mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-10-05 02:21:22 -06:00
Austin Clements 1902283053 Fix handling of non-waitable zombie threads. Now they are not
considered running, so WaitStop doesn't lock up and
breakpoints get installed and uninstalled.  We also don't try
to detach from them, since that will fail.

DELTA=35  (26 added, 2 deleted, 7 changed)
2009-07-16 09:48:37 -07:00

1316 lines
32 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ptrace
import (
// This is an implementation of the process tracing interface using
// Linux's ptrace(2) interface. The implementation is multi-threaded.
// Each attached process has an associated monitor thread, and each
// running attached thread has an associated "wait" thread. The wait
// thread calls wait4 on the thread's TID and reports any wait events
// or errors via "debug events". The monitor thread consumes these
// wait events and updates the internally maintained state of each
// thread. All ptrace calls must run in the monitor thread, so the
// monitor executes closures received on the debugReq channel.
// As ptrace's documentation is somewhat light, this is heavily based
// on information gleaned from the implementation of ptrace found at
// http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.30/kernel/ptrace.c
// http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.30/arch/x86/kernel/ptrace.c#L854
// as well as experimentation and examination of gdb's behavior.
const (
trace = true;
traceIP = false;
* Thread state
// Each thread can be in one of the following set of states.
// Each state satisfies
// isRunning() || isStopped() || isZombie() || isTerminal().
// Running threads can be sent signals and must be waited on, but they
// cannot be inspected using ptrace.
// Stopped threads can be inspected and continued, but cannot be
// meaningfully waited on. They can be sent signals, but the signals
// will be queued until they are running again.
// Zombie threads cannot be inspected, continued, or sent signals (and
// therefore they cannot be stopped), but they must be waited on.
// Terminal threads no longer exist in the OS and thus you can't do
// anything with them.
type threadState string;
const (
running threadState = "Running";
singleStepping = "SingleStepping"; // Transient
stopping = "Stopping"; // Transient
stopped = "Stopped";
stoppedBreakpoint = "StoppedBreakpoint";
stoppedSignal = "StoppedSignal";
stoppedThreadCreate = "StoppedThreadCreate";
stoppedExiting = "StoppedExiting";
exiting = "Exiting"; // Transient (except main thread)
exited = "Exited";
detached = "Detached";
func (ts threadState) isRunning() bool {
return ts == running || ts == singleStepping || ts == stopping;
func (ts threadState) isStopped() bool {
return ts == stopped || ts == stoppedBreakpoint || ts == stoppedSignal || ts == stoppedThreadCreate || ts == stoppedExiting;
func (ts threadState) isZombie() bool {
return ts == exiting;
func (ts threadState) isTerminal() bool {
return ts == exited || ts == detached;
func (ts threadState) String() string {
return string(ts);
* Basic types
type thread struct
// A breakpoint stores information about a single breakpoint,
// including its program counter, the overwritten text if the
// breakpoint is installed.
type breakpoint struct {
pc uintptr;
olddata []byte;
func (bp *breakpoint) String() string {
if bp == nil {
return "<nil>";
return fmt.Sprintf("%#x", bp.pc);
// bpinst386 is the breakpoint instruction used on 386 and amd64.
var bpinst386 = []byte{0xcc};
// A debugEvent represents a reason a thread stopped or a wait error.
type debugEvent struct {
t *thread;
err os.Error;
// A debugReq is a request to execute a closure in the monitor thread.
type debugReq struct {
f func () os.Error;
res chan os.Error;
// A transitionHandler specifies a function to be called when a thread
// changes state and a function to be called when an error occurs in
// the monitor. Both run in the monitor thread. Before the monitor
// invokes a handler, it removes the handler from the handler queue.
// The handler should re-add itself if needed.
type transitionHandler struct {
handle func (*thread, threadState, threadState);
onErr func (os.Error);
// A process is a Linux process, which consists of a set of threads.
