/* * calmwm - the calm window manager * * Copyright (c) 2004 Marius Aamodt Eriksen * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * $Id: conf.c,v 1.44 2008/06/25 22:38:36 oga Exp $ */ #include "headers.h" #include "calmwm.h" #ifndef timespeccmp #define timespeccmp(tsp, usp, cmp) \ (((tsp)->tv_sec == (usp)->tv_sec) ? \ ((tsp)->tv_nsec cmp (usp)->tv_nsec) : \ ((tsp)->tv_sec cmp (usp)->tv_sec)) #endif extern struct screen_ctx *Curscreen; /* Add an command menu entry to the end of the menu */ void conf_cmd_add(struct conf *c, char *image, char *label, int flags) { /* "term" and "lock" have special meanings. */ if (strcmp(label, "term") == 0) strlcpy(c->termpath, image, sizeof(c->termpath)); else if (strcmp(label, "lock") == 0) strlcpy(c->lockpath, image, sizeof(c->lockpath)); else { struct cmd *cmd; XMALLOC(cmd, struct cmd); cmd->flags = flags; strlcpy(cmd->image, image, sizeof(cmd->image)); strlcpy(cmd->label, label, sizeof(cmd->label)); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&c->cmdq, cmd, entry); } } void conf_font(struct conf *c) { struct screen_ctx *sc = screen_current(); c->DefaultFont = font_make(sc, Conf.DefaultFontName); c->FontHeight = font_ascent() + font_descent() + 1; } int conf_changed(char *path) { static struct timespec old_ts; struct stat sb; int changed; /* If the file does not exist we pretend that nothing changed */ if (stat(path, &sb) == -1 || !(sb.st_mode & S_IFREG)) return (0); changed = !timespeccmp(&sb.st_mtimespec, &old_ts, ==); old_ts = sb.st_mtimespec; return (changed); } void conf_reload(struct conf *c) { if (!conf_changed(c->conf_path)) return; if (parse_config(c->conf_path, c) == -1) { warnx("config file %s has errors, not reloading", c->conf_path); return; } conf_font(c); } void conf_init(struct conf *c) { c->flags = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&c->ignoreq); TAILQ_INIT(&c->cmdq); TAILQ_INIT(&c->keybindingq); TAILQ_INIT(&c->autogroupq); TAILQ_INIT(&c->mousebindingq); conf_bindname(c, "CM-Return", "terminal"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-Delete", "lock"); conf_bindname(c, "M-question", "exec"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-w", "exec_wm"); conf_bindname(c, "M-period", "ssh"); conf_bindname(c, "M-Return", "hide"); conf_bindname(c, "M-Down", "lower"); conf_bindname(c, "M-Up", "raise"); conf_bindname(c, "M-slash", "search"); conf_bindname(c, "C-slash", "menusearch"); conf_bindname(c, "M-Tab", "cycle"); conf_bindname(c, "MS-Tab", "rcycle"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-n", "label"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-x", "delete"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-0", "nogroup"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-1", "group1"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-2", "group2"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-3", "group3"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-4", "group4"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-5", "group5"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-6", "group6"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-7", "group7"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-8", "group8"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-9", "group9"); conf_bindname(c, "M-Right", "cyclegroup"); conf_bindname(c, "M-Left", "rcyclegroup"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-g", "grouptoggle"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-f", "maximize"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-equal", "vmaximize"); conf_bindname(c, "CMS-q", "quit"); conf_bindname(c, "M-h", "moveleft"); conf_bindname(c, "M-j", "movedown"); conf_bindname(c, "M-k", "moveup"); conf_bindname(c, "M-l", "moveright"); conf_bindname(c, "M-H", "bigmoveleft"); conf_bindname(c, "M-J", "bigmovedown"); conf_bindname(c, "M-K", "bigmoveup"); conf_bindname(c, "M-L", "bigmoveright"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-h", "resizeleft"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-j", "resizedown"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-k", "resizeup"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-l", "resizeright"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-H", "bigresizeleft"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-J", "bigresizedown"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-K", "bigresizeup"); conf_bindname(c, "CM-L", "bigresizeright"); conf_bindname(c, "C-Left", "ptrmoveleft"); conf_bindname(c, "C-Down", "ptrmovedown"); conf_bindname(c, "C-Up", "ptrmoveup"); conf_bindname(c, "C-Right", "ptrmoveright"); conf_bindname(c, "CS-Left", "bigptrmoveleft"); conf_bindname(c, "CS-Down", "bigptrmovedown"); conf_bindname(c, "CS-Up", "bigptrmoveup"); conf_bindname(c, "CS-Right", "bigptrmoveright"); conf_mousebind(c, "1", "menu_unhide"); conf_mousebind(c, "2", "menu_group"); conf_mousebind(c, "3", "menu_cmd"); conf_mousebind(c, "M-1", "window_move"); conf_mousebind(c, "CM-1", "window_grouptoggle"); conf_mousebind(c, "M-2", "window_resize"); conf_mousebind(c, "M-3", "window_lower"); /* Default term/lock */ strlcpy(c->termpath, "xterm", sizeof(c->termpath)); strlcpy(c->lockpath, "xlock", sizeof(c->lockpath)); c->DefaultFontName = xstrdup(DEFAULTFONTNAME); } void conf_setup(struct conf *c, const char *conf_file) { struct stat sb; if (conf_file == NULL) { char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) errx(1, "No HOME directory."); snprintf(c->conf_path, sizeof(c->conf_path), "%s/%s", home, CONFFILE); } else if (stat(conf_file, &sb) == -1 || !(sb.st_mode & S_IFREG)) errx(1, "%s: %s", conf_file, strerror(errno)); else snprintf(c->conf_path, sizeof(c->conf_path), "%s", conf_file); conf_init(c); (void)parse_config(c->conf_path, c); } void conf_client(struct client_ctx *cc) { struct winmatch *wm; char *wname = cc->name; int ignore = 0; /* Can wname be NULL? */ if (wname != NULL) { TAILQ_FOREACH(wm, &Conf.ignoreq, entry) { if (strncasecmp(wm->title, wname, strlen(wm->title)) == 0) { ignore = 1; break; } } } else ignore = 1; cc->bwidth = ignore ? 0 : 3; cc->flags |= ignore ? CLIENT_IGNORE : 0; } struct { char *tag; void (*handler)(struct client_ctx *, void *); int flags; void *argument; } name_to_kbfunc[] = { { "lower", kbfunc_client_lower, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, 0 }, { "raise", kbfunc_client_raise, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, 0 }, { "search", kbfunc_client_search, 0, 0 }, { "menusearch", kbfunc_menu_search, 0, 0 }, { "hide", kbfunc_client_hide, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, 0 }, { "cycle", kbfunc_client_cycle, 0, (void *)CWM_CYCLE }, { "rcycle", kbfunc_client_cycle, 0, (void *)CWM_RCYCLE }, { "label", kbfunc_client_label, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, 0 }, { "delete", kbfunc_client_delete, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, 0 }, { "group1", kbfunc_client_group, 0, (void *)1 }, { "group2", kbfunc_client_group, 0, (void *)2 }, { "group3", kbfunc_client_group, 0, (void *)3 }, { "group4", kbfunc_client_group, 0, (void *)4 }, { "group5", kbfunc_client_group, 0, (void *)5 }, { "group6", kbfunc_client_group, 0, (void *)6 }, { "group7", kbfunc_client_group, 0, (void *)7 }, { "group8", kbfunc_client_group, 0, (void *)8 }, { "group9", kbfunc_client_group, 0, (void *)9 }, { "nogroup", kbfunc_client_nogroup, 0, 0 }, { "cyclegroup", kbfunc_client_cyclegroup, 0, (void *)CWM_CYCLEGROUP }, { "rcyclegroup", kbfunc_client_cyclegroup, 0, (void *)CWM_RCYCLEGROUP }, { "grouptoggle", kbfunc_client_grouptoggle, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, 0}, { "maximize", kbfunc_client_maximize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, 0 }, { "vmaximize", kbfunc_client_vmaximize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, 