'>y</emphasis>
Specifies the y location of the cursor in Pixels.
<emphasis remap='I'>state</emphasis>
Specifies the state of the cursor, may be one of <function>XawisOn</function> or
<!-- .LP -->
<emphasis remap='I'>X</emphasis> and <emphasis remap='I'>y</emphasis> denote the upper left hand corner of the insert point.
<sect3 id="Clearing_Portions_of_the_Text_window">
<title>Clearing Portions of the Text window</title>
<!-- .LP -->
To clear a portion of the Text window to its background color, the Text
widget will call <function>ClearToBackground</function>. The TextSink object already
defines this function as calling <function>XClearArea</function> on the region passed.
This behavior will be used if you specify
<function>XtInheritClearToBackground</function> for this method.
<!-- .IN "XtInheritClearToBackground" "" -->
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "ClearToBackground" "@DEF@" -->
<funcdef>void<function> ClearToBackground</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>Positionx,<parameter> y</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>Dimensionwidth,<parameter> height</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSink object.
<emphasis remap='I'>x</emphasis>
Specifies the x location, in pixels, of the Region to clear.
<emphasis remap='I'>y</emphasis>
Specifies the y location, in pixels, of the Region to clear.
<emphasis remap='I'>width</emphasis>
Specifies the width, in pixels, of the Region to clear.
<emphasis remap='I'>height</emphasis>
Specifies the height, in pixels, of the Region to clear.
<!-- .LP -->
<emphasis remap='I'>X</emphasis> and <emphasis remap='I'>y</emphasis> denote the upper left hand corner of region to clear.
<sect3 id="Finding_a_Text_Position_Given_Pixel_Values">
<title>Finding a Text Position Given Pixel Values</title>
<!-- .LP -->
To find the text character position that will be rendered at a given x
location the Text widget uses the function <function>FindPosition</function>:
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "FindPosition" "@DEF@" -->
<funcdef>void<function> FindPosition</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>XawTextPosition<parameter> fromPos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>intfromX,<parameter> width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>Boolean<parameter> stopAtWordBreak</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>XawTextPosition<parameter> *pos_return</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int*width_return,<parameter> *height_return</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSink object.
<emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis>
Specifies a reference position, usually the first character in this line.
This character is always to the left of the desired character location.
<emphasis remap='I'>fromX</emphasis>
Specifies the distance that the left edge of <emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis> is from the
left edge of the window. This is the reference x location for the
reference position.
<emphasis remap='I'>width</emphasis>
Specifies the distance, in pixels, from the reference position to the
desired character position.
<emphasis remap='I'>stopAtWordBreak</emphasis>
Specifies whether or not the position that is returned should be forced
to be on a word boundary.
<emphasis remap='I'>pos_return</emphasis>
Returns the character position that corresponds to the location that has
been specified, or the work break immediately to the left of the
position if <emphasis remap='I'>stopAtWordBreak</emphasis> is <function>True</function>.
<emphasis remap='I'>width_return</emphasis>
Returns the actual distance between <emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis> and <emphasis remap='I'>pos_return</emphasis>.
<emphasis remap='I'>height_return</emphasis>
Returns the maximum height of the text between <emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis> and
<emphasis remap='I'>pos_return</emphasis>.
<!-- .LP -->
This function need make no attempt to deal with line feeds. The text
widget will only call it one line at a time.
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .sp -->
Another means of finding a text position is provided by the <function>Resolve</function>
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "Resolve" "@DEF@" -->
<funcdef>void<function> Resolve</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>XawTextPosition<parameter> fromPos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>intfromX,<parameter> width</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>XawTextPosition<parameter> *pos_return</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSink object.
<emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis>
Specifies a reference position, usually the first character in this line.
This character is always to the left of the desired character location.
<emphasis remap='I'>fromX</emphasis>
Specifies the distance that the left edge of <emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis> is from the
left edge of the window. This is the reference x location for the
reference position.
<emphasis remap='I'>width</emphasis>
Specifies the distance, in pixels, from the reference position to the
desired character position.
<emphasis remap='I'>pos_return</emphasis>
Returns the character position that corresponds to the
location that has been specified, or the word break immediately to the left
if <emphasis remap='I'>stopAtWordBreak</emphasis> is <function>True</function>.
