WindowTitle {Screen} WindowSize 430 530 # Taille WindowPosition 191 15 # Position ForeColor {black} BackColor {grey85} ShadowColor {grey55} HilightColor {grey100} Font -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-* Init Begin WarpPointer 2 If (GetOutput {xset -q} 11 3) == yes Then ChangeValue 10 1 Else ChangeValue 11 1 ChangeTitle 14 (GetOutput {xset -q} 12 2) ChangeTitle 15 (GetOutput {xset -q} 12 4) Set $BColor=(StrCopy (GetOutput {cat ~/.xinitrc-fvwm} 15 3) 2 8) Do {Exec echo } (StrCopy (GetOutput {cat ~/.xinitrc-fvwm} 15 3) 2 8) {>/dev/console} If (StrCopy $BColor 1 1)<>{#} Then Begin Set $BColor={#0EC4B8} ChangeTitle 7 (GetOutput {cat ~/.xinitrc-fvwm} 15 2) ChangeIcon 8 (GetTitle 7) ChangeValue 4 0 ChangeValue 5 1 End ChangeBackColor 6 $BColor ChangeValue 20 (HexToNum (StrCopy $BColor 2 3)) ChangeValue 21 (HexToNum (StrCopy $BColor 4 5)) ChangeValue 22 (HexToNum (StrCopy $BColor 6 7)) End PeriodicTasks Begin Set $MSG=(ReceivFromScript $BROWSER) If $MSG <> {No message} Then Begin ChangeTitle 7 $MSG ChangeIcon 8 $MSG End End Widget 1 Property Size 50 30 Position 100 480 Type PushButton Title {Apply} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin Do {Exec xset s } (GetTitle 14) { } (GetTitle 15) If (GetValue 10)==1 Then Do {Exec xset s blank} Else Do {Exec xset s noblank} If (GetValue 5) == 1 Then Do {Exec xpmroot } (GetTitle 7) Else Do {Exec xsetroot -solid "} $BColor {"} End End Widget 2 Property Size 50 30 Position 190 480 Type PushButton Title {OK} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin If (GetValue 10)==1 Then Set $tmp2 = { s blank} Else Set $tmp2 = { s noblank} Do {Exec xset s } (GetTitle 14) { } (GetTitle 15) $tmp2 WriteToFile .xinitrc-fvwm {Exec xset s } (GetTitle 14) { } (GetTitle 15) $tmp2 If (GetValue 5) == 1 Then Begin Do {Exec xpmroot } (GetTitle 7) WriteToFile .xinitrc-fvwm {xpmroot } (GetTitle 7) End Else Begin Do {Exec xsetroot -solid "} $BColor {"} WriteToFile .xinitrc-fvwm {xsetroot -solid "} $BColor {"} End WriteToFile .xinitrc-fvwm {xset s } (GetTitle 14) { } (GetTitle 15) $tmp2 Quit End End Widget 3 Property Size 50 30 Position 280 480 Type PushButton Title {Cancel} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin Quit End End Widget 4 Property Position 30 30 Type RadioButton Title {Uniform colour:} Value 1 Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin ChangeValue 5 0 End End Widget 5 Property Position 30 240 Type RadioButton Title {Pixmap:} Value 0 Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin ChangeValue 4 0 End End Widget 6 Property Size 50 50 Position 60 80 Type ItemDraw BackColor {#0EC4B8} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 23 Property Size 60 60 Position 55 75 Type Rectangle Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 24 Property Size 50 50 Position 58 140 Type ItemDraw Title {#0EC4B8} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 20 Property Size 250 1 Position 155 20 Type HScrollBar Value 14 MinValue 0 MaxValue 255 Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin Set $BColor = {#} (NumToHex (GetValue 20) 2) (NumToHex (GetValue 21) 2) (NumToHex (GetValue 22) 2) ChangeTitle 24 $BColor ChangeBackColor 6 $BColor End End Widget 21 Property Size 250 1 Position 155 75 Type HScrollBar Value 196 MinValue 0 MaxValue 255 Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin Set $BColor = {#} (NumToHex (GetValue 20) 2) (NumToHex (GetValue 21) 2) (NumToHex (GetValue 22) 2) ChangeTitle 24 $BColor ChangeBackColor 6 $BColor End End Widget 22 Property Size 250 1 Position 155 130 Type HScrollBar Value 184 MinValue 0 MaxValue 255 Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin Set $BColor = {#} (NumToHex (GetValue 20) 2) (NumToHex (GetValue 21) 2) (NumToHex (GetValue 22) 2) ChangeTitle 24 $BColor ChangeBackColor 6 $BColor End End Widget 7 Property Size 280 30 Position 30 300 Type TextField Title {/usr/X11/include/X11/pixmaps/fvwm2.xpm} Value 200 Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin ChangeIcon 8 (GetTitle 7) End End Widget 25 Property Position 327 299 Type PushButton Title {Browser...} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin Set $ARG={FileBrowser } (GetTitle 7) { Hello word} Set $BROWSER=(LaunchScript $ARG ) End End Widget 8 Property Size 175 75 Position 120 215 Type ItemDraw Icon /usr/X11/include/X11/pixmaps/fvwm2.xpm Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 9 Property Size 179 79 Position 118 213 Type Rectangle Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 10 Property Position 50 380 Type RadioButton Title {Blank} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin ChangeValue 11 0 End End Widget 11 Property Position 50 425 Type RadioButton Title {Pattern} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin ChangeValue 10 0 End End Widget 12 Property Position 230 380 Type ItemDraw Title {Timeout(s):} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 13 Property Position 230 425 Type ItemDraw Title {Cycle(s):} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin ChangeValue 10 0 End End Widget 14 Property Size 80 79 Position 310 375 Type TextField Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 15 Property Size 80 79 Position 310 420 Type TextField Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin ChangeValue 10 0 End End Widget 16 Property Size 410 330 Position 10 13 Type Rectangle Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 17 Property Size 410 105 Position 10 355 Type Rectangle Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 18 Property Position 15 5 Type ItemDraw Title {Background} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End Widget 19 Property Position 15 347 Type ItemDraw Title {Screen-saver} Main Case message of SingleClic : Begin End End