0 }, { "quit", kbfunc_quit_wm, 0, 0 }, { "exec", kbfunc_exec, 0, (void *)CWM_EXEC_PROGRAM }, { "exec_wm", kbfunc_exec, 0, (void *)CWM_EXEC_WM }, { "ssh", kbfunc_ssh, 0, 0 }, { "terminal", kbfunc_term, 0, 0 }, { "lock", kbfunc_lock, 0, 0 }, { "moveup", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_UP|CWM_MOVE) }, { "movedown", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_DOWN|CWM_MOVE) }, { "moveright", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_RIGHT|CWM_MOVE) }, { "moveleft", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_LEFT|CWM_MOVE) }, { "bigmoveup", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_UP|CWM_MOVE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "bigmovedown", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_DOWN|CWM_MOVE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "bigmoveright", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_RIGHT|CWM_MOVE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "bigmoveleft", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_LEFT|CWM_MOVE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "resizeup", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_UP|CWM_RESIZE) }, { "resizedown", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_DOWN|CWM_RESIZE) }, { "resizeright", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_RIGHT|CWM_RESIZE) }, { "resizeleft", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_LEFT|CWM_RESIZE) }, { "bigresizeup", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_UP|CWM_RESIZE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "bigresizedown", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_DOWN|CWM_RESIZE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "bigresizeright", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_RIGHT|CWM_RESIZE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "bigresizeleft", kbfunc_moveresize, KBFLAG_NEEDCLIENT, (void *)(CWM_LEFT|CWM_RESIZE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "ptrmoveup", kbfunc_moveresize, 0, (void *)(CWM_UP|CWM_PTRMOVE) }, { "ptrmovedown", kbfunc_moveresize, 0, (void *)(CWM_DOWN|CWM_PTRMOVE) }, { "ptrmoveleft", kbfunc_moveresize, 0, (void *)(CWM_LEFT|CWM_PTRMOVE) }, { "ptrmoveright", kbfunc_moveresize, 0, (void *)(CWM_RIGHT|CWM_PTRMOVE) }, { "bigptrmoveup", kbfunc_moveresize, 0, (void *)(CWM_UP|CWM_PTRMOVE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "bigptrmovedown", kbfunc_moveresize, 0, (void *)(CWM_DOWN|CWM_PTRMOVE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "bigptrmoveleft", kbfunc_moveresize, 0, (void *)(CWM_LEFT|CWM_PTRMOVE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { "bigptrmoveright", kbfunc_moveresize, 0, (void *)(CWM_RIGHT|CWM_PTRMOVE|CWM_BIGMOVE) }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0}, }; void conf_bindname(struct conf *c, char *name, char *binding) { int iter; struct keybinding *current_binding; char *substring; XCALLOC(current_binding, struct keybinding); if (strchr(name, 'C') != NULL && strchr(name, 'C') < strchr(name, '-')) current_binding->modmask |= ControlMask; if (strchr(name, 'M') != NULL && strchr(name, 'M') < strchr(name, '-')) current_binding->modmask |= Mod1Mask; if (strchr(name, '4') != NULL && strchr(name, '4') < strchr(name, '-')) current_binding->modmask |= Mod4Mask; if (strchr(name, 'S') != NULL && strchr(name, 'S') < strchr(name, '-')) current_binding->modmask |= ShiftMask; substring = strchr(name, '-') + 1; /* If there is no '-' in name, continue as is */ if (strchr(name, '-') == NULL) substring = name; if (substring[0] == '[' && substring[strlen(substring)-1] == ']') { sscanf(substring, "[%d]", ¤t_binding->keycode); current_binding->keysym = NoSymbol; } else { current_binding->keycode = 0; current_binding->keysym = XStringToKeysym(substring); } if (current_binding->keysym == NoSymbol && current_binding->keycode == 