/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*- */ /* voters --- Dewdney's Voting Simulation */ #if !defined( lint ) && !defined( SABER ) static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)voters.c 5.00 2000/11/01 xlockmore"; #endif /*- * Copyright (c) 1997 by David Bagley. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation. * * This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author * shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights, * trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no * event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or * other special, indirect and consequential damages. * * Revision History: * 01-Nov-2000: Allocation checks * 10-Jun-1997: Coded from A.K. Dewdney's "The Armchair Universe, Computer * Recreations from the Pages of Scientific American Magazine" * W.H. Freedman and Company, New York, 1988 (Apr 1985) * Used wator.c and demon.c as a guide. */ #ifdef STANDALONE #define MODE_voters #define PROGCLASS "Voters" #define HACK_INIT init_voters #define HACK_DRAW draw_voters #define voters_opts xlockmore_opts #define DEFAULTS "*delay: 1000 \n" \ "*cycles: 327670 \n" \ "*size: 0 \n" \ "*ncolors: 64 \n" \ "*neighbors: 0 \n" #define UNIFORM_COLORS #define BRIGHT_COLORS #include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */ #else /* STANDALONE */ #include "xlock.h" /* in xlockmore distribution */ #endif /* STANDALONE */ #include "automata.h" #ifdef MODE_voters /*- * neighbors of 0 randomizes it between 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 12. */ #define DEF_NEIGHBORS "0" /* choose random value */ static int neighbors; static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] = { {(char *) "-neighbors", (char *) ".voters.neighbors", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL} }; static argtype vars[] = { {(void *) & neighbors, (char *) "neighbors", (char *) "Neighbors", (char *) DEF_NEIGHBORS, t_Int } }; static OptionStruct desc[] = { {(char *) "-neighbors num", (char *) "squares 4 or 8, hexagons 6, triangles 3, 9 or 12"} }; ModeSpecOpt voters_opts = {sizeof opts / sizeof opts[0], opts, sizeof vars / sizeof vars[0], vars, desc}; #ifdef USE_MODULES ModStruct voters_description = {"voters", "init_voters", "draw_voters", "release_voters", "refresh_voters", "init_voters", (char *) NULL, &voters_opts, 1000, 0, 327670, 0, 64, 1.0, "", "Shows Dewdney's Voters", 0, NULL}; #endif /*- * From far left to right, at least in the currently in the US. By the way, I * consider myself to be a proud bleeding heart liberal democrat, in * case anyone wants to know.... Please, no fascist "improvements". :) */ #include "bitmaps/elephant.xbm" #ifdef COMMIE #include "bitmaps/sickle.xbm" #else #include "bitmaps/green.xbm" #endif #include "bitmaps/donkey.xbm" #define MINPARTIES 2 #define BITMAPS 3 #define MINGRIDSIZE 10 #define MINSIZE 4 #define FACTOR 10 #define NEIGHBORKINDS 6 static XImage logo[BITMAPS] = { {0, 0, 0, XYBitmap, (char *) elephant_bits, LSBFirst, 8, LSBFirst, 8, 1}, {0, 0, 0, XYBitmap, (char *) green_bits, LSBFirst, 8, LSBFirst, 8, 1}, {0, 0, 0, XYBitmap, (char *) donkey_bits, LSBFirst, 8, LSBFirst, 8, 1}, }; /* Voter data */ typedef struct { char kind; int age; int col, row; } cellstruct; /* Doublely linked list */ typedef struct _CellList { cellstruct info; struct _CellList *previous, *next; } CellList; typedef struct { Bool painted; int party; /* Currently working on donkey, elephant, or green? */ int xs, ys; /* Size of party icon */ int xb, yb; /* Bitmap offset for party icon */ int nparties; /* 2 parties or 3 */ int number_in_party[BITMAPS]; /* Good to know when one party rules */ int pixelmode; int generation; int ncols, nrows; int npositions; int width, height; CellList *last, *first; char *arr; int neighbors; int busyLoop; XPoint hexagonList[6]; XPoint triangleList[2][3]; } voterstruct; static char plots[NEIGHBORKINDS] = { 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 /* Neighborhoods */ }; static voterstruct *voters = (voterstruct *) NULL; static int icon_width, icon_height; static void drawcell(ModeInfo * mi, int col, int row, unsigned long color, int bitmap, Bool firstChange) { Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi); Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi); GC gc = MI_GC(mi); voterstruct *vp = &voters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; unsigned long colour = (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) ? MI_PIXEL(mi, color) : MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi); XSetForeground(display, gc, colour); if (vp->neighbors == 6) { int ccol = 2 * col + !