// Each running process has one monitor thread, which processes
// messages from the debugEvents, debugReqs, and stopReq channels and
// calls transition handlers.
type process struct {
pid int;
threads map[int] *thread;
breakpoints map[uintptr] *breakpoint;
debugEvents chan *debugEvent;
debugReqs chan *debugReq;
stopReq chan os.Error;
transitionHandlers *vector.Vector;
// A thread represents a Linux thread in another process that is being
// debugged. Each running thread has an associated goroutine that
// waits for thread updates and sends them to the process monitor.
type thread struct {
tid int;
proc *process;
// Whether to ignore the next SIGSTOP received by wait.
ignoreNextSigstop bool;
// Thread state. Only modified via setState.
state threadState;
// If state == StoppedBreakpoint
breakpoint *breakpoint;
// If state == StoppedSignal or state == Exited
signal int;
// If state == StoppedThreadCreate
newThread *thread;
// If state == Exited
exitStatus int;
func (p *process) newThread(tid int, signal int, cloned bool) (*thread, os.Error)
* Errors
type badState struct {
thread *thread;
message string;
state threadState;
func (e *badState) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Thread %d %s from state %v", e.thread.tid, e.message, e.state);
type breakpointExistsError Word
func (e breakpointExistsError) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("breakpoint already exists at PC %#x", e);
type noBreakpointError Word
func (e noBreakpointError) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("no breakpoint at PC %#x", e);
type newThreadError struct {
wantPid int;
wantSig int;
func (e *newThreadError) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("newThread wait wanted pid %v and signal %v, got %v and %v", e.Pid, e.StopSignal(), e.wantPid, e.wantSig);
* Ptrace wrappers
func (t *thread) ptracePeekText(addr uintptr, out []byte) (int, os.Error) {
c, err := syscall.PtracePeekText(t.tid, addr, out);
return c, os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(PEEKTEXT)", err);
func (t *thread) ptracePokeText(addr uintptr, out []byte) (int, os.Error) {
c, err := syscall.PtracePokeText(t.tid, addr, out);
return c, os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(POKETEXT)", err);
func (t *thread) ptraceGetRegs(regs *syscall.PtraceRegs) os.Error {
err := syscall.PtraceGetRegs(t.tid, regs);
return os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(GETREGS)", err);
func (t *thread) ptraceSetRegs(regs *syscall.PtraceRegs) os.Error {
err := syscall.PtraceSetRegs(t.tid, regs);
return os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(SETREGS)", err);
func (t *thread) ptraceSetOptions(options int) os.Error {
err := syscall.PtraceSetOptions(t.tid, options);
return os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(SETOPTIONS)", err);
func (t *thread) ptraceGetEventMsg() (uint, os.Error) {
msg, err := syscall.PtraceGetEventMsg(t.tid);
return msg, os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(GETEVENTMSG)", err);
func (t *thread) ptraceCont() os.Error {
err := syscall.PtraceCont(t.tid, 0);
return os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(CONT)", err);
func (t *thread) ptraceContWithSignal(sig int) os.Error {
err := syscall.PtraceCont(t.tid, sig);
return os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(CONT)", err);
func (t *thread) ptraceStep() os.Error {
err := syscall.PtraceSingleStep(t.tid);
return os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(SINGLESTEP)", err);
func (t *thread) ptraceDetach() os.Error {
err := syscall.PtraceDetach(t.tid);
return os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(DETACH)", err);
* Logging utilties
var logLock sync.Mutex
func (t *thread) logTrace(format string, args ...) {
if !trace {
defer logLock.Unlock();
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Thread %d", t.tid);
if traceIP {
var regs syscall.PtraceRegs;
err := t.ptraceGetRegs(&regs);
if err == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "@%x", regs.Rip);
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, ": ");
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, args);
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\n");
func (t *thread) warn(format string, args ...) {
defer logLock.Unlock();
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Thread %d: WARNING ", t.tid);
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, args);
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\n");
func (p *process) logTrace(format string, args ...) {
if !trace {
defer logLock.Unlock();
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Process %d: ", p.pid);
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, args);
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\n");
* State utilities
// someStoppedThread returns a stopped thread from the process.
// Returns nil if no threads are stopped.
// Must be called from the monitor thread.
func (p *process) someStoppedThread() *thread {
for _, t := range p.threads {
if t.state.isStopped() {
return t;
return nil;
// someRunningThread returns a running thread from the process.
// Returns nil if no threads are running.
// Must be called from the monitor thread.
func (p *process) someRunningThread() *thread {
for _, t := range p.threads {
if t.state.isRunning() {
return t;
return nil;
* Breakpoint utilities
// installBreakpoints adds breakpoints to the attached process.
