diff --git a/bin/controller.rc b/bin/controller.rc
index 2f1a30e..8421494 100755
--- a/bin/controller.rc
+++ b/bin/controller.rc
@@ -231,33 +231,4 @@ fn statpost {
-# Should be in a separate file.
-cat <<'!' | template
-Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
- %($siteTitle%)
- %($uri%)
- %($blogDesc%)
- en-us
- Tom Duff's rc, and Kris Maglione's clever hackery
- uriel99+rss@gmail.com (Uriel)
- for(f in `{sortedBlogPostList $blogDirs}) {
- statpost $f
-%} -
- %($title%)
- %($by%)@noreply.cat-v.org (%($by%))
- %($uri%)
- %($uri%)
- %($date%)
- %($mdate%)
- %($summary%)]]>
-% }
+cat pub/feeds/rss20.tpl | template
diff --git a/pub/feeds/rss20.tpl b/pub/feeds/rss20.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a5007d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pub/feeds/rss20.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
+ %($siteTitle%)
+ %($uri%)
+ %($blogDesc%)
+ en-us
+ Tom Duff's rc, and Kris Maglione's clever hackery
+ uriel99+rss@gmail.com (Uriel)
+ for(f in `{sortedBlogPostList $blogDirs}) {
+ statpost $f
+%} -
+ %($title%)
+ %($by%)@noreply.cat-v.org (%($by%))
+ %($uri%)
+ %($uri%)
+ %($date%)
+ %($mdate%)
+ %($summary%)]]>
+% }