(row & 1), crow = 2 * row; vp->hexagonList[0].x = vp->xb + ccol * vp->xs; vp->hexagonList[0].y = vp->yb + crow * vp->ys; if (vp->xs == 1 && vp->ys == 1) XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, vp->hexagonList[0].x, vp->hexagonList[0].y); else if (bitmap == BITMAPS - 1) XFillPolygon(display, window, gc, vp->hexagonList, 6, Convex, CoordModePrevious); else { if (firstChange) { XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi)); XFillPolygon(display, window, gc, vp->hexagonList, 6, Convex, CoordModePrevious); XSetForeground(display, gc, colour); } if (vp->xs <= 6 || vp->ys <= 2) XFillRectangle(display, window, gc, vp->hexagonList[0].x - 3 * vp->xs / 4, vp->hexagonList[0].y + vp->ys / 4, vp->xs, vp->ys); else XFillArc(display, window, gc, vp->xb + vp->xs * ccol - 3 * vp->xs / 4, vp->yb + vp->ys * crow + vp->ys / 4, 2 * vp->xs - 6, 2 * vp->ys - 2, 0, 23040); } } else if (vp->neighbors == 4 || vp->neighbors == 8) { if (vp->pixelmode) { if (bitmap == BITMAPS - 1 || (vp->xs <= 2 || vp->ys <= 2)) XFillRectangle(display, window, gc, vp->xb + vp->xs * col, vp->yb + vp->ys * row, vp->xs - (vp->xs > 3), vp->ys - (vp->ys > 3)); else { if (firstChange) { XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi)); XFillRectangle(display, window, gc, vp->xb + vp->xs * col, vp->yb + vp->ys * row, vp->xs, vp->ys); XSetForeground(display, gc, colour); } XFillArc(display, window, gc, vp->xb + vp->xs * col, vp->yb + vp->ys * row, vp->xs - 1, vp->ys - 1, 0, 23040); } } else (void) XPutImage(display, window, gc, &logo[bitmap], 0, 0, vp->xb + vp->xs * col, vp->yb + vp->ys * row, icon_width, icon_height); } else { /* TRI */ int orient = (col + row) % 2; /* O left 1 right */ vp->triangleList[orient][0].x = vp->xb + col * vp->xs; vp->triangleList[orient][0].y = vp->yb + row * vp->ys; if (vp->xs <= 3 || vp->ys <= 3) XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, ((orient) ? -1 : 1) + vp->triangleList[orient][0].x, vp->triangleList[orient][0].y); else { if (orient) vp->triangleList[orient][0].x += (vp->xs / 2 - 1); else vp->triangleList[orient][0].x -= (vp->xs / 2 - 1); if (bitmap == BITMAPS - 1) XFillPolygon(display, window, gc, vp->triangleList[orient], 3, Convex, CoordModePrevious); else { if (firstChange) { XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi)); XFillPolygon(display, window, gc, vp->triangleList[orient], 3, Convex, CoordModePrevious); XSetForeground(display, gc, colour); } XFillArc(display, window, gc, vp->xb + vp->xs * col - 4 * vp->xs / 5 + ((orient) ? vp->xs / 3 : 3 * vp->xs / 5), vp->yb + vp->ys * row - vp->ys / 2 + 1, vp->ys - 3, vp->ys - 3, 0, 23040); } } } } static Bool init_list(voterstruct * vp) { /* Waste some space at the beginning and end of list so we do not have to complicated checks against falling off the ends. */ if (((vp->last = (CellList *) malloc(sizeof (CellList))) == NULL) || ((vp->first = (CellList *) malloc(sizeof (CellList))) == NULL)) { return False; } vp->first->previous = vp->last->next = (struct _CellList *) NULL; vp->first->next = vp->last->previous = (struct _CellList *) NULL; vp->first->next = vp->last; vp->last->previous = vp->first; return True; } static Bool addto_list(voterstruct * vp, cellstruct info) { CellList *curr; if ((curr = (CellList *) malloc(sizeof (CellList))) == NULL) { return False; } vp->last->previous->next = curr; curr->previous = vp->last->previous; curr->next = vp->last; vp->last->previous = curr; curr->info = info; return True; } static void removefrom_list(CellList * ptr) { ptr->previous->next = ptr->next; ptr->next->previous = ptr->previous; free(ptr); } static void flush_list(voterstruct * vp) { CellList *curr; while (vp->last->previous != vp->first) { curr = vp->last->previous; curr->previous->next = vp->last; vp->last->previous = curr->previous; free(curr); } } static char neighbors_opinion(voterstruct * vp, int col, int row, int dir) { if (vp->neighbors == 6) { switch (dir) { case 0: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; break; case 60: if (!