0) { xfree(current_binding); return; } /* We now have the correct binding, remove duplicates. */ conf_unbind(c, current_binding); if (strcmp("unmap",binding) == 0) return; for (iter = 0; name_to_kbfunc[iter].tag != NULL; iter++) { if (strcmp(name_to_kbfunc[iter].tag, binding) != 0) continue; current_binding->callback = name_to_kbfunc[iter].handler; current_binding->flags = name_to_kbfunc[iter].flags; current_binding->argument = name_to_kbfunc[iter].argument; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&c->keybindingq, current_binding, entry); return; } current_binding->callback = kbfunc_cmdexec; current_binding->argument = xstrdup(binding); current_binding->flags = 0; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&c->keybindingq, current_binding, entry); return; } void conf_unbind(struct conf *c, struct keybinding *unbind) { struct keybinding *key = NULL, *keynxt; for (key = TAILQ_FIRST(&c->keybindingq); key != TAILQ_END(&c->keybindingq); key = keynxt) { keynxt = TAILQ_NEXT(key, entry); if (key->modmask != unbind->modmask) continue; if ((key->keycode != 0 && key->keysym == NoSymbol && key->keycode == unbind->keycode) || key->keysym == unbind->keysym) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&c->keybindingq, key, entry); xfree(key); } } } struct { char *tag; void (*handler)(struct client_ctx *, void *); int context; } name_to_mousefunc[] = { { "window_move", mousefunc_window_move, MOUSEBIND_CTX_WIN }, { "window_resize", mousefunc_window_resize, MOUSEBIND_CTX_WIN }, { "window_grouptoggle", mousefunc_window_grouptoggle, MOUSEBIND_CTX_WIN }, { "window_lower", mousefunc_window_lower, MOUSEBIND_CTX_WIN }, { "menu_group", mousefunc_menu_group, MOUSEBIND_CTX_ROOT }, { "menu_unhide", mousefunc_menu_unhide, MOUSEBIND_CTX_ROOT }, { "menu_cmd", mousefunc_menu_cmd, MOUSEBIND_CTX_ROOT }, { NULL, NULL, 0 }, }; void conf_mousebind(struct conf *c, char *name, char *binding) { int iter; struct mousebinding *current_binding; char *substring; const char *errstr; XCALLOC(current_binding, struct mousebinding); if (strchr(name, 'C') != NULL && strchr(name, 'C') < strchr(name, '-')) current_binding->modmask |= ControlMask; if (strchr(name, 'M') != NULL && strchr(name, 'M') < strchr(name, '-')) current_binding->modmask |= Mod1Mask; if (strchr(name, 'S') != NULL && strchr(name, 'S') < strchr(name, '-')) current_binding->modmask |= ShiftMask; substring = strchr(name, '-') + 1; if (strchr(name, '-') == NULL) substring = name; current_binding->button = strtonum(substring, 1, 3, &errstr); if (errstr) warnx("number of buttons is %s: %s", errstr, substring); conf_mouseunbind(c, current_binding); if (strcmp("unmap", binding) == 0) return; for (iter = 0; name_to_mousefunc[iter].tag != NULL; iter++) { if (strcmp(name_to_mousefunc[iter].tag, binding) != 0) continue; current_binding->context = name_to_mousefunc[iter].context; current_binding->callback = name_to_mousefunc[iter].handler; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&c->mousebindingq, current_binding, entry); return; } } void conf_mouseunbind(struct conf *c, struct mousebinding *unbind) { struct mousebinding *mb = NULL, *mbnxt; for (mb = TAILQ_FIRST(&c->mousebindingq); mb != TAILQ_END(&c->mousebindingq); mb = mbnxt) { mbnxt = TAILQ_NEXT(mb, entry); if (mb->modmask != unbind->modmask) continue; if (mb->button == unbind->button) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&c->mousebindingq, mb, entry); xfree(mb); } } } /* * Grab the mouse buttons that we need for bindings for this client */ void conf_grab_mouse(struct client_ctx *cc) { struct mousebinding *mb; int button; TAILQ_FOREACH(mb, &Conf.mousebindingq, entry) { if (mb->context != MOUSEBIND_CTX_WIN) continue; switch(mb->button) { case 1: button = Button1; break; case 2: button = Button2; break; case 3: button = Button3; break; default: warnx("strange button in mousebinding\n"); } xu_btn_grab(cc->pwin, mb->modmask, button); } }