#+TITLE: Prompts: q ** My personal daily driver I have been using variations of this prompt for as long as I can remember. #+begin_src shell qbit@tal[0]:~$ uname -a OpenBSD tal.tapenet.org 6.9 GENERIC.MP#394 amd64 qbit@tal[0]:~$ uptime 1:40PM up 5:42, 1 user, load averages: 0.14, 0.14, 0.15 qbit@tal[0]:~$ cd src/ohmyksh qbit@tal[0]:~/src/ohmyksh got:(master)$ cd /usr/ports/openbsd-wip qbit@tal[0]:/usr/ports/openbsd-wip got:(master) git:(master)$ cd - /home/qbit/src/ohmyksh qbit@tal[0]:~/src/ohmyksh got:(master)$ invalidcommand ksh: invalidcommand: not found qbit@tal[127]:~/src/ohmyksh got:(master)$ #+end_src