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2006-11-26 04:07:42 -07:00
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4 -*- */
/* daisy --- flowers in a field */
#if !defined( lint ) && !defined( SABER )
static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)daisy.c 5.00 2000/11/01 xlockmore";
* Copyright (c) 1996 by David Bagley.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
* both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
* supporting documentation.
* This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
* shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
* trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
* event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
* other special, indirect and consequential damages.
* Revision History:
* 01-Nov-2000: Allocation checks
* 10-May-1997: Compatible with xscreensaver
* 07-Aug-1996: written. Initially copied forest.c and made continual
* refinements, pyro was helpful too. Based on a program
* I saw on a PC.
#define MODE_daisy
#define PROGCLASS "Daisy"
#define HACK_INIT init_daisy
#define HACK_DRAW draw_daisy
#define daisy_opts xlockmore_opts
#define DEFAULTS "*delay: 100000 \n" \
"*count: 300 \n" \
"*cycles: 350 \n" \
"*ncolors: 200 \n" \
"*fullrandom: True \n"
#include "xlockmore.h" /* in xscreensaver distribution */
#else /* STANDALONE */
#include "xlock.h" /* in xlockmore distribution */
#endif /* STANDALONE */
#ifdef MODE_daisy
#define DEF_GARDEN "False"
static Bool garden;
static XrmOptionDescRec opts[] =
{(char *) "-garden", (char *) ".daisy.garden", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "on"},
{(char *) "+garden", (char *) ".daisy.garden", XrmoptionNoArg, (caddr_t) "off"}
static argtype vars[] =
{(void *) & garden, (char *) "garden", (char *) "Garden", (char *) DEF_GARDEN, t_Bool}
static OptionStruct desc[] =
{(char *) "-/+garden", (char *) "turn on/off garden"}
ModeSpecOpt daisy_opts =
{sizeof opts / sizeof opts[0], opts, sizeof vars / sizeof vars[0], vars, desc};
ModStruct daisy_description =
{"daisy", "init_daisy", "draw_daisy", "release_daisy",
"refresh_daisy", "init_daisy", (char *) NULL, &daisy_opts,
100000, 300, 350, 1, 64, 1.0, "",
"Shows a meadow of daisies", 0, NULL};
#define GREEN (23 * MI_NPIXELS(mi) / 64)
#define NOTGREEN (7 * MI_NPIXELS(mi) / 64)
#define MINDAISIES 1
#define DROOP 20 /* Percentage x with relation to y */
#define MINHEIGHT 20 /* Daisy height range */
#define MAXHEIGHT 40
typedef struct {
int width;
int height;
int time; /* up time */
int ndaisies;
int meadow_y;
Bool garden;
float step;
} daisystruct;
static daisystruct *daisies = (daisystruct *) NULL;
/* always green, straight for now, parabolic later */
static void
drawstem(ModeInfo * mi, XPoint start, XPoint stop)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi);
GC gc = MI_GC(mi);
if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) > 2)
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_PIXEL(mi, GREEN));
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi));
#if 1
XDrawLine(display, window, gc, start.x, start.y, stop.x, stop.y);
XDrawArc(display, window, gc, stop.x, stop.y,
NRAND(50) + 30, start.y - stop.y + 1, 90 * 64, 170 * 64);
/* not green */
static unsigned long
drawpetals(ModeInfo * mi, XPoint center,
int size, int circles, int delta, int offset, int petals)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi);
GC gc = MI_GC(mi);
unsigned long colour = 0;
float start_angle, inc_angle;
XPoint newcenter;
int petal, inc;
float sine, cosine;
do {
colour = NRAND(MI_NPIXELS(mi));
} while ((long) colour >= GREEN - NOTGREEN &&
(long) colour <= GREEN + NOTGREEN);
start_angle = NRAND(360) * M_PI / 180;
inc_angle = 2 * M_PI / petals;
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi));
if (size > 2)
XFillArc(display, window, gc,
center.x - size / 2, center.y - size / 2, size, size,
0, 23040);
for (petal = 0; petal < petals; petal++) {
sine = SINF(start_angle + petal * inc_angle);
cosine = COSF(start_angle + petal * inc_angle);
if (size > 2)
if (MI_NPIXELS(mi) <= 2) {
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi));
for (inc = 0; inc < circles; inc++) {
