.\" t .\" @(#)FvwmConsole.1x 7/16/96 .TH FvwmConsole 1x "July 16 1996" .UC .SH NAME FvwmConsole \- an FVWM command input interface .SH SYNOPSIS FvwmConsole is spawned by fvwm, so no command line invocation will work. .SH DESCRIPTION FvwmConsole allows the user to type fvwm configuration commands interactively, and have them executed immediately. This tool is particularly useful for testing new configuration ideas, or for implementing temporary changes to your environment. .SH INVOCATION FvwmConsole must be spawned as a module by fvwm. FvwmConsole takes all \fIxterm\fP(1) options, except -name and -title. .PP FvwmConsole can be invoked by inserting the line 'Module FvwmConsole' in the .fvwm2rc file. This can be placed on a line by itself, if FvwmConsole is to be spawned during fvwm's initialization, or can be bound to a menu or mouse button or keystroke to invoke it later. Fvwm will search directory specified in the ModulePath configuration option to attempt to locate FvwmConsole. .SH CONFIGURATION OPTIONS FvwmConsole uses \fIxterm\fP(1). All resources set for xterm are inherited unless overridden by command line options. .RS Module FvwmConsole -g 40x10 -fg black -bg green3 .RE The option -e can be used to choose an alternate front-end: .RS Module FvwmConsole -e /usr/X11/lib/fvwm2/FvwmConsoleC.pl .RE (see \fIFvwmConsoleC.pl\fP(1)). .PP Also X resources can be set in your ~/.Xdefaults file: .RS FvwmConsole*VT100*geometry: 40x4 .br FvwmConsole*font: 7x14 .RE .SH "COMMAND EDITING" There are a few options. If the GNU readline library is available, it can be used. .PP If Perl5 is installed, FvwmConsoleC.pl can be used as a command editor. This can be accomplished by either copying FvwmConsoleC.pl to fvwmlib directory as FvwmConsoleC or invoking FvwmConsole with -e option. For example: .RS Module FvwmConsole -e /usr/lib/X11/fvwm2/FvwmConsoleC.pl .RE If neither one is installed, a simple input reading function which doesn't have editing capabilities is used. .P GNU readline and FvwmConsoleC.pl have some frequent used commands in common as default. These commands are similar to emacs. For more details, refer GNU readline man and info pages, and FvwmConsoleC.pl man page. .RS .PD 0 .TP 8 Cntl-A - beginning of line .TP Cntl-B - previous char .TP Cntl-D - delete char .TP Cntl-E - end of line .TP Cntl-F - next char .TP Cntl-H - backspace .TP Cntl-K - erase to the end of line .TP Cntl-N - next line .TP Cntl-P - previous line .TP Cntl-R - search reverse .TP Cntl-U - delete line .TP Meta-B - previous word .TP Meta-F - next word .TP Esc < - beginning of history .TP Esc > - end of history .RE .PD .SH EXITING FvwmConsole can be stopped by entering the command "killme" at the command line, or the EOF character (usually CTRL-D). .PP \fBNote!\fP Do not use the "quit" command, as this is an fvwm builtin: typing "quit" at the FvwmConsole command line will cause fvwm to exit. .SH COPYRIGHTS Copyright 1996, Toshi Isogai. No guarantees or warranties are provided. Use this program at your own risk. Permission to use this program for any purpose is given, as long as the copyright is kept intact. .SH SEE ALSO \fIxterm\fP(1), \fIFvwmConsoleC.pl\fP(1), GNU Readline library .SH AUTHOR Toshi Isogai