// Must be called from the monitor thread.
func (p *process) installBreakpoints() os.Error {
n := 0;
main := p.someStoppedThread();
for _, b := range p.breakpoints {
if b.olddata != nil {
b.olddata = make([]byte, len(bpinst386));
_, err := main.ptracePeekText(uintptr(b.pc), b.olddata);
if err != nil {
b.olddata = nil;
return err;
_, err = main.ptracePokeText(uintptr(b.pc), bpinst386);
if err != nil {
b.olddata = nil;
return err;
if n > 0 {
p.logTrace("installed %d/%d breakpoints", n, len(p.breakpoints));
return nil;
// uninstallBreakpoints removes the installed breakpoints from p.
// Must be called from the monitor thread.
func (p *process) uninstallBreakpoints() os.Error {
n := 0;
main := p.someStoppedThread();
for _, b := range p.breakpoints {
if b.olddata == nil {
_, err := main.ptracePokeText(uintptr(b.pc), b.olddata);
if err != nil {
return err;
b.olddata = nil;
if n > 0 {
p.logTrace("uninstalled %d/%d breakpoints", n, len(p.breakpoints));
return nil;
* Debug event handling
// wait waits for a wait event from this thread and sends it on the
// debug events channel for this thread's process. This should be
// started in its own goroutine when the attached thread enters a
// running state. The goroutine will exit as soon as it sends a debug
// event.
func (t *thread) wait() {
for {
var err os.Error;
var ev debugEvent;
ev.t = t;
t.logTrace("beginning wait");
ev.Waitmsg, ev.err = os.Wait(t.tid, syscall.WALL);
if ev.err == nil && ev.Pid != t.tid {
panic("Wait returned pid ", ev.Pid, " wanted ", t.tid);
if ev.StopSignal() == syscall.SIGSTOP && t.ignoreNextSigstop {
// Spurious SIGSTOP. See Thread.Stop().
t.ignoreNextSigstop = false;
err := t.ptraceCont();
if err == nil {
// If we failed to continue, just let
// the stop go through so we can
// update the thread's state.
t.proc.debugEvents <- &ev;
// setState sets this thread's state, starts a wait thread if
// necessary, and invokes state transition handlers.
// Must be called from the monitor thread.
func (t *thread) setState(new threadState) {
old := t.state;
t.state = new;
t.logTrace("state %v -> %v", old, new);
if !old.isRunning() && (new.isRunning() || new.isZombie()) {
// Start waiting on this thread
go t.wait();
// Invoke state change handlers
handlers := t.proc.transitionHandlers;
if handlers.Len() == 0 {
t.proc.transitionHandlers = vector.New(0);
for _, h := range handlers.Data() {
h := h.(*transitionHandler);
h.handle(t, old, new);
// sendSigstop sends a SIGSTOP to this thread.
func (t *thread) sendSigstop() os.Error {
t.logTrace("sending SIGSTOP");
err := syscall.Tgkill(t.proc.pid, t.tid, syscall.SIGSTOP);
return os.NewSyscallError("tgkill", err);
// stopAsync sends SIGSTOP to all threads in state 'running'.
// Must be called from the monitor thread.
func (p *process) stopAsync() os.Error {
for _, t := range p.threads {
if t.state == running {
err := t.sendSigstop();
if err != nil {
return err;
return nil;
// doTrap handles SIGTRAP debug events with a cause of 0. These can
// be caused either by an installed breakpoint, a breakpoint in the
// program text, or by single stepping.
// TODO(austin) I think we also get this on an execve syscall.
func (ev *debugEvent) doTrap() (threadState, os.Error) {
t := ev.t;
if t.state == singleStepping {
return stopped, nil;
// Hit a breakpoint. Linux leaves the program counter after
// the breakpoint. If this is an installed breakpoint, we
// need to back the PC up to the breakpoint PC.
var regs syscall.PtraceRegs;
err := t.ptraceGetRegs(&regs);
if err != nil {
return stopped, err;
b, ok := t.proc.breakpoints[uintptr(regs.Rip)-uintptr(len(bpinst386))];
if !ok {
// We must have hit a breakpoint that was actually in
// the program. Leave the IP where it is so we don't
// re-execute the breakpoint instruction. Expose the
// fact that we stopped with a SIGTRAP.
