/* $Id: FvwmCommandS.c,v 2006/11/26 10:53:10 matthieu Exp $ * $Source: /home/cvs/xenocara/app/fvwm/extras/FvwmCommand/Attic/FvwmCommandS.c,v $ * * Fvwm command input interface. * * Copyright 1997, Toshi Isogai. No guarantees or warantees or anything * are provided. Use this program at your own risk. Permission to use * this program for any purpose is given, * as long as the copyright is kept intact. * */ #include "FvwmCommand.h" #define MYNAME "FvwmCommandS" int Fd[2]; /* pipe to fvwm */ int Ffdr; /* command fifo file discriptors */ int Ffdw; /* message fifo file discriptors */ char *F_name, *Fc_name, *Fm_name; /* fifo name */ char Nounlink; /* don't delete fifo when true */ char Connect; /* client is connected */ int open_fifos (char *f_stem); void close_fifos(); void close_pipes(); void DeadPipe( int ); void err_msg( char *msg ); void err_quit( char *msg ); void process_message(unsigned long type,unsigned long *body); void relay_packet( unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long *); void server( char * ); void sig_handler( int ); int write_f (int fd, char *p, int len); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *fifoname; if(argc < FARGS) { fprintf(stderr,"%s Version %s should only be executed by fvwm!\n", MYNAME, MYVERSION); exit(1); } if( argc == FARGS+1 ) { fifoname = argv[FARGS]; }else{ fifoname = NULL; } signal (SIGPIPE, DeadPipe); signal (SIGINT, sig_handler); signal (SIGQUIT, sig_handler); signal (SIGHUP, sig_handler); signal (SIGTERM, sig_handler); Fd[0] = atoi(argv[1]); Fd[1] = atoi(argv[2]); Nounlink = 0; server( fifoname ); exit(1); } /* * signal handler */ void DeadPipe( int dummy ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: dead pipe\n", MYNAME); close_pipes(); exit(0); } void sig_handler(int signo) { close_pipes(); exit(1); } /* * setup server and communicate with fvwm and the client */ void server ( char *name ) { char *home; char *f_stem; int len; fd_set fdset; unsigned long *body; unsigned long header[HEADER_SIZE]; char buf[MAX_COMMAND_SIZE]; /* command receiving buffer */ char cmd[MAX_COMMAND_SIZE]; int ix,cix; if( name == NULL ) { /* default name */ home = getenv("HOME"); f_stem = safemalloc( strlen(home)+ strlen(F_NAME) + 3); strcpy (f_stem, home); if (f_stem[strlen(f_stem)-1] != '/') { strcat (f_stem, "/"); } strcat (f_stem, F_NAME); }else{ f_stem = name; } if (open_fifos (f_stem) < 0) { exit (-1); } SendText(Fd," ",0); /* tell fvwm that we are here */ cix = 0; while (1){ FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(Ffdr, &fdset); FD_SET(Fd[1], &fdset); if (select(FD_SETSIZE, SELECT_TYPE_ARG234 &fdset, 0, 0, NULL) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } } if (FD_ISSET(Fd[1], &fdset)){ if( ReadFvwmPacket(Fd[1],header,&body) > 0) { if (Connect) { process_message(header[1], body); } free(body); } } if (FD_ISSET(Ffdr, &fdset)){ len = read( Ffdr, buf, MAX_COMMAND_SIZE-1 ); if (len == 0) { continue; } if (len < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) { err_quit("reading fifo"); } } Connect = 1; /* in case of multiple long lines */ for (ix=0; ix= MAX_COMMAND_SIZE-1) { err_msg ("command too long"); cix = 0; } else { cix++; } } } } } } /* * close fifos and pipes */ void close_pipes() { close (Fd[0]); close (Fd[1]); close_fifos(); } void close_fifos () { close (Ffdw); close (Ffdr); if (!Nounlink) { strcat (F_name,"C"); unlink (F_name); F_name[strlen(F_name)-1] = 'M'; unlink (F_name); F_name[strlen(F_name)-1] = 