312 lines
8.2 KiB
312 lines
8.2 KiB
#define XLOCK 1
#ifdef XLOCK
#include "xlock.h"
#include "i_spline.h"
#include "i_evert.h"
extern "C" {
#include <math.h>
extern int bezier;
extern char *parts;
extern int n_strips;
void print_point (FILE *fp, TwoJetVec p, double ps, double pus, double pvs, double puvs, int binary)
if(bezier) {
float xyz[3];
xyz[0] = double(p.x)*ps + p.x.df_du()*pus/3. + p.x.df_dv()*pvs/3.
+ p.x.d2f_dudv()*puvs/9.;
xyz[1] = double(p.y)*ps + p.y.df_du()*pus/3. + p.y.df_dv()*pvs/3.
+ p.y.d2f_dudv()*puvs/9.;
xyz[2] = double(p.z)*ps + p.z.df_du()*pus/3. + p.z.df_dv()*pvs/3.
+ p.z.d2f_dudv()*puvs/9.;
if (binary) {
(void) fwrite(&xyz, sizeof(float), 3, fp);
} else {
(void) fprintf(fp, "%g %g %g\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
double x= double(p.x)*ps ;
double y= double(p.y)*ps ;
double z= double(p.z)*ps ;
double nx= p.y.df_du()*p.z.df_dv()-p.z.df_du()*p.y.df_dv();
double ny= p.z.df_du()*p.x.df_dv()-p.x.df_du()*p.z.df_dv();
double nz= p.x.df_du()*p.y.df_dv()-p.y.df_du()*p.x.df_dv();
double s = nx*nx + ny*ny + nz*nz;
if(s > 0) s = sqrt(1/s);
(void) fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", x, y, z, nx*s, ny*s, nz*s);
void printMesh(
#ifndef XLOCK
FILE *fp,
TwoJetVec p)
double x= double(p.x) ;
double y= double(p.y) ;
double z= double(p.z) ;
double nx= p.y.df_du()*p.z.df_dv()-p.z.df_du()*p.y.df_dv();
double ny= p.z.df_du()*p.x.df_dv()-p.x.df_du()*p.z.df_dv();
double nz= p.x.df_du()*p.y.df_dv()-p.y.df_du()*p.x.df_dv();
double s = nx*nx + ny*ny + nz*nz;
if(s > 0) s = sqrt(1/s);
#ifdef XLOCK
glNormal3d(nx*s, ny*s, nz*s);
glVertex3d(x, y, z);
(void) fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", x, y, z, nx*s, ny*s, nz*s);
void printSpline(FILE *fp, TwoJetVec v00, TwoJetVec v01,
TwoJetVec v10, TwoJetVec v11,
double us, double vs,
double s0, double s1, double t0, double t1, int binary) {
if (bezier) {
print_point(fp, v00, 1, 0, 0, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v00, 1, us, 0, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v10, 1,-us, 0, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v10, 1, 0, 0, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v00, 1, 0, vs, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v00, 1, us, vs, us*vs, binary);
print_point(fp, v10, 1,-us, vs,-us*vs, binary);
print_point(fp, v10, 1, 0, vs, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v01, 1, 0,-vs, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v01, 1, us,-vs,-us*vs, binary);
print_point(fp, v11, 1,-us,-vs, us*vs, binary);
print_point(fp, v11, 1, 0,-vs, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v01, 1, 0, 0, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v01, 1, us, 0, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v11, 1,-us, 0, 0, binary);
print_point(fp, v11, 1, 0, 0, 0, binary);
if (binary) {
float sts[8] = {s0,t0, s1,t0, s0,t1, s1,t1};
(void) fwrite(&sts, sizeof(float), 8, fp);
} else {
(void) fprintf(fp, "%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n\n",
s0,t0, s1,t0, s0,t1, s1,t1);
else {
print_point(fp, v00, 1, us, vs, us*vs, binary);
print_point(fp, v10, 1, us, vs, us*vs, binary);
print_point(fp, v11, 1, us, vs, us*vs, binary);
print_point(fp, v01, 1, us, vs, us*vs, binary);
fputc('\n', fp);
#define sqr(A) ((A)*(A))
static inline double calcSpeedV(TwoJetVec v) {
return sqrt(sqr(v.x.df_dv()) + sqr(v.y.df_dv()) + sqr(v.z.df_dv()));
static inline double calcSpeedU(TwoJetVec v) {
return sqrt(sqr(v.x.df_du()) + sqr(v.y.df_du()) + sqr(v.z.df_du()));
#define PART_POS 0x1
#define PART_NEG 0x2
char *parse_parts(char *parts)
/* Construct matrices to replicate standard unit (u=0..1, v=0..1) into
* complete sphere.