return stoppedSignal, nil;
t.breakpoint = b;
t.logTrace("at breakpoint %v, backing up PC from %#x", b, regs.Rip);
regs.Rip = uint64(b.pc);
err = t.ptraceSetRegs(&regs);
if err != nil {
return stopped, err;
return stoppedBreakpoint, nil;
// doPtraceClone handles SIGTRAP debug events with a PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE
// cause. It initializes the new thread, adds it to the process, and
// returns the appropriate thread state for the existing thread.
func (ev *debugEvent) doPtraceClone() (threadState, os.Error) {
t := ev.t;
// Get the TID of the new thread
tid, err := t.ptraceGetEventMsg();
if err != nil {
return stopped, err;
nt, err := t.proc.newThread(int(tid), syscall.SIGSTOP, true);
if err != nil {
return stopped, err;
// Remember the thread
t.newThread = nt;
return stoppedThreadCreate, nil;
// doPtraceExit handles SIGTRAP debug events with a PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT
// cause. It sets up the thread's state, but does not remove it from
// the process. A later WIFEXITED debug event will remove it from the
// process.
func (ev *debugEvent) doPtraceExit() (threadState, os.Error) {
t := ev.t;
// Get exit status
exitStatus, err := t.ptraceGetEventMsg();
if err != nil {
return stopped, err;
ws := syscall.WaitStatus(exitStatus);
t.logTrace("exited with %v", ws);
switch {
case ws.Exited():
t.exitStatus = ws.ExitStatus();
case ws.Signaled():
t.signal = ws.Signal();
// We still need to continue this thread and wait on this
// thread's WIFEXITED event. We'll delete it then.
return stoppedExiting, nil;
// process handles a debug event. It modifies any thread or process
// state as necessary, uninstalls breakpoints if necessary, and stops
// any running threads.
func (ev *debugEvent) process() os.Error {
if ev.err != nil {
return ev.err;
t := ev.t;
t.exitStatus = -1;
t.signal = -1;
// Decode wait status.
var state threadState;
switch {
case ev.Stopped():
state = stoppedSignal;
t.signal = ev.StopSignal();
t.logTrace("stopped with %v", ev);
if ev.StopSignal() == syscall.SIGTRAP {
// What caused the debug trap?
var err os.Error;
switch cause := ev.TrapCause(); cause {
case 0:
// Breakpoint or single stepping
state, err = ev.doTrap();
case syscall.PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE:
state, err = ev.doPtraceClone();
case syscall.PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT:
state, err = ev.doPtraceExit();
t.warn("Unknown trap cause %d", cause);
if err != nil {
t.warn("failed to handle trap %v: %v", ev, err);
case ev.Exited():
state = exited;
t.proc.threads[t.tid] = nil, false;
t.logTrace("exited %v", ev);
// We should have gotten the exit status in
// PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT, but just in case.
t.exitStatus = ev.ExitStatus();
case ev.Signaled():
state = exited;
t.proc.threads[t.tid] = nil, false;
t.logTrace("signaled %v", ev);
// Again, this should be redundant.
t.signal = ev.Signal();
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected wait status %v", ev.Waitmsg));
// If we sent a SIGSTOP to the thread (indicated by state
// Stopping), we might have raced with a different type of
// stop. If we didn't get the stop we expected, then the
// SIGSTOP we sent is now queued up, so we should ignore the
// next one we get.
if t.state == stopping && ev.StopSignal() != syscall.SIGSTOP {
t.ignoreNextSigstop = true;
// TODO(austin) If we're in state stopping and get a SIGSTOP,
// set state stopped instead of stoppedSignal.
if t.proc.someRunningThread() == nil {
// Nothing is running, uninstall breakpoints
return t.proc.uninstallBreakpoints();
// Stop any other running threads
return t.proc.stopAsync();
// onStop adds a handler for state transitions from running to
// non-running states. The handler will be called from the monitor
// thread.
// Must be called from the monitor thread.
func (t *thread) onStop(handle func (), onErr func (os.Error)) {
// TODO(austin) This is rather inefficient for things like
// stepping all threads during a continue. Maybe move
// transitionHandlers to the thread, or have both per-thread
// and per-process transition handlers.
h := &transitionHandler{nil, onErr};
h.handle = func (st *thread, old, new threadState) {
if t == st && old.isRunning() && !new.isRunning() {
} else {
* Event monitor
// monitor handles debug events and debug requests for p, exiting when
// there are no threads left in p.
