// $Xorg: everex,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:35 cpqbld Exp $ // // $XFree86$ // default xkb_geometry "STEPnote" { description= "Everex STEPnote"; width= 281; height= 150; shape.cornerRadius= 1; shape "NORM" { { [17,17] }, { [ 2, 1], [ 15, 15 ] } }; shape "NARR" { { [ 15, 17 ] }, { [ 2, 1 ], [ 13, 15 ] } }; shape "FKEY" { { [ 15.1, 15.5 ] }, { [ 1, 1 ], [ 14.1, 14.5 ] } }; shape "ESC" { { [ 16.4, 15.5 ] }, { [ 1, 1 ], [ 14.1, 14.5 ] } }; shape "WIDE" { // backspace, tab and Fn { [ 25, 17 ] }, { [ 2, 1 ], [ 23, 15 ] } }; shape "RTRN" { { [ 27.5, 17 ] }, { [ 2, 1 ], [ 25.5, 15 ] } }; shape "CAPS" { { [ 30, 17 ] }, { [ 2, 1 ], [ 28, 15 ] } }; shape "LFSH" { { [ 38.5, 17 ] }, { [ 2, 1 ], [ 36.5, 15 ] } }; shape "RTSH" { { [ 21, 17 ] }, { [ 2, 1 ], [ 19, 15 ] } }; shape "SPCE" { { [ 88.8, 17 ] }, { [ 2, 1 ], [ 86.8, 15 ] } }; shape "WELL" { { [ 269, 105 ] } }; shape "LED" { cornerRadius= 1.5, { [ 3, 10 ] } }; section.left= 6; row.left= 1; key.shape= "NORM"; key.gap= 0.5; key.color= "grey20"; labelColor= "white"; baseColor= "grey20"; indicator.top= 20; indicator.shape= "LED"; indicator.onColor= "green"; indicator.offColor= "green30"; indicator "Power" { left= 40; }; indicator "Battery" { left=101; }; indicator "Suspend" { left=112; }; indicator "HardDrive" { left=123; }; indicator "Floppy" { left=134; }; indicator "KeyPad" { left=145; }; indicator "Num Lock" { left=156; }; indicator "Caps Lock" { left=167; }; indicator "Scroll Lock" { left=178; }; solid "KeyWell" { top= 35; left= 6; shape= "WELL"; color= "grey10"; }; section "Whole" { top= 35; row { top= 0.5; key.color= "grey30"; key.shape= "FKEY"; keys { { , "ESC" }, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , }; }; row { top= 16.5; keys { { , "NARR" }, , , , , , , , , , , , , { , shape="WIDE", color="grey30" }, { , shape="NARR", color="grey30" } }; }; row { top= 34; keys { { , shape="WIDE", color="grey30" }, , , , , , , , , , , , , { , "NARR" }, { , shape="NARR", color="grey30" } }; }; row { top= 51.5; keys { { , shape="CAPS", color="grey30" }, , , , , , , , , , , , { , shape="RTRN", color="grey30" }, { , shape="NARR", color="grey30" } }; }; row { top= 69; keys { { , shape="LFSH", color="grey30" }, , , , , , , , , , , { , shape="RTSH", color="grey30" }, { , shape="NARR", color="grey30" }, { , shape="NARR", color="grey30" } }; }; row { top= 86.5; key.color= "grey30"; keys { { , "WIDE" }, , , { , shape="SPCE", 18, color="grey20" }, , , , { , "NARR" }, { , "NARR" }, { , "NARR" } }; }; solid "FakeKey" { top= 86.5; left= 62.1; shape= "NORM"; color= "grey20"; }; overlay "KPAD" { =, =, =, =, =, =, =, =, =, =, =, =, =, =, = }; }; // End of "Whole" section alias = ; alias = ; };