-- name: AddOwner :one insert into owners (id, name) values (?, ?) returning *; -- name: GetOwner :one select * from owners where id = ?; -- name: GetAllWatchItems :many select * from watch_items; -- name: GetAllWatchItemsByOwner :many select * from watch_items where owner_id = ?; -- name: AddWatchItem :one insert into watch_items (owner_id, name, repo) values (?, ?, ?) returning *; -- name: DeleteWatchItem :exec delete from watch_items where id = ? and owner_id = ?; -- name: GetAllLinksForOwner :many select * from links where owner_id = ?; -- name: GetAllLinks :many select * from links; -- name: AddLink :one insert into links (owner_id, url, name, logo_url) values (?, ?, ?, ?) returning *; -- name: DeleteLink :exec delete from links where id = ? and owner_id = ?; -- name: GetAllIcons :many select * from icons where owner_id = ?; -- name: GetIconByLinkID :one select * from icons where owner_id = ? and link_id = ?; -- name: AddIcon :exec insert into icons (owner_id, link_id, content_type, data) values (?, ?, ?, ?) on conflict(link_id) do update set data = excluded.data, content_type = excluded.content_type; -- name: GetAllPullRequests :many select * from pull_requests where number not in (select number from pull_request_ignores where pull_request_ignores.owner_id = ?) and pull_requests.owner_id = ?; -- name: AddPullRequest :one insert into pull_requests (owner_id, number, repo, description) values (?, ?, ?, ?) returning *; -- name: DeletePullRequest :exec delete from pull_requests where id = ? and owner_id = ?; -- name: GetAllPullRequestIgnores :many select * from pull_request_ignores where owner_id = ?; -- name: AddPullRequestIgnore :one insert into pull_request_ignores (owner_id, number, repo) values (?, ?, ?) returning *;