// TODO(austin) When an unrecoverable error occurs, abort the monitor
// and record this error so all future calls to do will return it
// immediately.
func (p *process) monitor() {
var err os.Error;
// Linux requires that all ptrace calls come from the thread
// that originally attached. Prevent the Go scheduler from
// migrating us to other OS threads.
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread();
hadThreads := false;
for {
select {
case event := <-p.debugEvents:
err = event.process();
if err != nil {
case req := <-p.debugReqs:
req.res <- req.f();
case err = <-p.stopReq:
if len(p.threads) == 0 {
if hadThreads {
p.logTrace("no more threads; monitor exiting");
// TODO(austin) Use a real error do
// future operations will fail
err = nil;
} else {
hadThreads = true;
// Abort waiting handlers
for _, h := range p.transitionHandlers.Data() {
h := h.(*transitionHandler);
// TODO(austin) How do I stop the wait threads?
if err != nil {
// do executes f in the monitor thread (and, thus, atomically with
// respect to thread state changes). f must not block.
// Must NOT be called from the monitor thread.
func (p *process) do(f func () os.Error) os.Error {
// TODO(austin) If monitor is stopped, return error.
req := &debugReq{f, make(chan os.Error)};
p.debugReqs <- req;
return <-req.res;
// stopMonitor stops the monitor with the given error. If the monitor
// is already stopped, does nothing.
func (p *process) stopMonitor(err os.Error) {
doNotBlock := p.stopReq <- err;
// TODO(austin) Wait until monitor has exited?
* Public thread interface
func (t *thread) Regs() (Regs, os.Error) {
var regs syscall.PtraceRegs;
err := t.proc.do(func () os.Error {
if !t.state.isStopped() {
return &badState{t, "cannot get registers", t.state};
return t.ptraceGetRegs(&regs);
if err != nil {
return nil, err;
setter := func (r *syscall.PtraceRegs) os.Error {
return t.proc.do(func () os.Error {
if !t.state.isStopped() {
return &badState{t, "cannot get registers", t.state};
return t.ptraceSetRegs(r);
return newRegs(&regs, setter), nil;
func (t *thread) Peek(addr Word, out []byte) (int, os.Error) {
var c int;
err := t.proc.do(func () os.Error {
if !t.state.isStopped() {
return &badState{t, "cannot peek text", t.state};
var err os.Error;
c, err = t.ptracePeekText(uintptr(addr), out);
return err;
return c, err;
func (t *thread) Poke(addr Word, out []byte) (int, os.Error) {
var c int;
err := t.proc.do(func () os.Error {
if !t.state.isStopped() {
return &badState{t, "cannot poke text", t.state};
var err os.Error;
c, err = t.ptracePokeText(uintptr(addr), out);
return err;
return c, err;
// stepAsync starts this thread single stepping. When the single step
// is complete, it will send nil on the given channel. If an error
// occurs while setting up the single step, it returns that error. If
// an error occurs while waiting for the single step to complete, it
// sends that error on the channel.
func (t *thread) stepAsync(ready chan os.Error) os.Error {
if err := t.ptraceStep(); err != nil {
return err;
t.onStop(func () {
ready <- nil;
func (err os.Error) {
ready <- err;
return nil;
func (t *thread) Step() os.Error {
t.logTrace("Step {");
defer t.logTrace("}");
ready := make(chan os.Error);
err := t.proc.do(func () os.Error {
if !t.state.isStopped() {
return &badState{t, "cannot single step", t.state};
return t.stepAsync(ready);
if err != nil {
return err;
err = <-ready;
return err;
// TODO(austin) We should probably get this via C's strsignal.
var sigNames = [...]string {
// sigName returns the symbolic name for the given signal number. If
// the signal number is invalid, returns "<invalid>".
func sigName(signal int) string {
if signal < 0 || signal >= len(sigNames) {
return "<invalid>";
return sigNames[signal];
func (t *thread) Stopped() (Cause, os.Error) {
var c Cause;
err := t.proc.do(func() os.Error {
switch t.state {
case stopped:
c = Stopped{};
case stoppedBreakpoint:
c = Breakpoint(t.breakpoint.pc);
case stoppedSignal:
c = Signal(sigName(t.signal));
case stoppedThreadCreate:
c = ThreadCreate{t.newThread};
case stoppedExiting, exiting, exited:
if t.signal == -1 {
c = ThreadExit{t.exitStatus, ""};
} else {
c = ThreadExit{t.exitStatus, sigName(t.signal)};
return &badState{t, "cannot get stop cause", t.state};
return nil;
if err != nil {
return nil, err;
return c, nil;
func (p *process) Threads() []Thread {
var res []Thread;
p.do(func () os.Error {
res = make([]Thread, len(p.threads));
i := 0;
for _, t := range p.threads {
// Exclude zombie threads.