newcenter.x = center.x + (int) (sine * (offset + delta * inc));
newcenter.y = center.y + (int) (cosine * (offset + delta * inc));
XDrawArc(display, window, gc,
newcenter.x - size / 2, newcenter.y - size / 2, size, size,
0, 23040);
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_PIXEL(mi, colour));
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_WHITE_PIXEL(mi));
for (inc = 0; inc < circles; inc++) {
newcenter.x = center.x + (int) (sine * (offset + delta * inc));
newcenter.y = center.y + (int) (cosine * (offset + delta * inc));
if (size < 2)
XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, newcenter.x, newcenter.y);
XFillArc(display, window, gc,
newcenter.x - size / 2, newcenter.y - size / 2, size, size,
0, 23040);
return colour;
/* not green */
static void
drawcenter(ModeInfo * mi, XPoint center, int size, unsigned long petalcolour)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
Window window = MI_WINDOW(mi);
GC gc = MI_GC(mi);
unsigned long colour;
do {
/* Insure good contrast */
colour = (NRAND(2 * MI_NPIXELS(mi) / 3) + petalcolour +
MI_NPIXELS(mi) / 6) % MI_NPIXELS(mi);
} while ((long) colour >= GREEN - NOTGREEN &&
(long) colour <= GREEN + NOTGREEN);
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_PIXEL(mi, colour));
} else
XSetForeground(display, gc, MI_BLACK_PIXEL(mi));
if (size < 2)
XDrawPoint(display, window, gc, center.x, center.y);
XFillArc(display, window, gc,
center.x - size / 2, center.y - size / 2, size, size, 0, 23040);
static void
drawdaisy(ModeInfo * mi)
Display *display = MI_DISPLAY(mi);
GC gc = MI_GC(mi);
daisystruct *dp = &daisies[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
XPoint stem_start, stem_stop;
int height, droop;
unsigned long colour;
/* Care more about the flower being on the screen rather than the stem */
#ifdef LINEAR
stem_stop.y = dp->meadow_y + dp->time * dp->step;
height = (NRAND(MAXHEIGHT - MINHEIGHT + 1) + MINHEIGHT) * dp->height / 300 *
2 * (dp->time + 20) / (dp->ndaisies + 20);
stem_stop.y = dp->meadow_y + (int) ((float) dp->time * dp->time *
dp->step / dp->ndaisies);
height = (NRAND(MAXHEIGHT - MINHEIGHT + 1) + MINHEIGHT) * dp->height / 300 *
2 * (dp->time * dp->time + 1) / (dp->ndaisies * dp->ndaisies + 1);
stem_start.y = stem_stop.y + height;
if (dp->garden) {
stem_stop.x = ((LRAND() & 1) ? 1 : -1) *
NRAND(dp->width / 4 * (dp->time + 1) / (dp->ndaisies + 20) +
dp->width / 4 + 1) + dp->width / 2;
} else {
stem_stop.x = NRAND(dp->width);
/* Give about droop left or right with 25% randomness */
droop = ((LRAND() & 1) ? 1 : -1) * DROOP * (NRAND(50) + 75) / 100;
stem_start.x = stem_stop.x + droop * height / 100;
XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, height / 24 + 1,
LineSolid, CapNotLast, JoinRound);
drawstem(mi, stem_start, stem_stop);
XSetLineAttributes(display, gc, 1, LineSolid, CapNotLast, JoinRound);
colour = drawpetals(mi, stem_stop, height / 6, 5, height / 32 + 1,
height / 7, NRAND(6) + 6);
drawcenter(mi, stem_stop, height / 7, colour);
init_daisy(ModeInfo * mi)
daisystruct *dp;
if (daisies == NULL) {
if ((daisies = (daisystruct *) calloc(MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi),
sizeof (daisystruct))) == NULL)
dp = &daisies[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
dp->width = MI_WIDTH(mi);
dp->height = MI_HEIGHT(mi);
dp->time = 0;
dp->garden = (Bool) (LRAND() & 1);
dp->garden = garden;
dp->ndaisies = MI_COUNT(mi);
if (dp->ndaisies < -MINDAISIES)
dp->ndaisies = NRAND(-dp->ndaisies - MINDAISIES + 1) + MINDAISIES;
else if (dp->ndaisies < MINDAISIES)
dp->ndaisies = MINDAISIES;
dp->meadow_y = dp->height / 5;
dp->step = (float) (dp->height - 2 * dp->meadow_y) / (dp->ndaisies + 1.0);
draw_daisy(ModeInfo * mi)
daisystruct *dp;
if (daisies == NULL)
dp = &daisies[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
MI_IS_DRAWN(mi) = True;
if (dp->time < dp->ndaisies)
if (++dp->time > MI_CYCLES(mi))
release_daisy(ModeInfo * mi)
if (daisies != NULL) {
daisies = (daisystruct *) NULL;
refresh_daisy(ModeInfo * mi)
daisystruct *dp;
if (daisies == NULL)
dp = &daisies[MI_SCREEN(mi)];
if (dp->time < dp->ndaisies) {
} else {
#endif /* MODE_daisy */