/* Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Juliusz Chroboczek Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/fonttosfnt/struct.c,v 1.3 2003/10/24 20:38:11 tsi Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include "fonttosfnt.h" FontPtr makeFont() { FontPtr font; font = malloc(sizeof(FontRec)); if(font == NULL) return NULL; font->numNames = 0; font->names = NULL; font->flags = 0; font->weight = 500; font->width = 5; font->italicAngle = 0; font->underlinePosition = - TWO_SIXTEENTH; font->underlineThickness = TWO_SIXTEENTH; font->foundry = makeName("UNKN"); font->strikes = NULL; return font; } StrikePtr makeStrike(FontPtr font, int sizeX, int sizeY) { StrikePtr strike, last_strike; strike = font->strikes; last_strike = NULL; while(strike) { if(strike->sizeX == sizeX && strike->sizeY == sizeY) return strike; last_strike = strike; strike = strike->next; } strike = malloc(sizeof(StrikeRec)); if(strike == NULL) return NULL; strike->sizeX = sizeX; strike->sizeY = sizeY; strike->bitmaps = calloc(FONT_CODES / FONT_SEGMENT_SIZE, sizeof(BitmapPtr*)); if(strike->bitmaps == NULL) { free(strike); return NULL; } strike->numSbits = 0; strike->next = NULL; strike->bitmapSizeTableLocation = 0xDEADFACE; strike->indexSubTables = NULL; if(last_strike) last_strike->next = strike; else font->strikes = strike; return strike; } BitmapPtr makeBitmap(StrikePtr strike, int code, int advanceWidth, int horiBearingX, int horiBearingY, int width, int height, int stride, unsigned char *raster, int crop) { BitmapPtr bitmap; int i, j, x, y; int dx, dy, new_width, new_height; bitmap = malloc(sizeof(BitmapRec)); if(bitmap == NULL) return NULL; bitmap->index = -1; bitmap->width = 0; bitmap->height = 0; bitmap->stride = 0; bitmap->raster = NULL; bitmap->location = 0xDEADFACE; i = code / FONT_SEGMENT_SIZE; j = code % FONT_SEGMENT_SIZE; if(strike->bitmaps[i] == NULL) { strike->bitmaps[i] = calloc(FONT_SEGMENT_SIZE, sizeof(BitmapPtr)); } if(strike->bitmaps[i] == NULL) { free(bitmap); return NULL; } if(strike->bitmaps[i][j] != NULL) { if(verbose_flag) fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate bitmap %d.\n", code); free(bitmap); return strike->bitmaps[i][j]; } dx = 0; dy = 0; new_width = width; new_height = height; if(crop) { int empty; while(new_width > 0) { empty = 1; x = new_width - 1; for(y = 0; y < new_height; y++) { if(BITREF(raster, stride, x + dx, y + dy)) { empty = 0; break; } } if(empty) new_width--; else break; } while(new_height > 0) { empty = 1; y = new_height - 1; for(x = 0; x < new_width; x++) { if(BITREF(raster, stride, x + dx, y + dy)) { empty = 0; break; } } if(empty) new_height--; else break; } while(new_width > 0) { empty = 1; x = 0; for(y = 0; y < new_height; y++) { if(BITREF(raster, stride, x + dx, y + dy)) { empty = 0; break; } } if(empty) { dx++; new_width--; } else break; } while(new_height > 0) { empty = 1; y = 0; for(x = 0; x < new_width; x++) { if(BITREF(raster, stride, x + dx, y + dy)) { empty = 0; break; } } if(empty) { dy++; new_height--; } else break; } } bitmap->advanceWidth = advanceWidth; bitmap->horiBearingX = horiBearingX + dx; bitmap->horiBearingY = horiBearingY - dy; bitmap->width = new_width; bitmap->height = new_height; bitmap->stride = (new_width + 7) / 8; bitmap->raster = malloc(bitmap->height * bitmap->stride); if(bitmap->raster == NULL) { free(bitmap); return NULL; } memset(bitmap->raster, 