st := t.state;
if st == exiting || st == exited || st == detached {
res[i] = t;
res = res[0:i];
return nil;
return res;
func (p *process) AddBreakpoint(pc Word) os.Error {
return p.do(func () os.Error {
if t := p.someRunningThread(); t != nil {
return &badState{t, "cannot add breakpoint", t.state};
if _, ok := p.breakpoints[uintptr(pc)]; ok {
return breakpointExistsError(pc);
p.breakpoints[uintptr(pc)] = &breakpoint{pc: uintptr(pc)};
return nil;
func (p *process) RemoveBreakpoint(pc Word) os.Error {
return p.do(func () os.Error {
if t := p.someRunningThread(); t != nil {
return &badState{t, "cannot remove breakpoint", t.state};
if _, ok := p.breakpoints[uintptr(pc)]; !ok {
return noBreakpointError(pc);
p.breakpoints[uintptr(pc)] = nil, false;
return nil;
func (p *process) Continue() os.Error {
// Single step any threads that are stopped at breakpoints so
// we can reinstall breakpoints.
var ready chan os.Error;
count := 0;
err := p.do(func () os.Error {
// We make the ready channel big enough to hold all
// ready message so we don't jam up the monitor if we
// stop listening (e.g., if there's an error).
ready = make(chan os.Error, len(p.threads));
for _, t := range p.threads {
if !t.state.isStopped() {
// We use the breakpoint map directly here
// instead of checking the stop cause because
// it could have been stopped at a breakpoint
// for some other reason, or the breakpoint
// could have been added since it was stopped.
var regs syscall.PtraceRegs;
err := t.ptraceGetRegs(&regs);
if err != nil {
return err;
if b, ok := p.breakpoints[uintptr(regs.Rip)]; ok {
t.logTrace("stepping over breakpoint %v", b);
if err := t.stepAsync(ready); err != nil {
return err;
return nil;
if err != nil {
return err;
// Wait for single stepping threads
for count > 0 {
err = <-ready;
if err != nil {
return err;
// Continue all threads
err = p.do(func () os.Error {
if err := p.installBreakpoints(); err != nil {
return err;
for _, t := range p.threads {
var err os.Error;
switch {
case !t.state.isStopped():
case t.state == stoppedSignal && t.signal != syscall.SIGSTOP && t.signal != syscall.SIGTRAP:
t.logTrace("continuing with signal %d", t.signal);
err = t.ptraceContWithSignal(t.signal);
err = t.ptraceCont();
if err != nil {
return err;
if t.state == stoppedExiting {
} else {
return nil;
if err != nil {
// TODO(austin) Do we need to stop the monitor with
// this error atomically with the do-routine above?
return err;
return nil;
func (p *process) WaitStop() os.Error {
// We need a non-blocking ready channel for the case where all
// threads are already stopped.
ready := make(chan os.Error, 1);
err := p.do(func () os.Error {
// Are all of the threads already stopped?
if p.someRunningThread() == nil {
ready <- nil;
return nil;
// Monitor state transitions
h := &transitionHandler{};
h.handle = func (st *thread, old, new threadState) {
if !new.isRunning() {
if p.someRunningThread() == nil {
ready <- nil;
h.onErr = func (err os.Error) {
ready <- err;
return nil;
if err != nil {
return err;
return <-ready;
func (p *process) Stop() os.Error {
err := p.do(func () os.Error {
return p.stopAsync();
if err != nil {
return err;
return p.WaitStop();
func (p *process) Detach() os.Error {
if err := p.Stop(); err != nil {
return err;
err := p.do(func () os.Error {
if err := p.uninstallBreakpoints(); err != nil {
return err;
for pid, t := range p.threads {
if t.state.isStopped() {
// We can't detach from zombies.
if err := t.ptraceDetach(); err != nil {
return err;
p.threads[pid] = nil, false;
return nil;
// TODO(austin) Wait for monitor thread to exit?
return err;
// newThread creates a new thread object and waits for its initial
// signal. If cloned is true, this thread was cloned from a thread we
// are already attached to.
