mirror of https://github.com/golang/go synced 2024-10-04 12:31:21 -06:00
Austin Clements d3888fe8a3 Implement single-valued, non-variadic function literals and
function calling.  Implement a type compiler and named types.
Implement a universal scope containing built-in named types,
and some built-in constants.  Implement a simple virtual
machine for executing statements and single-valued return.

Fix many places that incorrectly dealt with named types.  In
particular, the Type.Zero methods now use the type's bit count
to determine the appropriate value representation.  As a
result, a bit count of 0 now means architecture-dependent and
bounded types use unsafe.Sizeof to determine the correct
bounds.  Previously, the bounds on a 32-bit machine would have
been wrong.

Eliminated Type.compatible, since the implementation is
equivalent for all types.  Added Type.rep that shallowly
strips named types.  Replaced almost all uses of Type.literal
with Type.rep.

Fix implementation of assign-op's so it only evaluates the
left side once.  As part of this, there is now a generic way
to separate out the effect and value of an expression.

DELTA=1530  (1244 added, 68 deleted, 218 changed)
2009-07-27 13:01:23 -07:00

476 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package eval
import (
* Statement compiler
type stmtCompiler struct {
pos token.Position;
// err should be initialized to true before visiting and set
// to false when the statement is compiled successfully. The
// function invoking Visit should or this with
// blockCompiler.err. This is less error prone than setting
// blockCompiler.err on every failure path.
err bool;
func (a *stmtCompiler) diag(format string, args ...) {
a.diagAt(&a.pos, format, args);
* Statement visitors
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoBadStmt(s *ast.BadStmt) {
// Do nothing. Already reported by parser.
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoDeclStmt(s *ast.DeclStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoEmptyStmt(s *ast.EmptyStmt) {
a.err = false;
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoLabeledStmt(s *ast.LabeledStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoExprStmt(s *ast.ExprStmt) {
// TODO(austin) Permit any 0 or more valued function call
e := a.compileExpr(a.scope, s.X, false);
if e == nil {
if e.exec == nil {
a.diag("%s cannot be used as expression statement", e.desc);
exec := e.exec;
a.push(func(v *vm) {
a.err = false;
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoIncDecStmt(s *ast.IncDecStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) doAssign(s *ast.AssignStmt) {
bad := false;
// Compile right side first so we have the types when
// compiling the left side and so we don't see definitions
// made on the left side.
rs := make([]*exprCompiler, len(s.Rhs));
for i, re := range s.Rhs {
rs[i] = a.compileExpr(a.scope, re, false);
if rs[i] == nil {
bad = true;
// Check the assignment count
if len(s.Lhs) != len(s.Rhs) {
log.Crashf("Unbalanced assignment not implemented %v %v %v", len(s.Lhs), s.Tok, len(s.Rhs));
// Compile left side and generate assigners
ls := make([]*exprCompiler, len(s.Lhs));
as := make([]func(lv Value, f *Frame), len(s.Lhs));
nDefs := 0;
for i, le := range s.Lhs {
errPos := i + 1;
if len(s.Lhs) == 1 {
errPos = 0;
if s.Tok == token.DEFINE {
// Check that it's an identifier
ident, ok := le.(*ast.Ident);
if !ok {
a.diagAt(le, "left side of := must be a name");
bad = true;
// Suppress new defitions errors
// Is this simply an assignment?
if _, ok := a.scope.defs[ident.Value]; ok {
goto assignment;
if rs[i] == nil {
// TODO(austin) Define a placeholder.
// Generate assigner and get type
var lt Type;
lt, as[i] = mkAssign(nil, rs[i], "assignment", "position", errPos);
if lt == nil {
bad = true;
// Define identifier
v := a.scope.DefineVar(ident.Value, lt);
if v == nil {
log.Crashf("Failed to define %s", ident.Value);
ls[i] = a.compileExpr(a.scope, le, false);
if ls[i] == nil {
bad = true;
if ls[i].evalAddr == nil {
ls[i].diag("cannot assign to %s", ls[i].desc);
bad = true;
// Generate assigner
if as[i] == nil {
var lt Type;
lt, as[i] = mkAssign(ls[i].t, rs[i], "assignment", "position", errPos);
if lt == nil {
bad = true;
// A short variable declaration may redeclare variables
// provided they were originally declared in the same block
// with the same type, and at least one of the variables is
// new.
if s.Tok == token.DEFINE && nDefs == 0 {
a.diag("at least one new variable must be declared");
if bad {
n := len(s.Lhs);
if n == 1 {
lf := ls[0].evalAddr;
assign := as[0];
a.push(func(v *vm) { assign(lf(v.f), v.f) });
} else {
a.push(func(v *vm) {
temps := make([]Value, n);
// Assign to temporaries
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// TODO(austin) Don't capture ls
temps[i] = ls[i].t.Zero();
as[i](temps[i], v.f);
// Copy to destination
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
a.err = false;
var assignOpToOp = map[token.Token] token.Token {
token.ADD_ASSIGN : token.ADD,
token.SUB_ASSIGN : token.SUB,
token.MUL_ASSIGN : token.MUL,
token.QUO_ASSIGN : token.QUO,
token.REM_ASSIGN : token.REM,
token.AND_ASSIGN : token.AND,
token.OR_ASSIGN : token.OR,
token.XOR_ASSIGN : token.XOR,
token.SHL_ASSIGN : token.SHL,
token.SHR_ASSIGN : token.SHR,
token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN : token.AND_NOT,
