Site map
saveddf = $dirfilter
cpath = ''
rpath = `{pwd}
rpath = $rpath^'/'^$sitedir
fn getMdDesc {
sed 's/^(.......................................................................................................[^ ]*).*$/\1/g; 1q' < $1
fn listDir {
cd $1
dirfilter = $saveddf
blogDirs = ()
if (test -f _config)
. _config
echo ''
if (! ~ $#blogDirs 0 || ~ $1 blog Blog )
echo ''
if not {
for ( i in `{ ls -d */ *.md *.html >[2]/dev/null |sed $dirfilter^'/index$/d;' } ) {
cpath = `{ pwd | sed 's,^'^$"rpath/?^',,; s,//*,/,;' }
if( ~ $#cpath 0 )
cpath = ''
desc = ''
if (test -f $ {
desc = `{ getMdDesc $ }
if (test -f $i/ {
desc = `{ getMdDesc $i/ }
if (test -f $i.html) {
# H1 is not reliable because htmlroff doesn't use it :(
#desc = `{ cat $i.html |sed 32q | grep '<[Hh]1>' |sed 's/<[Hh]1>(.*)(<\/[Hh]1>|$)/\1/;s/<[^>]*>//g;1q' }
# Pick the first line of body instead
desc = `{ /bin/sed -e '0,/<[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy]/d;s/<[^>]*>//g;/^$/d' < $i.html >[2]/dev/null | sed 1q }
if (! ~ $desc '')
desc = ' - '$"desc
tit = `{echo $i|sed 's/_/ /g'}
echo '- '^$"tit^'' $desc '
if (test -d $i)
listDir $i
echo '
cd ..
cd $sitedir
listDir .