/* * Copyright © 2002-2005,2007 Peter Osterlund * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Red Hat * not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution * of the software without specific, written prior permission. Red * Hat makes no representations about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied * warranty. * * THE AUTHORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Peter Osterlund (petero2@telia.com) */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "synaptics.h" #include "synaptics-properties.h" #ifndef XATOM_FLOAT #define XATOM_FLOAT "FLOAT" #endif union flong { /* Xlibs 64-bit property handling madness */ long l; float f; }; enum ParaType { PT_INT, PT_BOOL, PT_DOUBLE }; struct Parameter { char *name; /* Name of parameter */ enum ParaType type; /* Type of parameter */ double min_val; /* Minimum allowed value */ double max_val; /* Maximum allowed value */ char *prop_name; /* Property name */ int prop_format; /* Property format (0 for floats) */ int prop_offset; /* Offset inside property */ }; static struct Parameter params[] = { {"LeftEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, 32, 0}, {"RightEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, 32, 1}, {"TopEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, 32, 2}, {"BottomEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, 32, 3}, {"FingerLow", PT_INT, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_FINGER, 32, 0}, {"FingerHigh", PT_INT, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_FINGER, 32, 1}, {"FingerPress", PT_INT, 0, 256, SYNAPTICS_PROP_FINGER, 32, 2}, {"MaxTapTime", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_TIME, 32, 0}, {"MaxTapMove", PT_INT, 0, 2000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_MOVE, 32, 0}, {"MaxDoubleTapTime", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_DURATIONS,32, 1}, {"SingleTapTimeout", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_DURATIONS,32, 0}, {"ClickTime", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_DURATIONS,32, 2}, {"FastTaps", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_FAST, 8, 0}, {"EmulateMidButtonTime", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_MIDDLE_TIMEOUT,32, 0}, {"EmulateTwoFingerMinZ", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TWOFINGER_PRESSURE, 32, 0}, {"EmulateTwoFingerMinW", PT_INT, 0, 15, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TWOFINGER_WIDTH, 32, 0}, {"VertScrollDelta", PT_INT, -1000, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_DISTANCE, 32, 0}, {"HorizScrollDelta", PT_INT, -1000, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_DISTANCE, 32, 1}, {"VertEdgeScroll", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_EDGE, 8, 0}, {"HorizEdgeScroll", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_EDGE, 8, 1}, {"CornerCoasting", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_EDGE, 8, 2}, {"VertTwoFingerScroll", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_TWOFINGER, 8, 0}, {"HorizTwoFingerScroll", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_TWOFINGER, 8, 1}, {"MinSpeed", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 255.0, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SPEED, 0, /*float */ 0}, {"MaxSpeed", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 255.0, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SPEED, 0, /*float */ 1}, {"AccelFactor", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 1.0, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SPEED, 0, /*float */ 2}, {"TrackstickSpeed", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 200.0, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SPEED, 0, /*float */ 3}, {"EdgeMotionMinZ", PT_INT, 1, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGEMOTION_PRESSURE, 32, 0}, {"EdgeMotionMaxZ", PT_INT, 1, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGEMOTION_PRESSURE, 32, 1}, {"EdgeMotionMinSpeed", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGEMOTION_SPEED, 32, 0}, {"EdgeMotionMaxSpeed", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGEMOTION_SPEED, 32, 1}, {"EdgeMotionUseAlways", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGEMOTION, 8, 0}, {"UpDownScrolling", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_BUTTONSCROLLING, 8, 0}, {"LeftRightScrolling", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_BUTTONSCROLLING, 8, 1}, {"UpDownScrollRepeat", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_BUTTONSCROLLING_REPEAT, 8, 0}, {"LeftRightScrollRepeat", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_BUTTONSCROLLING_REPEAT, 8, 