func (a *stmtCompiler) doAssignOp(s *ast.AssignStmt) {
if len(s.Lhs) != 1 || len(s.Rhs) != 1 {
a.diag("tuple assignment cannot be combined with an arithmetic operation");
l := a.compileExpr(a.scope, s.Lhs[0], false);
r := a.compileExpr(a.scope, s.Rhs[0], false);
if l == nil || r == nil {
if l.evalAddr == nil {
l.diag("cannot assign to %s", l.desc);
effect, l := l.extractEffect();
binop := r.copy();
binop.pos = s.TokPos;
binop.doBinaryExpr(assignOpToOp[s.Tok], l, r);
if binop.t == nil {
_, assign := mkAssign(l.t, binop, "assignment", "", 0);
if assign == nil {
lf := l.evalAddr;
a.push(func(v *vm) {
assign(lf(v.f), v.f);
a.err = false;
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoAssignStmt(s *ast.AssignStmt) {
switch s.Tok {
case token.ASSIGN, token.DEFINE:
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoGoStmt(s *ast.GoStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoDeferStmt(s *ast.DeferStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoReturnStmt(s *ast.ReturnStmt) {
// Supress return errors even if we fail to compile this
// return statement.
a.returned = true;
if len(s.Results) == 0 && (len(a.outVars) == 0 || a.outVarsNamed) {
// Simple case. Simply exit from the function.
a.push(func(v *vm) { v.pc = ^uint(0) });
a.err = false;
// TODO(austin) Might be a call of a multi-valued function.
// It might be possible to combine this code with the
// assignment code.
if len(s.Results) != len(a.outVars) {
a.diag("Unbalanced return not implemented");
// Compile expressions and create assigners
bad := false;
rs := make([]*exprCompiler, len(s.Results));
as := make([]func(lv Value, f *Frame), len(s.Results));
for i, re := range s.Results {
rs[i] = a.compileExpr(a.scope, re, false);
if rs[i] == nil {
bad = true;
errPos := i + 1;
if len(s.Results) == 1 {
errPos = 0;
var lt Type;
lt, as[i] = mkAssign(a.outVars[i].Type, rs[i], "return", "value", errPos);
if as[i] == nil {
bad = true;
if bad {
// Save indexes of return values
idxs := make([]int, len(s.Results));
for i, outVar := range a.outVars {
idxs[i] = outVar.Index;
// Compile
a.push(func(v *vm) {
for i, assign := range as {
assign(v.activation.Vars[idxs[i]], v.f);
v.pc = ^uint(0);
a.err = false;
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoBranchStmt(s *ast.BranchStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoBlockStmt(s *ast.BlockStmt) {
blockScope := a.scope.Fork();
bc := &blockCompiler{a.funcCompiler, blockScope, false};
a.push(func(v *vm) {
v.f = blockScope.NewFrame(v.f);
a.push(func(v *vm) {
v.f = v.f.Outer;
a.returned = a.returned || bc.returned;
a.err = false;
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoIfStmt(s *ast.IfStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoCaseClause(s *ast.CaseClause) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoSwitchStmt(s *ast.SwitchStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoTypeCaseClause(s *ast.TypeCaseClause) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoTypeSwitchStmt(s *ast.TypeSwitchStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoCommClause(s *ast.CommClause) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoSelectStmt(s *ast.SelectStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoForStmt(s *ast.ForStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *stmtCompiler) DoRangeStmt(s *ast.RangeStmt) {
log.Crash("Not implemented");
func (a *blockCompiler) compileBlock(block *ast.BlockStmt) {
for i, sub := range block.List {
sc := &stmtCompiler{a, sub.Pos(), true};
a.err = a.err || sc.err;
func (a *compiler) compileFunc(scope *Scope, decl *FuncDecl, body *ast.BlockStmt) (func (f *Frame) Func) {
// Create body scope
// The scope of a parameter or result is the body of the
// corresponding function.
bodyScope := scope.Fork();
for i, t := range decl.Type.In {
bodyScope.DefineVar(decl.InNames[i].Value, t);
outVars := make([]*Variable, len(decl.Type.Out));
for i, t := range decl.Type.Out {
if decl.OutNames[i] != nil {
outVars[i] = bodyScope.DefineVar(decl.OutNames[i].Value, t);
} else {
// TODO(austin) It would be nice to have a
// better way to define unnamed slots.
outVars[i] = bodyScope.DefineVar(":out" + strconv.Itoa(i), t);
// Create block context
fc := &funcCompiler{a, outVars, false, newCodeBuf(), false};
if len(decl.OutNames) > 0 && decl.OutNames[0] != nil {
fc.outVarsNamed = true;
bc := &blockCompiler{fc, bodyScope, false};
// Compile body
if fc.err {
return nil;
// TODO(austin) Check that all gotos were linked?
// Check that the body returned if necessary
if len(decl.Type.Out) > 0 && !bc.returned {
// XXX(Spec) Not specified.
a.diagAt(&body.Rbrace, "function ends without a return statement");
return nil;
code := fc.get();
return func(f *Frame) Func { return &evalFunc{bodyScope, f, code} };
* Testing interface
type Stmt struct {
f func (f *Frame);
func (s *Stmt) Exec(f *Frame) {
func CompileStmt(scope *Scope, stmt ast.Stmt) (*Stmt, os.Error) {
errors := scanner.NewErrorVector();
cc := &compiler{errors};
fc := &funcCompiler{cc, nil, false, newCodeBuf(), false};
bc := &blockCompiler{fc, scope, false};
sc := &stmtCompiler{bc, stmt.Pos(), true};
fc.err = fc.err || sc.err;
if fc.err {
return nil, errors.GetError(scanner.Sorted);
code := fc.get();
return &Stmt{func(f *Frame) { code.exec(f); }}, nil;