uriel 41c4279bd1 Change app loading to be done in two passes, first source app files, then call init for enabled apps.
This makes it possible to call app functions at config time.
Provide $conf_wd variable at config time, which can in turn be used by apps to determine where in the tree we are at config/setup time.
2009-01-22 09:22:15 +01:00

224 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File

. ./cgilib.rc
cd ..
fn get_lib_file {
if(test -f $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1)
echo -n $sitedir/_werc/lib/$1
if not if(! ~ $#masterSite 0 && test -f $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1)
echo -n $sitesdir/$masterSite/_werc/lib/$1
if not if(test -f lib/$1)
echo -n lib/$1
# Don't change var name or trailing ';', dirfilter might be changed from _werc/config!
# ls -F style input of the form: $sitedir/path/to/files/
# <ls -F+x><symlink hack><Useless?><hiden files >
dirfilter='s/\*$//; s,/+\./+,/,g; s,^\./,,; /\/[._][^\/]/d; /'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'/d; /^\/(robots|sitemap)\.txt$|\/index\.(md|html|txt|tpl)$/d; /_werc\/?$/d; '
dirclean=' s/\.(md|html|txt)$//; '
# To be used from config files
fn hide_paths {
for(i in $*)
dirfilter=$dirfilter^'/^'$i'$/d; '
# Sidebar
fn nav_tree {
if(! ~ $#sideBarNavTitle 0)
echo '<p class="sideBarTitle">'$"sideBarNavTitle':</p>'
# Ignore stderr, last path element might be a file that doesn't exist (eg., foo for foo.md)
# /./ to deal with p9p's ls failure to follow dir symlinks otherwise
ls -F $sitedir/./$req_paths_list >[2]/dev/null \
| sed 's!^'$sitedir'!!; '^$dirfilter^'/\/[^_.\/][^\/]*(\.(md|txt|html)|\/)$/!d; '^$dirclean \
| sort -u | awk -F/ '
function p(x, y, s) { for(i=0; i < x-y; i+=1) print s }
d = ""
if(match($0, "/$"))
d = "/"
sub("/$", "") # Strip trailing / for dirs so NF is consistent
p(NF, lNF, "<ul class=\"side-bar\">")
p(lNF, NF, "</ul>")
lNF = NF
bname = $NF d
path = $0 d
gsub("_", " ", bname)
if(index(ENVIRON["req_path"] "/", path) == 1)
print "<li><a href=\"" path "\" class=\"thisPage\">&raquo;<i> " bname "</i></a>"
print "<li><a href=\"" path "\">&rsaquo; " bname "</a></li>"
END { p(lNF, 0, "</ul>") }'
# Handlers
fn md_handler { cat $* | $formatter }
fn tpl_handler { template $1 }
fn html_handler {
# body states: 0 = no <body> found, 2 = after <body>, 1 = after <body></body>, -1 = after </body>
awk 'gsub(".*<[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>", "") > 0 {body=2}
gsub("</ *[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>.*", "") > 0 {print; body=body-1}
body==2 {print}
body==0 {buf=buf "\n" $0}
END {if(body<=0) {print buf}}' < $1
fn txt_handler {
# Note: Words are not broken, even if they are way beyond 82 chars long
echo '<pre>' `{ sed 's/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g' < $1 | fmt -l 82 -j } '</pre>'
fn dir_listing_handler {
d=`{basename -d $1}
echo $d|sed 's,.*//,,g; s,/$,,; s,/, / ,g; s,.*,<h1 class="dir-list-head">&</h1> <ul class="dir-list">,'
# Symlinks suck: '/.' forces ls to list the linked dir if $d is a symlink.
ls -F $dir_listing_ls_opts $d/. | sed $dirfilter$dirclean' s,.*/([^/]+/?)$,<li><a href="\1">\1</a></li>,'
echo '</ul>'
fn setup_handlers {
if(test -f $local_path.md)
handler_body_main=(md_handler $local_path.md)
if not if(test -f $local_path.tpl)
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler $local_path.tpl)
if not if(test -f $local_path.html)
handler_body_main=(html_handler $local_path.html)
