FcUtf8ToUcs4 3 FcUtf8ToUcs4 convert UTF-8 to UCS4 #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> int FcUtf8ToUcs4 FcChar8 *src FcChar32 *dst int len Description Converts the next Unicode char from src into dst and returns the number of bytes containing the char. src must be at least len bytes long. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcUcs4ToUtf8 3 FcUcs4ToUtf8 convert UCS4 to UTF-8 #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> int FcUcs4ToUtf8 FcChar32 src FcChar8 dst[FC_UTF8_MAX_LEN] Description Converts the Unicode char from src into dst and returns the number of bytes needed to encode the char. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcUtf8Len 3 FcUtf8Len count UTF-8 encoded chars #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcBool FcUtf8Len FcChar8 *src int len int *nchar int *wchar Description Counts the number of Unicode chars in len bytes of src. Places that count in nchar. wchar contains 1, 2 or 4 depending on the number of bytes needed to hold the largest Unicode char counted. The return value indicates whether src is a well-formed UTF8 string. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcUtf16ToUcs4 3 FcUtf16ToUcs4 convert UTF-16 to UCS4 #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> int FcUtf16ToUcs4 FcChar8 *src FcEndian endian FcChar32 *dst int len Description Converts the next Unicode char from src into dst and returns the number of bytes containing the char. src must be at least len bytes long. Bytes of src are combined into 16-bit units according to endian. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcUtf16Len 3 FcUtf16Len count UTF-16 encoded chars #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcBool FcUtf16Len FcChar8 *src FcEndian endian int len int *nchar int *wchar Description Counts the number of Unicode chars in len bytes of src. Bytes of src are combined into 16-bit units according to endian. Places that count in nchar. wchar contains 1, 2 or 4 depending on the number of bytes needed to hold the largest Unicode char counted. The return value indicates whether string is a well-formed UTF16 string. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcIsLower 3 FcIsLower check for lower case ASCII character #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcBool FcIsLower FcChar8c Description This macro checks whether c is an lower case ASCII letter. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcIsUpper 3 FcIsUpper check for upper case ASCII character #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcBool FcIsUpper FcChar8c Description This macro checks whether c is a upper case ASCII letter. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcToLower 3 FcToLower convert upper case ASCII to lower case #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcChar8 FcToLower FcChar8c Description This macro converts upper case ASCII c to the equivalent lower case letter. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrCopy 3 FcStrCopy duplicate a string #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrCopy const FcChar8 *s Description Allocates memory, copies s and returns the resulting buffer. Yes, this is strdup, but that function isn't available on every platform. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrDowncase 3 FcStrDowncase create a lower case translation of a string #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrDowncase const FcChar8 *s Description Allocates memory, copies s, converting upper case letters to lower case and returns the allocated buffer. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrCopyFilename 3 FcStrCopyFilename create a complete path from a filename #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrCopyFilename const FcChar8 *s Description FcStrCopyFilename constructs an absolute pathname from s. It converts any leading '~' characters in to the value of the HOME environment variable, and any relative paths are converted to absolute paths using the current working directory. Sequences of '/' characters are converted to a single '/', and names containing the current directory '.' or parent directory '..' are correctly reconstructed. Returns NULL if '~' is the leading character and HOME is unset or disabled (see FcConfigEnableHome). Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrCmp 3 FcStrCmp compare UTF-8 strings #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> int FcStrCmp const FcChar8 *s1 const FcChar8 *s2 Description Returns the usual <0, 0, >0 result of comparing s1 and s2. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrCmpIgnoreCase 3 FcStrCmpIgnoreCase compare UTF-8 strings ignoring case #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> int FcStrCmpIgnoreCase const FcChar8 *s1 const FcChar8 *s2 Description Returns the usual <0, 0, >0 result of comparing s1 and s2. This test is case-insensitive for all proper UTF-8 encoded strings. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrStr 3 FcStrStr locate UTF-8 substring #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrStr const FcChar8 *s1 const FcChar8 *s2 Description Returns the location of s2 in s1. Returns NULL if s2 is not present in s1. This test will operate properly with UTF8 encoded strings. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrStrIgnoreCase 3 FcStrStrIgnoreCase locate UTF-8 substring ignoring ASCII case #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrStrIgnoreCase const FcChar8 *s1 const FcChar8 *s2 Description Returns the location of s2 in s1, ignoring case. Returns NULL if s2 is not present in s1. This test is case-insensitive for all proper UTF-8 encoded strings. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrPlus 3 FcStrPlus concatenate two strings #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrPlus const FcChar8 *s1 const FcChar8 *s2 Description This function allocates new storage and places the concatenation of s1 and s2 there, returning the new string. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrFree 3 FcStrFree free a string #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> void FcStrFree FcChar8 *s Description This is just a wrapper around free(3) which helps track memory usage of strings within the fontconfig library. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrDirname 3 FcStrDirname directory part of filename #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrDirname const FcChar8 *file Description Returns the directory containing file. This is returned in newly allocated storage which should be freed when no longer needed. Version Fontconfig version &version; FcStrBasename 3 FcStrBasename last component of filename #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> FcChar8 * FcStrBasename const FcChar8 *file Description Returns the filename of file stripped of any leading directory names. This is returned in newly allocated storage which should be freed when no longer needed. Version Fontconfig version &version;