0, bitmap->height * bitmap->stride); for(y = 0; y < new_height; y++) { for(x = 0; x < new_width; x++) { if(BITREF(raster, stride, x + dx, y + dy)) bitmap->raster[y * bitmap->stride + x / 8] |= 1 << (7 - (x % 8)); } } strike->bitmaps[i][j] = bitmap; strike->numSbits++; return bitmap; } IndexSubTablePtr makeIndexSubTables(StrikePtr strike, CmapPtr cmap) { IndexSubTablePtr table, first, last; BitmapPtr bitmap0, bitmap; int index, n; first = NULL; last = NULL; /* Assuming that we're writing bit-aligned data, small metrics and short offsets, a constant metrics segment saves 5 bytes per glyph in the EBDT table, and 2 bytes per glyph in the EBLC table. On the other hand, the overhead for a supplementary type 2 indexSubTable is 8 bytes for the indexSubTableArray entry and 20 bytes for the subtable itself. It's worth splitting at 5 glyphs. There's no analogue of a type 2 indexSubTable with byte-aligned data, so we don't bother splitting when byte-aligning. */ index = 0; while(index < 0xFFFF) { int constantMetrics = 1; bitmap0 = strikeBitmapIndex(strike, cmap, index); if(bitmap0 == NULL) { index++; continue; } n = 1; while((bitmap = strikeBitmapIndex(strike, cmap, index + n)) != NULL) { if(constantMetrics) { if(!SAME_METRICS(bitmap0, bitmap)) { if(bit_aligned_flag && n >= 4) break; else constantMetrics = 0; } } else if(bit_aligned_flag) { BitmapPtr b1 = strikeBitmapIndex(strike, cmap, index + n + 1); BitmapPtr b2 = strikeBitmapIndex(strike, cmap, index + n + 2); BitmapPtr b3 = strikeBitmapIndex(strike, cmap, index + n + 3); BitmapPtr b4 = strikeBitmapIndex(strike, cmap, index + n + 4); if(b1 && b2 && b3 && b4 && SAME_METRICS(bitmap, b1) && SAME_METRICS(bitmap, b2) && SAME_METRICS(bitmap, b3) && SAME_METRICS(bitmap, b4)) { break; } } n++; } if(n <= 1) constantMetrics = 0; table = malloc(sizeof(IndexSubTableRec)); table->firstGlyphIndex = index; table->lastGlyphIndex = index + n - 1; table->constantMetrics = constantMetrics; table->location = 0xDEADFACE; table->lastLocation = 0xDEADFACE; table->next = NULL; if(first == NULL) { first = table; last = table; } else { last->next = table; last = table; } index += n; } return first; } int fontIndex(FontPtr font, int code) { StrikePtr strike; BitmapPtr bitmap; if(code == 0) return 0; strike = font->strikes; while(strike) { bitmap = STRIKE_BITMAP(strike, code); if(bitmap) return bitmap->index; strike = strike->next; } return -1; } CmapPtr makeCmap(FontPtr font) { CmapPtr cmap_head = NULL; CmapPtr cmap_last = NULL; CmapPtr cmap; int code, i, index, maxindex = 0; code = 0; while(code < FONT_CODES) { index = fontIndex(font, code); if(index < 0) { code++; continue; } i = 1; while(code + i < FONT_CODES && fontIndex(font, code + i) == index + i) { i++; } cmap = malloc(sizeof(CmapRec)); if(cmap == NULL) return NULL; cmap->startCode = code; cmap->endCode = code + i - 1; cmap->index = index; cmap->next = NULL; cmap->maxindex = 0; if(maxindex < index + i - 1) maxindex = index + i - 1; if(cmap_head == NULL) cmap_head = cmap; else cmap_last->next = cmap; cmap_last = cmap; code += i; } cmap_head->maxindex = maxindex; cmap_head->inverse = calloc(maxindex + 1, sizeof(int)); cmap = cmap_head; while(cmap) { for(i = cmap->index; i <= cmap->endCode - cmap->startCode + cmap->index; i++) { cmap_head->inverse[i] = i - cmap->index + cmap->startCode; } cmap = cmap->next; } return cmap_head; } int findIndex(CmapPtr