# Global tpl (eg sitemap.tpl), should take precedence over txt handler!
if not if(test -f lib^$req_path^.tpl)
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler lib^$req_path^.tpl)
if not if(test -f $local_path.txt)
handler_body_main=(txt_handler $local_path.txt)
# Apps, XXX: Maybe we should check that $enabled_apps exist in $werc_apps.
if(! ~ $#enabled_apps 0)
for(a in $enabled_apps)
if(! ~ $#handler_body_main 0)
{ } # We are done
# Dir listing
if not if(~ $local_path */index)
handler_body_main=(dir_listing_handler $local_path)
# Canonize explicit .html urls, the web server might handle this first!
if not if(~ $local_path *.html && test -f $local_path)
perm_redirect `{ echo $req_path|sed 's/.html$//' }
# Fallback static file handler
if not if(test -f $local_path)
static_file $local_path
if not if(~ $req_path /pub/* && test -f .$req_path)
static_file .$req_path
# File not found
if not {
handler_body_main=(tpl_handler `{get_lib_file 404.tpl})
echo 'Status: 404 Not Found'
fn run_handlers { for(h in $*) run_handler $$h }
fn run_handler { $*(1) $*(2-) }
# Careful, the proper p9p path might not be set until initrc.local is sourced
path=(. $PLAN9/bin ./bin/ /bin/ /usr/bin)
ll_add handlers_bar_left nav_tree
werc_apps=( apps/* )
for(i in siteTitle siteSubTitle pageTitle extraHeaders)
$i = ''
# TODO: Per-req variables should move after initrc loading.
. ./etc/initrc
if(test -f etc/initrc.local)
. ./etc/initrc.local
for(a in $werc_apps)
. ./$a/app.rc
# Parse request URL
# NOTE: $REQUEST_URI is not officially in CGI 1.1, but seems to be de-facto
req_path=`{echo -n $REQUEST_URI | sed 's/\?.*//; s/'^$forbidden_uri_chars^'//g; s/\.\.*/./g; 1q'}
ifs='/' { args=`{echo -n $req_path} }
# Hack: preload post data so we can access it from templates where cgi's stdin is not accesible
if(! ~ $#args 0)
pageTitle=`{ echo $args|sed -e 's/ / - /g' -e 's/_/ /g' }
if(~ $req_path */index)
perm_redirect `{echo $req_path | sed 's,/index$,/,'}
if(~ $local_path */) {
if(test -d $local_path)
if not # XXX: This redir might step on apps with synthetic dirs.
perm_redirect `{echo $req_path|sed 's,/+$,,'}
if not if(test -d $local_path)
perm_redirect $req_path^'/'
cd $sitedir
if(test -f _werc/config)
. _werc/config
conf_wd='' # This can be used inside config files to know where we are in the document tree.
for(i in ('' $args)) {
req_paths_list=($req_paths_list $config_wd)
if(test -d $i) {
cd $i
if(test -f _werc/config)
. _werc/config
cd $werc_root
# Redirections and other preprocessing
if(~ $#redirectPermanent 1) {
perm_redirect $"redirectPermanent
if not if(~ $#redirectPermanent 2) {
to=`{echo $from|sed 's@'^$redirectPermanent(1)^'@'^$redirectPermanent(2)^'@'}
if(! ~ $to $from)
perm_redirect $to
# Set Page title
if(~ $pageTitle '')
pageTitle=$siteTitle^' '^$siteSubTitle
if not
pageTitle=$"pageTitle^' | '^$"siteTitle^' '^$"siteSubTitle
if(! ~ $#debug 0)
dprint ' '$"SERVER_NAME^$"REQUEST_URI' - '$"HTTP_USER_AGENT' - '$"REQUEST_METHOD' - '$"handler_body_main
template $headers `{get_lib_file $master_template} | awk_buffer
echo $res_tail