Aisha Tammy e2327e9980 add banana stabber + emote sending
Signed-off-by: Aisha Tammy <>
2022-03-11 14:42:30 -05:00

58 lines
1.3 KiB

package plugins
import (
type BananaStab struct {
// Descr describes this plugin
func (h *BananaStab) Descr() string {
return "Stab someone with some bananas."
// Re matches our stabbing format
func (h *BananaStab) Re() string {
return `(?i)^stab: (.+)$`
func (h *BananaStab) fix(msg string) string {
re := regexp.MustCompile(h.Re())
stabee := re.ReplaceAllString(msg, "$1")
return stabee
// Match checks for our stabee person
func (h *BananaStab) Match(_, msg string) bool {
re := regexp.MustCompile(h.Re())
return re.MatchString(msg)
// SetStore does nothing in BananaStab
func (h *BananaStab) SetStore(_ PluginStore) {}
func (h *BananaStab) Process(from, post string) string {
stabee := h.fix(post)
stabtxt := "..."
if stabee != "" {
stabtxt = fmt.Sprintf("stabs %s with the fury of a thousand radioactive bananas", stabee)
//jsonmsg := "{ \"body\": \"" + stabtxt + "\", \"type\": \"m.emote\"}"
return stabtxt
// RespondText stabs an unsuspecting person
func (h *BananaStab) RespondText(c *gomatrix.Client, ev *gomatrix.Event, _, post string) error {
err := SendEmote(c, ev.RoomID, h.Process(ev.Sender, post))
return err
// Name BananaStab!
func (h *BananaStab) Name() string {
return "BananaStab"