
263 lines
7.3 KiB
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2007-05-27 05:25:55 -06:00
path=(. ./bin $PLAN9/bin /bin/ /usr/bin)
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
uri = `{echo -n $REQUEST_URI | sed -e 's/\?.*//; s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_+\-\/\.]//g; s/\.\.*/./g;' -e '1q'}
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
ifs='/' {
args = `{echo -n $uri}
2007-05-27 05:25:55 -06:00
cd ..
2007-05-28 20:04:05 -06:00
# default config
formatter=md_cache # markdown cacher
2007-05-28 20:04:05 -06:00
2007-05-27 05:25:55 -06:00
2007-05-27 05:25:55 -06:00
for(i in siteTitle siteSubTitle title extraHeaders)
$i = ''
2007-05-27 05:25:55 -06:00
2007-05-28 20:04:05 -06:00
# Title
fn gentitle {
echo '<h1 class="headerTitle"><a href="/">' ^ $"siteTitle ^ ' <span id="headerSubTitle">' ^ $"siteSubTitle ^ '</span></a></h1>'
2007-05-28 20:04:05 -06:00
# Don't change var name or trailing ';', some dirs change the filter!
dirfilter = '/\/[._]/d; s,^\./,,; s,\.md$,,; s,\.html,,; '
fn hide_paths {
for(i in $*) {
dirfilter = $dirfilter^'/^'$i'$/d; '
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
# Sidebar
fn menu {
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
lsArgs = ('-F')
# XXX will not work properly for $#blogDirs > 1 and matching is hackish
if ( (! ~ $#inBlog 0) || ! ~ $#blogDirs 0 && (~ $blogDirs^/ *$1 *$1/) ) { # Work in progress XXX
2008-05-30 22:22:58 -06:00
lsArgs = ($lsArgs -r)
2008-05-30 22:22:58 -06:00
ls $lsArgs $1 | sed $dirfilter | awk -F/ '
BEGIN { print "<ul class=\"sidebar\">" }
END { print "</ul>" }
# Should add \. to the list of allowed chars in file names, but need to find a way to filter out .txt and so on
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
/^([a-zA-Z0-9+_\-]+[\/*]?)+$/ && $NF != "index" {
isdir = match($0, "/$")
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
sub("[*/]$", "")
2007-06-03 22:52:33 -06:00
path = bname = $0
sub("^(.*/)?([0-9]+_)?", "", bname)
gsub("_", " ", bname)
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
if(isdir) {
bname = bname "/"
path = $0 "/"
if(index(ENVIRON["REQUEST_URI"] "/", "/" path) == 1) {
if(isdir) {
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
print "<li><a href=\"/" path "\" class=\"thisPage\">&raquo;<i> " bname "</i></a>"
system("rc -c ''menu " path "''")
} else {
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
print "<li><a href=\"/" path "\" class=\"thisPage\">&raquo;<i> " bname "</i></a>"
} else
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
print "<li><a href=\"/" path "\">&rsaquo; " bname "</a>"
print "</li>"
fn gensidebar {
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
cd $sitedir
menu .
fn sortedBlogPostList {
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
# the /./ is added so we can sort -t. and order only the file name
if (! ~ $#* 0)
ls $*^'/./' | grep '[0-9]+.*\.md$'| sort -r -t. +1
2007-06-13 04:13:49 -06:00
fn blogTitle {
title=`{basename $1 | sed 's/^[0-9\-]*_(.*)\.md$/\1/; s/_/ /g' }
permlink= `{echo $1 | sed 's,^/[a-z/]*www/,/,; s,^sites/[^/]*/*/,/,; s/\.md$//' }
2007-06-13 04:13:49 -06:00
du=`{ls -l $1}
echo '##<a href="' $"permlink '">' $"title^'</a> *('By $du(4) Last mod: $du(7 8 9) ')*'
2007-06-13 04:13:49 -06:00
# Body
2007-05-28 20:04:05 -06:00
fn genbody {
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if (test -f $body.md) {
if (! ~ $#inBlog 0)
blogTitle $body.md | $formatter
$formatter < $body.md
2007-06-13 04:13:49 -06:00
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if not if (test -f $body.tpl)
2007-06-04 17:54:01 -06:00
template.awk $body.tpl | rc $rcargs
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if not if (test -f $body.html)
cat $body.html | /bin/sed '0,/<[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy][^>]*>/d; /<\/[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy]>/,$d'
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if not if (~ $body *.html && test -f $body)
cat $body | /bin/sed -i '0,/<body[^>]*>/d;/<\/body>/,$d' # This branch is never taken?