'R'; unlink (F_name); } free (F_name); Ffdr = -1; Ffdw = -1; } /* * open fifos */ int open_fifos (char *f_stem) { char *fc_name, *fm_name; /* create 2 fifos */ fc_name = malloc( strlen(f_stem) + 2 ); if (fc_name == NULL) { err_msg( "allocating command" ); return -1; } fm_name = malloc( strlen(f_stem) + 2 ); if (fm_name == NULL) { err_msg( "allocating message" ); return -1; } strcpy(fc_name,f_stem); strcpy(fm_name,f_stem); strcat(fc_name, "C"); strcat(fm_name, "M"); if( (Ffdw = open(fc_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK ) ) > 0) { write_f( Ffdw, CMD_KILL_NOUNLINK, strlen(CMD_KILL_NOUNLINK) ); close( Ffdw ); } unlink( fm_name ); unlink( fc_name ); if( mkfifo( fm_name, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR ) < 0 ) { err_msg( fm_name ); return -1; } if( mkfifo( fc_name, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR ) < 0 ) { err_msg( fc_name ); return -1; } Ffdr = open(fc_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_TRUNC); if (Ffdr < 0) { err_msg( "opening command fifo" ); return -1; } free(fc_name); Ffdw = open(fm_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK | O_TRUNC); if (Ffdw < 0) { err_msg( "opening message fifo" ); return -1; } free(fm_name); F_name = malloc (strlen (f_stem) + 2); if (F_name == NULL) { err_msg( "allocating name string" ); return -1; } strcpy (F_name, f_stem); return 0; } /* * Process window list messages */ void process_message(unsigned long type,unsigned long *body){ int msglen; switch(type) { case M_CONFIGURE_WINDOW: relay_packet( type, 24*SOL, body ); break; case M_WINDOW_NAME: case M_ICON_NAME: case M_RES_CLASS: case M_RES_NAME: case M_ICON_FILE: case M_DEFAULTICON: msglen = strlen( (char *)&body[3] ); relay_packet( type, msglen+1+3*SOL, body ); break; case M_END_WINDOWLIST: case M_END_CONFIG_INFO: relay_packet( type, 0*SOL, body ); break; case M_ICON_LOCATION: relay_packet( type, 7*SOL, body ); break; case M_ERROR: case M_STRING: case M_CONFIG_INFO: msglen = strlen( (char *)&body[3] ); relay_packet( type, msglen+1+3*SOL, body ); break; case M_MINI_ICON: relay_packet( type, 6*SOL, body ); break; case M_NEW_PAGE: relay_packet( type, 5*SOL, body ); break; case M_NEW_DESK: relay_packet( type, 1*SOL, body ); break; case M_ADD_WINDOW: relay_packet( type, 24*SOL, body ); break; case M_RAISE_WINDOW: case M_LOWER_WINDOW: case M_FOCUS_CHANGE: case M_DESTROY_WINDOW: case M_DEICONIFY: case M_MAP: case M_WINDOWSHADE: case M_DEWINDOWSHADE: relay_packet( type, 4*SOL, body ); break; case M_ICONIFY: relay_packet( type, 7*SOL, body ); break; default: relay_packet( type, 4*SOL, body ); } } /* * print error message on stderr and exit */ void err_msg( char *msg ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s server error in %s, %s\n", MYNAME, msg, strerror(errno) ); } void err_quit( char *msg ) { err_msg (msg); close_pipes(); exit(1); } /* * relay packet to front-end */ void relay_packet( unsigned long type, unsigned long length, unsigned long *body) { write_f( Ffdw, (char*)&type, SOL ); write_f( Ffdw, (char*)&length, SOL ); write_f( Ffdw, (char*)body, length ); } /* * write to fifo */ int write_f (int fd, char *p, int len) { int i, n; struct timeval tv; int again; static int giveup=0; again = 0; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 50000; for (i=0; i 20) { Connect = 0; } return -1; /* give up this message */ } } err_quit ("writing fifo"); } i += n; } giveup = 0; return 0; }