XCOMM $XTermId: Imakefile,v 1.107 2013/01/01 12:16:40 tom Exp $ XCOMM XCOMM Attention xterm porters XCOMM XCOMM XCOMM Xterm assumes that bcopy can handle overlapping arguments. If your XCOMM bcopy (or memcpy) cannot, write a routine called bcopy and link it in XCOMM or add -Dbcopy=mybcopy to the DEFINES list below. XCOMM /* Uncomment SCROLLBAR_RIGHT if you want the scroll bar to be on the right */ SCROLLBAR_RIGHT = -DSCROLLBAR_RIGHT /* Define UTF8support to compile-in support for UTF-8 */ #define UTF8support /* * setgid mode works for systems that do not require setuid to open pty. * * This feature could also be applied to FreeBSD, but requires the installer * to define a "utmp" group as well as chgrp the utmp file to match. * * Note: InstallXtermSetUID is always defined; InstallXtermSetGID is defined * in newer imake configurations. */ #if !defined(InstallXtermSetGID) && !InstallXtermSetUID #if defined(OpenBSDArchitecture) || \ (defined(LinuxArchitecture) && \ (LinuxCLibMajorVersion == 6)) #define InstallXtermSetGID YES #endif #endif /* * Override the set uid/gid flags to use the utempter library. */ #if defined(UseUtempter) #undef InstallXtermSetUID /* imake sets this */ #undef InstallXtermSetGID /* we set this */ #define InstallXtermSetUID NO #define InstallXtermSetGID NO UTMPLIB = -lutempter #endif /* * Fixes to allow compile with X11R5, etc. */ #ifndef InstGidFlags #define InstGidFlags -m 2755 -g utmp #endif #ifndef InstUidFlags #define InstUidFlags -m 4711 #endif #ifndef XkbClientDefines #define XkbClientDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef InstallXtermSetUID #define InstallXtermSetUID NO #endif #ifndef InstallXtermSetGID #define InstallXtermSetGID NO #endif #ifndef XkbClientDepLibs #define XkbClientDepLibs /**/ #endif #ifndef XkbClientLibs #define XkbClientLibs /**/ #endif /* This must come before setting DEFINES */ #if InstallXtermSetGID CSGIDFLAGS = -DUSE_UTMP_SETGID INSTSETIDFLAGS = InstGidFlags #elif InstallXtermSetUID INSTSETIDFLAGS = InstUidFlags #else INSTSETIDFLAGS = NullParameter #endif /* * Compensate for broken imake configuration. */ #ifdef LinuxGnuSourceDefines # ifdef UseInstalled IMAKEDEFINES = -D_GNU_SOURCE # endif #endif #ifndef SpecialCObjectRule #define SpecialCObjectRule(module,ignore,defines) \ module.o: ; $(CC) -c defines $(CFLAGS) module.c #endif #ifndef ProgramTargetName #define ProgramTargetName(program) program #endif /* * add -DWTMP and -DLASTLOG if you want them; make sure that bcopy can * handle overlapping copies before using it. */ #if SetTtyGroup /* turn on in config/machine.cf */ TTYGROUPDEF = -DUSE_TTY_GROUP #endif #ifdef UsePUCCPtyd /* turn on in config/site.def */ PUCCPTYDDEF = -DPUCC_PTYD /* does not need to be setuid */ PTYLIB = -lpucc #endif #if defined(NetBSDArchitecture) || \ defined(OpenBSDArchitecture) || \ defined(FreeBSDArchitecture) || \ (defined(LinuxArchitecture) && \ (LinuxCLibMajorVersion == 6) && (LinuxCLibMinorVersion < 1)) PTYLIB = -lutil #endif #ifdef DarwinArchitecture /* dyld can deadlock if a signal comes in when it is looking up a symbol */ LOCAL_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-bind_at_load #endif OSMAJORVERSION = OSMajorVersion OSMINORVERSION = OSMinorVersion #if defined(NTOArchitecture) || \ defined(OpenBSDArchitecture) || \ defined(SGIArchitecture) || \ defined(SunArchitecture) TERMCAPDEFINES=-DUSE_TERMINFO -DHAVE_TIGETSTR #elif defined(LinuxArchitecture) # if LinuxUsesNcurses TERMCAPDEFINES=-DUSE_TERMINFO -DHAVE_TIGETSTR # endif #endif #if !defined(OS2Architecture) && !defined(__GNU__) #if defined(UseUtempter) UTMPDEF = -DUSE_UTEMPTER #else UTMPDEF = -DUTMP #endif #endif #ifdef UTF8support UTF8_OPTION = -DOPT_WIDE_CHARS -DOPT_LUIT_PROG UTF8SRC = charclass.c precompose.c wcwidth.c xutf8.c UTF8OBJ = charclass.o precompose.o wcwidth.o xutf8.o #endif #if BuildXftLibrary #define XRenderSupport #endif #ifdef XRenderSupport XRFDEF = -DXRENDERFONT -DXFREE86_FT2 XRFLIBS = XftClientLibs XRFDEPLIBS = XftClientDepLibs XRFINCLUDES = $(XFTINCLUDES) #endif #if !HasPutenv PUTENVDEF = -DNOPUTENV #endif #ifdef TraceXTerm TRACEDEF = -DOPT_TRACE=1 #endif MAIN_DEFINES = $(UTMPDEF) $(TTYGROUPDEF) $(PUCCPTYDDEF) $(CSGIDFLAGS) \ -DOSMAJORVERSION=$(OSMAJORVERSION) \ -DOSMINORVERSION=$(OSMINORVERSION) MISC_DEFINES = /* -DALLOWLOGGING -DALLOWLOGFILEEXEC */ XKB_DEFINES = XkbClientDefines PATH_DEFINES = -DPROJECTROOT=$(PROJECTROOT) DEFINES = $(XKB_DEFINES) $(TERMCAPDEFINES) $(FEATURE_DEFINES) $(SCROLLBAR_RIGHT) $(UTF8_OPTION) $(XRFDEF) $(PATH_DEFINES) $(PUTENVDEF) $(IMAKEDEFINES) $(TRACEDEF) INCLUDES = -I. $(XRFINCLUDES) MAINSRC = main.c MAINOBJ = main.o #ifdef TraceXTerm TRACESRC = trace.c TRACEOBJ = trace.o #endif SRCS1 = button.c cachedGCs.c charproc.c charsets.c cursor.c \ data.c doublechr.c fontutils.c input.c \ linedata.c menu.c misc.c print.c ptydata.c scrollback.c \ screen.c scrollbar.c tabs.c util.c version.c xstrings.c \ xtermcap.c TekPrsTbl.c Tekproc.c VTPrsTbl.c \ $(MAINSRC) $(EXTRASRC) $(UTF8SRC) $(TRACESRC) OBJS1 = button.o cachedGCs.o charproc.o charsets.o cursor.o \ data.o doublechr.o fontutils.o input.o \ linedata.o menu.o misc.o print.o ptydata.o scrollback.o \ screen.o scrollbar.o tabs.o util.o version.o xstrings.o \ xtermcap.o TekPrsTbl.o Tekproc.o VTPrsTbl.o \ $(MAINOBJ) $(EXTRAOBJ) $(UTF8OBJ) $(TRACEOBJ) SRCS2 = resize.c version.c xstrings.c OBJS2 = resize.o version.o xstrings.o SRCS = $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2) OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) PROGRAMS = ProgramTargetName(resize) ProgramTargetName(xterm) DEPLIBS1 = XkbClientDepLibs XawClientDepLibs $(XRFDEPLIBS) DEPLIBS2 = #ifndef TermcapLibrary #if SystemV && !defined(MacIIArchitecture) #if defined(CrayArchitecture) || \ (defined(HPArchitecture) && (OSMajorVersion < 10)) || \ defined(RsArchitecture) || \ defined(SCOArchitecture) || \ defined(USLArchitecture) #define TermcapLibrary -lcurses /* special cases of System V */ #else #define TermcapLibrary -ltermlib /* usually in here */ #endif #else #define TermcapLibrary -ltermcap /* bsd puts it here */ #endif #endif TERMCAPLIB = TermcapLibrary AllTarget($(PROGRAMS)) SpecialCObjectRule(main,$(_NOOP_),$(MAIN_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(menu,$(_NOOP_),$(MISC_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(misc,$(_NOOP_),$(MISC_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(charproc,$(_NOOP_),$(MISC_DEFINES)) SpecialCObjectRule(data,$(_NOOP_),$(MISC_DEFINES)) #if InstallXtermSetUID SetUIDProgramTarget(xterm,$(OBJS1),$(DEPLIBS1),$(XRFLIBS) XkbClientLibs XawClientLibs,$(TERMCAPLIB) $(PTYLIB)) #else NormalProgramTarget(xterm,$(OBJS1),$(DEPLIBS1),$(XRFLIBS) XkbClientLibs XawClientLibs,$(TERMCAPLIB) $(UTMPLIB) $(PTYLIB)) #endif #if defined(OpenBSDArchitecture) || defined(MirBSDArchitecture) /* On OpenBSD xterm is now setgid utmp */ INSTUIDFLAGS= -m 2555 -g utmp #endif #if InstallXtermSetUID && defined(SunArchitecture) && HasSharedLibraries && (OSMajorVersion < 5) #if AlternateUsrLibDir #if ((OSMajorVersion == 4) && (OSMinorVersion >= 1)) LDOVERRIDE = -L$(DESTDIR)$(USRLIBDIR) #else #if HasGcc LDOVERRIDE = -static -L$(DESTDIR)$(USRLIBDIR) #else LDOVERRIDE = -Bstatic -L$(DESTDIR)$(USRLIBDIR) LDRESUME = -Bdynamic #endif #endif #endif install:: MakeDir($(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)) RemoveFile(ProgramTargetName(xterm.inst)) LinkRule(ProgramTargetName(xterm.inst),$(CDEBUGFLAGS) $(CCOPTIONS) $(EXTRA_LDOPTIONS) $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS),$(OBJS1),$(LDOVERRIDE) $(XRFLIBS) XawClientLibs $(LDRESUME) $(LDLIBS) $(TERMCAPLIB) $(PTYLIB)) $(INSTALL) -c $(INSTPGMFLAGS) $(INSTSETIDFLAGS) ProgramTargetName(xterm.inst) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/ProgramTargetName(xterm) RemoveFile(ProgramTargetName(xterm.inst)) #else InstallProgramWithFlags(xterm,$(BINDIR),$(INSTSETIDFLAGS)) #endif InstallNamedProg(uxterm,uxterm,$(BINDIR)) /* * Link with the termcap library if USE_TERMCAP is defined in resize.c */ #if defined(NTOArchitecture) || \ defined(LinuxArchitecture) || \ defined(OpenBSDArchitecture) || \ defined(SGIArchitecture) || \ defined(SunArchitecture) NormalProgramTarget(resize,$(OBJS2),$(DEPLIBS2),NullParameter,NullParameter) #else NormalProgramTarget(resize,$(OBJS2),$(DEPLIBS2),NullParameter,$(TERMCAPLIB)) #endif InstallProgramWithFlags(resize,$(BINDIR),NullParameter) /* * termcap is a special name that does not install correctly with * InstallNamedNonExec() */ install:: MakeDir($(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/etc) $(INSTALL) $(INSTALLFLAGS) $(INSTDATFLAGS) termcap \ $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/etc/xterm.termcap InstallNamedNonExec(terminfo,xterm.terminfo,$(LIBDIR)/etc) InstallAppDefaults(XTerm) InstallAppDefaults(UXTerm) InstallAppDefaultsLong(XTerm-col,XTerm-color) InstallManPage(xterm,$(MANDIR)) InstallManPage(resize,$(MANDIR)) DependTarget()