{ pkgs ? import ../../.. { }, }: let inherit (pkgs) lib stdenv config; libc = pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc; patchelf = pkgs.patchelf.overrideAttrs (previousAttrs: { NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = (previousAttrs.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE or [ ]) ++ [ "-static-libgcc" "-static-libstdc++" ]; NIX_CFLAGS_LINK = (previousAttrs.NIX_CFLAGS_LINK or [ ]) ++ [ "-static-libgcc" "-static-libstdc++" ]; }); in rec { coreutilsMinimal = pkgs.coreutils.override (args: { # We want coreutils without ACL/attr support. aclSupport = false; attrSupport = false; # Our tooling currently can't handle scripts in bin/, only ELFs and symlinks. singleBinary = "symlinks"; }); tarMinimal = pkgs.gnutar.override { acl = null; }; busyboxMinimal = pkgs.busybox.override { useMusl = lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform pkgs.musl; enableStatic = true; enableMinimal = true; extraConfig = '' CONFIG_ASH y CONFIG_ASH_ECHO y CONFIG_ASH_TEST y CONFIG_ASH_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE y CONFIG_MKDIR y CONFIG_TAR y CONFIG_UNXZ y ''; }; bootGCC = pkgs.gcc.cc.override { enableLTO = false; }; bootBinutils = pkgs.binutils.bintools.override { withAllTargets = false; # Don't need two linkers, disable whatever's not primary/default. enableGold = false; # bootstrap is easier w/static enableShared = false; }; build = pkgs.callPackage ./stdenv-bootstrap-tools.nix { inherit bootBinutils coreutilsMinimal tarMinimal busyboxMinimal bootGCC libc patchelf ; }; inherit (build) bootstrapFiles; bootstrapTools = import ./bootstrap-tools { inherit (stdenv.buildPlatform) system; # Used to determine where to build inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) libc; inherit lib bootstrapFiles config; }; test = pkgs.callPackage ./test-bootstrap-tools.nix { inherit bootstrapTools; inherit (bootstrapFiles) busybox; }; }