(row & 1)) col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 120: if (row & 1) col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 180: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; break; case 240: if (row & 1) col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; case 300: if (!(row & 1)) col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "wrong direction %d\n", dir); } } else if (vp->neighbors == 4 || vp->neighbors == 8) { switch (dir) { case 0: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; break; case 45: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 90: row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 135: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 180: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; break; case 225: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; case 270: row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; case 315: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "wrong direction %d\n", dir); } } else { /* TRI */ if ((col + row) % 2) { /* right */ switch (dir) { case 0: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; break; case 30: case 40: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; case 60: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; if (row + 1 == vp->nrows) row = 1; else if (row + 2 == vp->nrows) row = 0; else row = row + 2; break; case 80: case 90: if (row + 1 == vp->nrows) row = 1; else if (row + 2 == vp->nrows) row = 0; else row = row + 2; break; case 120: row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; case 150: case 160: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; case 180: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; break; case 200: case 210: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 240: row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 270: case 280: if (!row) row = vp->nrows - 2; else if (!(row - 1)) row = vp->nrows - 1; else row = row - 2; break; case 300: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; if (!row) row = vp->nrows - 2; else if (!(row - 1)) row = vp->nrows - 1; else row = row - 2; break; case 320: case 330: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "wrong direction %d\n", dir); } } else { /* left */ switch (dir) { case 0: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; break; case 30: case 40: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 60: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; if (!row) row = vp->nrows - 2; else if (row == 1) row = vp->nrows - 1; else row = row - 2; break; case 80: case 90: if (!row) row = vp->nrows - 2; else if (row == 1) row = vp->nrows - 1; else row = row - 2; break; case 120: row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 150: case 160: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; row = (!row) ? vp->nrows - 1 : row - 1; break; case 180: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; break; case 200: case 210: col = (!col) ? vp->ncols - 1 : col - 1; row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; case 240: row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; case 270: case 280: if (row + 1 == vp->nrows) row = 1; else if (row + 2 == vp->nrows) row = 0; else row = row + 2; break; case 300: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; if (row + 1 == vp->nrows) row = 1; else if (row + 2 == vp->nrows) row = 0; else row = row + 2; break; case 320: case 330: col = (col + 1 == vp->ncols) ? 0 : col + 1; row = (row + 1 == vp->nrows) ? 