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if not if (~ $body */[bB]log/index */[bB]log//index && ~ $#blogDirs 0)
2007-06-04 17:52:37 -06:00
blogDirs = `{basename -d $body}
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if not if (test -f pub/^$reqpath^.tpl)
template.awk pub/^$reqpath^.tpl | rc $rcargs
if not if (test -f $body.txt) {
echo '<pre>'
# XXX Insering a blank line between lines in input is good for fortunes.txt, but probably not for other .txt files
# XXX Words are not broken, even if they are way beyond 82 chars long
cat $body.txt |sed 's/$/\n/g; s/</\&gt;/g; s/>/\&lt;/g' |fmt -l 82 -j
echo '</pre>'
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
if not if(~ $body */index && ~ $#blogDirs 0) {
echo '<h1 style="text-transform: capitalize;">' `{basename -d $body|sed -e 's,.*//,,g' -e 's,/$,,' -e 's,/, / ,g' } '</h1>'
echo '<ul style="text-transform: capitalize;">'
ls -F `{ basename -d $body } | sed -e $dirfilter' s,^'$sitedir'/.*/([^$].*),<li><a href="\1">\1</a></li>,'
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
echo '</ul>'
2007-05-28 20:04:05 -06:00
if not if(~ $#blogDirs 0) {
#echo 'Status: 404 Not Found\n\n' # should go before starting to print body
2007-06-04 17:54:01 -06:00
template.awk inc/404.tpl | rc $rcargs
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
if(! ~ $#blogDirs 0) {
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if (! ~ $blogTitle '')
echo '<h1>'$"blogTitle'</h1>'
echo '<div style="text-align:right">(<a href="index.rss">rss feed</a>)</div>'
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
for (f in `{ sortedBlogPostList $blogDirs }) {
2007-06-13 04:13:49 -06:00
#title=`{basename $f | sed 's/^[0-9\-]*_(.*)\.md$/\1/; s/_/ /g' }
#du=`{ls -l $f}
#echo '##' $title '*('By $du(4) Last mod: $du(7 8 9) ')*'
blogTitle $f
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
cat $f
} | $formatter
2007-05-28 20:04:05 -06:00
. etc/initrc
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
if (! ~ $args '') {
title=`{echo $title | sed -e 's/ / - /g' -e 's/_/ /g' }
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
for (i in ('' $args)) {
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
fpath = $fpath/$i
2007-06-13 04:13:49 -06:00
# We don't want blog settings to cascade into posts, note that we are inBlog instead
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if (! ~ $#blogDirs 0 && ! ~ $body */index.rss */[bB]log */[bB]log/) {
2007-06-13 04:13:49 -06:00
inBlog = $blogDirs
blogDirs = ()
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if (test -f $fpath/_config)
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
. $fpath/_config
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if (~ $#blogDirs 0 && ~ $#inBlog 0 && ~ $i [Bb]log)
inBlog = 'yes'
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
echo $body $redirectPermanent>> /tmp/foo
# Redirections and other preprocessing
if (~ $#redirectPermanent 1) {
echo 'Status: 301 Moved Permanantly
Location: '^$"redirectPermanent^'
if not if (~ $#redirectPermanent 2) {
# Experimental regexp sub-based redirect, probably should find a nicer interface
# For now only used at sites/harmful.cat-v.org/software/OO_programming/_config
to=`{echo $REQUEST_URI|sed 's|'^$redirectPermanent(1)^'|'^$redirectPermanent(2)^'|'}
if(! ~ $to $REQUEST_URI)
echo 'Status: 301 Moved Permanantly
Location: '^$to^'
# Template/body selection
2007-06-03 21:26:58 -06:00
if (! ~ $#sidebar 0)
if (test -d $body) {
if(! ~ $#blogDirs 0 || ! ~ $#inBlog 0) {
2007-06-04 16:36:30 -06:00
rssuri=`{basename -d $uri}
rssuri=$baseuri`{cleanname $"rssuri^/index.rss}
extraHeaders=$"extraHeaders ^ \
'<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="'$rssuri'" />
2007-06-04 16:36:30 -06:00
2007-06-03 21:41:28 -06:00
2007-06-03 22:34:33 -06:00
fn template {
2007-06-04 17:54:01 -06:00
template.awk | rc $rcargs |
2007-06-03 22:34:33 -06:00
awk '{
buf = buf $0"\n"
if(length(buf) > 8192) {
printf "%s", buf
buf = ""
END{ printf "%s", buf }'
2007-06-03 21:41:28 -06:00
if(! ~ $REQUEST_URI */index.rss) {
2007-06-03 22:02:00 -06:00
cat $headers $template | template
echo '</body></html>'
2007-06-03 21:41:28 -06:00
2007-05-27 05:25:55 -06:00
2008-06-27 22:07:59 -06:00
if (~ $body */[bB]log/index.rss */[bB]log//index.rss && ~ $#blogDirs 0)
blogDirs = `{basename -d $body}
uri = `{echo $uri | sed 's/index.rss$//'}
2007-06-03 21:41:28 -06:00
fn statpost {
f = $1
uri = `{echo $f | sed 's,^'$sitedir',,'}
title=`{basename $f | sed 's/^[0-9\-]*_(.*)\.md$/\1/; s/_/ /g' }
date=`{/bin/date -Rd `{basename $f |sed 's/(^[0-9\-]*).*/\1/; s/-[0-9]$//'}}
stat=`{stat -c '%Y %U' $f}
mdate=`{/bin/date -Rd @$stat(1)}
uri=$baseuri^`{cleanname `{echo -n $uri | sed 's/\.(md|tpl)//g'}}
ifs=() {
summary=`{awk -v max'='1024 '{
nc += 1 + length;
if(nc > max) {
print substr($0, 1, nc - max) "..."
}' $f |fmt -j| sed 's/\]\]>/Fucking goddamn XML garbage/g'}
2008-06-26 19:16:07 -06:00
cat pub/feeds/rss20.tpl | template