1}, {"ScrollButtonRepeat", PT_INT, SBR_MIN , SBR_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_BUTTONSCROLLING_TIME, 32, 0}, {"TouchpadOff", PT_INT, 0, 2, SYNAPTICS_PROP_OFF, 8, 0}, {"LockedDrags", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_LOCKED_DRAGS, 8, 0}, {"LockedDragTimeout", PT_INT, 0, 30000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_LOCKED_DRAGS_TIMEOUT, 32, 0}, {"RTCornerButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 0}, {"RBCornerButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 1}, {"LTCornerButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 2}, {"LBCornerButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 3}, {"TapButton1", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 4}, {"TapButton2", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 5}, {"TapButton3", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 6}, {"ClickFinger1", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CLICK_ACTION, 8, 0}, {"ClickFinger2", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CLICK_ACTION, 8, 1}, {"ClickFinger3", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CLICK_ACTION, 8, 2}, {"CircularScrolling", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CIRCULAR_SCROLLING, 8, 0}, {"CircScrollDelta", PT_DOUBLE, .01, 3, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CIRCULAR_SCROLLING_DIST, 0 /* float */, 0}, {"CircScrollTrigger", PT_INT, 0, 8, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CIRCULAR_SCROLLING_TRIGGER, 8, 0}, {"CircularPad", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CIRCULAR_PAD, 8, 0}, {"PalmDetect", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PALM_DETECT, 8, 0}, {"PalmMinWidth", PT_INT, 0, 15, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PALM_DIMENSIONS, 32, 0}, {"PalmMinZ", PT_INT, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PALM_DIMENSIONS, 32, 1}, {"CoastingSpeed", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_COASTING_SPEED, 0 /* float*/, 0}, {"CoastingFriction", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_COASTING_SPEED, 0 /* float*/, 1}, {"PressureMotionMinZ", PT_INT, 1, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PRESSURE_MOTION, 32, 0}, {"PressureMotionMaxZ", PT_INT, 1, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PRESSURE_MOTION, 32, 1}, {"PressureMotionMinFactor", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 10.0,SYNAPTICS_PROP_PRESSURE_MOTION_FACTOR, 0 /*float*/, 0}, {"PressureMotionMaxFactor", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 10.0,SYNAPTICS_PROP_PRESSURE_MOTION_FACTOR, 0 /*float*/, 1}, {"GrabEventDevice", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_GRAB, 8, 0}, {"TapAndDragGesture", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_GESTURES, 8, 0}, {"AreaLeftEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_AREA, 32, 0}, {"AreaRightEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_AREA, 32, 1}, {"AreaTopEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_AREA, 32, 2}, {"AreaBottomEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_AREA, 32, 3}, {"HorizHysteresis", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_NOISE_CANCELLATION, 32, 0}, {"VertHysteresis", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_NOISE_CANCELLATION, 32, 1}, {"ClickPad", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CLICKPAD, 8, 0}, {"RightButtonAreaLeft", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 0}, {"RightButtonAreaRight", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 1}, {"RightButtonAreaTop", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 2}, {"RightButtonAreaBottom", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 3}, {"MiddleButtonAreaLeft", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 4}, {"MiddleButtonAreaRight", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 5}, {"MiddleButtonAreaTop", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 6}, {"MiddleButtonAreaBottom", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 7}, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; static double parse_cmd(char *cmd, struct Parameter **par) { char *eqp = strchr(cmd, '='); *par = NULL; if (eqp) { int j; int found = 0; *eqp = 0; for (j = 0; params[j].name; j++) { if (strcasecmp(cmd, params[j].name) == 0) { found = 1; break; } } if (found) { double val = atof(&eqp[1]); *par = ¶ms[j]; if (val < (*par)->min_val) val = (*par)->min_val; if (val > (*par)->max_val) val = (*par)->max_val; return val; } else { printf("Unknown parameter %s\n", cmd); } } else { printf("Invalid command: %s\n", cmd); } return 0; } static int is_equal(SynapticsSHM * s1, SynapticsSHM * s2) { int i; if ((s1->x != s2->x) || (s1->y != s2->y) || (s1->z != s2->z) || (s1->numFingers != s2->numFingers) || (s1->fingerWidth != s2->fingerWidth) || (s1->left != s2->left) || (s1->right != s2->right) || (s1->up != s2->up) || (s1->down != s2->down) || (s1->middle != s2->middle)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (s1->multi[i] != s2->multi[i]) return 0; return 1; } static double get_time(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0; } static void shm_monitor(SynapticsSHM * synshm, int delay) { int header = 0; SynapticsSHM old; double t0 = get_time(); memset(&old, 0, sizeof(SynapticsSHM)); old.x = -1; /* Force first equality test to fail */ while (1) { SynapticsSHM cur = *synshm; if (!is_equal(&old, &cur)) { if (!header) { printf("%8s %4s %4s %3s %s %2s %2s %s %s %s %s %8s " "%2s %2s %2s %3s %3s\n", "time", "x", "y", "z", "f", "w", "l", "r", "u", "d", "m", "multi", "gl", "gm", "gr", "gdx", "gdy"); header = 20; } header--; printf ("%8.3f %4d %4d %3d %d %2d %2d %d %d %d %d %d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d\n", get_time() - t0, cur.x, cur.y, cur.z, cur.numFingers, cur.fingerWidth, cur.left, cur.right, cur.up, cur.down, cur.middle, cur.multi[0], cur.multi[1], cur.multi[2], cur.multi[3], cur.multi[4], cur.multi[5], cur.multi[6], cur.multi[7]); fflush(stdout); old = cur; } usleep(delay * 1000); } } /** Init and return SHM area or NULL on error */ static SynapticsSHM * shm_init() { SynapticsSHM *synshm = NULL; int shmid = 0; if ((shmid = shmget(SHM_SYNAPTICS, sizeof(SynapticsSHM), 0)) == -1) { if ((shmid = shmget(SHM_SYNAPTICS, 0, 0)) == -1) fprintf(stderr, "Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect size of shared memory area. Incompatible driver version?\n"); } else if ((synshm = (SynapticsSHM *) shmat(shmid, NULL, SHM_RDONLY)) == NULL) perror("shmat"); return synshm; } static void shm_process_commands(int do_monitor, int delay) { SynapticsSHM *synshm = NULL; synshm = shm_init(); if (!synshm) return; if (do_monitor) shm_monitor(synshm, delay); } /** Init display connection or NULL on error */ static Display * dp_init() { Display *dpy = NULL; XExtensionVersion *v = NULL; Atom touchpad_type = 0; Atom synaptics_property = 0; int error = 0; dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (!dpy) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to X Server.\n"); error = 1; goto unwind; } v = XGetExtensionVersion(dpy, INAME); if (!v->present || (v->major_version * 1000 + v->minor_version) < (XI_Add_DeviceProperties_Major * 1000 + XI_Add_DeviceProperties_Minor)) { fprintf(stderr, "X server supports X Input %d.%d. I need %d.%d.\n", v->major_version, v->minor_version, XI_Add_DeviceProperties_Major, XI_Add_DeviceProperties_Minor); error = 1; goto unwind; } /* We know synaptics sets XI_TOUCHPAD for all the devices. */ touchpad_type = XInternAtom(dpy, XI_TOUCHPAD, True); if (!touchpad_type) { fprintf(stderr, "XI_TOUCHPAD not initialised.\n"); error = 1; goto unwind; } synaptics_property = XInternAtom(dpy, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, True); if (!synaptics_property) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics " "driver loaded?\n"); error = 1; goto unwind; } unwind: XFree(v); if (error && dpy) { XCloseDisplay(dpy); dpy = NULL; } return dpy; } static XDevice * dp_get_device(Display * dpy) { XDevice *dev = NULL; XDeviceInfo *info = NULL; int ndevices = 0; Atom touchpad_type = 0; Atom synaptics_property = 0; Atom *properties = NULL; int nprops = 0; int error = 0; touchpad_type = XInternAtom(dpy, XI_TOUCHPAD, True); synaptics_property = XInternAtom(dpy, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, True); info = XListInputDevices(dpy, &ndevices); while (ndevices--) { if (info[ndevices].type == touchpad_type) { dev = XOpenDevice(dpy, info[ndevices].id); if (!dev) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open device '%s'.\n", info[ndevices].name); error = 1; goto unwind; } properties = XListDeviceProperties(dpy, dev, &nprops); if (!properties || !nprops) { fprintf(stderr, "No properties on device '%s'.\n", info[ndevices].name); error = 1; goto unwind; } while (nprops--) { if (properties[nprops] == synaptics_property) break; } if (!nprops) { fprintf(stderr, "No synaptics properties on device '%s'.\n", info[ndevices].name); error = 1; goto unwind; } break; /* Yay, device is suitable */ } } unwind: XFree(properties); XFreeDeviceList(info); if (!dev) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find a synaptics device.