0 : row + 1; break; default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "wrong direction %d\n", dir); } } } return vp->arr[row * vp->ncols + col]; } static void advanceColors(ModeInfo * mi, int col, int row) { voterstruct *vp = &voters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; CellList *curr; curr = vp->first->next; while (curr != vp->last) { if (curr->info.col == col && curr->info.row == row) { curr = curr->next; removefrom_list(curr->previous); } else { if (curr->info.age > 0) curr->info.age--; else if (curr->info.age < 0) curr->info.age++; drawcell(mi, curr->info.col, curr->info.row, (MI_NPIXELS(mi) + curr->info.age / FACTOR + (MI_NPIXELS(mi) * curr->info.kind / BITMAPS)) % MI_NPIXELS(mi), curr->info.kind, False); if (curr->info.age == 0) { curr = curr->next; removefrom_list(curr->previous); } else curr = curr->next; } } } void refresh_voters(ModeInfo * mi) { int col, row, colrow; voterstruct *vp; if (voters == NULL) return; vp = &voters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; if (vp->first == NULL) return; if (vp->painted) { MI_CLEARWINDOW(mi); vp->painted = False; for (row = 0; row < vp->nrows; row++) for (col = 0; col < vp->ncols; col++) { colrow = col + row * vp->ncols; /* Draw all old, will get corrected soon if wrong... */ drawcell(mi, col, row, (unsigned long) (MI_NPIXELS(mi) * vp->arr[colrow] / BITMAPS), vp->arr[colrow], False); } } } static void free_voters(voterstruct *vp) { if (vp->first != NULL) { flush_list(vp); free(vp->first); vp->first = (CellList *) NULL; } if (vp->last != NULL) { free(vp->last); vp->last = (CellList *) NULL; } if (vp->arr != NULL) { free(vp->arr); vp->arr = (char *) NULL; } } void init_voters(ModeInfo * mi) { int size = MI_SIZE(mi); int i, col, row, colrow; voterstruct *vp; if (voters == NULL) { if ((voters = (voterstruct *) calloc(MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi), sizeof (voterstruct))) == NULL) return; } vp = &voters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; vp->generation = 0; if (!vp->first) { /* Genesis of democracy */ icon_width = donkey_width; icon_height = donkey_height; if (!init_list(vp)) { free_voters(vp); return; } for (i = 0; i < BITMAPS; i++) { logo[i].width = icon_width; logo[i].height = icon_height; logo[i].bytes_per_line = (icon_width + 7) / 8; } } else /* Exterminate all free thinking individuals */ flush_list(vp); vp->width = MI_WIDTH(mi); vp->height = MI_HEIGHT(mi); for (i = 0; i < NEIGHBORKINDS; i++) { if (neighbors == plots[i]) { vp->neighbors = neighbors; break; } if (i == NEIGHBORKINDS - 1) { #if 0 vp->neighbors = plots[NRAND(NEIGHBORKINDS)]; vp->neighbors = (LRAND() & 1) ? 4 : 8; #else vp->neighbors = 8; #endif break; } } if (vp->neighbors == 6) { int nccols, ncrows, sides; if (vp->width < 8) vp->width = 8; if (vp->height < 8) vp->height = 8; if (size < -MINSIZE) vp->ys = NRAND(MIN(-size, MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(vp->width, vp->height) / MINGRIDSIZE)) - MINSIZE + 1) + MINSIZE; else if (size < MINSIZE) { if (!size) vp->ys = MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(vp->width, vp->height) / MINGRIDSIZE); else vp->ys = MINSIZE; } else vp->ys = MIN(size, MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(vp->width, vp->height) / MINGRIDSIZE)); vp->xs = vp->ys; vp->pixelmode = True; nccols = MAX(vp->width / vp->xs - 2, 2); ncrows = MAX(vp->height / vp->ys - 1, 4); vp->ncols = nccols / 2; vp->nrows = 2 * (ncrows / 4); vp->xb = (vp->width - vp->xs * nccols) / 2 + vp->xs / 2; vp->yb = (vp->height - vp->ys * (ncrows / 2) * 2) / 2 + vp->ys - 2; for (sides = 0; sides < 6; sides++) { vp->hexagonList[sides].x = (vp->xs - 1) * hexagonUnit[sides].x; vp->hexagonList[sides].y = ((vp->ys - 1) * hexagonUnit[sides].y / 2) * 4 / 3; } } else if (vp->neighbors == 4 || vp->neighbors == 8) { if (vp->width < 2) vp->width = 2; if (vp->height < 2) vp->height = 2; if (size == 0 || MINGRIDSIZE * size > vp->width || MINGRIDSIZE * size > vp->height) { if (vp->width > MINGRIDSIZE * icon_width && vp->height > MINGRIDSIZE * icon_height) { vp->pixelmode = False; vp->xs = icon_width; vp->ys = icon_height; } else { vp->pixelmode = True; vp->xs = vp->ys = MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(vp->width, vp->height) / MINGRIDSIZE); } } else { vp->pixelmode = True; if (size < -MINSIZE) vp->ys = NRAND(MIN(-size, MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(vp->width, vp->height) / MINGRIDSIZE)) - MINSIZE + 1) + MINSIZE; else if (size < MINSIZE) vp->ys = MINSIZE; else vp->ys = MIN(size, MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(vp->width, vp->height) / MINGRIDSIZE)); vp->xs = vp->ys; } vp->ncols = MAX(vp->width / vp->xs, 2); vp->nrows = MAX(vp->height / vp->ys, 2); vp->xb = (vp->width - vp->xs * vp->ncols) / 2; vp->yb = (vp->height - vp->ys * vp->nrows) / 2; } else { /* TRI */ int orient, sides; if (vp->width < 2) vp->width = 2; if (vp->height < 2) vp->height = 2; if (size < -MINSIZE) vp->ys = NRAND(MIN(-size, MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(vp->width, vp->height) / MINGRIDSIZE)) - MINSIZE + 1) + MINSIZE; else if (size < MINSIZE) { if (!size) vp->ys = MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(vp->width, vp->height) / MINGRIDSIZE); else vp->ys = MINSIZE; } else vp->ys = MIN(size, MAX(MINSIZE, MIN(vp->width, vp->height) / MINGRIDSIZE)); vp->xs = (int) (1.52 * vp->ys); vp->pixelmode = True; vp->ncols = (MAX(vp->width / vp->xs - 1, 2) / 2) * 2; vp->nrows = (MAX(vp->height / vp->ys - 1, 2) / 2) * 2; vp->xb = (vp->width - vp->xs * vp->ncols) / 2 + vp->xs / 2; vp->yb = (vp->height - vp->ys * vp->nrows) / 2 + vp->ys / 2; for (orient = 0; orient < 2; orient++) { for (sides = 0; sides < 3; sides++) { vp->triangleList[orient][sides].x = (vp->xs - 2) * triangleUnit[orient][sides].x; vp->triangleList[orient][sides].y = (vp->ys - 2) * triangleUnit[orient][sides].y; } } } vp->npositions = vp->ncols * vp->nrows; if (vp->arr != NULL) free(vp->arr); if ((vp->arr = (char *) calloc(vp->npositions, sizeof (char))) == NULL) { free_voters(vp); return; } /* Play G-d with these numbers */ vp->nparties = MI_COUNT(mi); if (vp->nparties < MINPARTIES || vp->nparties > BITMAPS) vp->nparties = NRAND(BITMAPS - MINPARTIES + 1) + MINPARTIES; if (vp->pixelmode) vp->nparties = 2; vp->busyLoop = 0; MI_CLEARWINDOW(mi); vp->painted = False; for (i = 0; i < BITMAPS; i++) vp->number_in_party[i] = 0; for (row = 0; row < vp->nrows; row++) for (col = 0; col < vp->ncols; col++) { colrow = col + row * vp->ncols; if (vp->nparties == 2) i = (NRAND(vp->nparties) + 2) % BITMAPS; else i = NRAND(vp->nparties); vp->arr[colrow] = (char) i; drawcell(mi, col, row, (unsigned long) (MI_NPIXELS(mi) * i / BITMAPS), i, False); vp->number_in_party[i]++; } } void draw_voters(ModeInfo * mi) { int i, spineless_dude, neighbor_direction; int spineless_col, spineless_row; int new_opinion, old_opinion; cellstruct info; voterstruct *vp; if (voters == NULL) return; vp = &voters[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; if (vp->first == NULL) return; MI_IS_DRAWN(mi) = True; vp->painted = True; if (vp->busyLoop) { if (vp->busyLoop >= 5000) vp->busyLoop = 0; else vp->busyLoop++; return; } for (i = 0; i < BITMAPS; i++) if (vp->number_in_party[i] == vp->npositions) { /* The End of the WORLD */ init_voters(mi); /* Create a more interesting planet */ } spineless_dude = NRAND(vp->npositions); neighbor_direction = NRAND(vp->neighbors) * 360 / vp->neighbors; spineless_col = spineless_dude % vp->ncols; spineless_row = spineless_dude / vp->ncols; old_opinion = vp->arr[spineless_dude]; new_opinion = neighbors_opinion(vp, spineless_col, spineless_row, neighbor_direction); if (old_opinion != new_opinion) { vp->number_in_party[old_opinion]--; vp->number_in_party[new_opinion]++; vp->arr[spineless_dude] = new_opinion; info.kind = new_opinion; info.age = (old_opinion - new_opinion); if (info.age == 2) info.age = -1; if (info.age == -2) info.age = 1; info.age *= (FACTOR * MI_NPIXELS(mi)) / 3; info.col = spineless_col; info.row = spineless_row; if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) { advanceColors(mi, spineless_col, spineless_row); if (!addto_list(vp, info)) { free_voters(vp); return; } } drawcell(mi, spineless_col, spineless_row, (MI_NPIXELS(mi) + info.age / FACTOR + (MI_NPIXELS(mi) * new_opinion / BITMAPS)) % MI_NPIXELS(mi), new_opinion, True); } else if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2) advanceColors(mi, -1, -1); vp->generation++; for (i = 0; i < BITMAPS; i++) if (vp->number_in_party[i] == vp->npositions) { /* The End of the WORLD */ vp->busyLoop = 1; refresh_voters(mi); } } void release_voters(ModeInfo * mi) { if (voters != NULL) { int screen; for (screen = 0; screen < MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi); screen++) free_voters(&voters[screen]); free(voters); voters = (voterstruct *) NULL; } } #endif /* MODE_voters */