cmap_head, int code) { CmapPtr cmap; cmap = cmap_head; while(cmap) { if(cmap->endCode > code) return -1; if(cmap->startCode <= code) return cmap->index + code - cmap->startCode; cmap = cmap->next; } return -1; } int findCode(CmapPtr cmap_head, int index) { if(index < 0 || index > cmap_head->maxindex) return -1; return cmap_head->inverse[index]; } int maxIndex(CmapPtr cmap_head) { return cmap_head->maxindex; } BitmapPtr strikeBitmapIndex(StrikePtr strike, CmapPtr cmap, int index) { int code = findCode(cmap, index); if(code < 0) return NULL; return STRIKE_BITMAP(strike, code); } void strikeMetrics(StrikePtr strike, int *width_max_return, int *x_min_return, int *y_min_return, int *x_max_return, int *y_max_return) { BitmapPtr bitmap; int i; int width_max = 0; int x_min = 10000; int y_min = 10000; int x_max = -10000; int y_max = -10000; for(i = 0; i < FONT_CODES; i++) { bitmap = STRIKE_BITMAP(strike, i); if(!bitmap) continue; if(bitmap->advanceWidth > width_max) width_max = bitmap->advanceWidth; if(bitmap->horiBearingX < x_min) x_min = bitmap->horiBearingX; if(bitmap->horiBearingY > y_max) y_max = bitmap->horiBearingY; if(bitmap->horiBearingX + bitmap->width > x_max) x_max = bitmap->horiBearingX + bitmap->width; if(bitmap->horiBearingY - bitmap->height < y_min) y_min = bitmap->horiBearingY - bitmap->height; } if(width_max_return) *width_max_return = width_max; if(x_min_return) *x_min_return = x_min; if(y_min_return) *y_min_return = y_min; if(x_max_return) *x_max_return = x_max; if(y_max_return) *y_max_return = y_max; } int glyphMetrics(FontPtr font, int code, int *width_return, int *x_min_return, int *y_min_return, int *x_max_return, int *y_max_return) { StrikePtr strike; BitmapPtr bitmap; strike = font->strikes; while(strike) { bitmap = STRIKE_BITMAP(strike, code); if(bitmap) { if(width_return) *width_return = (((float)bitmap->advanceWidth + 0.5) / strike->sizeX) * TWO_SIXTEENTH; if(x_min_return) *x_min_return = ((float)bitmap->horiBearingX / strike->sizeX) * TWO_SIXTEENTH; if(y_min_return) *y_min_return = (((float)bitmap->horiBearingY - bitmap->height) / strike->sizeY) * TWO_SIXTEENTH; /* For the following two, 0.9 instead of 0.5 might make more sense. However, using different rounding rules for x_max and awidth causes problems for detecting charcell fonts. */ if(x_max_return) *x_max_return = (((float)bitmap->horiBearingX + bitmap->width + 0.5) / strike->sizeX) * TWO_SIXTEENTH; if(y_max_return) *y_max_return = (((float)bitmap->horiBearingY + 0.5) / strike->sizeY) * TWO_SIXTEENTH; return 1; } strike = strike->next; } return -1; } void fontMetrics(FontPtr font, int *max_awidth_return, int *min_x_return, int *min_y_return, int *max_x_return, int *max_y_return) { int i, rc; int max_awidth = 0; int min_x = 10000 << 16, min_y = 10000 << 16; int max_x = -10000 << 16, max_y = -10000 << 16; for(i = 0; i < FONT_CODES; i++) { int awidth, x0, y0, x1, y1; rc = glyphMetrics(font, i, &awidth, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); if(rc < 0) continue; if(awidth > max_awidth) max_awidth = awidth; if(x0 < min_x) min_x = x0; if(y0 < min_y) min_y = y0; if(x1 > max_x) max_x = x1; if(y1 > max_y) max_y = y1; } if(max_awidth_return) *max_awidth_return = max_awidth; if(min_x_return) *min_x_return = min_x; if(min_y_return) *min_y_return = min_y; if(max_x_return) *max_x_return = max_x; if(max_y_return) *max_y_return = max_y; }