
3.0 KiB


Have your cake and eat it too!

ohmyksh is a framework for expanding OpenBSD's ksh. It offers:

for common things like man pages, ssh known_hosts and git commands.
to import bulk functionality, including git-prompt, OpenBSD specific tooling, disabling color.. etc.
a decent selection of useful prompts.


Name Completes
git add, fetch…
got add, blame…
gopass audit, config…
man man pages
mpc play, load, toggle…
rc OpenBSD rc scripts and rc commands
ssh ssh known hosts
vmd vmctl commands and VM names


Name Description
fonts Load fonts from common locations.
fzf -
git-prompt A port of git-prompt for KSH.
got Adds PS1 support for got, as well as a few helper functions.
k A tool to quickly change directories.
nocolor Disable terminal color options for many tools.
openbsd A set of tools for working with the OpenBSD source trees.


Name Example Extensions used
q qbit@litr[0]:~$ git-prompt, got
plain litr:~/src/ohmyksh/prompts$ -
og-openbsd $ -
9 % -

Example usage

. ${OHMYKSH_DIR}/ohmy.ksh

set -A my_paths -- \
	/usr/ports/infrastructure/bin \
	~/bin \
	~/go/bin \

paths "${my_paths[@]}"

load_extension fonts
load_extension k
load_extension nocolor
load_extension openbsd

load_completion ssh
load_completion vmd
load_completion rc
load_completion gopass
load_completion git

alias vi=vim

# the q prompt auto-loads the git-prompt extension
set_prompt q