<!-- .LP -->
This function need make no attempt to deal with line feeds. The text
widget will only call it one line at a time. This is a more convenient
interface to the <function>FindPosition</function> function, and provides a subset of its
<!-- .IN "FindPosition" "" -->
<sect3 id="Finding_the_Distance_Between_two_Text_Positions">
<title>Finding the Distance Between two Text Positions</title>
<!-- .LP -->
To find the distance in pixels between two text positions on the same
line use the function <function>FindDistance</function>.
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "FindDistance" "@DEF@" -->
<funcdef>void<function> FindDistance</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>XawTextPositionfromPos,<parameter> toPos</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int<parameter> fromX</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>XawTextPosition<parameter> *pos_return</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int*width_return,<parameter> *height_return</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSink object.
<emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis>
Specifies the text buffer position, in characters, of the first position.
<emphasis remap='I'>fromX</emphasis>
Specifies the distance that the left edge of <emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis> is from the
left edge of the window. This is the reference x location for the
reference position.
<emphasis remap='I'>toPos</emphasis>
Specifies the text buffer position, in characters, of the second position.
<emphasis remap='I'>resWidth</emphasis>
Return the actual distance between <emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis>
and <emphasis remap='I'>pos_return</emphasis>.
<emphasis remap='I'>resPos</emphasis>
Returns the character position that corresponds to the actual character
position used for <emphasis remap='I'>toPos</emphasis> in the calculations. This may be
different than <emphasis remap='I'>toPos</emphasis>, for example if <emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis> and <emphasis remap='I'>toPos</emphasis>
are on different lines in the file.
<emphasis remap='I'>height_return</emphasis>
Returns the maximum height of the text between <emphasis remap='I'>fromPos</emphasis> and
<emphasis remap='I'>pos_return</emphasis>.
<!-- .LP -->
This function need make no attempt to deal with line feeds. The Text
widget will only call it one line at a time.
<sect3 id="Finding_the_Size_of_the_Drawing_area">
<title>Finding the Size of the Drawing area</title>
<!-- .LP -->
To find the maximum number of lines that will fit into the current Text
widget, use the function <function>MaxLines</function>. The TextSink already defines
this function to compute the maximum number of lines by using the height
of <function>font</function>.
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "MaxLines" "@DEF@" -->
<funcdef>int<function> MaxLines</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>Dimension<parameter> height</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSink object.
<emphasis remap='I'>height</emphasis>
Specifies the height of the current drawing area.
<!-- .LP -->
Returns the maximum number of lines that will fit in <emphasis remap='I'>height</emphasis>.
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .sp -->
To find the height required for a given number of text lines, use
the function <function>MaxHeight</function>. The TextSink already defines this
function to compute the maximum height of the window by using the
height of <function>font</function>.
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "MaxHeight" "@DEF@" -->
<funcdef>int<function> MaxHeight</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>int<parameter> lines</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSink object.
<emphasis remap='I'>height</emphasis>
Specifies the height of the current drawing area.
<!-- .LP -->
Returns the height that will be taken up by the number of lines passed.
<sect3 id="Setting_the_Tab_Stops">
<title>Setting the Tab Stops</title>
<!-- .LP -->
To set the tab stops for a text sink use the <function>SetTabs</function> function.
The TextSink already defines this function to set the tab x location in
pixels to be the number of characters times the figure width of
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "SetTabs" "@DEF@" -->
<funcdef>void<function> SetTabs</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>inttab_count,<parameter> *tabs</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSink object.
<emphasis remap='I'>tab_count</emphasis>
Specifies the number of tabs passed in <emphasis remap='I'>tabs</emphasis>.
<emphasis remap='I'>tabs</emphasis>
Specifies the position, in characters, of the tab stops.
<!-- .LP -->
This function is responsible for the converting character positions passed
to it into whatever internal positions the TextSink uses for tab placement.
<sect3 id="Getting_the_Insert_Point_s_Size_and_Location">
<title>Getting the Insert Point's Size and Location</title>
<!-- .LP -->
To get the size and location of the insert point use the
<function>GetCursorBounds</function> function.
<!-- .IN "TextSink object" "GetCursorBounds" "@DEF@" -->
<funcdef>void<function> GetCursorBounds</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>Widget<parameter> w</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>XRectangle<parameter> *rect_return</parameter></paramdef>
<!-- .FN -->
<emphasis remap='I'>w</emphasis>
Specifies the TextSinkObject.
<emphasis remap='I'>rect_return</emphasis>
Returns the location and size of the insert point.
<!-- .LP -->
<emphasis remap='I'>Rect</emphasis> will be filled with the current size and location of the
insert point.