\n"); else if (error && dev) { XCloseDevice(dpy, dev); dev = NULL; } return dev; } static void dp_set_variables(Display * dpy, XDevice * dev, int argc, char *argv[], int first_cmd) { int i; double val; struct Parameter *par; Atom prop, type, float_type; int format; unsigned char *data; unsigned long nitems, bytes_after; union flong *f; long *n; char *b; float_type = XInternAtom(dpy, XATOM_FLOAT, True); if (!float_type) fprintf(stderr, "Float properties not available.\n"); for (i = first_cmd; i < argc; i++) { val = parse_cmd(argv[i], &par); if (!par) continue; prop = XInternAtom(dpy, par->prop_name, True); if (!prop) { fprintf(stderr, "Property for '%s' not available. Skipping.\n", par->name); continue; } XGetDeviceProperty(dpy, dev, prop, 0, 1000, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &data); if (type == None) { fprintf(stderr, "Property for '%s' not available. Skipping.\n", par->name); continue; } switch (par->prop_format) { case 8: if (format != par->prop_format || type != XA_INTEGER) { fprintf(stderr, " %-23s = format mismatch (%d)\n", par->name, format); break; } b = (char *) data; b[par->prop_offset] = rint(val); break; case 32: if (format != par->prop_format || (type != XA_INTEGER && type != XA_CARDINAL)) { fprintf(stderr, " %-23s = format mismatch (%d)\n", par->name, format); break; } n = (long *) data; n[par->prop_offset] = rint(val); break; case 0: /* float */ if (!float_type) continue; if (format != 32 || type != float_type) { fprintf(stderr, " %-23s = format mismatch (%d)\n", par->name, format); break; } f = (union flong *) data; f[par->prop_offset].f = val; break; } XChangeDeviceProperty(dpy, dev, prop, type, format, PropModeReplace, data, nitems); XFlush(dpy); } } /* FIXME: horribly inefficient. */ static void dp_show_settings(Display * dpy, XDevice * dev) { int j; Atom a, type, float_type; int format; unsigned long nitems, bytes_after; unsigned char *data; int len; union flong *f; long *i; char *b; float_type = XInternAtom(dpy, XATOM_FLOAT, True); if (!float_type) fprintf(stderr, "Float properties not available.\n"); printf("Parameter settings:\n"); for (j = 0; params[j].name; j++) { struct Parameter *par = ¶ms[j]; a = XInternAtom(dpy, par->prop_name, True); if (!a) continue; len = 1 + ((par->prop_offset * (par->prop_format ? par->prop_format : 32) / 8)) / 4; XGetDeviceProperty(dpy, dev, a, 0, len, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after, &data); if (type == None) continue; switch (par->prop_format) { case 8: if (format != par->prop_format || type != XA_INTEGER) { fprintf(stderr, " %-23s = format mismatch (%d)\n", par->name, format); break; } b = (char *) data; printf(" %-23s = %d\n", par->name, b[par->prop_offset]); break; case 32: if (format != par->prop_format || (type != XA_INTEGER && type != XA_CARDINAL)) { fprintf(stderr, " %-23s = format mismatch (%d)\n", par->name, format); break; } i = (long *) data; printf(" %-23s = %ld\n", par->name, i[par->prop_offset]); break; case 0: /* Float */ if (!float_type) continue; if (format != 32 || type != float_type) { fprintf(stderr, " %-23s = format mismatch (%d)\n", par->name, format); break; } f = (union flong *) data; printf(" %-23s = %g\n", par->name, f[par->prop_offset].f); break; } XFree(data); } } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: synclient [-s] [-m interval] [-h] [-l] [-V] [-?] [var1=value1 [var2=value2] ...]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m monitor changes to the touchpad state (implies -s)\n" " interval specifies how often (in ms) to poll the touchpad state\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -l List current user settings\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -V Print synclient version string and exit\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -? Show this help message\n"); fprintf(stderr, " var=value Set user parameter 'var' to 'value'.\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; int delay = -1; int do_monitor = 0; int dump_settings = 0; int first_cmd; Display *dpy; XDevice *dev; if (argc == 1) dump_settings = 1; /* Parse command line parameters */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "sm:hlV")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'm': do_monitor = 1; if ((delay = atoi(optarg)) < 0) usage(); break; case 'l': dump_settings = 1; break; case 'V': printf("%s\n", VERSION); exit(0); default: usage(); } } first_cmd = optind; if (!do_monitor && !dump_settings && first_cmd == argc) usage(); /* Connect to the shared memory area */ if (do_monitor) shm_process_commands(do_monitor, delay); dpy = dp_init(); if (!dpy || !(dev = dp_get_device(dpy))) return 1; dp_set_variables(dpy, dev, argc, argv, first_cmd); if (dump_settings) dp_show_settings(dpy, dev); XCloseDevice(dpy, dev); XCloseDisplay(dpy); return 0; }