'\" et '\"! eqn|tbl | mmdoc '\"macro stdmacro .ds Vn Version 1.2 .ds Dt 24 September 1999 .ds Re Release 1.2.1 .ds Dp Jan 14 18:30 .ds Dm 01 pushattri .ds Xs 21569 10 pushattrib.gl .TH GLPUSHATTRIB 3G .SH NAME .B "glPushAttrib, glPopAttrib \- push and pop the server attribute stack .SH C SPECIFICATION void \f3glPushAttrib\fP( GLbitfield \fImask\fP ) .nf .fi .SH PARAMETERS .TP \w'\f2mask\fP\ \ 'u \f2mask\fP Specifies a mask that indicates which attributes to save. Values for \f2mask\fP are listed below. .SH C SPECIFICATION void \f3glPopAttrib\fP( void ) .nf .fi .SH DESCRIPTION \%\f3glPushAttrib\fP takes one argument, a mask that indicates which groups of state variables to save on the attribute stack. Symbolic constants are used to set bits in the mask. \f2mask\fP is typically constructed by ORing several of these constants together. The special mask \%\f3GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS\fP can be used to save all stackable states. .P The symbolic mask constants and their associated GL state are as follows (the second column lists which attributes are saved): .P .TS ; l l . \%\f3GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT\fP Accumulation buffer clear value \%\f3GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_ALPHA_TEST\fP enable bit Alpha test function and reference value \%\f3GL_BLEND\fP enable bit Blending source and destination functions Constant blend color Blending equation \%\f3GL_DITHER\fP enable bit \%\f3GL_DRAW_BUFFER\fP setting \%\f3GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP\fP enable bit \%\f3GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP\fP enable bit Logic op function Color mode and index mode clear values Color mode and index mode writemasks \%\f3GL_CURRENT_BIT\fP Current RGBA color Current color index Current normal vector Current texture coordinates Current raster position \%\f3GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID\fP flag RGBA color associated with current raster position Color index associated with current raster position Texture coordinates associated with current raster position \%\f3GL_EDGE_FLAG\fP flag \%\f3GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_DEPTH_TEST\fP enable bit Depth buffer test function Depth buffer clear value \%\f3GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK\fP enable bit \%\f3GL_ENABLE_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_ALPHA_TEST\fP flag \%\f3GL_AUTO_NORMAL\fP flag \%\f3GL_BLEND\fP flag Enable bits for the user-definable clipping planes \%\f3GL_COLOR_MATERIAL\fP \%\f3GL_CULL_FACE\fP flag \%\f3GL_DEPTH_TEST\fP flag \%\f3GL_DITHER\fP flag \%\f3GL_FOG\fP flag \%\f3GL_LIGHT\fP\f2i\fP where 0\ <= \f2i\fP<\%\f3GL_MAX_LIGHTS\fP \%\f3GL_LIGHTING\fP flag \%\f3GL_LINE_SMOOTH\fP flag \%\f3GL_LINE_STIPPLE\fP flag \%\f3GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP\fP flag \%\f3GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP\fP flag \%\f3GL_MAP1_\fP\f2x\fP where \f2x\fP is a map type \%\f3GL_MAP2_\fP\f2x\fP where \f2x\fP is a map type \%\f3GL_NORMALIZE\fP flag \%\f3GL_POINT_SMOOTH\fP flag \%\f3GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE\fP flag \%\f3GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL\fP flag \%\f3GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT\fP flag \%\f3GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH\fP flag \%\f3GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE\fP flag \%\f3GL_SCISSOR_TEST\fP flag \%\f3GL_STENCIL_TEST\fP flag \%\f3GL_TEXTURE_1D\fP flag \%\f3GL_TEXTURE_2D\fP flag \%\f3GL_TEXTURE_3D\fP flag Flags \%\f3GL_TEXTURE_GEN_\fP\f2x\fP where \f2x\fP is S, T, R, or Q \%\f3GL_EVAL_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_MAP1_\fP\f2x\fP enable bits, where \f2x\fP is a map type \%\f3GL_MAP2_\fP\f2x\fP enable bits, where \f2x\fP is a map type 1D grid endpoints and divisions 2D grid endpoints and divisions \%\f3GL_AUTO_NORMAL\fP enable bit \%\f3GL_FOG_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_FOG\fP enable bit Fog color Fog density Linear fog start Linear fog end Fog index \%\f3GL_FOG_MODE\fP value \%\f3GL_HINT_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT\fP setting \%\f3GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT\fP setting \%\f3GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT\fP setting \%\f3GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT\fP setting \%\f3GL_FOG_HINT\fP setting \%\f3GL_LIGHTING_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_COLOR_MATERIAL\fP enable bit \%\f3GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE\fP value Color material parameters that are tracking the current color Ambient scene color \%\f3GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER\fP value \%\f3GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE\fP setting \%\f3GL_LIGHTING\fP enable bit Enable bit for each light Ambient, diffuse, and specular intensity for each light Direction, position, exponent, and cutoff angle for each light Constant, linear, and quadratic attenuation factors for each light Ambient, diffuse, specular, and emissive color for each material Ambient, diffuse, and specular color indices for each material Specular exponent for each material \%\f3GL_SHADE_MODEL\fP setting \%\f3GL_LINE_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_LINE_SMOOTH\fP flag \%\f3GL_LINE_STIPPLE\fP enable bit Line stipple pattern and repeat counter Line width \%\f3GL_LIST_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_LIST_BASE\fP setting \%\f3GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_RED_BIAS\fP and \%\f3GL_RED_SCALE\fP settings \%\f3GL_GREEN_BIAS\fP and \%\f3GL_GREEN_SCALE\fP values \%\f3GL_BLUE_BIAS\fP and \%\f3GL_BLUE_SCALE\fP \%\f3GL_ALPHA_BIAS\fP and \%\f3GL_ALPHA_SCALE\fP \%\f3GL_DEPTH_BIAS\fP and \%\f3GL_DEPTH_SCALE\fP \%\f3GL_INDEX_OFFSET\fP and \%\f3GL_INDEX_SHIFT\fP values \%\f3GL_MAP_COLOR\fP and \%\f3GL_MAP_STENCIL\fP flags \%\f3GL_ZOOM_X\fP and \%\f3GL_ZOOM_Y\fP factors \%\f3GL_READ_BUFFER\fP setting \%\f3GL_POINT_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_POINT_SMOOTH\fP flag Point size \%\f3GL_POLYGON_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_CULL_FACE\fP enable bit \%\f3GL_CULL_FACE_MODE\fP value \%\f3GL_FRONT_FACE\fP indicator \%\f3GL_POLYGON_MODE\fP setting \%\f3GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH\fP flag \%\f3GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE\fP enable bit \%\f3GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL\fP flag \%\f3GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE\fP flag \%\f3GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT\fP flag \%\f3GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR\fP \%\f3GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS\fP \%\f3GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT\fP Polygon stipple image \%\f3GL_SCISSOR_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_SCISSOR_TEST\fP flag Scissor box \%\f3GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT\fP \%\f3GL_STENCIL_TEST\fP enable bit Stencil function and reference value Stencil value mask Stencil fail, pass, and depth buffer pass actions Stencil buffer clear value Stencil buffer writemask \%\f3GL_TEXTURE_BIT\fP Enable bits for the four texture coordinates Border color for each texture image Minification function for each texture image Magnification function for each texture image Texture coordinates and wrap mode for each texture image Color and mode for each texture environment Enable bits \%\f3GL_TEXTURE_GEN_\fP\f2x\fP, \f2x\fP is S, T, R, and Q \%\f3GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE\fP setting for S, T, R, and Q \%\f3glTexGen\fP plane equations for S, T, R, and Q Current texture bindings (for example, \%\f3GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D\fP) \%\f3GL_TRANSFORM_BIT\fP Coefficients of the six clipping planes Enable bits for the user-definable clipping planes \%\f3GL_MATRIX_MODE\fP value \%\f3GL_NORMALIZE\fP flag \%\f3GL_RESCALE_NORMAL\fP flag \%\f3GL_VIEWPORT_BIT\fP Depth range (near and far) Viewport origin and extent .TE .P \%\f3glPopAttrib\fP restores the values of the state variables saved with the last .br \%\f3glPushAttrib\fP command. Those not saved are left unchanged. .P It is an error to push attributes onto a full stack, or to pop attributes off an empty stack. In either case, the error flag is set and no other change is made to GL state. .P Initially, the attribute stack is empty. .SH NOTES Not all values for GL state can be saved on the attribute stack. For example, render mode state, and select and feedback state cannot be saved. Client state must be saved with \%\f3glPushClientAttrib\fP. .P The depth of the attribute stack depends on the implementation, but it must be at least 16. .P When the \%\f3GL_ARB_multitexture\fP extension is supported, pushing and popping texture state apples to all supported texture units. .SH ERRORS \%\f3GL_STACK_OVERFLOW\fP is generated if \%\f3glPushAttrib\fP is called while the attribute stack is full. .P \%\f3GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW\fP is generated if \%\f3glPopAttrib\fP is called while the attribute stack is empty. .P \%\f3GL_INVALID_OPERATION\fP is generated if \%\f3glPushAttrib\fP or \%\f3glPopAttrib\fP is executed between the execution of \%\f3glBegin\fP and the corresponding execution of \%\f3glEnd\fP. .SH ASSOCIATED GETS \%\f3glGet\fP with argument \%\f3GL_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH\fP .br \%\f3glGet\fP with argument \%\f3GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH\fP .SH SEE ALSO \%\f3glGet(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetClipPlane(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetError(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetLight(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetMap(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetMaterial(3G)\fP, .br \%\f3glGetPixelMap(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetPolygonStipple(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetString(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetTexEnv(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetTexGen(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetTexImage(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetTexLevelParameter(3G)\fP, \%\f3glGetTexParameter(3G)\fP, \%\f3glIsEnabled(3G)\fP, \%\f3glPushClientAttrib(3G)\fP