// Must be run from the monitor thread.
func (p *process) newThread(tid int, signal int, cloned bool) (*thread, os.Error) {
t := &thread{tid: tid, proc: p, state: stopped};
// Get the signal from the thread
// TODO(austin) Thread might already be stopped if we're attaching.
w, err := os.Wait(tid, syscall.WALL);
if err != nil {
return nil, err;
if w.Pid != tid || w.StopSignal() != signal {
return nil, &newThreadError{w, tid, signal};
if !cloned {
err = t.ptraceSetOptions(syscall.PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE | syscall.PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT);
if err != nil {
return nil, err;
p.threads[tid] = t;
return t, nil;
// attachThread attaches a running thread to the process.
// Must NOT be run from the monitor thread.
func (p *process) attachThread(tid int) (*thread, os.Error) {
p.logTrace("attaching to thread %d", tid);
var thr *thread;
err := p.do(func () os.Error {
errno := syscall.PtraceAttach(tid);
if errno != 0 {
return os.NewSyscallError("ptrace(ATTACH)", errno);
var err os.Error;
thr, err = p.newThread(tid, syscall.SIGSTOP, false);
return err;
return thr, err;
// attachAllThreads attaches to all threads in a process.
func (p *process) attachAllThreads() os.Error {
taskPath := "/proc/" + strconv.Itoa(p.pid) + "/task";
taskDir, err := os.Open(taskPath, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
return err;
defer taskDir.Close();
// We stop threads as we attach to them; however, because new
// threads can appear while we're looping over all of them, we
// have to repeatly scan until we know we're attached to all
// of them.
for again := true; again; {
again = false;
tids, err := taskDir.Readdirnames(-1);
if err != nil {
return err;
for _, tidStr := range tids {
tid, err := strconv.Atoi(tidStr);
if err != nil {
return err;
if _, ok := p.threads[tid]; ok {
t, err := p.attachThread(tid);
if err != nil {
// There could have been a race, or
// this process could be a zobmie.
statFile, err2 := io.ReadFile(taskPath + "/" + tidStr + "/stat");
if err2 != nil {
switch err2 := err2.(type) {
case *os.PathError:
if err2.Error == os.ENOENT {
// Raced with thread exit
p.logTrace("raced with thread %d exit", tid);
// Return the original error
return err;
statParts := strings.Split(string(statFile), " ", 4);
if len(statParts) > 2 && statParts[2] == "Z" {
// tid is a zombie
p.logTrace("thread %d is a zombie", tid);
// Return the original error
return err;
again = true;
return nil;
// newProcess creates a new process object and starts its monitor thread.
func newProcess(pid int) *process {
p := &process{
pid: pid,
threads: make(map[int] *thread),
breakpoints: make(map[uintptr] *breakpoint),
debugEvents: make(chan *debugEvent),
debugReqs: make(chan *debugReq),
stopReq: make(chan os.Error),
transitionHandlers: vector.New(0)
go p.monitor();
return p;
// Attach attaches to process pid and stops all of its threads.
func Attach(pid int) (Process, os.Error) {
p := newProcess(pid);
// Attach to all threads
err := p.attachAllThreads();
if err != nil {
// TODO(austin) Detach stopped the monitor already
return nil, err;
return p, nil;
// ForkExec forks the current process and execs argv0, stopping the
// new process after the exec syscall. See os.ForkExec for additional
// details.
func ForkExec(argv0 string, argv []string, envv []string, dir string, fd []*os.File)
(Process, os.Error)
p := newProcess(-1);
// Create array of integer (system) fds.
intfd := make([]int, len(fd));
for i, f := range fd {
if f == nil {
intfd[i] = -1;
} else {
intfd[i] = f.Fd();
// Fork from the monitor thread so we get the right tracer pid.
err := p.do(func () os.Error {
pid, errno := syscall.PtraceForkExec(argv0, argv, envv, dir, intfd);
if errno != 0 {
return &os.PathError{"fork/exec", argv0, os.Errno(errno)};
p.pid = pid;
// The process will raise SIGTRAP when it reaches execve.
t, err := p.newThread(pid, syscall.SIGTRAP, false);
return err;
if err != nil {
return nil, err;
return p, nil;