/* * (c) Thomas Pornin 1999 - 2002 * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 4. The name of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "tune.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "ucppi.h" #include "mem.h" #include "nhash.h" /* * Assertion support. Each assertion is indexed by its predicate, and * the list of 'questions' which yield a true answer. */ static HTT assertions; static int assertions_init_done = 0; static struct assert *new_assertion(void) { struct assert *a = getmem(sizeof(struct assert)); a->nbval = 0; return a; } static void del_token_fifo(struct token_fifo *tf) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < tf->nt; i ++) if (S_TOKEN(tf->t[i].type)) freemem(tf->t[i].name); if (tf->nt) freemem(tf->t); } static void del_assertion(void *va) { struct assert *a = va; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < a->nbval; i ++) del_token_fifo(a->val + i); if (a->nbval) freemem(a->val); freemem(a); } /* * print the contents of a token list */ static void print_token_fifo(struct token_fifo *tf) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < tf->nt; i ++) if (ttMWS(tf->t[i].type)) fputc(' ', emit_output); else fputs(token_name(tf->t + i), emit_output); } /* * print all assertions related to a given name */ static void print_assert(void *va) { struct assert *a = va; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < a->nbval; i ++) { fprintf(emit_output, "#assert %s(", HASH_ITEM_NAME(a)); print_token_fifo(a->val + i); fprintf(emit_output, ")\n"); } } /* * compare two token_fifo, return 0 if they are identical, 1 otherwise. * All whitespace tokens are considered identical, but sequences of * whitespace are not shrinked. */ int cmp_token_list(struct token_fifo *f1, struct token_fifo *f2) { size_t i; if (f1->nt != f2->nt) return 1; for (i = 0; i < f1->nt; i ++) { if (ttMWS(f1->t[i].type) && ttMWS(f2->t[i].type)) continue; if (f1->t[i].type != f2->t[i].type) return 1; if (f1->t[i].type == MACROARG && f1->t[i].line != f2->t[i].line) return 1; if (S_TOKEN(f1->t[i].type) && strcmp(f1->t[i].name, f2->t[i].name)) return 1; } return 0; } /* * for #assert * Assertions are not part of the ISO-C89 standard, but they are sometimes * encountered, for instance in Solaris standard include files. */ int handle_assert(struct lexer_state *ls) { int ina = 0, ltww; struct token t; struct token_fifo *atl = 0; struct assert *a; char *aname; int ret = -1; long l = ls->line; int nnp; size_t i; while (!next_token(ls)) { if (ls->ctok->type == NEWLINE) break; if (ttMWS(ls->ctok->type)) continue; if (ls->ctok->type == NAME) { if (!(a = HTT_get(&assertions, ls->ctok->name))) { a = new_assertion(); aname = sdup(ls->ctok->name); ina = 1; } goto handle_assert_next; } error(l, "illegal assertion name for #assert"); goto handle_assert_warp_ign; } goto handle_assert_trunc; handle_assert_next: while (!next_token(ls)) { if (ls->ctok->type == NEWLINE) break; if (ttMWS(ls->ctok->type)) continue; if (ls->ctok->type != LPAR) { error(l, "syntax error in #assert"); goto handle_assert_warp_ign; } goto handle_assert_next2; } goto handle_assert_trunc; handle_assert_next2: atl = getmem(sizeof(struct token_fifo)); atl->art = atl->nt = 0; for (nnp = 1, ltww = 1; nnp && !next_token(ls);) { if (ls->ctok->type == NEWLINE) break; if (ltww && ttMWS(ls->ctok->type)) continue; ltww = ttMWS(ls->ctok->type); if (ls->ctok->type == LPAR) nnp ++; else if (ls->ctok->type == RPAR) { if (!(-- nnp)) goto handle_assert_next3; } t.type = ls->ctok->type; if (S_TOKEN(t.type)) t.name = sdup(ls->ctok->name); aol(atl->t, atl->nt, t, TOKEN_LIST_MEMG); } goto handle_assert_trunc; handle_assert_next3: while (!next_token(ls) && ls->ctok->type != NEWLINE) { if (!ttWHI(ls->ctok->type) && (ls->flags & WARN_STANDARD)) { warning(l, "trailing garbage in #assert"); } } if (atl->nt && ttMWS(atl->t[atl->nt - 1].type) && (-- atl->nt) == 0) freemem(atl->t); if (atl->nt == 0) { error(l, "void assertion in #assert"); goto handle_assert_error; } for (i = 0; i < a->nbval && cmp_token_list(atl, a->val + i); i ++); if (i != a->nbval) { /* we already have it */ ret = 0; goto handle_assert_error; } /* This is a new assertion. Let's keep it. */ aol(a->val, a->nbval, *atl, TOKEN_LIST_MEMG); if (ina) { HTT_put(&assertions, a, aname); freemem(aname); } if (emit_assertions) { fprintf(emit_output, "#assert %s(", HASH_ITEM_NAME(a)); print_token_fifo(atl); fputs(")\n", emit_output); } freemem(atl); return 0; handle_assert_trunc: error(l, "unfinished #assert"); handle_assert_error: if (atl) { del_token_fifo(atl); freemem(atl); } if (ina) { freemem(aname); freemem(a); } return ret; handle_assert_warp_ign: while (!next_token(ls) && ls->ctok->type != NEWLINE); if (ina) { freemem(aname); freemem(a); } return ret; } /* * for #unassert */ int handle_unassert(struct lexer_state *ls) { int ltww; struct token t; struct token_fifo atl; struct assert *a; int ret = -1; long l = ls->line; int nnp; size_t i; atl.art = atl.nt = 0; while (!next_token(ls)) { if (ls->ctok->type == NEWLINE) break; if (ttMWS(ls->ctok->type)) continue; if (ls->ctok->type == NAME) { if (!(a = HTT_get(&assertions, ls->ctok->name))) { ret = 0; goto handle_unassert_warp; } goto handle_unassert_next; } error(l, "illegal assertion name for #unassert"); goto handle_unassert_warp; } goto handle_unassert_trunc; handle_unassert_next: while (!next_token(ls)) { if (ls->ctok->type == NEWLINE) break; if (ttMWS(ls->ctok->type)) continue; if (ls->ctok->type != LPAR) { error(l, "syntax error in #unassert"); goto handle_unassert_warp; } goto handle_unassert_next2; } if (emit_assertions) fprintf(emit_output, "#unassert %s\n", HASH_ITEM_NAME(a)); HTT_del(&assertions, HASH_ITEM_NAME(a)); return 0; handle_unassert_next2: for (nnp = 1, ltww = 1; nnp && !next_token(ls);) { if (ls->ctok->type == NEWLINE) break; if (ltww && ttMWS(ls->ctok->type)) continue; ltww = ttMWS(ls->ctok->type); if (ls->ctok->type == LPAR) nnp ++; else if (ls->ctok->type == RPAR) { if (!(-- nnp)) goto handle_unassert_next3; } t.type = ls->ctok->type; if (S_TOKEN(t.type)) t.name = sdup(ls->ctok->name); aol(atl.t, atl.nt, t, TOKEN_LIST_MEMG); } goto handle_unassert_trunc; handle_unassert_next3: while (!next_token(ls) && ls->ctok->type != NEWLINE) { if (!ttWHI(ls->ctok->type) && (ls->flags & WARN_STANDARD)) { warning(l, "trailing garbage in #unassert"); } } if (atl.nt && ttMWS(atl.t[atl.nt - 1].type) && (-- atl.nt) == 0) freemem(atl.t); if (atl.nt == 0) { error(l, "void assertion in #unassert"); return ret; } for (i = 0; i < a->nbval && cmp_token_list(&atl, a->val + i); i ++); if (i != a->nbval) { /* we have it, undefine it */ del_token_fifo(a->val + i); if (i < (a->nbval - 1)) mmvwo(a->val + i, a->val + i + 1, (a->nbval - i - 1) * sizeof(struct token_fifo)); if ((-- a->nbval) == 0) freemem(a->val); if (emit_assertions) { fprintf(emit_output, "#unassert %s(", HASH_ITEM_NAME(a)); print_token_fifo(&atl); fputs(")\n", emit_output); } } ret = 0; goto handle_unassert_finish; handle_unassert_trunc: error(l, "unfinished #unassert"); handle_unassert_finish: if (atl.nt) del_token_fifo(&atl); return ret; handle_unassert_warp: while (!next_token(ls) && ls->ctok->type != NEWLINE); return ret; } /* * Add the given assertion (as string). */ int make_assertion(char *aval) { struct lexer_state lls; size_t n = strlen(aval) + 1; char *c = sdup(aval); int ret; *(c + n - 1) = '\n'; init_buf_lexer_state(&lls, 0); lls.flags = DEFAULT_LEXER_FLAGS; lls.input = 0; lls.input_string = (unsigned char *)c; lls.pbuf = 0; lls.ebuf = n; lls.line = -1; ret = handle_assert(&lls); freemem(c); free_lexer_state(&lls); return ret; } /* * Remove the given assertion (as string). */ int destroy_assertion(char *aval) { struct lexer_state lls; size_t n = strlen(aval) + 1; char *c = sdup(aval); int ret; *(c + n - 1) = '\n'; init_buf_lexer_state(&lls, 0); lls.flags = DEFAULT_LEXER_FLAGS; lls.input = 0; lls.input_string = (unsigned char *)c; lls.pbuf = 0; lls.ebuf = n; lls.line = -1; ret = handle_unassert(&lls); freemem(c); free_lexer_state(&lls); return ret; } /* * erase the assertion table */ void wipe_assertions(void) { if (assertions_init_done) HTT_kill(&assertions); assertions_init_done = 0; } /* * initialize the assertion table */ void init_assertions(void) { wipe_assertions(); HTT_init(&assertions, del_assertion); assertions_init_done = 1; } /* * retrieve an assertion from the hash table */ struct assert *get_assertion(char *name) { return HTT_get(&assertions, name); } /* * print already defined assertions */ void print_assertions(void) { HTT_scan(&assertions, print_assert); }