// charles vidal // the GUI definition and the handler event import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.lang.Runtime; public class xlockFrame extends Applet { public static final int nbcoption=9; public static final int nbbooleanopt=14; Button blaunch; Button blaunchinw; Button bquit; Choice coptions; TextField foroptions; List lst ; int currentOption=0; MyFrameError mfe; boolean isinapp=false; // Array of option name String[] nomOption={"Name program", "File", "Message Password", "Message Valid", "Message Invalid", "Prompt", "Fonts", "Geometry","Display"}; String[] valueOption={"","","","","","","","",""}; String[] cmdlineOption={"-program","-messagefile","-password","-validate","-invalid","","-font","-geometry","-display"}; // Array of option boolean name String[] booleanOption={ "-mono ", "-nolock ", "-remote ", "-allowroot ", "-enablesaver ", "-allowaccess ", "-grabmouse ", "-echokeys ", "-usefirst ", "-verbose ", "-inroot ", "-timeelapsed ", "-install ", "-wireframe ", "-showfps ", "-use3d "}; Checkbox bopt[]=new Checkbox[15]; public void init() { Frame theAppWindow = new Frame("xlockFrame"); Panel Panel1 = new Panel(); Panel Panel2 = new Panel(); Panel Panel3 = new Panel(); setLayout(new BorderLayout(10,10)); lst = new List(); coptions=new Choice(); for (int i=0;i