/* $Xorg: xkbparse.y,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:54:34 cpqbld Exp $ */ /************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1994 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SILICON GRAPHICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/xkbparse.y,v 3.11tsi Exp $ */ %token END_OF_FILE 0 ERROR_TOK 255 XKB_KEYMAP 1 XKB_KEYCODES 2 XKB_TYPES 3 XKB_SYMBOLS 4 XKB_COMPATMAP 5 XKB_GEOMETRY 6 XKB_SEMANTICS 7 XKB_LAYOUT 8 INCLUDE 10 OVERRIDE 11 AUGMENT 12 REPLACE 13 ALTERNATE 14 VIRTUAL_MODS 20 TYPE 21 INTERPRET 22 ACTION_TOK 23 KEY 24 ALIAS 25 GROUP 26 MODIFIER_MAP 27 INDICATOR 28 SHAPE 29 KEYS 30 ROW 31 SECTION 32 OVERLAY 33 TEXT 34 OUTLINE 35 SOLID 36 LOGO 37 VIRTUAL 38 EQUALS 40 PLUS 41 MINUS 42 DIVIDE 43 TIMES 44 OBRACE 45 CBRACE 46 OPAREN 47 CPAREN 48 OBRACKET 49 CBRACKET 50 DOT 51 COMMA 52 SEMI 53 EXCLAM 54 INVERT 55 STRING 60 INTEGER 61 FLOAT 62 IDENT 63 KEYNAME 64 PARTIAL 70 DEFAULT 71 HIDDEN 72 ALPHANUMERIC_KEYS 73 MODIFIER_KEYS 74 KEYPAD_KEYS 75 FUNCTION_KEYS 76 ALTERNATE_GROUP 77 %{ #ifdef DEBUG #define YYDEBUG 1 #endif #define DEBUG_VAR parseDebug #include "parseutils.h" #include #include #include %} %right EQUALS %left PLUS MINUS %left TIMES DIVIDE %left EXCLAM INVERT %left OPAREN %start XkbFile %union { int ival; unsigned uval; char *str; Atom sval; ParseCommon *any; ExprDef *expr; VarDef *var; VModDef *vmod; InterpDef *interp; KeyTypeDef *keyType; SymbolsDef *syms; ModMapDef *modMask; GroupCompatDef *groupCompat; IndicatorMapDef *ledMap; IndicatorNameDef *ledName; KeycodeDef *keyName; KeyAliasDef *keyAlias; ShapeDef *shape; SectionDef *section; RowDef *row; KeyDef *key; OverlayDef *overlay; OverlayKeyDef *olKey; OutlineDef *outline; DoodadDef *doodad; XkbFile *file; } %type Number Integer Float SignedNumber %type XkbCompositeType FileType MergeMode OptMergeMode KeySym %type DoodadType Flag Flags OptFlags %type KeyName MapName OptMapName %type FieldSpec Ident Element String %type DeclList Decl %type OptExprList ExprList Expr Term Lhs Terminal ArrayInit %type OptKeySymList KeySymList Action ActionList Coord CoordList %type VarDecl VarDeclList SymbolsBody SymbolsVarDecl %type VModDecl VModDefList VModDef %type InterpretDecl InterpretMatch %type KeyTypeDecl %type SymbolsDecl %type ModMapDecl %type GroupCompatDecl %type IndicatorMapDecl %type IndicatorNameDecl %type KeyNameDecl %type KeyAliasDecl %type ShapeDecl %type
SectionDecl %type SectionBody SectionBodyItem %type RowBody RowBodyItem Keys Key %type OverlayDecl %type OverlayKeyList OverlayKey %type OutlineList OutlineInList %type DoodadDecl %type XkbFile XkbMapConfigList XkbMapConfig XkbConfig %type XkbCompositeMap XkbCompMapList %% XkbFile : XkbCompMapList { $$= rtrnValue= $1; } | XkbMapConfigList { $$= rtrnValue= $1; } | XkbConfig { $$= rtrnValue= $1; } ; XkbCompMapList : XkbCompMapList XkbCompositeMap { $$= (XkbFile *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$2->common); } | XkbCompositeMap { $$= $1; } ; XkbCompositeMap : OptFlags XkbCompositeType OptMapName OBRACE XkbMapConfigList CBRACE SEMI { $$= CreateXKBFile($2,$3,&$5->common,$1); } ; XkbCompositeType: XKB_KEYMAP { $$= XkmKeymapFile; } | XKB_SEMANTICS { $$= XkmSemanticsFile; } | XKB_LAYOUT { $$= XkmLayoutFile; } ; XkbMapConfigList : XkbMapConfigList XkbMapConfig { $$= (XkbFile *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$2->common); } | XkbMapConfig { $$= $1; } ; XkbMapConfig : OptFlags FileType OptMapName OBRACE DeclList CBRACE SEMI { $$= CreateXKBFile($2,$3,$5,$1); } ; XkbConfig : OptFlags FileType OptMapName DeclList { $$= CreateXKBFile($2,$3,$4,$1); } ; FileType : XKB_KEYCODES { $$= XkmKeyNamesIndex; } | XKB_TYPES { $$= XkmTypesIndex; } | XKB_COMPATMAP { $$= XkmCompatMapIndex; } | XKB_SYMBOLS { $$= XkmSymbolsIndex; } | XKB_GEOMETRY { $$= XkmGeometryIndex; } ; OptFlags : Flags { $$= $1; } | { $$= 0; } ; Flags : Flags Flag { $$= (($1)|($2)); } | Flag { $$= $1; } ; Flag : PARTIAL { $$= XkbLC_Partial; } | DEFAULT { $$= XkbLC_Default; } | HIDDEN { $$= XkbLC_Hidden; } | ALPHANUMERIC_KEYS { $$= XkbLC_AlphanumericKeys; } | MODIFIER_KEYS { $$= XkbLC_ModifierKeys; } | KEYPAD_KEYS { $$= XkbLC_KeypadKeys; } | FUNCTION_KEYS { $$= XkbLC_FunctionKeys; } | ALTERNATE_GROUP { $$= XkbLC_AlternateGroup; } ; DeclList : DeclList Decl { $$= AppendStmt($1,$2); } | { $$= NULL; } ; Decl : OptMergeMode VarDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode VModDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode InterpretDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode KeyNameDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode KeyAliasDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode KeyTypeDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode SymbolsDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode ModMapDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode GroupCompatDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode IndicatorMapDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode IndicatorNameDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode ShapeDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode SectionDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | OptMergeMode DoodadDecl { $2->merge= StmtSetMerge(&$2->common,$1); $$= &$2->common; } | MergeMode STRING { if ($1==MergeAltForm) { yyerror("cannot use 'alternate' to include other maps"); $$= &IncludeCreate(scanStr,MergeDefault)->common; } else { $$= &IncludeCreate(scanStr,$1)->common; } } ; VarDecl : Lhs EQUALS Expr SEMI { $$= VarCreate($1,$3); } | Ident SEMI { $$= BoolVarCreate($1,1); } | EXCLAM Ident SEMI { $$= BoolVarCreate($2,0); } ; KeyNameDecl : KeyName EQUALS Expr SEMI { KeycodeDef *def; def= KeycodeCreate($1,$3); if ($1) free($1); $$= def; } ; KeyAliasDecl : ALIAS KeyName EQUALS KeyName SEMI { KeyAliasDef *def; def= KeyAliasCreate($2,$4); if ($2) free($2); if ($4) free($4); $$= def; } ; VModDecl : VIRTUAL_MODS VModDefList SEMI { $$= $2; } ; VModDefList : VModDefList COMMA VModDef { $$= (VModDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$3->common); } | VModDef { $$= $1; } ; VModDef : Ident { $$= VModCreate($1,NULL); } | Ident EQUALS Expr { $$= VModCreate($1,$3); } ; InterpretDecl : INTERPRET InterpretMatch OBRACE VarDeclList CBRACE SEMI { $2->def= $4; $$= $2; } ; InterpretMatch : KeySym PLUS Expr { $$= InterpCreate((KeySym)$1,$3); } | KeySym { $$= InterpCreate((KeySym)$1,NULL); } ; VarDeclList : VarDeclList VarDecl { $$= (VarDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$2->common); } | VarDecl { $$= $1; } ; KeyTypeDecl : TYPE String OBRACE VarDeclList CBRACE SEMI { $$= KeyTypeCreate($2,$4); } ; SymbolsDecl : KEY KeyName OBRACE SymbolsBody CBRACE SEMI { $$= SymbolsCreate($2,(ExprDef *)$4); } ; SymbolsBody : SymbolsBody COMMA SymbolsVarDecl { $$= (VarDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$3->common); } | SymbolsVarDecl { $$= $1; } | { $$= NULL; } ; SymbolsVarDecl : Lhs EQUALS Expr { $$= VarCreate($1,$3); } | Lhs EQUALS ArrayInit { $$= VarCreate($1,$3); } | Ident { $$= BoolVarCreate($1,1); } | EXCLAM Ident { $$= BoolVarCreate($2,0); } | ArrayInit { $$= VarCreate(NULL,$1); } ; ArrayInit : OBRACKET OptKeySymList CBRACKET { $$= $2; } | OBRACKET ActionList CBRACKET { $$= ExprCreateUnary(ExprActionList,TypeAction,$2); } ; GroupCompatDecl : GROUP Integer EQUALS Expr SEMI { $$= GroupCompatCreate($2,$4); } ; ModMapDecl : MODIFIER_MAP Ident OBRACE ExprList CBRACE SEMI { $$= ModMapCreate($2,$4); } ; IndicatorMapDecl: INDICATOR String OBRACE VarDeclList CBRACE SEMI { $$= IndicatorMapCreate($2,$4); } ; IndicatorNameDecl: INDICATOR Integer EQUALS Expr SEMI { $$= IndicatorNameCreate($2,$4,False); } | VIRTUAL INDICATOR Integer EQUALS Expr SEMI { $$= IndicatorNameCreate($3,$5,True); } ; ShapeDecl : SHAPE String OBRACE OutlineList CBRACE SEMI { $$= ShapeDeclCreate($2,(OutlineDef *)&$4->common); } | SHAPE String OBRACE CoordList CBRACE SEMI { OutlineDef *outlines; outlines= OutlineCreate(None,$4); $$= ShapeDeclCreate($2,outlines); } ; SectionDecl : SECTION String OBRACE SectionBody CBRACE SEMI { $$= SectionDeclCreate($2,$4); } ; SectionBody : SectionBody SectionBodyItem { $$=(RowDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$2->common);} | SectionBodyItem { $$= $1; } ; SectionBodyItem : ROW OBRACE RowBody CBRACE SEMI { $$= RowDeclCreate($3); } | VarDecl { $$= (RowDef *)$1; } | DoodadDecl { $$= (RowDef *)$1; } | IndicatorMapDecl { $$= (RowDef *)$1; } | OverlayDecl { $$= (RowDef *)$1; } ; RowBody : RowBody RowBodyItem { $$=(KeyDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$2->common);} | RowBodyItem { $$= $1; } ; RowBodyItem : KEYS OBRACE Keys CBRACE SEMI { $$= $3; } | VarDecl { $$= (KeyDef *)$1; } ; Keys : Keys COMMA Key { $$=(KeyDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$3->common);} | Key { $$= $1; } ; Key : KeyName { $$= KeyDeclCreate($1,NULL); } | OBRACE ExprList CBRACE { $$= KeyDeclCreate(NULL,$2); } ; OverlayDecl : OVERLAY String OBRACE OverlayKeyList CBRACE SEMI { $$= OverlayDeclCreate($2,$4); } ; OverlayKeyList : OverlayKeyList COMMA OverlayKey { $$= (OverlayKeyDef *) AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$3->common); } | OverlayKey { $$= $1; } ; OverlayKey : KeyName EQUALS KeyName { $$= OverlayKeyCreate($1,$3); } ; OutlineList : OutlineList COMMA OutlineInList { $$=(OutlineDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$3->common);} | OutlineInList { $$= $1; } ; OutlineInList : OBRACE CoordList CBRACE { $$= OutlineCreate(None,$2); } | Ident EQUALS OBRACE CoordList CBRACE { $$= OutlineCreate($1,$4); } | Ident EQUALS Expr { $$= OutlineCreate($1,$3); } ; CoordList : CoordList COMMA Coord { $$= (ExprDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$3->common); } | Coord { $$= $1; } ; Coord : OBRACKET SignedNumber COMMA SignedNumber CBRACKET { ExprDef *expr; expr= ExprCreate(ExprCoord,TypeUnknown); expr->value.coord.x= $2; expr->value.coord.y= $4; $$= expr; } ; DoodadDecl : DoodadType String OBRACE VarDeclList CBRACE SEMI { $$= DoodadCreate($1,$2,$4); } ; DoodadType : TEXT { $$= XkbTextDoodad; } | OUTLINE { $$= XkbOutlineDoodad; } | SOLID { $$= XkbSolidDoodad; } | LOGO { $$= XkbLogoDoodad; } ; FieldSpec : Ident { $$= $1; } | Element { $$= $1; } ; Element : ACTION_TOK { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"action",False); } | INTERPRET { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"interpret",False); } | TYPE { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"type",False); } | KEY { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"key",False); } | GROUP { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"group",False); } | MODIFIER_MAP {$$=XkbInternAtom(NULL,"modifier_map",False);} | INDICATOR { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"indicator",False); } | SHAPE { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"shape",False); } | ROW { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"row",False); } | SECTION { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"section",False); } | TEXT { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"text",False); } ; OptMergeMode : MergeMode { $$= $1; } | { $$= MergeDefault; } ; MergeMode : INCLUDE { $$= MergeDefault; } | AUGMENT { $$= MergeAugment; } | OVERRIDE { $$= MergeOverride; } | REPLACE { $$= MergeReplace; } | ALTERNATE { $$= MergeAltForm; } ; OptExprList : ExprList { $$= $1; } | { $$= NULL; } ; ExprList : ExprList COMMA Expr { $$= (ExprDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$3->common); } | Expr { $$= $1; } ; Expr : Expr DIVIDE Expr { $$= ExprCreateBinary(OpDivide,$1,$3); } | Expr PLUS Expr { $$= ExprCreateBinary(OpAdd,$1,$3); } | Expr MINUS Expr { $$= ExprCreateBinary(OpSubtract,$1,$3); } | Expr TIMES Expr { $$= ExprCreateBinary(OpMultiply,$1,$3); } | Lhs EQUALS Expr { $$= ExprCreateBinary(OpAssign,$1,$3); } | Term { $$= $1; } ; Term : MINUS Term { $$= ExprCreateUnary(OpNegate,$2->type,$2); } | PLUS Term { $$= ExprCreateUnary(OpUnaryPlus,$2->type,$2); } | EXCLAM Term { $$= ExprCreateUnary(OpNot,TypeBoolean,$2); } | INVERT Term { $$= ExprCreateUnary(OpInvert,$2->type,$2); } | Lhs { $$= $1; } | FieldSpec OPAREN OptExprList CPAREN %prec OPAREN { $$= ActionCreate($1,$3); } | Terminal { $$= $1; } | OPAREN Expr CPAREN { $$= $2; } ; ActionList : ActionList COMMA Action { $$= (ExprDef *)AppendStmt(&$1->common,&$3->common); } | Action { $$= $1; } ; Action : FieldSpec OPAREN OptExprList CPAREN { $$= ActionCreate($1,$3); } ; Lhs : FieldSpec { ExprDef *expr; expr= ExprCreate(ExprIdent,TypeUnknown); expr->value.str= $1; $$= expr; } | FieldSpec DOT FieldSpec { ExprDef *expr; expr= ExprCreate(ExprFieldRef,TypeUnknown); expr->value.field.element= $1; expr->value.field.field= $3; $$= expr; } | FieldSpec OBRACKET Expr CBRACKET { ExprDef *expr; expr= ExprCreate(ExprArrayRef,TypeUnknown); expr->value.array.element= None; expr->value.array.field= $1; expr->value.array.entry= $3; $$= expr; } | FieldSpec DOT FieldSpec OBRACKET Expr CBRACKET { ExprDef *expr; expr= ExprCreate(ExprArrayRef,TypeUnknown); expr->value.array.element= $1; expr->value.array.field= $3; expr->value.array.entry= $5; $$= expr; } ; Terminal : String { ExprDef *expr; expr= ExprCreate(ExprValue,TypeString); expr->value.str= $1; $$= expr; } | Integer { ExprDef *expr; expr= ExprCreate(ExprValue,TypeInt); expr->value.ival= $1; $$= expr; } | Float { ExprDef *expr; expr= ExprCreate(ExprValue,TypeFloat); expr->value.ival= $1; $$= expr; } | KeyName { ExprDef *expr; expr= ExprCreate(ExprValue,TypeKeyName); memcpy(expr->value.keyName,$1,4); free($1); $$= expr; } ; OptKeySymList : KeySymList { $$= $1; } | { $$= NULL; } ; KeySymList : KeySymList COMMA KeySym { $$= AppendKeysymList($1,(KeySym)$3); } | KeySym { $$= CreateKeysymList((KeySym)$1); } ; KeySym : IDENT { KeySym sym; if (LookupKeysym(scanStr,&sym)) $$= sym; else { char buf[120]; sprintf(buf,"expected keysym, got %s", uStringText(scanStr)); yyerror(buf); yynerrs++; $$= NoSymbol; } } | SECTION { $$= XK_section; } | Integer { if ($1<10) $$= $1+'0'; /* XK_0 .. XK_9 */ else $$= $1; } ; SignedNumber : MINUS Number { $$= -$2; } | Number { $$= $1; } ; Number : FLOAT { $$= scanInt; } | INTEGER { $$= scanInt*XkbGeomPtsPerMM; } ; Float : FLOAT { $$= scanInt; } ; Integer : INTEGER { $$= scanInt; } ; KeyName : KEYNAME { $$= scanStr; scanStr= NULL; } ; Ident : IDENT { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,scanStr,False); } | DEFAULT { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,"default",False); } ; String : STRING { $$= XkbInternAtom(NULL,scanStr,False); } ; OptMapName : MapName { $$= $1; } | { $$= NULL; } ; MapName : STRING { $$= scanStr; scanStr= NULL; } ; %% void yyerror(char *s) { if (warningLevel>0) { (void)fprintf(stderr,"%s: line %d of %s\n",s,lineNum, (scanFile?scanFile:"(unknown)")); if ((scanStr)&&(warningLevel>3)) (void)fprintf(stderr,"last scanned symbol is: %s\n",scanStr); } return; } int yywrap(void) { return 1; }