char *partlist = (char *)calloc(n_strips, sizeof(char));
char *cp, *ncp, sign;
int bits, j;
for(cp = parts; *cp; ) {
while((sign = *cp++) == ' ' || sign == ',')
if(sign == '+')
bits = PART_POS;
else if(sign == '-')
bits = PART_NEG;
else {
if(*cp == '*') {
for(j = 0; j < n_strips; j++)
partlist[j] |= bits;
} else {
j = strtol(cp, &ncp, 0);
if(cp == ncp) {
(void) fprintf(stderr,
"evert -parts: expected string with alternating signs and strip numbers\n");
return (char *) NULL;
if(j < 0 || j >= n_strips) {
(void) fprintf(stderr,
"evert -parts: bad strip number %d; must be in range 0..%d\n", j, n_strips-1);
return (char *) NULL;
partlist[j] |= bits;
cp = ncp;
return partlist;
void printScene(
SurfaceTimeFunction *func,
double umin, double umax, double adu,
double vmin, double vmax, double adv,
double t, int binary
static TwoJetVec **values;
int j, k;
int jmax = (int) (fabs(umax-umin)/adu+.5);
int kmax = (int) (fabs(vmax-vmin)/adv+.5);
double u, v, du, dv;
FILE *fp = stdout;
if(jmax == 0) jmax = 1;
du = (umax-umin) / jmax;
if(kmax == 0) kmax = 1;
dv = (vmax-vmin) / kmax;
values = (TwoJetVec **) calloc(jmax+1, sizeof(TwoJetVec *));
double *speedv = (double *) calloc(jmax+1, sizeof(double));
double **speedu = (double **) calloc(jmax+1, sizeof(double *));
for (j = 0; j <= jmax; j++) {
u = umin + j*du;
values[j] = (TwoJetVec *) calloc(kmax+1, sizeof(TwoJetVec));
speedu[j] = (double *) calloc(kmax+1, sizeof(double));
speedv[j] = calcSpeedV((*func)(ThreeJet(u, 1, 0), ThreeJet(0, 0, 1), t));
if(speedv[j] == 0) {
/* Perturb a bit, hoping to avoid degeneracy */
u += (u<1) ? 1e-9 : -1e-9;
speedv[j] = calcSpeedV((*func)(ThreeJet(u, 1, 0), ThreeJet(0, 0, 1), t));
for (k = 0; k <= kmax; k++) {
v = vmin + k*dv;
values[j][k] = (*func)(
ThreeJet(u, 1, 0),
ThreeJet(v, 0, 1),
speedu[j][k] = calcSpeedU(values[j][k]);
#if 0
(void) fprintf(fp, "Declare \"speeds\" \"varying float\"\n");
(void) fprintf(fp, "Declare \"speedt\" \"varying float\"\n");
#ifndef XLOCK
if(parts != NULL) {
/* Construct matrices to replicate standard unit (u=0..1, v=0..1) into
* complete sphere.
char *partlist = parse_parts(parts);
if(partlist == NULL)
(void) fprintf(fp, "{ INST transforms { TLIST\n");
for(j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) {
for(k = 0; k < n_strips; k++) {
if(partlist[k] & (j<0 ? PART_NEG : PART_POS)) {
double t = 2*M_PI * (j < 0 ? n_strips-1-k : k) / n_strips;
double s = sin(t), c = cos(t);
(void) fprintf(fp, "# %c%d of %d\n", j<0 ? '-' : '+', k, n_strips);
(void) fprintf(fp, "\t%10f %10f %10f %10f\n", j*c, -s, 0., 0.);
(void) fprintf(fp, "\t%10f %10f %10f %10f\n", j*s, c, 0., 0.);
(void) fprintf(fp, "\t%10f %10f %10f %10f\n", 0., 0., (double)j, 0.);
(void) fprintf(fp, "\t%10f %10f %10f %10f\n", 0., 0., 0., 1.);
(void) fprintf(fp, "}\ngeom ");
if(bezier) {
(void) fprintf(fp, "{ STBBP%s\n", binary ? " BINARY" : "");
for (j = 0; j < jmax; j++) {
u = umin + j*du;
for (k = 0; k < kmax; k++) {
v = vmin + k*dv;
printSpline(fp, values[j][k], values[j][k+1],
values[j+1][k], values[j+1][k+1],
du, dv,
umin+j*du, umin+(j+1)*du, vmin+k*dv, vmin+(k+1)*dv, binary);
else {
#ifndef XLOCK
int nu = kmax+1, nv = jmax+1;
(void) fprintf(fp, "{ NMESH%s\n", binary ? " BINARY" : "");
if(binary) {
(void) fwrite(&nu, sizeof(int), 1, stdout);
(void) fwrite(&nv, sizeof(int), 1, stdout);
} else {
(void) fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", nu, nv);
#ifdef XLOCK
for(j = 1; j <= jmax; j++) {
for(k = 0; k <= kmax; k++) {
for(j = 0; j <= jmax; j++) {
for(k = 0; k <= kmax; k++)
printMesh(fp, values[j][k]);
fputc('\n', fp);
#ifndef XLOCK
(void) fprintf(fp, " }\n");
(void) fprintf(fp, "}\n");
for (j = 0; j <= jmax; j++) {
if (values[j] != NULL) {
values[j] = (TwoJetVec *) NULL;
if (speedu[j] != NULL) {
speedu[j] = (double *) NULL;
#if 0
void impossible(char *msg) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);