/* * Copyright (c) 2002 by The XFree86 Project, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE XFREE86 PROJECT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall * not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other * dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the * XFree86 Project. * * Author: Paulo César Pereira de Andrade */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xedit/lisp/io.c,v 1.16tsi Exp $ */ #include "lisp/io.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* Match the FILE_XXX flags */ #define READ_BIT 0x01 #define WRITE_BIT 0x02 #define APPEND_BIT 0x04 #define BUFFERED_BIT 0x08 #define UNBUFFERED_BIT 0x10 #define BINARY_BIT 0x20 /* * Prototypes */ static int calculate_line(void*, int); static int calculate_column(void*, int, int); /* * Initialization */ extern int pagesize; /* * Implementation */ int LispGet(void) { int ch = EOF; LispUngetInfo *unget = lisp__data.unget[lisp__data.iunget]; if (unget->offset) ch = ((unsigned char*)unget->buffer)[--unget->offset]; else if (SINPUT->data.stream.readable) { LispFile *file = NULL; switch (SINPUT->data.stream.type) { case LispStreamStandard: case LispStreamFile: file = FSTREAMP(SINPUT); break; case LispStreamPipe: file = IPSTREAMP(SINPUT); break; case LispStreamString: ch = LispSgetc(SSTREAMP(SINPUT)); break; default: ch = EOF; break; } if (file != NULL) { if (file->nonblock) { if (fcntl(file->descriptor, F_SETFL, 0) < 0) LispDestroy("fcntl: %s", strerror(errno)); file->nonblock = 0; } ch = LispFgetc(file); } } else LispDestroy("cannot read from *STANDARD-INPUT*"); if (ch == EOF) lisp__data.eof = 1; return (ch); } int LispUnget(int ch) { LispUngetInfo *unget = lisp__data.unget[lisp__data.iunget]; if ((ch & 0xff) == ch) { if (unget->offset == sizeof(unget->buffer)) { LispWarning("character %c lost at LispUnget()", unget->buffer[0]); memmove(unget->buffer, unget->buffer + 1, unget->offset - 1); unget->buffer[unget->offset - 1] = ch; } else unget->buffer[unget->offset++] = ch; } return (ch); } void LispPushInput(LispObj *stream) { if (!STREAMP(stream) || !stream->data.stream.readable) LispDestroy("bad stream at PUSH-INPUT"); lisp__data.input_list = CONS(stream, lisp__data.input_list); SINPUT = stream; if (lisp__data.iunget + 1 == lisp__data.nunget) { LispUngetInfo **info = realloc(lisp__data.unget, sizeof(LispUngetInfo) * (lisp__data.nunget + 1)); if (!info || (info[lisp__data.nunget] = calloc(1, sizeof(LispUngetInfo))) == NULL) LispDestroy("out of memory"); lisp__data.unget = info; ++lisp__data.nunget; } ++lisp__data.iunget; memset(lisp__data.unget[lisp__data.iunget], '\0', sizeof(LispUngetInfo)); lisp__data.eof = 0; } void LispPopInput(LispObj *stream) { if (!CONSP(lisp__data.input_list) || stream != CAR(lisp__data.input_list)) LispDestroy("bad stream at POP-INPUT"); lisp__data.input_list = CDR(lisp__data.input_list); SINPUT = CONSP(lisp__data.input_list) ? CAR(lisp__data.input_list) : lisp__data.input_list; --lisp__data.iunget; lisp__data.eof = 0; } /* * Low level functions */ static int calculate_line(void *data, int size) { int line = 0; char *str, *ptr; for (str = (char*)data, ptr = (char*)data + size; str < ptr; str++) if (*ptr == '\n') ++line; return (line); } static int calculate_column(void *data, int size, int column) { char *str, *ptr; /* search for newline in data */ for (str = (char*)data, ptr = (char*)data + size - 1; ptr >= str; ptr--) if (*ptr == '\n') break; /* newline found */ if (ptr >= str) return (size - (ptr - str) - 1); /* newline not found */ return (column + size); } LispFile * LispFdopen(int descriptor, int mode) { LispFile *file = calloc(1, sizeof(LispFile)); if (file) { struct stat st; file->descriptor = descriptor; file->readable = (mode & READ_BIT) != 0; file->writable = (mode & WRITE_BIT) != 0; if (fstat(descriptor, &st) == 0) file->regular = S_ISREG(st.st_mode); else file->regular = 0; file->buffered = (mode & BUFFERED_BIT) != 0; if ((mode & UNBUFFERED_BIT) == 0) file->buffered = file->regular; if (file->buffered) { file->buffer = malloc(pagesize); if (file->buffer == NULL) file->buffered = 0; } file->line = 1; file->binary = (mode & BINARY_BIT) != 0; file->io_write = write; } return (file); } LispFile * LispFopen(char *path, int mode) { LispFile *file; int descriptor; int flags = O_NOCTTY; /* check read/write attributes */ if ((mode & (READ_BIT | WRITE_BIT)) == (READ_BIT | WRITE_BIT)) flags |= O_RDWR; else if (mode & READ_BIT) flags |= O_RDONLY; else if (mode & WRITE_BIT) flags |= O_WRONLY; /* create if does not exist */ if (mode & WRITE_BIT) { flags |= O_CREAT; /* append if exists? */ if (mode & APPEND_BIT) flags |= O_APPEND; else flags |= O_TRUNC; } /* open file */ descriptor = open(path, flags, 0666); if (descriptor < 0) return (NULL); /* initialize LispFile structure */ file = LispFdopen(descriptor, mode); if (file == NULL) close(descriptor); return (file); } void LispFclose(LispFile *file) { /* flush any pending output */ LispFflush(file); /* cleanup */ close(file->descriptor); if (file->buffer) free(file->buffer); free(file); } io_write_fn LispSetFileWrite(LispFile *file, io_write_fn new_write) { io_write_fn old_write = file->io_write; file->io_write = new_write; return (old_write); } int LispFflush(LispFile *file) { if (file->writable && file->length) { int length = (*file->io_write)(file->descriptor, file->buffer, file->length); if (length > 0) { if (file->length > length) memmove(file->buffer, file->buffer + length, file->length - length); file->length -= length; } return (length); } return (0); } int LispFungetc(LispFile *file, int ch) { if (file->readable) { file->available = 1; file->unget = ch; /* this should never happen */ if (ch == '\n' && !file->binary) --file->line; } return (ch); } int LispFgetc(LispFile *file) { int ch; if (file->readable) { unsigned char c; if (file->available) { ch = file->unget; file->available = 0; } else if (file->buffered) { if (file->writable) { LispFflush(file); if (read(file->descriptor, &c, 1) == 1) ch = c; else ch = EOF; } else { if (file->offset < file->length) ch = ((unsigned char*)file->buffer)[file->offset++]; else { int length = read(file->descriptor, file->buffer, pagesize); if (length >= 0) file->length = length; else file->length = 0; file->offset = 0; if (file->length) ch = ((unsigned char*)file->buffer)[file->offset++]; else ch = EOF; } } } else if (read(file->descriptor, &c, 1) == 1) ch = c; else ch = EOF; } else ch = EOF; if (ch == '\n' && !file->binary) ++file->line; return (ch); } int LispFputc(LispFile *file, int ch) { if (file->writable) { unsigned char c = ch; if (file->buffered) { if (file->length + 1 >= pagesize) LispFflush(file); file->buffer[file->length++] = c; } else if ((*file->io_write)(file->descriptor, &c, 1) != 1) ch = EOF; if (!file->binary) { /* update column number */ if (ch == '\n') file->column = 0; else ++file->column; } } return (ch); } int LispSgetc(LispString *string) { int ch; if (string->input >= string->length) return (EOF); /* EOF reading from string */ ch = ((unsigned char*)string->string)[string->input++]; if (ch == '\n' && !string->binary) ++string->line; return (ch); } int LispSputc(LispString *string, int ch) { if (string->output + 1 >= string->space) { if (string->fixed) return (EOF); else { char *tmp = realloc(string->string, string->space + pagesize); if (tmp == NULL) return (EOF); string->string = tmp; string->space += pagesize; } } string->string[string->output++] = ch; if (string->length < string->output) string->length = string->output; /* update column number */ if (!string->binary) { if (ch == '\n') string->column = 0; else ++string->column; } return (ch); } char * LispFgets(LispFile *file, char *string, int size) { int ch, offset = 0; if (size < 1) return (string); for (;;) { if (offset + 1 >= size) break; if ((ch = LispFgetc(file)) == EOF) break; string[offset++] = ch; /* line number is calculated in LispFgetc */ if (ch == '\n') break; } string[offset] = '\0'; return (offset ? string : NULL); } int LispFputs(LispFile *file, char *buffer) { return (LispFwrite(file, buffer, strlen(buffer))); } int LispSputs(LispString *string, char *buffer) { return (LispSwrite(string, buffer, strlen(buffer))); } int LispFread(LispFile *file, void *data, int size) { int bytes, length; char *buffer; if (!file->readable) return (EOF); if (size <= 0) return (size); length = 0; buffer = (char*)data; /* check if there is an unget character */ if (file->available) { *buffer++ = file->unget; file->available = 0; if (--size == 0) { if (file->unget == '\n' && !file->binary) ++file->line; return (1); } length = 1; } if (file->buffered) { void *base_data = (char*)data - length; if (file->writable) { LispFflush(file); bytes = read(file->descriptor, buffer, size); if (bytes < 0) bytes = 0; if (!file->binary) file->line += calculate_line(base_data, length + bytes); return (length + bytes); } /* read anything that is in the buffer */ if (file->offset < file->length) { bytes = file->length - file->offset; if (bytes > size) bytes = size; memcpy(buffer, file->buffer + file->offset, bytes); buffer += bytes; file->offset += bytes; size -= bytes; } /* if there is still something to read */ if (size) { bytes = read(file->descriptor, buffer, size); if (bytes < 0) bytes = 0; length += bytes; } if (!file->binary) file->line += calculate_line(base_data, length); return (length); } bytes = read(file->descriptor, buffer, size); if (bytes < 0) bytes = 0; if (!file->binary) file->line += calculate_line(buffer - length, length + bytes); return (length + bytes); } int LispFwrite(LispFile *file, void *data, int size) { if (!file->writable || size < 0) return (EOF); if (!file->binary) file->column = calculate_column(data, size, file->column); if (file->buffered) { int length, bytes; char *buffer = (char*)data; length = 0; if (size + file->length > pagesize) { /* fill remaining space in buffer and flush */ bytes = pagesize - file->length; memcpy(file->buffer + file->length, buffer, bytes); file->length += bytes; LispFflush(file); /* check if all data was written */ if (file->length) return (pagesize - file->length); length = bytes; buffer += bytes; size -= bytes; } while (size > pagesize) { /* write multiple of pagesize */ bytes = (*file->io_write)(file->descriptor, buffer, size - (size % pagesize)); if (bytes <= 0) return (length); length += bytes; buffer += bytes; size -= bytes; } if (size) { /* keep remaining data in buffer */ switch (size) { case 8: file->buffer[file->length++] = *buffer++; case 7: file->buffer[file->length++] = *buffer++; case 6: file->buffer[file->length++] = *buffer++; case 5: file->buffer[file->length++] = *buffer++; case 4: file->buffer[file->length++] = *buffer++; case 3: file->buffer[file->length++] = *buffer++; case 2: file->buffer[file->length++] = *buffer++; case 1: file->buffer[file->length++] = *buffer++; break; default: memcpy(file->buffer + file->length, buffer, size); file->length += size; break; } length += size; } return (length); } return ((*file->io_write)(file->descriptor, data, size)); } int LispSwrite(LispString *string, void *data, int size) { int bytes; if (size < 0) return (EOF); if (string->output + size >= string->space) { if (string->fixed) { /* leave space for a ending nul character */ bytes = string->space - string->output - 1; if (bytes < size) size = bytes; if (size <= 0) return (-1); } else { char *tmp; bytes = string->space + size; bytes += pagesize - (bytes % pagesize); tmp = realloc(string->string, bytes); if (tmp == NULL) return (-1); string->string = tmp; string->space = bytes; } } memcpy(string->string + string->output, data, size); string->output += size; if (string->length < string->output) string->length = string->output; if (!string->binary) string->column = calculate_column(data, size, string->column); return (size); } char * LispGetSstring(LispString *string, int *length) { if (string->string == NULL || string->length <= 0) { *length = 0; return (""); } *length = string->length; if (string->string[string->length -1] != '\0') { if (string->length < string->space) string->string[string->length] = '\0'; else if (string->fixed && string->space) string->string[string->space - 1] = '\0'; else { char *tmp = realloc(string->string, string->space + pagesize); if (tmp == NULL) string->string[string->space - 1] = '\0'; else { string->string = tmp; string->space += pagesize; string->string[string->length] = '\0'; } } } return (string->string); } int LispRename(char *from, char *to) { return (rename(from, to)); } int LispUnlink(char *name) { return (unlink(name)); }