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<sect1 id="Ascii_Sink_Object_and_Multi_Sink_Object">
<title>Ascii Sink Object and Multi Sink Object</title>
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .XS -->
<!-- AsciiSink Object -->
<!-- .XE -->
<!-- .IN "AsciiSink object" "" "@DEF@" -->
<!-- .LP -->
<literallayout class="monospaced">
<!-- .TA 2.0i -->
<!-- .ta 2.0i -->
Application Header file &lt;X11/Xaw/AsciiSink.h&gt;
<!-- .IN "AsciiSink.h" "" -->
Class Header file &lt;X11/Xaw/AsciiSinkP.h&gt;
<!-- .IN "AsciiSinkP.h" "" -->
Class asciiSinkObjectClass
<!-- .IN "asciiSinkObjectClass" "" -->
Class Name AsciiSink
<!-- .IN "AsciiSink object" "class name" -->
Superclass TextSink
<!-- .LP -->
The AsciiSink or MultiSink object is used by a text widget to render the text.
Depending on its <function>international</function> resource, a
AsciiText widget will create one or the other of these when the AsciiText
itself is created. Both types are nearly identical; the following discussion
applies to both, with MultiSink differences noted only as they occur.
The AsciiSink
will display all printing characters in an 8 bit font, along with handling Tab
and Carriage Return. The name has been left as ``AsciiSink'' for compatibility.
\fIThe MultiSink will display all printing characters in a font set, along with
handling Tab and Carriage
Return.\fP The source object also reports the text window metrics to the
text widgets.
2012-04-08 08:59:44 -06:00
<sect2 id='AsciiSink::Resources'>
<!-- .LP -->
When creating an AsciiSink object instance, the following resources are
retrieved from the argument list or from the resource database:
<!-- .LP -->
<!-- .IN "AsciiSink object" "resources" -->
<tgroup cols='5' align='center'>
<colspec colname='c1'/>
<colspec colname='c2'/>
<colspec colname='c3'/>
<colspec colname='c4'/>
<colspec colname='c5'/>
<entry>Default Value</entry>
<!-- .Bg Bold -->
This resource is retrieved by the AsciiSink instead of being copied
from the Text widget.
<!-- .Dc -->
<!-- .Sd Bold -->
<!-- .Sh Bold -->
<!-- .IP <function>font</function> 1.5i -->
The text font to use when displaying the <function>string</function>.
(This resource is present in the AsciiSink, but not the MultiSink.)
<!-- .IP <function>fontSet</function> 1.5i -->
The text font set to use when displaying the <function>string</function>.
(This resource is present in the MultiSink, but not the AsciiSink.)