/* x11-ssh-askpass.h: A generic X11-based password dialog for OpenSSH. * created 1999-Nov-17 03:40 Jim Knoble * autodate: 2001-Feb-14 04:00 * * by Jim Knoble * Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001 Jim Knoble * * Disclaimer: * * The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, * express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and * noninfringement. In no event shall the author(s) be liable for any * claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of * contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection * with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. * * Portions of this code are distantly derived from code in xscreensaver * by Jamie Zawinski . That code says: * * --------8<------------------------------------------------8<-------- * xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Jamie Zawinski * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * --------8<------------------------------------------------8<-------- * * The remainder of this code falls under the same permissions and * provisions as those of the xscreensaver code. */ #ifndef H_X11_SSH_ASKPASS #define H_X11_SSH_ASKPASS #include #include #include #define EXIT_STATUS_ACCEPT 0 #define EXIT_STATUS_CANCEL 1 #define EXIT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY 2 #define EXIT_STATUS_ERROR 3 #define EXIT_STATUS_TIMEOUT 4 #define EXIT_STATUS_ANOMALY 127 typedef struct { Pixel foreground; Pixel background; Dimension width; Dimension height; Position x; Position y; } WidgetInfo; typedef struct { WidgetInfo w; Pixel topShadowColor; Pixel bottomShadowColor; Dimension shadowThickness; Pixel borderColor; Dimension borderWidth; Dimension interiorWidth; Dimension interiorHeight; Dimension horizontalSpacing; Dimension verticalSpacing; } Widget3dInfo; typedef struct TextObjectStruct { char *text; int textLength; int direction; int ascent; int descent; XCharStruct overall; struct TextObjectStruct *next; } TextObject; typedef struct { char *fullText; XFontStruct *font; XFontStruct *fixedFont; TextObject *multiText; WidgetInfo w; } LabelInfo; typedef struct { Widget3dInfo w3; LabelInfo label; Bool pressed; } ButtonInfo; typedef struct { Widget3dInfo w3; int count; int current; int minimumCount; int maximumCount; } MasterIndicatorInfo; typedef struct { MasterIndicatorInfo *parent; WidgetInfo w; Bool isLit; } IndicatorElement; typedef struct { Window dialogWindow; XSizeHints *sizeHints; XWMHints *wmHints; XClassHint *classHints; XTextProperty windowName; char *title; Widget3dInfo w3; LabelInfo label; MasterIndicatorInfo indicator; IndicatorElement *indicators; ButtonInfo okButton; ButtonInfo cancelButton; int pressedButton; } DialogInfo; #define NO_BUTTON 0 #define OK_BUTTON 1 #define CANCEL_BUTTON 2 typedef struct { char *appName; char *appClass; int argc; char **argv; pid_t pid; char *buf; int bufSize; int bufIndex; Display *dpy; Screen *screen; long screen_width; long screen_height; long screen_xoffset; long screen_yoffset; Window rootWindow; Pixel black; Pixel white; Colormap colormap; /* Resolution measurements are normalized to dots/meter. */ long xResolution; long yResolution; long defaultXResolution; long defaultYResolution; long xFuzz; long yFuzz; XtAppContext appContext; Widget toplevelShell; XrmDatabase resourceDb; Atom wmDeleteWindowAtom; GC fillGC; GC borderGC; GC textGC; GC brightGC; GC dimGC; long eventMask; Bool grabKeyboard; Bool grabPointer; Bool grabServer; Bool isKeyboardGrabbed; Bool isPointerGrabbed; Bool isServerGrabbed; unsigned int grabFailTimeout; unsigned int grabRetryInterval; unsigned long inputTimeout; XtIntervalId inputTimeoutTimerId; Bool inputTimeoutActive; DialogInfo *dialog; } AppInfo; void outOfMemory(AppInfo *app, int line); void freeIf(void *p); void freeFontIf(AppInfo *app, XFontStruct *f); XFontStruct *getFontResource(AppInfo *app, char *instanceName, char *className); char *getStringResourceWithDefault(char *instanceName, char *className, char *defaultText); unsigned int getUnsignedIntegerResource(AppInfo *app, char *instanceName, char *className, unsigned int defaultValue); long getResolutionResource(AppInfo *app, char *instanceName, char *className, char *defaultResolutionSpec); void calcLabelTextExtents(LabelInfo *label); void calcTotalButtonExtents(ButtonInfo *button); void calcButtonExtents(ButtonInfo *button); void balanceButtonExtents(ButtonInfo *button1, ButtonInfo *button2); void calcButtonLabelPosition(ButtonInfo *button); Dimension scaleXDimension(AppInfo *app, Dimension unscaled); Dimension scaleYDimension(AppInfo *app, Dimension unscaled); void createDialog(AppInfo *app); void destroyDialog(AppInfo *app); void createDialogWindow(AppInfo *app); void createGCs(AppInfo *app); void destroyGCs(AppInfo *app); void paintLabel(AppInfo *app, Drawable draw, LabelInfo label); void paintButton(AppInfo *app, Drawable draw, ButtonInfo button); void paintIndicator(AppInfo *app, Drawable draw, IndicatorElement indicator); void updateIndicatorElement(AppInfo *app, int i); void updateIndicators(AppInfo *app, int condition); void paintDialog(AppInfo *app); #define GRAB_KEYBOARD 0 #define GRAB_POINTER 1 void performGrab(AppInfo *app, int grabType, char *grabTypeName, Bool shouldGrab, Bool *isGrabbed); void grabKeyboard(AppInfo *app); void ungrabKeyboard(AppInfo *app); void grabPointer(AppInfo *app); void ungrabPointer(AppInfo *app); void grabServer(AppInfo *app); void ungrabServer(AppInfo *app); void cleanUp(AppInfo *app); void exitApp(AppInfo *app, int exitCode); void acceptAction(AppInfo *app); void cancelAction(AppInfo *app); void backspacePassphrase(AppInfo *app); void erasePassphrase(AppInfo *app); void addToPassphrase(AppInfo *app, char c); void handleKeyPress(AppInfo *app, XEvent *event); Bool eventIsInsideButton(AppInfo *app, XEvent *event, ButtonInfo button); void handleButtonPress(AppInfo *app, XEvent *event); void handlePointerMotion(AppInfo *app, XEvent *event); void handleInputTimeout(XtPointer data, XtIntervalId *timerId); void cancelInputTimeout(AppInfo *app); #endif /* H_X11_SSH_ASKPASS */